Chapter 2

Sing Me To Sleep
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Day 9


“I want my money back.” Luhan calmly states his purpose as soon as he sees the agency’s owner, Joonmyun.


The smaller looks affronted but calmly explains that, “it really isn’t on our end. Our staff has already picked a decent man for you so why don’t you just meet him?” Joonmyun convinces him.


“I’m sorry but you contract says that I can terminate within the period of time I’ve paid.” He isn’t going to lose this.


“Hey!” Both flinch from the loud yell coming from the entrance of the agency. “Don’t touch me! Let go! You - “


Luhan furrows his eyebrows, that voice sounds awfully familiar. A heavily breathing Sehun struggling to get away from a man with high cheekbones’ hold is what greets him. Well, what a sight.


“I want my money back,” Sehun declares as soon as he has managed to get away from the other male’s hold. Fixing his clothes when he sees Luhan there staring at him. Wow, what are the chances. This fairy is here too.




Seems like fate is playing with them because now Luhan is sitting on the bench of the bus stop together with this creep. Said creep is stealing glances at him. Again. This is becoming all too familiar for Luhan, he sighs.


“Thank you for helping me earlier,” the taller starts. Luhan just spares a glance at him. This Sehun guy will probably shut up if he senses that Luhan doesn’t want to talk to him. That fateful day after his hospital visit shouldn’t have a repeat really. Besides, Sehun probably drove here. Or not, Luhan doesn’t really care. He just needs peace and quiet right now.


Or not, because the other seems to think otherwise.


“How did you know how to get a refund by the way?” Why can’t Luhan just get his peace and quiet? His apartment is noisy enough with Byun rambling about everything that reminds him of his giant elf of a fiancé.


“I did some research on how to get a refund.” Luhan nonchantly replies then adds, “you drove here?” He knows he’s being rude but it’s not like this man beside him will feel offended or anything. He thinks Sehun’s observation skills are as ancient and rusty as the old walls of the building they featured in the documentary he’s seen yesterday.


“Yeah,” the taller smiles. See? That’s what’s Luhan’s talking about. Sehun really is a creep.


“Are you following me again?” he side-eyes the taller. He’s pleasantly surprised when Sehun scoffs at his question.


“Do you have a princess syndrome?” Sehun is nice and he himself knows it but isn’t this fairy so full of himself?


“No, a brain tumor.” Sehun lifts an eyebrow at this. That’s probably why he was at the hospital that day. Then, that MRI scan...


“If you aren’t busy, let’s get some soju.” The fairy interrupts Sehun’s thoughts. He looks up and sees that Luhan is already walking towards the parking lot. Ah yes, because he drove here.




Three bottles of soju and a pleasant chat later, Luhan finally realizes why Sehun was wailing at the hospital that day they met. He was having some breakdown then and since he was already having a bad day prior to his hospital appointment, he can’t help crying at what he’s told. Luhan would have cried too, had he not felt that the place wasn’t appropriate for the display of his horrible crying face, so he tried to keep it all in.


Luhan’s head is already buzzing with alcohol and this probably is the reason he asks, “are you free this Saturday?”


Whoa, Sehun thinks, isn’t this going too fast?


“There’s a nice crematorium in Chong Pyeong I want to take a look with you.” Luhan smiles sweetly. Sehun thinks that even if the fairy has a dark sense of humor, he doesn’t find this funny.


“What? Don’t you want to be cremated?”  Sehun isn’t drunk enough for this conversation.


“Cremated?” Sehun parrots and stares at Luhan incredulously. So much for a pretty face, the fairy, Sehun concludes, is insane.


“Don’t you think it’s best to plan ahead? I’m free this Saturday so if you want to go out with me...” the smaller trails off. Yes, he’s indeed not drunk enough so Sehun chugs another shot of soju.


Luhan isn’t done though as he convinces him, “just think of it as a date.” He smiles for good measure. What a very odd way of asking someone out. Sehun snorts and mumbles. The beautiful male is really asking him out but why does he feel creeped out?


“Alright then.”

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Chapter 2: the start is quite interesting. i hope to read more.
Chapter 2: beondaegi???? really???? cass!!!! you know how much i hate it. i still want to clock yushin for making us eat that . oh and carlo too for tricking me into eating that.

why tumor?????????? you tryin to break me? you warned me about the angst but please, for the love of everything that's holy, DO NOT KILL ANYONE. hahahaha

i still love you baby. you better finish this one!
i miss u baby. and i love u for this... see u soon
subscribed because i miss hunhan
can't wait for this.
naimiestrella #6
Clumsy luhan, hell yes!