
Mood Swings and Stuff

"Is this all?" Yifan says, heaving while wiping sweat across his face. 

Junmyeon saunters back from the kitchen carrying a small box and frowns at him. "You should change your shirt before the sweat dries- Yifan, come on." He shouted in protest as the box was taken away from him and his boyfriend carried him bridal style to the couch. 

"Babe, I told you to stay still. It's bad for you and the baby." He knelt on the floor and caressed his boyfriend's stomach. "Any minute now, right, Sehunnie? Your appa and I are so excited."

Junmyeon smiled at his boyfriend's antics and kissed him, giddy and excited at the same time. His eyes swept their living room then he gestured to the boxes littering the floor. "What should we do with these?"

They just moved from their apartment to a two-storey house in the suburbs. Both figured that they wanted their kid to grow up away from the hustle and bustle of city life. They've yet to hang their picture frames and other mementos on the walls but as far as they're both concerned, the house is already perfect. 

"I'll put them in storage later." Yifan says while eyeing the boxes. Then, almost abruptly, he stood up and went to their room. Assuming he was just going to change his shirt, Junmyeon paid him no mind and instead, started flipping the photo album on their coffee table. It was the one where he and Yifan were on vacation, the one where they conceived Sehun, and now they're here, in their new house, ready and excited to meet their baby. Junmyeon felt his eyes moisten a little and before he started crying, he went to the kitchen and made some tea. 

"Babe, where are you?" 

"Here. I'm making tea, you want one?" He stopped in his tracks when he saw Yifan. 

His husband was donning a suit. Well, it was a suit jacket and underneath was probably still his wet t-shirt but it still rendered him speechless.

"What are you wearing?"

Yifan cleared his throat and led them back to the living room.

"Kim Junmyeon, I know this is the last thing you expected me to do and I wanted it to be more romantic and all that stuff, but, it just hit me. Seeing you there, in the middle of all our stuff, boxes of memories of our times together, and we're here in our new home and I thought, why can't it be now?" He produces a box, opens it and reveals a simple silver band. He kneels and looks up to Junmyeon, expression hopeful. "Marry me?"

Junmyeon, overwhelmed, just nodded, tears flowing. Once Yifan slipped the ring on his finger, he yanked his fiance up and kissed him with vigor. 

It was a Sunday afternoon when Wu Yifan proposed in their new home, boxes littered their living room, photo frames still waiting to be hung, with tea brewing in the kitchen as Kim Junmyeon kissed his soon to be husband, their baby kicking in his stomach, Junmyeon can't think of a better way this can't be anything more than perfect.   


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Chapter 2: Too cute to handle><❤️
1489 streak #2
Chapter 2: This is so, so, so precious!! Ahh!! I love this so much!!
I can't help but awww every sentence of this story.... it's so cute and I love it and thank you for this, shirt but cute and enough I honestly need more from this but I'm already content
shivaitzmeys #4
Chapter 2: Noooo it's soooo cute im dying TT thanks authornim ♡
Chapter 2: This is even cuter than the chapter before ><
I'm dying ^-^
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww. This is sooooooo cute ><
Asdfghjkl it is too adorable. And I love baby Sehun ^^
2449 streak #7
Chapter 2: awwwww despite the hassle of moving and the baby on the way, Yifan still took time to plan a proposal for Jun!!!

as they're not officially engaged yet, and since they're moving in together already, maybe Jun was thinking that since rhey have the baby coming already, they'd just go with the flow... but Yifan made sure that Jun still feels special despite the circumstances they're in

bottom line i guess, coz idk if i managed to make my point across... this was very sweet of Yifan, some people would opt to let go of a proposal since they've somewhat established their life together already, who needs formalities... but he still did! and he even dressed up for the occasion! i approve Wu Yifan!
Chapter 2: Awwww this is so cute! ><
angelflyer22 #9
Chapter 2: OMG Krisho is sooooo adorably cute... I love them so much! :D
Chapter 1: I see krisho. I upvote.