Chapter 2

New Love New Life

-Chapter 2 (Also putting a note here just so you guys know they might be a bit out of character from how they are in real life [we don't really know them either but that is besides the point]. Think of this as an alternate universe type thing. Thanks and sorry for the note)

"Wake up," someone says. "Seriously, you're so lazy!"

I open my eyes and look up, lifting my head. That voice doesn't seem like someone I know. Did my mom invite someone over to the house? Maybe someone I used to go to high school with?

I look up and over, meeting a pair of dark eyes and a dorky smile. "Huh?" There is a boy in my room!

"Amy, what's wrong? You look like you haven't seen me before!" This boy...he's Aron! He is a member of NU'EST!


"Yeah, duh! Who else would it be you dork? We've been friends for a really long time yet you're looking at me with such a strange expression on your face."

"I'm sorry," I say, apologizing. Am I dreaming right now?

"Aron, is she awake? She promised to make us all something to eat!" And that is Ren! I can understand what they are saying despite them speaking Korean! How can I understand them?

"I speak Korean?"

"Yeah, you're an English tutor for high school students so you learned it in order to do your job. Do you need help?" Aron asks me, staring at me in confusion. He wasn't supposed to hear that at all.

I shake my head. "No, I'm just emotional right now." What am I supposed to say to him right now?

"What is taking so long?" A boy with dark hair enters the room with big eyes. That is Ren! Choi freaking Minki (Mingi)!

"Amy is being emotional," Aron states, looking at Ren with a smile on his dorky face. "We should leave her be. It may be that time of month and we all know how she gets on it." Does he know I'm super emotional during that period of time? Creepy!

Ren looks at me. "Are you hungry?"


"I take that as a yes," he says, smiling slightly. "I'll make us something to eat."

"Ren, you can't cook," Aron states, trying to keep Ren from cooking.

"So? She can't cook that well either!" He glares at Aron a bit. "If she is feeling a bit down, shouldn't she relax? She needs to calm down and resting is the only thing that is going to allow that. Our presence in her room is only going to make her more upset with things."

"Why are you trying to act like her doctor?" Aron laughs. "Well, I guess we should give her some space. Maybe she'll feel better once we're gone."


"Why are you shouting no?" Ren looks at me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"I'm fine now. I was just a bit surprised to see you guys suddenly in my room," I say, lying. I seriously have no idea what is going on. "I can cook for you guys now."

"Make ramen," Aron orders. "We all know is what you're good at making. You're like Ren. He is only good at making ramen."

I nod and push away the blankets on my bed. "Sure, I'll do that." I hop off the bed. "So, where are the others at? They're here right?"

"Well, yeah." Aron nods. "We always come over to your place. You're acting like we don't. Are you plotting something?"

"No, I'm not."

"What is going on with you?" Ren asks me curiously. "It is like you don't know us." I don't. "Did you hit your head in your sleep?" He looks at me, doing some sort of cute pose. He is absolutely adorable!

"Uh...just on my pillow last night." Can I even hit my head on a pillow? Or is it too soft to count?

"Hm...maybe a strange dream is making you act this way. Sometimes dreams can be so realistic," Ren says, returning to his original stance. "Amy, what kind of dream did you have? Was it something spooky? I hate scary dreams."

"Uh..." Should I?


"I will once we start eating, alright?" That will give me time to collect my thoughts and come up with something they can understand without thinking I'm absolutely insane.

Ren nods, smiling widely. "Okay!"

"What? You want to hear about her dreams? What if it scares you?" Aron asks, teasing Ren.

"I'm too manly to be scared!" Ren pouts. "Besides, maybe her dream has some sort of special meaning behind it."

"Ren is right." Did I dream up not knowing them? How come I can't remember anything? Do I have amnesia?

"The best visual is here," a deep voice announces. Minhyun!

I look over at him and smile. "Hey!"

"What is taking so long? I'm starving." Minhyun sounds so impatient right now. He is so handsome in person though! I'm jealous!

"Amy had a strange dream," Aron says, staring at Minhyun. "Ren wants to know about it."

"Why is Ren so interested in her dreams suddenly?"

"Did anyone watch Goblin?" I need to change the subject. "Like finished watching it?"

"Huh? Oh, we watched it together," Minhyun tells me. "Don't you remember it? Are you trying to get us to watch it together by pretending you haven't seen it with us?" Is he teasing me right now? His smile is so bright! Brighter than a diamond!

"No, I'm not trying to do that! I was just hoping to watch it again." I haven't even seen it yet! "Anyways, do you guys want to eat now?"

"About time!"

"I know, right?"

I sigh heavily. "Boys..."


"Ren, you had the hugest crush on Nana, right?" Aron asks, laughing as he picks up his noodles with his chopsticks.

"Yeah, so?" Ren's face turns a bit red. "Uh...Amy! Amy is into that one guy, right?"

"Huh? What?" I am? Who?

"Who is she into?" Baekho asks curiously, looking around at the others as he picks up some noodles too. All of them look good when they eat.

"It is that guy from 24K," Ren states. "His name is Kisu. She's totally into him." Kisu? 24K? Am I into him?

"I doubt it. She's looking super confused right now about what you're talking about," Aron says. "Maybe she was drunk when she told you that. We all know she says weird stuff when she's drunk."

"She probably was," Minhyun says, agreeing with Aron. "She says a lot of weird things to me when she is drunk. I don't know what to do when she is. I feel like recording what she says so I can play it back to her later so she can feel embarrassed."

"She wasn't drunk when she told me about it. She was in love." Ren frowns, putting his chopsticks down. "She's just being shy about it right now because she doesn't want us teasing her about her true love."

"Yeah, I'm being shy about it. How did you know? You caught me!" I force a smile onto my face. I can't make him look bad! He's too sweet!

"So, about your dream," Aron says. He adds, "What was it about?"

"I dreamt that I didn't know you guys at all. It felt so real so I was confused when I woke up. I'm sorry that I woke up like that. I shouldn't believe that kind of thing," I tell them, explaining my dream. I am not sure if it was a dream or not.

"Well, that is absolutely crazy!" Aron exclaims. "We've known each other for years!"

"I know." I nod. I can't recall any of those memories though.

"So, Amy, do you want your dream to come true?" Ren asks me curiously. "Maybe you dreamt it to get away from something. Maybe you wanted a new life."

"Ren might be onto something," Baekho says.

"Shut up! I'm always onto something!"

Baekho laughs. "Like what?"

"He's always so extra. Maybe that is what he is onto." Minhyun is laughing so cutely!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh, that is your phone," JR says, finally speaking. Why is he being so silent right now?

"Where did I put it?" I ask.

"Here you go," Aron says, placing my phone down on the table in front of us. "You always leave it out in the open like that. You should stop doing that. It might tempt someone to look through your messages."

"Did you look at it?" I ask, looking down at the screen. Kisu Kiss? What in the world?

"No, I respect your privacy," Aron states. Smart boy.

I slide the screen and type in my code. It works! Maybe I did dream up not knowing NU'EST.

Kisu Kiss: Still up for coffee?

"Is that Kisu?" Ren asks.

"Actually, it is," I answer.

"See? She's totally in love with him!" Ren exclaims. Am I with Kisu or something?

"She's shouldn't date," Aron says. "Especially with an idol. It'll just cause her trouble." Is he looking out for me? Are we that close?

"Don't worry, she's not going to date him officially. She is too scared to."

I should answer Kisu.

Me: Sure. Please stop by and get me.

Kisu Kiss: Of course!

"I'm getting coffee soon with Kisu. I should eat up and get ready to go," I state.

"That is a date!" Ren shouts.

"No, it isn't a date!" I reply, shouting just as loudly as Ren.

I have no idea how I even met Kisu. Maybe I do have amnesia! If they say I'm into him, I'm probably into him. But why don't I feel a thing towards him? Why don't I know how I met him? Shouldn't I know that if I really cared for Kisu as much as Ren says I do?

"You should dress prettily," JR tells me.

"Hm?" I look at him. Gosh, he is so handsome!

"You should wear something pretty in order to attract him more to you. Don't wear too much makeup, okay? You don't want to cry from seeing how much he loves you," Ren tells me, joining in on what JR is saying.

"Why would I cry over that? Huh? I'm not that emotional you know!" Besides, I don't feel anything towards Kisu. I feel more towards the members of NU'EST.

"What will you do if he sings to you in public?" Minhyun asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know! Why would I be thinking about that?"

"You should always be thinking about that. It is all about the romance," he answers. "I want you to know that you should always think about being with Kisu like that. You two are so close. I can feel it just from what Ren tells us."

Ren nods his head. "She told me that they love to stare at each other for long periods of time with silence between them. She says it is like one of those romantic movies. Hopefully, they don't need to get a room. I can't imagine what I would do if he tries to take her home."

"Take me home? Ew, gross!"

"She's too shy to think about that," JR says, laughing. "Even I get shy thinking about that."

"Don't we all?"

"Even speaking about it makes me a bit shy," JR tells me. "If he tries that, beat him up with your purse. Tell him he should prove his worth to your first."

"He's going to have to put a ring on it. I'm old fashioned." Not that there is anything wrong with doing the dirty. It is just that I rather be sure I'm with the person I love.

"You need to eat. Hurry," Aron orders.

"I'm going to pick out her outfit!" Ren announces, getting up. "I'll make noodles later to eat!"

"What did I get myself into?" I have no idea what I'm going to talk about with Kisu! He's going to know something is up with me! Especially once I lay my eyes on him and can't remember him!

A/n: Okay, just so you know for sure, Kisu is the second love interest in this story. I'm a fan of his (I love his group, 24K). Originally, I wasn't going to make a NU'EST member be the love interest because I thought it would be interesting having them be friends only with the MC but then I changed it (like two weeks ago I think). 

***I was sick for a while so this is really late. It wasn't anything bad but it was pretty annoying and pushed a lot of things behind. I've had a crazy time lately, my grandpa was in the hospital and he is still recovering in a care facility to get him back on his feet again. So, I'm really sorry this is all late. For those interested in Detective Liar, I'm rewriting it currently so that is going to take some time. I will be posting an NCT fanfic soon, which will have all the NCT members that I knew at the time. It is going to be kind of cliche (it is a gang story). So, please look forward to it and enjoy. Also, I took this from my Wattpad. Do not think this is stolen, I'm on Wattpad with the same username. That is me. I make sure that people get that so they don't try to report it. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Oh, yeah! If you were wondering (you probably weren't), I was sick with a really bad stomach bug. Then I got a respiratory infection and after that I got bronchitis. For an entire month I felt sick and tired. I was dehydrated and out of it. I have recovered from that and I'm looking forward to more consistant updates (probably not going to be fast, I have stuff to do still and my life is random). Anyways, sorry for the long note here. I just wanted to update everyone who is interested. Again, thanks and enjoy!***

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