Chapter Nine

The New Kid

Monday morning, Changkyun shows up in front of Kihyun's door. He's wearing the clothes Kihyun had lent him before, and Kihyun can only take that as a good sign. They don't have much of a chance to talk, though, because Hoseok and Hyungwon pick this morning of all mornings to be on time. They follow a few steps behind the couple, Changkyun interjecting with puns here and there throughout the conversation. Kihyun watches how he interacts, unable to spot anything out of the ordinary. Once they reach the school, he finally is able to release a calming breath. 

It seems Changkyun hadn't taken his chickening out personally, after all. 

That is, that's what he thinks until lunch comes about. 

The boys gather the usual tables, and spread out their food as they normally do. However, Changkyun doesn't join them. He comes by the group only long enough to tell them he's going up to the roof, that he heard it's got a nice view, before leaving the room. He doesn't even spare a glance towards Kihyun. 

Everyone turns to Kihyun with an accusatory gaze. He in a breath through his teeth, knowing full well they've all found out from Minhyuk what's happened. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose in silent retaliation. 

“We don't know it's because of me,” he argues, shooting his own glare at the vice president in question. 

“Of course it's because of you,” Hyungwon tells him bluntly. “Jooheonney, show him the lyrics Kyunnie sent you last night.” Jooheon nods dutifully, pulling his phone out of his pocket and begins to scroll through it under the table. He pauses, finding what he's looking for, and inconspicuously slides it across the makeshift table. 

Kihyun takes the phone with a creased brow. It's a picture of some notebook pages. He reads the words scrawled across. His heart beats faster with each syllable, the tips of his ears set aflame. The verses are so beautifully infatuated, yet so tragically one-sided, it nearly breaks Kihyun's heart. 

“He asked if we could do a rap duet instead of a battle,” Jooheon explains around his mouthful of food. “He texted me about it last night, along with those lyrics. They're great, the girls would go crazy over a duet like this.” He swallows his food before finishing, “They're obviously about you. All that gushy stuff about the prize being so close but so far…” 

Kihyun doesn't listen anymore, too busy sprinting from the room to be bothered to. 

I’m such a moron! he mentally screams. Of course he'd have taken it personally! I need to tell him… , what am I going to tell him???

He slows, realizing he's already scaled up the stairs and is just inches from the door to the roof. 

Well, he thinks, sighing heavily, I guess I’ll figure it out. He takes a deep breath, as if that'll somehow calm his racing heart, and then steps out into the sunlight. 

Changkyun sits silently on the bench, pouting at his food. He isn't really all that hungry, but he knows he should eat something. However, he can't bring himself to. He knows he's being ridiculous, possibly even overdramatic, but honestly he doesn't care right now. He just couldn't sit with the others today. He feels too awkward around Kihyun because of what didn’t happen between them, and he's already awkward enough as is… He figures it's just better for them all if he just distanced himself for a bit. 

That is, until the class president bursts out onto the roof. 

Kihyun stands there, in his short, adorable glory, his chest heaving in oxygen. Changkyun can't help but smile at the sight, delighted by the notion that the older had possibly ran after him just now. 

Changkyun tries to wave at his hyung as he saunters over to where he sits, but he's struck dumb. God, this boy is so attractive, Changkyun can barely even stand it. Even in his school uniform he looks better than anyone else within a million-mile radius. Kihyun sits next to him, leaning back on his hands and staring up at the sky. 

Changkyun squirms uncomfortably. He feels as if he should say something, but doesn't know what. He really wants to just act normally around Kihyun, but after the other night… He isn't really sure how he could go about that anymore. He wants to say something, anything, to break this awkward silence that's stretching between them now. 

“Jooheon showed me those lyrics you wrote last night,” Kihyun says at last. Changkyun's head whips around to face him, eyes going wide as a bright blush paints his cheeks. Kihyun's eyes remain on the sky, his expression hard to read. 

Finally, Kihyun looks at Changkyun. A beautiful, teasing smile makes its way across his lips, his eyes dancing playfully. He leans forward, and before Changkyun knows what's happening he's melting in his seat. Kihyun's lips press gently against his own, soft and sweet. Kihyun pulls away all too soon, his taste lingering on Changkyun's buzzing lips. 

“I'm sorry I didn't do that the other night,” Kihyun tells him, his lips. “I don't know why I chickened out, I’m not usually one to do that... You're just… I don't know, so different, Kyunnie. I don't wanna mess anything up with you.”

Changkyun is once again at a loss for what to say. His fingers drum against his knees as he tries to think of something, anything, to reply with. However, the kiss had rendered him even more speechless than before. This is the last thing he'd expected to happen today. His heart is beating a million miles a second and his palms are becoming sweaty. God, he's an absolute mess. 

Kihyun coos at Changkyun's expression. He reaches over, grasping Changkyun's hand and squeezing it reassuringly. 

“You're so adorable,” he murmurs, pressing his forehead against Changkyun's. Changkyun splutters at this, pulling back indignantly. 

“I'm n-not adorable!” he argues, earning an affectionate chuckle from the older. 

“I really like you,” Kihyun tells him simply. Despite his strong voice, Changkyun can see how his pupils shake, giving away how nervous he is coming clean about his feelings. “But, I understand if you don't want to start any sort of relationship right now. I mean, you did just move here, after all.”

“H-Hyung,”  Changkyun stammers out, knowing he has to say something. But, what's there to say? Well, obviously he needs to say yes. He wants to say yes. He feels the undeniable need to say yes coursing through his veins. However, he's so happy that his words don't quite make it out as coherently as he'd like, a stuttering babble falling from his lips instead. 

However, it seems as though Kihyun can tell what he's trying to say. The older’s smile grows, the brilliant expression serving to silence the transfer student. 

“So,” Kihyun says softly, his thumb beginning to run over Changkyun's fingers as he speaks, “did you wanna go on a date, then?” 

Changkyun physically cannot nod fast enough for his liking, a bright smile of his own coming to him. Kihyun chuckles, and moves to kiss his cheek. He then pulls back, looking around the roof. 

“You were right,” Kihyun sighs, leaning against Changkyun with a wistful gaze. “The view really is nice up here.”

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Chapter 11: Yesss Joohyuk is coming along :D
Chapter 10: So many cute moments!! Omg, Changki is a super cute ship so makes sense haha
Chapter 10: So many cute moments!! Omg, Changki is a super cute ship so makes sense haha
Chapter 10: this is just soooo cute holy
Chapter 9: Sly jihyun real sly moment there hehe
Chapter 5: I regret not going ahead and reading this story the first time i ran into this.... XD
Chapter 5: lol why do i relate to hyungwonhos relationship in this fic....... lmao... anyWAY, glad to see an update, and also, i'm so glad to see I.M falling for kihyun already and wat da FUKK did minhyuk whisper to him, i need to knoWW
Chapter 2: YES THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED!! kihyun is so smitten im really lookin forward to seeing when i.m starts falling for him too