Chapter Six

The New Kid

The practice is grueling and slow-going. Kihyun and Minhyuk work with Hoseok to try and finish up the instrumental of their group song—so they can begin writing lyrics—, Jooheon and Changkyun move off towards the couch (which, coincidentally, is near the snacks) and compare rap lyrics for their battle, and Hyunwoo and Hyungwon work together in a corner to plan a choreography. Eventually, they reconvene as a group and gain a steady basis on the dance moves.


“All that’s left is for you two to begin working on your duet,” Minhyuk says, sitting on the couch as he tries to steady his breathing. He reaches forward, snatching up a handful of food and stuffing it all into his mouth. He hums appreciatively, leaning back on the couch with his eyes closed. “You two don’t really need us here for that, do you? I need to go home and shower.”

“Actually,” Hoseok interjects, keeping Kihyun from nagging Minhyuk, “I have this other song that I think would suit Kihyunnie and Changkyunnie really well. All it’s missing are rap lyrics.” Changkyun looks over curiously, and follows Hoseok to his laptop to watch as he pulls up the track. Hyungwon moves towards Hoseok’s bag and rifles through some papers before pulling out a single sheet and handing it to Kihyun. Changkyun nods his head to the beat as the track starts, and Kihyun is left, staring at the paper with reddening ears.

“What?” Minhyuk asks jokingly at seeing the vocalist’s reaction. “Too straightforward?” Kihyun retaliates immediately at the suggestive question, grabbing the nearest thing he can, which sadly is only a throw pillow, and hurtling it at the older. Minhyuk yelps nonetheless, jumping into Jooheon’s lap for protection.

Kihyun rolls his eyes, glancing over at the youngest to see if he had heard. He seems blissfully unaware of the interaction, too caught up in the track to have noticed. Kihyun, after shooting one last warning glare at Minhyuk, returns his attention to the lyrics in his hand. They speak of longing and swearing devotion to the listener, proclaiming an undying love so deep that it runs through entire lifetimes. He’s pretty sure he’d die onstage if he has to sing this with Changkyun standing beside him…

“The girls would love it,” Hyungwon comments quietly, smirking up at Kihyun. “Every girl in the school is sure to pay to listen to this.” Kihyun sighs exasperatedly, knowing the younger to be 100% right in that regard… Surely with enough practices, Kihyun could get used to Changkyun being with him enough throughout the endurance of the lyrics for the stage to not be too painful for him on the day of.

“I could write lyrics to this tonight,” Changkyun offers, finally looking up as the song comes to an end. “There’s a perfect interlude where I could squeeze them in if we end up using this.” Kihyun in a breath through his teeth, hoping to seem nonchalant though he’s doing his best to steady his panicking heart.

“I don’t see why not,” he says at last. “I mean, it is nearly done, after all, so we might as well.”

“Nice to hear your enthusiasm for using one of my songs, Kihyunnie,” Hoseok pouts, glancing over at the younger with unreadable eyes. Kihyun bits back a sigh, hoping Hyungwon will explain his behavior later to the older after they leave.

“So that’s it!” Minhyuk chirps, pleased. “It’s been a pleasure working with you all, but I told my mother I’d be home soon.” At this, the others look at the time, and frantically begin packing their things with the same excuse.

“I didn’t realize it was so late,” Hoseok murmurs worriedly.

“Maybe if someone other than Changkyunnie had been on time today,” Kihyun can’t help but complain, rolling his eyes at their flurry. Minhyuk rolls his eyes at Kihyun, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah,” he says, waving a dismissive hand. “Jooheonney, hyung, are you two ready to go?” Hyunwoo and Jooheon nod in response, the younger snatching up another handful of snacks for the road and stuffing them into his mouth. “We’ll see you guys Monday!” Minhyuk tells the others, and then ushers the two up the stairs.

“Guys, wait!” Hoseok calls after them, rolling his eyes as he turns to Kihyun and Changkyun. “These have the songs we’re working on. Changkyun-ah, I even took the liberty of mixing a few beats for your rap battle with Jooheonney. You’ll have to talk to him about which one you two are going to work with, though.” He then moves to hurry after the others, calling, “You guys need our songs!”

“Thanks for having us over, hyung,” Hyungwon sighs, rolling his eyes at Hoseok. He then gathers up their things and, after pausing only to bow to Kihyun and nod to Changkyun, follows his boyfriend out of the room.

The room becomes quiet as Hyungwon’s footsteps fade into the distance, leaving Changkyun and Kihyun to smile sheepishly to one another.

“Do you need to be home soon, too?” Kihyun finds himself asking. He mentally reprimands himself for his own tone, it sounding much too disappointed to his own ears, and moves to clean up the snacks and miscellaneous clutter that had appeared in Minhyuk’s presence. He swears, things always get so messy with Minhyuk around.

“My parents are both working late tonight,” Changkyun answers after a moment. Kihyun frowns at this, straightening up to glance at the younger.

“Then what were you going to do for dinner?”

“I was just going to have a ramyeon, I guess,” the first-year replies, squirming slightly under the older’s gaze. Kihyun in another breath, shaking his head.

“Stay for dinner,” he tells the boy. “I’m cooking tonight, because my eomma is staying late at work tonight, too, and I always make too much food for just one or two people.” He pauses, waiting for a reply. It takes Changkyun much too long to respond, in his opinion, and it’s almost as if he can hear the refusal as the younger parts his lips at last. Kihyun turns, flashing him a brilliant smile in hopes of changing his mind. “Really,” he adds, “it’s no trouble at all.”

“O-Okay,” Changkyun murmurs, smiling nervously. Kihyun releases a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, and hums thoughtfully.

“Great,” he says, and then returns to cleaning up. He hears Changkyun move, and the younger appears next to his side in an instant and begins to help. Kihyun is about to tell him not to worry about it, but stops himself, loving the earnest light in his eyes.

“Thank you, Kyunnie,” he says softly, and Changkyun hums, his cheeks noticeably turning redder as he and Kihyun ascend the stairs to take the leftovers to the kitchen.

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Chapter 11: Yesss Joohyuk is coming along :D
Chapter 10: So many cute moments!! Omg, Changki is a super cute ship so makes sense haha
Chapter 10: So many cute moments!! Omg, Changki is a super cute ship so makes sense haha
Chapter 10: this is just soooo cute holy
Chapter 9: Sly jihyun real sly moment there hehe
Chapter 5: I regret not going ahead and reading this story the first time i ran into this.... XD
Chapter 5: lol why do i relate to hyungwonhos relationship in this fic....... lmao... anyWAY, glad to see an update, and also, i'm so glad to see I.M falling for kihyun already and wat da FUKK did minhyuk whisper to him, i need to knoWW
Chapter 2: YES THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED!! kihyun is so smitten im really lookin forward to seeing when i.m starts falling for him too