Mr. and Ms. Lee

Silence is Golden

After months, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds that passed Donghae has finally gathered all the courage he could have and decided to confess his feelings for Cho Hee.


She heard her phone rang and read the message. It was from Donghae telling her to prepare and make herself beautiful and that he's going to fetch her at exactly 6:30 that night. She sighed and asked for her best friend Eun Jung's help, she was more excited than Cho Hee. She picked the dress she's going to use and applied make up on her face.

"Why this?" Cho Hee wrote on the paper
"This was your dress when you first met Donghae oppa, am I right?"
"Then this dress is special! Now go and change your clothes."
"But why am I doing this? This isn't right in the first place"
"Why? You don't want to do things likes this for him?"
"No. I'd love too but I should at least know the reason why I'm doing this right?"
"Who knows? He might confess!" she said excitedly.
"Confess what?"
"Yah! Don't act stupid and innocent. I know you know what I'm talking about" She teased.
"I'm not acting innocent you know. There's no possibility he'll like someone like me! I'm mute, I don't have a family, I'm imprisoned in my past, I'm-"
"Sshh. Don't pull yourself down. You need to believe in yourself Cho Hee-ah."
"Eun Jung-ah. Both of us know that no one has ever loved me! My parents threw me! My friends left me and-"
"No. I'm still here. I'm your family, I'm your friend, and what's important is that I'll never leave you!" She said while crying.
"Eun Jung-ah."

They hugged each other but sadness is still on her eyes ...

"What about my promise with-"
"Shh. He told you let go already right? He told you to live a happy life before he died. He has let you go Cho Hee, you must let go of him too! You even dreamt him last night. I heard you sleep talked, he already bid his goodbye. You have to move on and see what's there in front of you. You don't need to look back anymore. No not anymore. He has set you free and you should do the same. Set your heart free Cho Hee"
"Thank you Eun Jung-ah!" Cho Hee SAID.

"Yah! You talked! you talked! Say that again please!" She happily said as she hug Cho Hee but Cho Hee smiled to .

Donghae arrived at their apartment and fetched Cho Hee. He drove back to the dorm and introduced her to the members.

"Hey wait! Let us talk to her first!" Heechul shouted.
"Hyung let them be" Eunhyuk said
"Yeah Heechul. Let Donghae do his work!" Leeteuk agreed.

He hurriedly took her to the rooftop. She gasped when she saw how beautiful it was. At it's center lies a beautifully decorated table with a candle lit on it. They ate and spent 5 more minutes just looking at each others eyes while smiling. Silence was golden at that very moment of their life. They can communicate using each others gaze and smile. They have learned the essence of silence for the first time of their life. 

Cho Hee stood up and signaled Donghae to do the same. She was smiling and so was he. Their sentimental eyes echoing what they feel towards each other. It was not until Donghae heard a golden voice. It was singing a happy love song. It was very beautiful. It was like he was hypnotized by the voice. He closed his eyes and listened to it carefully, every lyrics, every tune, every melody it made was everything for him. Then snap! It stopped. 

"I don't remember hiring a singer. What that a member?" He asked.
Cho Hee just giggled at his comment.
*You're surely as innocent as ever* Cho Hee thought while giggling. She knew it was her voice. The voice he never heard from all those times.  Cho Hee's thoughts was cut when a pair of hands caressed her cheeks, it was Donghae's. They were looking at each other eyes again but this time, the feeling is deeper and more intimate. By then, Donghae started talking ...

"Miss Lee Cho Hee. Best friend of Ms. Cho Eun Jung. The mysterious girl I met on the shed one rainy night. The girl whose smile is that of an angel. The girl whose voice I never heard. And most importantly ... The Only Girl I LOVE THE MOST. Will you accept me?" still having the sentimental eyes he have. 

"Mr. Lee Dong Hae. The handsome member of the greatest boy band Super Junior. The curious boy who tried offering me help one rainy evening. The guy who never heard me speak but he can hear me now. And most importantly. He is the one who changed my so-called lonely and cursed life. This guy ..." She tapped his chest and looked at him. "The One I LOVE the most too should I say. The one who made me sing again. I LOVE YOU and I will wholeheartedly accept you!" She said while looking on Donghae's surprised face
, giggled and kissed him.

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