
Mood Swings and Stuff

"I'm home."

Yifan announces to the otherwise empty space while toeing off his shoes. The house is clean and eerily quiet. Sighing, he makes his way to the kitchen and starts sorting out the groceries when a loud thud startles him.

He immediately stops and tiptoes to the room as quietly as he can, picking up a bat on the way. He should be alone tonight. After their spat last night, Yifan was sure his boyfriend would leave and cool off his head somewhere. He pushes the door and is met with the sight of Junmyeon and in a fetal position on the floor, clothes strewn all over the place, looking downcast.


Junmyeon looks at him and automatically places his arms across his chest, legs following in a protective stance.

"I didn't hear you come in." His boyfriend says accusingly, while trying to reach for his robe. Junmyeon stands once he's dressed and starts to head to the living room when Yifan blocks the door.

"Talk to me. You've been like this for days.."

Junmyeon glares at him, trying to look angry in an over sized robe, and Yifan can't help but think ,despite their fight, of how adorable he looks. "Like what, exactly? I'm pregnant. I'm allowed to be moody and irritable."

"I know, but, you've never been like this before." Yifan reaches out but immediately withdraws his hand when he sees the other turn away. He sighs. "We'll talk later, okay? I'll call you when dinner's ready."

Junmyeon nods and sits at the edge of their bed. Hugging himself, he can't help but feel guilty.



They're in bed and Junmyeon can't sleep. Parts guilty and mad at himself for hurting his boyfriend when all Yifan has been doing is all for the best for him and their baby.


"I'm sorry for earlier, and the last few days." He says while fiddling the hem of Yifan's shirt. "I'm just, I look really awful and fat."

Yifan sits up on the bed at looks at Junmyeon, scandalized.

"Who said that? Is it Baekhyun? I swear if he--"

Junmyeon cuts him off. "No, of course not. I see it, okay?"

Yifan settles back on the bed and faces him. Slowly, he reaches out for Junmyeon and breathes a sigh of relief when the other doesn't flinch and instead cuddles up to him. He his boyfriend's hair while the other talks and all the while, he feels the front of his shirt getting damp.

"Others are all glowing and happy. I'm fat and I waddle. I don't fit my clothes, your clothes are tight on me and I'm puffy and awful." Junmyeon sniffs. "Kyungsoo looked really good too, and he's my brother. Why can't I be the same?"

Yifan squeezes the other to him, careful about the bump. "Of course you'll be fat, you're pregnant.."

"What?" Junmyeon asks, hurt at what his boyfriend had said, fresh tears on his eyes. "Are you leaving me?"

Yifan can't help but snort and hugs Junmyeon more. How cute can someone be?

"You didn't let me finish babe.." He chided gently. "Yes you're fat and you waddle. but to me, you've never been more beautiful. Have you seen how your whole face lights up whenever we go for an ultrasound? Or how you get all flustered and excited when we shop for baby clothes? Or how your eyes shine whenever our little Sehun kicks, because you can feel how strong he is, even if it wakes you up at dawn? This whole pregnancy stage made you into this whole other person who's more giving, more loving, more excited about life and it makes me just love you even more."

"Really?" Junmyeon asks, voice wobbly.

"Really, really. And please, you kick at all your yoga and Lamaze classes. You're even better than all the others there, including Luhan, and he's your coach."

At that, Junmyeon can't help but smile and suddenly, he's crying again, touched of how his boyfriend can be a sap and a jerk at the same time.

"I love you, Wu Yifan."

Yifan just squeezes his shoulders. "Next time, tell me everything okay? I feel a bit useless here, you know. You're carrying our child and I can't thank you enough for that." He kisses the other who by know is already asleep and softly snoring, a fistful of his shirt in Junmyeon's hand.

"And yeah, I love you too baobei."

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Chapter 2: Too cute to handle><❤️
1489 streak #2
Chapter 2: This is so, so, so precious!! Ahh!! I love this so much!!
I can't help but awww every sentence of this story.... it's so cute and I love it and thank you for this, shirt but cute and enough I honestly need more from this but I'm already content
shivaitzmeys #4
Chapter 2: Noooo it's soooo cute im dying TT thanks authornim ♡
Chapter 2: This is even cuter than the chapter before ><
I'm dying ^-^
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww. This is sooooooo cute ><
Asdfghjkl it is too adorable. And I love baby Sehun ^^
2452 streak #7
Chapter 2: awwwww despite the hassle of moving and the baby on the way, Yifan still took time to plan a proposal for Jun!!!

as they're not officially engaged yet, and since they're moving in together already, maybe Jun was thinking that since rhey have the baby coming already, they'd just go with the flow... but Yifan made sure that Jun still feels special despite the circumstances they're in

bottom line i guess, coz idk if i managed to make my point across... this was very sweet of Yifan, some people would opt to let go of a proposal since they've somewhat established their life together already, who needs formalities... but he still did! and he even dressed up for the occasion! i approve Wu Yifan!
Chapter 2: Awwww this is so cute! ><
angelflyer22 #9
Chapter 2: OMG Krisho is sooooo adorably cute... I love them so much! :D
Chapter 1: I see krisho. I upvote.