Don't Be Scared


Jimin's phone went off. He lazily reached for it in his pocket and looked at the caller. His wife was calling him.

He was at a bar, drinking. He'd been there for a few hours already but he wasn't in the mood to go home yet. He needed to destress and he believed alcohol would help him.

He answered the phone calmly, "Hello?"

"Oh, Jimin? Aren't you going home, yet?" Hyemin sweetly asked. It was already 11PM and though the next day's a weekend, she was still worried about his whereabouts because Jimin never came home late.

"Hmmm... not yet." Jimin responded after giving it a thought. Jimin isn't the type to get drunk. He wasn't drunk but he still wanted to drink.

"Oh, okay. Where are you?" Hyemin curiously asked when she noticed the soft music playing where Jimin was. It was one of the few times Hyemin asked him what he was up to. She isn't the type of wife to get nosy about her husband's matters although Jimin wished she was.

"At the bar, drinking. Sorry. Is everything okay there?" He thought Hyemin would get disappointed in him knowing he was out drinking instead of staying at home to help her out.

"No, it's okay. Don't worry. But, do you have someone to take you home? Do you want me to fetch you there? You can't drive." Hyemin wasn't really upset, she was just genuinely worried.

"You're fetching me?" He asked, surprised. Jimin wasn't expecting her to say that.

"Yeah, if you need me to."

"Yes, I need you."

"Well, okay. I'll go there then." Hyemin hung up the call and prepared to leave.

He still couldn't believe she was really going to go out in the middle of the night just to get him at a bar. After a while, there she was, walking towards him. He stared at her petite figure and tired face. He wondered if she stayed up late just to wait for him to come home. When she was in front of him, she flashed a small reassuring smile and sat in a stool beside him. She didn't say anything and just silently admired the inside of the bar. It's been too long since she's visited one.

Jimin muttered, "Sorry." He felt he was being a nuisance to his wife although it's really nothing for Hyemin.

"It's okay, really. You can continue drinking, don't worry," she told him with a smile. Hyemin thought he was really stressed and she wasn't selfish enough to not let him have his much needed break.

"Sorry, we'll go after this bottle." Jimin declared, referring to the half empty bottle of alcohol in front of him.

Hyemin sat comfortably as she started to use her phone to pass time. It was like she entered her own world because she didn't even notice that Jimin had been staring at her. She'd yawn once in a while and that's when Jimin would take his eyes off of her. She had no idea that she was the reason why he was drinking.

Later, he saw how she was scrolling through her social media feed and stopped at a new picture of Taehyung. She stared at it for a while but it wasn't long until she realized she wasn't alone so she turned her phone off hurriedly. She looked at Jimin's way and noticed he was down to his last glass. She patiently waited until she heard Jimin ask, "Let's go?"

She nodded and got up. She looked at Jimin to see if he could handle himself. Because Jimin didn't get drunk, he could still walk although he moved slower than usual. Hyemin led the way outside where she parked her car. She sat in the driver's seat and waited for Jimin to take the passenger's seat. When they were both ready, she drove off, heading home.

Hyemin led the way inside their home. She headed straight to their shared bedroom and into her walk-in closet to change to sleeping clothes. Her day got so long and all she wanted was to rest already. When she got out, she found Jimin already asleep in the bed. He lied down the moment he saw the bed that he already forgot to change his clothes. Hyemin headed to his closet hurriedly to get his pair of sleeping clothes. She didn't want his sleep to deepen. She got out soon after and tried to wake Jimin up.

She sat on his side of the bed and sweetly cooed, "Jimin? Jimin, go change." After a few soft nudges, he finally woke up. He tiredly stared at Hyemin who was too close to him and was holding his clothes. When he realized what she was asking him to do, he slowly stood up, got his clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

After changing, he went to wash his face and brush his teeth. As he stared at himself in the mirror, his mind kept going to when Hyemin saw Taehyung's picture. He was still jealous of him even after one whole year of getting married.

When he got out of the bathroom, Hyemin was already peacefully asleep with her back against him. He crawled into the bed and lightly s his arms around her body like how he always does. It wasn't aggressive; it was a gentle hug. She realized along the marriage that Jimin had to hug her to get to sleep. She never really complained about it nor did she say she liked it.

That night, for the first time ever, Hyemin turned her body around to face him and hug him back. Hyemin hadn't really fallen asleep yet and she thought Jimin needed comfort the most these days. She didn't know what he'd been going through but she's willing to help him in her small ways as his wife. That night, she returned the hug and patted his back.

Jimin couldn't believe it. Because he couldn't let this golden chance go, he positioned himself more comfortably in her hug. He stared and admired her beautiful face for a long time. He let his hand gently trace the sides of her face. He went to look at her pink plump lips that he couldn't help but want to kiss.

He lightly pecked her lips. It wasn't a big deal because it was something Jimin often does and they were married, anyways. Hyemin doesn't complain about it although she would get embarrassed and would look elsewhere. She had her eyes closed and didn't complain.

But he pecked her again. This time, it was longer and deeper. Perhaps it was the alcohol in his system because after a while, his soft lips landed on hers again. It didn't leave and that was when Hyemin opened her eyes.

She saw that there was a tear threatening to fall in one of his eyes. When it did fall, Hyemin slightly gasped. She never saw him cry before and she thought he must really going through something difficult for him to cry in front of her. Jimin used this moment to deepen the kiss more. His hand was already on her nape so when she tried to back away, she couldn't. It was a sweet kiss at first but it turned aggressive in an instant. Soon enough, Jimin was above her, pinning her hands down the bed. He still had his eyes closed so he couldn't see the fear in Hyemin's eyes.

Hyemin was so shocked of what was happening. She never thought Jimin would do this to her because he was always so gentle and kind to her. Even when he drank, he never lost control in front of her before. She started to get really scared. With a panicked voice, she would call his name in between kisses. He didn't stop, he just got rougher and faster. Soon, tears were rolling down Hyemin's face yet he still didn't notice. He stopped the moment he heard her whimper. When he opened his eyes, he instantly regretted what he did. What welcomed him was extreme fear and sadness in Hyemin's eyes. There were tears around her eyes and he hated himself for that. He promised himself and everyone he would never hurt her or make her cry yet because of his selfishness, he broke her trust in him.

", I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry." He didn't know what else to do but apologize. Hyemin, on the other hand, was now sobbing. He got off of her and continued to apologize. Soon after, the cries of a baby was heard throughout the whole house. Both of them looked towards the door. Hyemin hurriedly got off the bed and ran towards the door, wiping her tears on the way. Jimin was on the bed, staring at the door where Hyemin had been. He was feeling really guilty and regretful for what he did. He ruffled his hair and let out an annoyed groan. Moments after, the house was silent again as the cries of the baby stopped.


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Chapter 1: hehehehhehehe so much satisfaction <3
Chapter 1: This is soo cute!! I just love these kind of interactions <3 so much fluff~~ keep it up ((: