Chapter 1

New Love New Life

-Chapter 1

NU'EST to join Produce 101 Season 2!

"No way!" I exclaim, staring at my iPad screen in shock. "That show is for trainees that no one knows about or people who are known but not debuted!"

How in the world is this even possible? They're extremely talented and full of charm! They have the 'it' factor! NU'EST has been my life for like the past five years! They're at the top of my favorite Kpop groups for crying out loud!

"Honey, it is time for dinner!" My mom shouts. Why is dinner so late today? Maybe I should have made instant noodles instead in order to give her a break from cooking.

I put my iPad to the side, sighing heavily. I can't believe this! My favorite Kpop group who doesn't know I exist is going to be on Produce 101! Why is this happening to them? I know they haven't achieved their dreams but the company should do more for them in my opinion. With Seventeen rising, they should be able to do more for their first boy group.

"Amy, did you hear me?" My mom asks, pretty much shouting her question.

"Yeah, I heard you! I know it is time for dinner!" I reply, shouting back. Ouch! That just hurt my throat.

I roll off the bed, landing on my feet. I hate living with my parents sometimes but it is free and they absolutely adore me. Also, they take care of me so I owe them a lot. I have it better than most people. The bad side to living with them is that lack of privacy I have. I want some privacy for once.

I move over to the door and open it, stepping outside of my room. I wonder what my mom made me for dinner tonight. She's an excellent cook despite not enjoying it. It is something her mother taught her when she was younger and expected her to do for her husband.

I walk into the kitchen. "I'm here." My room is way too close to the kitchen. What if some creeper waltzes right into the house to make something like a sandwich and finds me?

"Wo-ah! You're looking terribly pale right now! Did you die and come back to life?" My mom asks, laughing at me.

"No, that didn't happen at all. I'm not the walking dead as far as I know."

"So, what happened?"

I pull out a chair and sit down, sighing heavily. "NU'EST."

"What about your husbands that hang on the wall? What is going on with them that is making you so pale in the face? Did they fall down again?"

"They are supposedly going on Produce 101. It is just rumored it seems but I know it is true. How would anyone find that out and it not be true?" The only one I don't believe is the rumor about KNK. They're truly talented and have decent interest as far as I know. I think they can make it.

"Produce 101? What is that?"

"A show that makes a temporary group of eleven people. It is for trainees."

"Oh, I can see the problem .NU'EST has debuted, right?"


"Maybe they are doing it for popularity."


"So, why is that upsetting you exactly? Don't you want them to become popular?" She asks in confusion.

I look at her. "Well, I do want that for them but not like this. This is completely embarrassing for them! They're lowering themselves down to trainee level just to be on that show! This shouldn't be the way for them to get famous."

"How embarrassing is it exactly?" My mom places down a plate in front of me and I look at it. "I made a meatloaf. I know it isn't your favorite thing to eat but it is my mother's recipe. We all know she could make a mean meatloaf."

"Thanks," I say, looking at the meatloaf. "Anyways, it is super embarrassing. Imagine this, okay? You're in high school and you're the only senior in the classroom because you need to take a certain class in order to graduate. That class is full of first year students in high school. Can you see how that is embarrassing?"

"Oh, yeah. I can see how that is embarrassing." She places a fork down as I move the plate closer to me. "That is very, very embarrassing!"

I sigh heavily. "I don't know what to do about it at all. Mom, why do they have to be on there just to get famous? Shouldn't their talent and personality be enough?"

"You should support them, sweetie. They would want you to do that you know?" My mom sits down, sitting right beside me. "They will be happy to have your support."

"Yeah, but they don't even know I exist. I'm just some fan out there to them."

"That isn't true, darling."

"How is that not true? They never come to our area when they have concerts. They go everywhere but here basically," I state.

My mom laughs. "Honey, that means nothing."

"Mom, you don't understand the fangirl life!"

"I don't? Really? Explain why I would freak out over Bon Jovi when I was younger then."

I pick up my fork. "Okay, maybe you do understand the fangirl life but it is different when it comes to Kpop groups. You don't even get a single chance to see them most of the time. You have to watch any show they are on online and videos of the concerts online. American groups or artists tend to go to almost every single place."

"Do you want to see something?"

I stab my fork into my meatloaf. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" I have nothing to lose if I do.

She stands up. "I'll be right back."

She moves around her chair, heading out of the kitchen. I don't know what she wants me to see. I have seen pretty much everything in this house. It better not be one of her old albums she bought. I don't want to listen to that older crap. I am annoyed when it comes to that kind of music because my dad would always listen to it around me. I just got tired of it. Besides, all the guys I went to school with listened to it. I couldn't escape it.

I scoop up a piece of my meatloaf and shove it into my mouth, taking it off the fork with my teeth. I remove the fork from my mouth and begin chewing it up, looking around. When will my mother be back?

"Here we go." My mom enters the room, heading to her seat. What is she holding? Is that a box?

I swallow the meatloaf in my mouth and clear my throat. "What is that?"

"This is something my grandmother gave me years ago. You know, your great grandmother lived a very long life," she tells me, answering my question.


She places the box down and takes her seat again. "She gave me this one Christmas and I fell in love with it. It was the most beautiful thing in the world at the time I saw it. So, I'm going to give you this because it helped me at one point."

"How did it help you? What is it?" I ask.

She opens the sparkly, white box and reaches into it. She pulls out something wrapped up and begins undoing the paper around it. Is that what I think it is?

"This is a Snow globe she got me when I was probably near your current age."

"And?" I probably sound like I don't give a crap for what my great granny gave my mother.

"She told me that this would make my dreams come true. And they did come true after she gave me this. I found your father, who is the love of my life, and had you. You're the greatest gift, Amy."

"So, are you saying it is a magical thing?"

"I believe that it has good luck." She smiles at the beautiful Snow globe. "I want you to have this so you can see your dreams come true. Maybe, just maybe, it'll make you have better luck with things in your life."

She places it down, pushing it over to me. "Mom, I don't think I should take something so precious away from you," I say, staring her in the eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful and big. Bluish-green eyes are so beautiful.

"I got everything I have dreamt over so I think it is time for you to have that. Besides, I only want the best for you," she tells me, smiling widely. "Being with your father has been so magical for me that I don't need this anymore. This isn't what makes me have a great life, okay? It is the great feeling it gave me."

"Really?" I laugh.

"Yes, really. Love is hard to find, Amy. Especially true love. You don't settle for anything less than that, okay? You deserve the greatest love in the world and I want you to find that. Settle for someone who is your true love. Not someone that is second best."

"I won't do that mom. Why would I want second best?" I ask. "Anyways, I won't find true love. I'm not that lucky at all. I'm pretty much cursed when it comes to love."

"With this, you won't be cursed. You will feel magical and be able to find everything and anything you want in the world," she states. "With that being said, it is yours from now on. Take good care of it and make sure your dreams come true. The second they do, hold onto it. You own your destiny."


"It is fine, Amy. Take it."

I nod my head and pull it closer, staring at the little figurine inside. "Thank you." Santa is in there along with some beautiful objects. I think those are gifts.

"Don't let it shatter or else your world will shatter."

"Are you warning me?"

"I'm warning you, yes. Mostly because it is from your great grandmother," she answers.

"I wouldn't cause harm to this intentionally, mother. You know that, right?" I look at her with a serious expression. I wouldn't want to ruin something so important to my family. Especially something as wonderful and beautiful as this little globe.

"I know you wouldn't, darling. Anyways, you should enjoy your dinner."

"I will enjoy it. Can I put this beside my bed?"

"Absolutely, Amy. It belongs to you," she answers, smiling widely. "When you have your own family, you should pass that down."

"I will."

What in the world is my greatest wish right now? I guess that would be being there to support NU'EST and actually matter to them. I know they love and care for their fans but that isn't enough for me. I want them to know I exist. I know I'm being selfish with that but how can I not? I want to matter to them.

"Whatever you want, I hope you find it with that," my mom says softly, picking up her fork.

I nod my head. "Thanks, mother."

I want to get to know JR, the leader of NU'EST. I want him to know that he is a great leader to them and isn't the reason why they are a 'failed' group. I want to know Minhyun, the honey vocals of the group. He sings so beautifully and looks like a model. Ren, oh Ren, I want to really know him. Baekho, I want to hear him sing. Aron...I want to talk with him about all kinds of things.

The entire group is made of people I want to get to know. I wish I could be closer to them. I want that. I really, really want them to know me.

"Are you forgetting to eat?"

"Hm? What? No!" I look at her. "When will dad be home?"

"He's busy working late tonight."

"I see. I wonder how he is enjoying his trucking career."

"His side hurts," she says.

"I feel so bad for him."

My dad is gone for long hours of the days doing deliveries. He lost his last job because of getting cut. People can't afford to keep some workers. I don't blame anyone and my dad doesn't either.

"Don't feel too bad. He doesn't mind doing it. He does what he can for us."

"Are you going to be working late?"


"That ."

"You can make you favorite meal," she says, teasing me. "Instant noodles? Is that all you seriously can make, sweetie?"

I nod my head, laughing. "Yeah, that is all I can really make besides frozen dinners and soups. Mom, you haven't forced me to cook."

"That is because I don't want you to be like me. I hate cooking but someone has to do it. If you could cook, I would let you make things for everyone. However, you can't and I'm afraid you will burn down the house with your skills."

"Mom, I wouldn't do that!"

"Oh, I believe you on that." She rolls her eyes, smiling. "Anyways, we should eat before our food gets too cold. No more talking okay?"

I nod. "Okay."

I am going to put the Snow globe next to me while I sleep and hope for a good thing to happen to NU'EST. I should be selfless with what I want. I want them to be happy.


A/n: I know about what is going on with the scandal (Baekho) but that doesn't mean I can't support the other members during this time (also, I'm waiting for the official statement. I'm not going to assume who is innocent or who isn't innocent. I don't think we should believe the victims at all times because people can lie but that doesn't mean we should believe in the person who supposedly did something. I have been a NU'EST fan for a longtime (I don't like all of the songs they make but that is just how it is for me) so I will wait this out and not jump to conclusions. If he did something wrong, I will still be a fan of NU'EST but he should get punished then. If he didn't, he shouldn't have to live the rest of his life with false accusations. Don't go cursing at anyone, okay? Be nice.

Anyways, I decided to write this to support NU'EST when they were on Produce 101 but it got pushed back due to other things going on in my life. However, here it is. I won't say what will happen though ;) NU'EST in the next chapter (if you hate Baekho, skip this story. He's in it). 

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