Chapter 1

So Far Away


Chapter 1


I hung off the end of my couch, my legs wrapped around the top, my feet rubbing against each other, as I stared at my blank TV. I didn’t have the energy to get up and find the remote, so I simply stared at the blank screen. Here I was, being a worried girlfriend, Taehyung said he would call me after he finished his concert and before he went to sleep. But three hours later and there was still no response, I guessed he probably just fell asleep once he got to the hotel, the most likely choice, but it didn’t stop me from worrying. He could’ve gotten in a car accident on the way there, a crazy fan could have attacked them while they left the venue, or-

I took a breath and slowly released it. My imagination was my worse enemy, he was probably fine. Just sleeping. I let my feet fall back onto the couch with a sigh, no matter how many times I reassured myself, there was no way I’d be sleeping tonight.

A small vibration echoed on the glass table next to me. I in a breath and quickly rolled off the couch, crashing to the ground, and snatched my phone up from the table.

Sorry! I forgot! Don’t be mad :(

I let out a whoosh of relief. He was safe. The idiot only forgot. He still forgot. My eyebrows scrunched together as I glared at my screen. Out of all these to forget he forgets to tell me he is safe and sound at his hotel. Here I was worrying like a crazy person when he was all snuggled up in bed. My fingers flew across my keyboard.

    Dammit Tae-

I quickly deleted it.

    Can’t you just remember to tell me that you’re ok-

I pressed the backspace button.

Please remember next time. I don’t want to think something bad has happened to you.

I hit send and waited. He knows how much I worry about him, especially when he is away from me, he doesn’t need me to lecture him. I’m his girlfriend not his mother. My phone vibrated again.


My narrowed eyes were back. That was all he had to say? I shook it off he was probably just tired. I sighed and threw my phone on the table, he probably had fallen asleep right after he sent that to me, so I wouldn’t bother texting him back and risk waking him up. Although waking him up was harder than waking up the dead.

Well at least now I knew he was safe. I hopped up from my beige couch and grabbed one of the brown pillows on it, clutching it to my chest, just comforted in the fact I was holding something. Grabbing and shoving my phone in my pocket I started to drag my feet to my bedroom, in my small apartment. But just as I was passing the opening to my kitchen, my doorknob jiggled.

I froze.

My eyes locked on my front door, I quickly threw myself in my kitchen, staring at the door through the opening above the sink. The door swung open and in stepped, Taehyung. My eyes widened. His brown hair hung on opposite sides of his face, revealing a small portion of his forehead every fangirl squealed over. He wore a long sleeves shirt that had a small v neck, exposing his neck and some of his chest, and that silver choker with a single charm hanging off of it, he seemed to love so much. A black mask covered the his face, except for his eyes that were drifting over my apartment, most likely looking for me. I ran out of the kitchen the way I had come, stepping into Tae’s view. The minute he saw me his eyes lit up and turned into small cute crescents. I could practically see his smile behind his mask. But I didn’t let that make me waver.

I threw the pillow I was holding at him as hard as I could. He cowered, but it still made contact right on his shoulder before bouncing off. He straightened, his eyes wide and full of surprise.

       “You scared the crap out of me! I thought someone was trying to break in!”

His eyes turned into small crescents again. He chuckled, his y adorable chuckle.

    “Sorry.” His apology was slightly muffled by his mask. But no matter how cute he looked right now, I still crossed my arms and refused to look at him. Mainly to make sure I would keep my anger and not fall weakness to his extreme attractiveness.


My anger stuttered, simply by his cute calling. I bit the inside of my lip, trying not to give in, but I was finding it very hard. Especially when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders in an awkward uncomfortable yet warm hug. Any anger I has disappeared in that instant, and I turned around in his hug, looping my arms around his waist and hugging him tightly.

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to worry, but I did want to scare you.”

I pushed out of his hug and playfully swatted his arm. I couldn’t even bring myself to glare once I saw his eye smile and heard his small throaty chuckles.

    “You’re a jerk Kim Taehyung.”

I walked away from him and plopped myself back down on my couch, Tae took off his mask and followed me. As he walked over to sit on the couch, I let myself admire his features. The tiny adorable mole on his nose, the smaller one under his eye, his unique shaped lips, slightly big ears. A smile caressed my face before I even felt my mouth moving at all. He plopped on the couch across from me, pursing his lips at me as I continued to stare at him.

    “What?” His deep brown colored eyes flicked around before landing back on me, clearly flustered I was openly staring at him.

    “You’re beautiful.”

A soft embarrassed smile crept up his face.

    “Hey~ stop~”

    “I mean it Tae.”

    “I’m really not, don’t say stuff like that.”

I rolled my eyes, his self consciousness never ceased to blow my mind.

    “You really are, have some confidence in yourself.”

    “I’m really not.”

    “Are too.”

    “Am not.”

    “Are too.”

    “Am not.”

    “Are too.”

I laughed and gently pushed him until he fell back on the couch. He didn’t stay down, the tiniest smile, that sneakily looked like a smirk, graced his features as he brought himself back up, grabbed my arm, and softly pressed his lips to mine. I inhaled in surprise but parted my lips and kissed him back. Although it was hard when I had such a cheesy smile on my face. Kissing him was the best thing I could imagine, it made me feel at peace, a calm washing over me like I was watching a sunset on beach. Or laying in my bed right after I woke up, simply relaxing, not worried about the day ahead of me, just laying there. He was like the bed I used to lay in when I grew up, when I was in highschool. Warm, comfortable and comforting. Even though he irritated me at times, or made me worry to no end, he was still my Taehyung. The only person in the world who could love me as much as I loved him.

He gently pulled away from me, I opened my eyes to look at him. Our soft smiles mirrored each other.

    “I love you.”

    “I love you.”

He leaned in again and I closed my eyes, ready to feel the bliss of being with my home.


*                                                      *                                                  *



The loud blaring of my alarm clock, made my eyes flash open, and me shoot up in a sitting position. I frantically looked around me, searching for Taehyung, only to see my surrounding BTS posters staring back at me.

A pang shot through me.

There was no apartment, there was no worrying over my boyfriend Kim Taehyung, because he wasn’t my boyfriend. He wasn’t my home. He wasn’t mine. He was my bias. Nothing more. I was simply another one of his fans pining after him. Another pang shook my heart.

It was only a dream. A dream that would never come true. I put my head in my hands.




Soooooo what did you guys think? How do you feel after reading that? Let me know in the comments XOXO. And I promise I’m working on LOTW, who knows there might a new chapter soon :* Love you guys!!



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Chapter 1: Ouch, this hurts :,(
peggyw #2
Chapter 1: Seriously?!!
Well done, just a bit surprising
Chapter 1: I'm jungSHOOK omgosh I love it!!
Reality is such an enormous pain in the a-ss man..
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 1: Sad reality ^^
I really love the way you write your story and the story line is very interesting!!