170323-170324 BTS WINGS Tour Newark Fan Account

170323-170324 BTS WINGS Tour in Newark Fan Account


(@Suga_Mint is my twitter handle so that's my pic of Jin, that is how close I was to them. The rainbow ocean is BIGHIT's official's pic posted from the first night.)

On Wednesday Chelsey, Ciara and I drove from NH to Newark. It ended up taking like 6 hours to get here. As we drove past people had already begun to line up so we rushed dropped our stuff, grabbed our urban camping gear and got in line at 6pm Wed night. We were pretty darn close to the front of the line. Right at the end of the small barrier that the staff had put up. It looked like there was only about 30 people in front of us. We didn’t get time to eat. So, we sat out in the 22-28 degree weather layered up as much as possible. I was mostly good except my hands and feet and we’ll face. We had a box of hot hands though so that helped a lot. Around 8 we were starving and Chelsey already wanted to go back to the hotel which would leave me by myself since my sister really shouldn’t be outside that late in the cold, she’s only 15. We ordered a pizza & that was a fiasco directions-wise but he found us! We practically inhaled the pizza & then at 10:30 Chel’s took Ciara with her to the hotel. Our original plan was midnight so I was a little miffed. The ARMYs on the street were really sweet but still kind of quiet & just talking amongst their friends. To which I wasn’t really one of and by that time everyone was really just tired and so many ppl had left to go buy tents because it was so cold at 20 degrees & we hadn’t even gotten to the coldest part of the night. Staff had come out earlier to tell us about how the morning would go with wristbands. Our line was all p1/p2 we’d all get one wristband ‘peach’ for our number in line & p1/p1 soundcheck got red wristbands which was to start at 11:15 AM. He also was super nice and answered all of our questions and let us know that security would be about tonight as well as cops patrolling us & told us what blocks we shouldn’t go down if we needed to use the restroom of something. It was great.

So, once Chelsey and Ciara left I have two sleeping bags on the ground, one to use as a 'mattress’ the other to curl up in and then our tarp that I wrapped all around me so it would keep the wind out and I attempted to sleep but you don’t really sleep when you have your ID/Money/phone strapped around you & you’re on the street. ARMYs came by and we’re so sweet handing out hot packs and water to us. I shared hot packs and our extra thermal blankets with the four girls next to me. The poor things had nothing except a few blankets. I at least had my tarp. I managed to get very poor on & off sleep not much at all but when I got up at 4:30-5am I found frost in/on my sleeping bag and inside my tarp. So that just shows how cold it was outside. Chelsey and Ciara thankfully came back down all dressed at about 5:30am and I got to go back to the hotel. Even at the hotel I only managed to get 1 solid hour & 40 minutes of sleep. Got dressed & ready, makeup already done because it didn’t seem like we’d really have that much time even the concert didn’t start until 8pm. Got some protein shakes for breakfast, Chels didn’t eat anything, and stood in line again. We made more friends in line that morning. Much more talkative after the long overnight stay we had. One of the girls was in a Sope tracksuit she was adorable!   DID I MENTION THE JUNGKOOK MARRY ME GUY?! So, this guy was a pretty big buff guy with a tank on that said ‘You make me begin’ a picture of war of hormone Jungkookie on it then the back said Marry Me Jungkook. It was adorable! He was adorable! He was with his wife too so that made it even more cute. I had went up to him cuz he had been waiting all night too and asked for a picture he agreed & told us how Jungkookie during WOH won him over & that his wife and him drove from Texas. He was a really cool guy. There’s pictures of him on my twitter.

Venue staff was great & pretty on point about organizing us, they were adamant that if you didn’t have your ticket you wouldn’t get a wristband and if you had two tickets but only one person holding them you’d only get the wristband for yourself not two. Everyone had to be present. 11:15 they indeed start wrist-banding but at that time we found out that we were actually 71,72,73 in line. The tents were deceiving and of course some ppl were holding spots for others but we were all good and didn’t complain. Instead we remembered each other so we could organize ourselves after sound check. Once we got our wristbands we went back to the hotel briefly, use the bathroom kind of take a small breather, regroup make sure we had all of what we wanted for the concert, army bomb, slogans, tickets. Then we rushed to soundcheck line which was pretty big already but we ended up in basically the same number spot as we did for wristbands so not bad. By this point we made new line mates & the wind just wouldn’t quit it was cold especially since we ditched the jackets knowing we’d be so hot in the concert. One of the staff was adorable! A girl had been playing BTS for the whole crowd on her portable speaker and it got to a supplementary story and the Staff was like 'what is this stuff?! Play some Bang Bang Bang!’ cuz we had entered into such soft music. She didn’t know the artist but she knew she liked bang bang bang haha so the speaker girl changed it to Big Bang and man that staff woman was dancing it out! Everyone was really it was a lot of fun. Staff again was on point and didn’t open the doors until 3:30 like they said. Getting through security was frustrating because people would put their bags and such on the table in front of yours and we got stuck trying to get our bombs back from security while others were just passing us. It worked out though and we made it directly behind two girls on the bar at the far left of the stage. The boys came out and did about 4 songs. 

It was actually super nice to see them. Not just because it’s them or because they’re barefaced but because every single one of them was just acting like themselves. They totally left their stage names behind and we’re just Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi of course ignored the crowd but not entirely. He did make a point to look at us and kind of smile even but he was really & truly doing his job & constantly fiddling with whatever stage equipment he had in his hand adjusting it appropriately. I’m pretty biased here so I only saw some of the boys I noticed them all for sure but I didn’t watch them all. Jungkookie was his quiet self and stayed focus on soundcheck but we’ll like Yoongi he gave us some smiles and didn’t forget about us entirely. Hoseok was DANCING nonstop haha it was absolutely adorable and it was just his own style of dance so even better. Namjoon was kinda the same as SugaKookie even though I didn’t see him too much. Tae I also haha didn’t see much until the end where he waved at us so much and all the smiles. Jin gave us his flying kiss of course all the smiles. 

Park Jimin…. 

Park Jimin… 


The start of the end. So Jimin was literally in front of me almost the entire time. It’s just where he chose to stay and sway & do soundcheck. At one point I was waving at him, he noticed something I waved more enthusiastically with a bigger smile and he got so shy, he immediately looked down started shaking his head no then looked back up at me (oh the eye contact) and smiled brightly at me. It was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. It’s also like I said the beginning of the end. *grumbles* they sang 4 songs danced/sang 뱁새 (baepsae/crowtit) & most of the boys were lazy with the dance (to be expected) but Park Jimin was too intense with every . The others just made a small motion.. No no not Jimin! So rude! They said goodbye to us and gave us smiles, waves hearts lots of them. Tae lingered before finally going off stage haha only to come back because he forgot his phone. Such a cutie more waves and then it was over.

Honestly, soundcheck was totally worth it even if it doesn’t sound like much. They all were professional but showed us some love & we really got to see them as ppl and not just idols. After that Ciara really needed to use the restroom so we waited in this long line still inside the venue but right by the doors to exit. Staff ended up yelling at us (not being mean but being loud so everyone could hear) not to put on makeup in there because girls were taking way too long. Ended up they told us we only got 7 minutes then they were kicking us out. By that time it was almost time for doors to open since they open at 5:30 so Ciara and I literally ran to our hotel thank god it’s just at the back of the venue. Not too far but still far to run too. At this point our friend who was joining us at the hotel for the 2nd show, called and was trying to get our room key. Found her as I was running and told her to meet us back at the hotel and I’d leave it for her/ give it to her if she was fast enough. Good lord, I was so out of breath when I got inside and the guy who had joked with me earlier about the amount of money I was paying for a couple of drinks at the front desk was like 'whoa what is wrong’ LMAO so there’s freaked out me trying to tell him and catch my breath at the same time by the time I get to 'so can you please hold this key card for my friend Lauren’ she’s calling my name and he had taken the card already said yes and LMAO holds it out dramatically calling out “Lauren hurry you have to take this card” it was really funny. Ciara came back shortly after and we dashed back to the venue and had to actually climb the barricade to get back in our spot with Chelsey.

Oh yeah and I gave poor chels a panic attack when I called her on the way to find out where they were since the crowd had gotten all bunched together. Ciara had given Chelsey her ticket but my ticket was still in my hand so poor chels was going crazy trying to find it while on the phone with me. It sounded like she was going to cry luckily we stayed on the phone so I could tell her I had mine. Once back in line the rainbow project had all their boxes in our area and came to grab the colors. We got our pink and waited until they let us in. Staff at this point told us our numbers didn’t matter if we didn’t already organize ourselves the. Whatever order we were currently in was going to be it (honestly don’t blame them but kinda y for others) thanks to the overnighters organizing ourselves already we were pretty much in the same spot. They only opened two doors so we had to split into two lines. This time through security we didn’t take our bombs off our arms & held our phones up. We wanted to be on the bar in pit and luckily security didn’t care since it was clear that was all we had. Made it through & went right up the escalator, followed the staff to a room where they had us stop and line up again. Ppl were sneaking forward it was rude and somehow we had gotten to the back when we were initially in the middle of the line. Since I saw the sope girl we were with on the side and up a little ways I went to talk with her, we had lost another one of our counterparts in that mess too. Everyone was good though and then they let us in reminding us not to run. IT IS DAMN HARD NOT TO RUN WHEN YOU SEE THAT EMPTY BAR IN FRONT OF YOU. haha we had decided to be on the left side because Hobi and Yoongi are mostly there during dances & Jungkookie is always in the middle. 

We definitely secured the bar and it was lovely. We were left side of main stage where the main stage met with the eagle ramp, so that little corner. One girl who had plenty of other bar to choose from tried to rudely wiggle her way into the very small spot that was between me and another girl. The security were super awesome. So sweet. I asked them if they would kick me out if I was taking pics with my phone and they were nope we don’t care at all. I wanted to be safe and not sorry about that. Then they chatted with us and asked us where we were coming from. They were floored that ppl came from Florida (my sister) and Arizona just to see BTS. It was cute they kept mentioning it throughout the night before the show started. There was a cameraman who unfortunately was right in the corner and in my view but he was super chill. We talked about BTS, since he got surprised when just mv’s were playing and the crowd screamed so loud for one part. He had his back to the screens, facing us so he couldn’t see but I let him know it was because there were abs (Jiminie’s) on the screen. He was amused then. After that the girl next to me and I continued talking to him he said that none of the boys really know English except for one member but “they all seem really chill” so I said, yeah Namjoon is fluent in English and he looked at me confused then was like 'oh you mean Rapmon’ and I’m like 'oh yeah, sorry’ camera guy was cute and chuckled saying “Of all the people to know both their stage names and real names I expect it to be the fans, that’s cool” and then he said that Namjoon was the one he thought was really cool and that he could see himself actually hanging out with. So cute! we talked a bit more about his job and then he started well doing his job and we went back to singing the mv.

Chelsey, Ciara and I made friends with the girls directly behind us they were super sweet! One had a cute light up sign. To which the security were awesome and she asked if they had tape, the guy said no but would go find some. I wasn’t sure he actually would. Shame on me for doubting. He totally went and found her tape and gave her some so she could fix her sign and gave some more to other girls so they could do something similar. We were thirsty and the security explained they didn’t have water but would ask their manager to get the guy who sells water down to us. Then offered us jolly ranchers be had to hold us over. They were so sweet! The crowd was pretty darn awesome with the fanchants during the mv’s and during the concert.

The VCR’s were pretty!!! The screams were sooooo loud. The speakers were beyond loud in the pit so it was hard to hear anything else from there but we could still hear our screams and the others and good lord it was intense. They came out doing Not Today of course, and we were pretty damn on point with the fanchants it was pretty awesome. This is the first concert I’ve actually heard the entire crowd doing the name chants as well as the other chants English & Korean.

Okay so, I mainly focused on Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook but all the boys are just as handsome as the last time I saw them. They are so much more attractive and pretty and handsome and hot in person. Yoongi is forever flawless and I could honestly say this about all the boys. Hobi did his very normal introduction but it was still just as adorable. Jungkookie’s English is so cute. It really shows how hard he practices his covers to get the pronunciation just right. Tae is forever an adorable flower. Jin is just over the top ridiculous but still really sincere and his voice when he speaks English still sounds like a child it’s so cute! Namjoon’s voice is like butter and fluent as always. Jiminie was cute always making us scream before he introduces us. Jungkookie actually did so as well it was cute since he normally doesn’t him and his shyness when they’re just talking. He was so polite saying it was nice to meet us. Yoongi.. Sigh.. Yoongi he did his infamous take my earpiece out and make you scream forever then said 'Hello I’m Suga!“ THATS IT hahhahaa he’s such a dork. 

During the group performances on the main stage Yoongi was soooooooo into the music and the crowd every other moment his tongue was out and he was just so on point with everything. Hoseok was beyond intense with his dance and his y expressions were just too much. It was all the time I swear that boy! Jungkookie was pretty much the same as Hobi with that but only during performances where Hobi carried that to moments we saw them not dancing/singing. Tae’s tongue was a force to be reckoned with. I didn’t see him really because he wasn’t on my side much. Namjoon I also didn’t see as much but I got some pictures. His smile is just so precious. All the boys were so pumped and the energy they were feeding back to us was intense. It was definitely a push pull on the energy. Endless cycle. 뱁새 was one of my favorite stages of the night because all of the boys were just so lit and so was the crowd. The hip s from ALL of them OMG were  ON ING POINT! The whole performance was so freaking hot. The faces fkdjdhrhejss too much too much.

The solo stages were phenomenal and I honestly can’t say which I love the most despite my bias for first love. They were just all done so so well. Yoongi was beyond passionate, his eyes swimming with emotion to the point they were watery by the end of the song each night he performed it. The crowd also fell silent in just awe of Yoongi when he was on stage performing. We scream crazy loud in appropriate quiet moments but it was amazing to hear him so clearly because everyone was just drawn into Yoongi’s spell. Namjoon’s was beautiful and we all did the 'we love you’ chant which I honestly hope all the other concerts keep up what Brazil started because it’s beautiful and he seems to really feel it. Tae’s high notes! He killed it! God his voice is so deep and velvety and smooth. Wraps you up like a warm blanket that you just want to snuggle in forever.

Jiminie’s performance was well lovely he danced like the dancer he is. It was so beautiful. Jungkookie’s I wasn’t ready for and couldn’t see like anything the first night because if the camera in the way but the second night I could see everything and God damn that dance is intense. It’s so much movement but he did it really well and sweat up a storm. I mean him and Namjoon are the sweatiest members as it is but his white shirt.. Idek why he was wearing the white shirt because it was see-through like a third of the way in. Hobi used all the stages for his solo and it was really cool to see. He did a lot with it and I just really can’t describe it besides that both nights he cried during the performance for his mom. Jin’s stage I knew was going to be one of the best crowd wise simply because for whatever reason even if you don’t think Awake is your favorite we all know the lyrics so the crowd was BEAUTIFUL. Singing it with him and some fanchants it was lovely. His voice is so pretty he’s really worked hard since debut.

The other half of the concert was mostly on the front stage and they did a medley of the older songs which was a lot of fun. Very much pumping us up and playing on the stage a bit more. They would walk under the stage to get back and change outfits to which we could hear their feet as they shuffled past and yelled at them their names and that we loved them. They all talked to us a bit and made us scream five million times before they would move on to the old songs medley. Yoongi was growling into the mic 'Louder’ two times the first time & three times the second night. It was honestly kind of hot but also just kind of adorable at the same time if that even makes sense. The boys played on the ramp and interacted with the fans Jungkookie the first night would only go down it once but the other boys frequented multiple times especially Yoongi and Namjoon. Jin, Tae and Jimin and Hoseok visited more than once too. They shot confetti/streamers like four times.

Oh I forgot one moment. So we were passed a Korean flag since we were on the bar and we held it out for the boys to hopefully take and they all walked over but Namjoon, Jungkook, Tae passed and saw it but didn’t do anything. Then jin came back and saw it and his eyes got so wide and his mouth made an 'O’ he was so shocked but he smiled at us for it. He didn’t take it though. For a brief moment I thought he would

I got a lot of eye contact with the members. The first night I made eye contact with every member except for Yoongi (because I was too awestruck the one time he looked over at Chels, Ciara and I) the boys could definitely hear us when we called to them. I yelled out "TaeTae!” and he looked over he couldn’t quite find me but he totally heard me. I ended up making eye contact later when he came over to look down at us. Namjoon stopped over in front of us and he smiled. Jungkookie heard Chelsey yell out his name the one time he came down the eagle ramp and he stopped right in front of us, turned to us, looked dead in Ciara’s eyes and smiled then he looked at me and winked. Goodness it was too much! I made eye contact with Hobi while he was actually on the stage dancing, goodness his gazes were evil. I haven’t mentioned jimin because I’m still mad at him.

So ONTO YOONGI! He was just as flawless in person as the first and second time that I saw him. His skin is always so smooth and beautiful. He’s definitely the palest among the boys but good lord is he beautiful. He really takes my breath away every time I see him. He also can’t keep his tongue in his mouth, it’s always out. He was so hyped that he was giving each performance 150% and was all over the stage, mostly the left because that’s his side but he went to the right when he could as well. He was jumping all around and just being adorable. Yoongi messed up his end ments for us the first night the poor bby got tongue tied in English and just said it and ended in korean, it was adorable. He told us he loved us multiple times in English but said thank you in Korean. Cute bby. The second night we had seats but we were super close to the front stage. Close enough that they could definitely see anyone who was holding a sign up. I brought one of my Yoongi slogans that the bg is hot pink with yellow letters and it says Min Yoongi is Handsome. (oh random bit I embarrassingly screamed Yoongi oppa to him & pretty sure he heard when I was in the pit the first night) so every time Yoongi was on my side of the stage looking around the crowd I held it up for him to see. In the earlier part of the concert it felt like he saw my sign but I wasn’t 100% sure, so I kept holding it up whenever he would pop back over. He was all over the place but came over on our side A LOT.

While they were on stage before the medley and were talking to us Yoongi was looking around on the left side almost as if he was looking for something and then he found it, pointed in my direction gave a small smile and then brought his mic up looking back at the others in the crowd to say 'Louder!’ to which when the concert ended Chels and Ciara confirmed that he saw my slogan without me telling them what moment I thought he had and it was the exact one so I’m positive that he did! At the end of the concert he kept looking around too like he was searching for something again. It was soooooooo amazing to be noticed by Yoongi multiple times and honestly just in general. Every time I saw him all I could think was that he makes me so happy. He really does. I wish him all the best in the world. 



Park ING Jimin. 


So, I already mentioned the moment at soundcheck which was already too much for my heart. BUT THIS FNDJSHDHDBDBDJD God damn it I’m so angry.

The same night he kept looking over into our section and mind you I’m on the bar, I can see jimin plain as day because he’s directly across from me on the stage. His thighs are freaking amazing. Good lord (not to mention all the boys except Namjoonie and jin had bulge galore) I wasn’t paying too much attention to Jimin throughout this concert but EVERY KNG TIME I did he was looking in our direction if he wasn’t like doing complex dance moves or something. He came down the eagle ramp, looked at our section in the corner sauntered over stopped directly in front of me, looked at me then leaned his pelvis forward and threw back his head, feeling the music. His was in my face for what felt like forever. I was in such awe and surprise that he deliberately stopped in front of me that I couldn’t even take a pic and I had my phone out too.


Then they did streamers and I already had some silver ones but PARK ING JIMIN. Picked up gold ones that were lying on the center of the stage and threw the gold streamers at me. They landed all over my head and chest. I ING CANNOT. They landed on Ciara too since she was right next to me. The second night, in the stands. I wouldn’t be so mad but that little . OMG he was looking over at our section all night. Okay realistically not all night but seriously all throughout the night. And it wouldn’t be so bad but he wasn’t like scanning the crowd and gazing slowly over the left side he was ing just standing still eyes pinned to our section. To which Chelsey was the only one in the crowd with her pink Hobi slogan the boys all saw the first night and Hobi and Jimin together saw it in the crowd the second night. It’s the only reason I am positive that he saw us and knew we were there and he needed to stop staring at our section. I just cannot. He was too much and I’m so so so mad at him. 

The concert overall was absolutely amazing and I don’t regret It a single bit. Oh and the first night Namjoon personally thanked us for getting them on Billboard for reaching all these new heights that they wouldn’t have been able to reach without us. It was precious and I was so touched. The boys also Teared up both nights but more so the second as they let loose and it was the last night. It was amazing to know we were able to move them the way they move us. The rainbow project surprised them so much the first night and they were in awe, Jin called us his rainbow it was precious. Namjoon also said that he didn’t care what color we were, whether we were pink, green, purple, orange, yellow, red, whatever, he loved us all. It was beautiful!

~ Anna

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Chapter 1: OMG!! You are so lucky!! I wish I have the same experience as you if I get to go to their concert in Sydney Australia!!! I love them them all but Jungkook is my bias and if he noticed me at during the concert, I swear I would die from excitement haha
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: WOW!!! I really wish I could attend their concert in the future~ You really are mad with Jimin but you what? I think Jimin likes you <3 Don't hate me xD
You are a very lucky girl/fan/army!!!!
You guys did an amazing job so well done!!
I'm glad you had a great time! I'll be going to the one in Anaheim this weekend. I had questions about buying merch though. Do you have any advice on that? Or did you not buy merch this time around? I'm sorry if its a weird question