Getting Tail

Getting Tail

Kyler sat on the couch of the small apartment he shared with his roommate, and he groaned for the 400 billionth time since he'd sat down, finally getting up and almost throwing his stupid computer before going to get a glass of milk from the refrigerator. His inspiration today was absolutely zero and he was getting frustrated with trying to color that stupid Ventume lineart. He sighed and got his milk, moving to sit back down and try to get SOME work in at least.

Kyou was lazing around on the couch with his laptop, working like a fast- machine at aging the pets that had been put on his list. He was now on his last one, which happened to be a Vulpavis "Kyyy you need a hug :U" he mumbled.

Kyler twitched and turned to face Kyou. "Just because YOU'RE fast as hell aging these damn things it doesn't mean I am." He groaned and threw his stylus pen, chucking it into the opposite wall to leave a scratch, just barely missing the t.v. on its way. He groaned again. "I give up." He mumbled, placing his face in his hands.

Kyou pushed his laptop aside and walked over to Kyler, hugging him "You shouldn't give up, Ky  :<...say...I know what will cheer you uuuup~"

Kyler twitched a little at the hug but he sighed and leaned into Kyou, closing his eyes and resting his head on the other's shoulder. "What? Enlighten me."

Kyou grinned and grabbed his laptop, pulling it over and quickly pulling up a picture of Taemin "Hot Korean men videos and pictures...we should check up on SHINee's page to see if Minmins or Key posted any thing~"

Kyler chuckled a little. "Of course you'd mention them. Who else haha." He gave in though, and soon he was on me2day looking through all the Korean symbols and wishing he could read them. He watched Kyou briefly as they were both doing the same thing and he laughed. "We look like two obsessive freaks you know. If anyone walked in here and saw us "checking up on Key and Taemin" they'd think we were crazy haha." He soon went quiet though at a post he was looking at. "H..Hey wait a minute.."

Kyou let out a small laugh "So what if we're freaks? who wouldn't wanna check up on such hot guys?~" he looked back at the screen and blinked "...I new post...translate, Ky,'s from all of them, too!" he began to get super excited.

Kyler quickly translated the few Korean symbols he knew and put them together, and then grabbed Google Translate and tried that, not that it made any sense. He sweatdropped a little at the randomly placed, obviously incorrect phrase. "What the hell..." ___ "Key and Taemin time watermelon complex..I don't..WHAT DOES THAT MEAN." He scrambled to figure it out himself. Google Translate was a douche.

Kyou pulled his own laptop over, seeing as it had the automatic CORRECT translator, and went to the same page "No...that...isn't what it said...ohhhh my gosh...Ky, look! 8D" he spazzed and pointed at the screen.

Ky glared a little at Kyou and his CORRECT technology and he almost flipped the table. "What now, oh smart one?" He turned to the screen and glared, but it quickly dropped. "Live chat...Key and Taemin..FIVE MINUTES?! THAT WAS POSTED TEN MINUTES AGO WE'RE LATE."

Kyou gasped and quickly scrolled over and clicked the "Click the link on yours too, Ky, oh my gosh! I hope they're gonna be on for a longer time!"

Ky didn't need to be told twice and he quickly clicked the link, which led to a voice and video chat, along with a typing chatroom where it looked like thousands of people were talking to Key and Taemin in..Korean. Of course. He couldn't understand a word of it. "Eeeeeeh." He quietly typed in his pathetic English, 'Umm..Hello..' and hit send.

Kyou looked back to his own laptop and gulped "Oh man...I hope they wont mind the whole...English fans on a Korean site thing..." he typed in "Hello, all! :D" and stared at the live video's screen, blushing at them.

Kyler immediately noticed the way the responses looked was different. All the people typing in Korean were starting to type things in English about, "Why are there Americans here" and such things, but Key, who was on video and audio with Taemin, laughed. "Calm down guys! Me2day is a open website. They allowed here, no problem! Welcome to chat, guys!" He smiled and leaned back.

Kyou blinked, then only started to blush more when Key spoke "Oh man, Ky...ffdfsghs he'ssohot! >C" he then typed in "Thanks, Key, we're happy to be here! <3". Taemin waved at the camera with a cute grin "Hiiii~"

Kyler looked at Kyou and chuckled. "Yes. Yes he is." When Taemin waved and showed off that cutesy grin and said hi though, Kyler absolutely squealed. "AAAAAAAH OMG KYOU KYOU HE'S SO CUTE OMG AAAAAAHHHHH." He blushed and made fists, placing them over his mouth as he tried to breathe. Key looked to Taemin and smiled. "Taaae we should have them on video chat. They American. Maybe interesting yes?" He winked back at the camera and then looked back at Taemin for conformation.

Kyou blushed up a storm "HE WINKED KY ;/////A/////; Oooooh jeevas...what is brain...I can't think straight...VIDEO CHAT WITH SHINEE?". Taemin nodded quickly at Key "Yeah, that maybe interesting!"

Kyler was busy re-learning how to breathe when the video chat was mentioned and Taemin spoke again and he blubbered like an idiot. Key smiled. "Yes! You two we send you invitation to join video chat okay? Only you two get private link." He then messed with his computer a little and sent a link to Kyler and Kyou, which only showed up for them, and when Kyler clicked it with a shaky hand, other hand still over his mouth as he blushed, his webcam came on, its blue light shining, and suddenly all of Korea could see him pretty much and everyone was talking about him.

Kyou had a hand covering his mouth and he clicked the link, his webcam shining white. Oh geez...he couldn't stop blushing...crap...and they could see him like this too! Taemin let out a cute laugh "Hello guys!" he waved at the screen, directed towards Kyou and Kyler now.

Kyler blushed more at that cute laugh and waved back. "H..Hello.." he said quietly, and he smiled a little, lowering his hand so the two Korean men could see his face more, and he pushed up his glasses a little on his face, his pink bangs falling into his eyes. "I'm..Kyler..or Ky if you want. This is roommate." He pointed over off the screen but it was clear he was saying that the other American guy in the chat lived with him, and Key smiled. "Kyou, Kyler, nice to meet you." He chuckled and leaned back against his chair, looking ever-cooler than everyone else.

Kyou lowered his hand, still blushing "O-oh geez...h-hi you two...;//u//;..." he shuffled his feet a little, trying to think of something to say. Taemin grinned wide "It's nice to meet you both!"

Kyler, being awkward as ever, just kinda sat there until Key started talking again. Seemed he was the leader of this conversation. "So how you two find me2day anyway? Me2day normally uhh..very..very hard to find." Kyler chuckled and smiled his own cute smile, flashing it at the two. "I was looking for a way to contact you two, email you or something, and someone linked to this site and said this was the closest we'd get haha. Never thought we'd actually speak to you though. Must say it's quite a pleasure, if you can't tell by the blushing idiot on my right over here." He laughed and blushed a little more himself, throwing his head back just a bit.

Kyou let out a whine of protest "I'm not an idiot, Kyyyy...b-but...hi Key...hi Taemin..." he waved towards them a little, trying to avoid eye contact? with Key. Taemin smiled "Oh that okay! we very happy to have you with us here!"

Kyler chuckled at Kyou and ruffled the younger boy's hair a bit, and smiled back at Taemin. "We're very happy to be here as well!" The smile Taemin was flashing was making him blush, and he was pretty sure the two members of SHINee could see it. Key nodded and thought about what Kyler had said, and then furrowed his eyebrows. " You wanted us? Why?" Kyler blushed at that and looked away, choking a little. "I..we..uuuuumm..I..I mean I guess..we..w..wanted to meet you two..we weren't looking to email SHINee, per two. You and Tae.." His blush increased and he looked out of the corner of his eyes to see the reaction of the two men.

Kyou let out a squeak and covered his face, peeking out at the screen to see what their reactions would be. Taemin stared at the screen for a few seconds before he developed a slight blush "W-wha...? w-why?"

Kyler choked again and coughed, eyes widening at Taemin's question. "I......." He couldn't words. What were words? What was language? Oh my god what was he supposed to say. 'Hi Taemin you're really hot and sweet and cute will you come all the way from mothering Korea to DATE me?' that . He just stared for a minute, almost spitting out the milk he'd just taken a sip of. He swallowed it though and blushed more, stumbling over his words. "W..We..w..wa..wa...wanted meet you a..and get know you better..b-b-but's not gonna happen anyway..w..we don't have the..the money to fly out there to Korea.." He whispered, only just loud enough for the two to hear. Key raised an eyebrow. Money? Money was an issue? He looked at Taemin and leaned toward him, whispering in his ear in Korean about flying out to America to surprise them. He leaned back when he was done. "그거 좋은 생각인가?" (translation: Is that a good idea?)

Kyou blinked, watching the two Koreans as they talked. He himself couldn't think of a thing to say at all! Taemin tilted his head, seeming to think about it before nodding to Key with a huge grin.

Key was sneaky. Ohohooooo was Key a sneaky bastard, and somehow he managed to wheedle his way around Kyler and get the two's apartment address without Kyler noticing anything iffy or suspicious about it, and he smiled back at Taemin after he'd written it down. He looked back up at Kyler and Kyou. "I..uh..we..are sorry money is a issue for you, yeah? But maybe one day we meet and we can hang out, yes?" He smiled and looked at Kyou with another wink. He could already tell Kyou liked him, and he was playing to his strengths now, watching the younger boy for another reaction. Kyler looked at Key and nodded, and then back at Taemin. "W..We'd love to meet you'd be a..dream come true..and I mean that in..t..the most literal sense.." He blushed at Taemin again. Oh how he wanted to be in those arms but Korea was so far away!

Kyou blushed madly at the wink and started to sputter some nonsense, pulling a pillow over and hiding behind it. Taemin let out another cute laugh "And it would be honor to meet you too!"

Unfortunately for Kyler and Kyou, Key was keen on leaving for now, and he bid them goodbye, telling them that the two SHINee members had work to do and had to go, and he quickly signed off and left. This left Kyler depressed and he stared at the quickly emptying chatroom. What he didn't realize was that the K-Pop stars had left to plan a trip to Atlanta to visit the two right at their apartment.

Two weeks later Key and Taemin were in their manager's office and Key slammed his fist on the man's desk. "안돼! 우리가 오늘까지 가면 다며! 아니라 다음 !" (translation: No! I said we were supposed to leave by today! Not next week!) The manager sighed. "미안하지만 당신은 단지 다음 화요일까지 기다 리셔야합니다. 우리는 그때까지 다른 비행기를 얻을 없습니다." (translation: I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait until next Tuesday. We can't get another flight until then.) Key growled and kicked the desk in front of him and turned to storm out of the office, slamming the door behind him. And so they proceeded to wait another week. On the next Tuesday they were flying out of Korea and the next day they were landing at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta.

Kyou yet again was lazing on the couch, this time, instead of aging pets like he SHOULD be doing...he was watching funny videos of SHINee and looking at gifs...and...making UFAs...and drinking Coffee...and basically being a bum on the couch, not feeling like moving "Hurrrr." he snickered then started to play Lucifer...on full blast from his laptop. Taemin hummed to himself as he followed Key up to the room where Kyou and Kyler were staying at.

Kyler was baking cookies in the kitchen because men can bake too ya know, and the smell was drifting around the apartment. Just as he took out a batch of the delicious, chocolate chip treats, and put them on a cooling rack, Lucifer came on and he stopped everything and started dancing and singing, not quite as coordinated as SHINee but he was working on it. He came dancing into the family room, using his spatula as a microphone. About that time, Key and Taemin had made their way to the apartment they were looking for. "Number 139, this is it.." Key whispered and smiled. He stopped and listened to the music coming through the door, recognizing it as Lucifer, and he looked at Taemin. They could also hear a voice singing inside. The rest of the band had come to Atlanta as well, figuring they might as well stay and tour around here for awhile if Key and Taemin were going to visit friends, so they had concert dates quickly set up for the area and other places in America. They were currently back at the hotel the band was staying at, and Key chuckled. "Ready?" He asked Taemin, moving his hand, about to knock.

Kyou began left his laptop to the side and stared to dance and sing along to, totally at this dancing thing , though trying his best. Taemin couldn't help but giggle, nodding towards Key "Ready~"

As Kyler and Kyou were dancing and singing, Key smiled and knocked on the door, and then waited quietly. He pushed up his shades and rested his elbow against the door frame in a cool guy pose. Kyler heard the knock and didn't think much of it, and, in his boxers and apron, danced his way over to the door, still singing into the spatula. He opened the door and didn't notice them at first, too busy dancing and singing to pay attention to much else, and then he opened his eyes..and his spatula dropped. And he stared. And stared. Key laughed inwardly, but outwardly he just smirked, and in an 'official voice,' looked down at Kyler in a cool way. "We're looking for one Mister Kyler and one Mister Kyou."

Kyou stopped dancing and singing too "...W-wha...?" Lucifer has stopped playing and Replay was now playing...and Kyou, not knowing who was at the door, began to sing to this one too. Taemin peeked over Key's shoulder to show he was there too "Hiyaaa~"

Kyler blinked and choked a little and backed up, allowing the two to step into the doorway easily, which Key did immediately, dragging Taemin in with him. Kyler backed up to the laptop that was emitting all the music and turned it off, and before Kyou could protest, he grabbed the younger boy's shoulders and turned him around to face Taemin and Key. Kyler was still speechless. He immediately started to blush but he was in so much shock that these two were IN HIS APARTMENT that he didn't really notice much else.

Kyou let out a small whine, before he was turned and now...he was like a Deer in headlights...ooooh my gosh...were his eyes playing tricks on him...or?...he let out a squeak, not having a clue of what to do or say. Taemin laughed "Hello again to both you!" he was smiling all cute and adorable again.

Kyler choked at that laugh, that voice. "H..H..Hi.." he managed to squeak out. It was shy, it was nervous and he was blushing and he blinked and stepped forward a little bit. "How..what..I..I don't understand..w..what's going on how..why.." He couldn't find his words and looked back and forth between Taemin and Key for answers. Key chuckled and waved at them again as well, winking at Kyou, though his shades were on so it couldn't be seen, and he smiled. "Hello, Kyou. Kyler."

Kyou lifted his hand and shyly waved at Key, before inching forward, towards him "....8C...." he just kinda stared with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth, totally speechless. Taemin smiled "We come see you of course!"

Kyler's heart almost stopped. To see them..? When had they planned this? Why? They..Kyler needed to fix himself before he lost it, so he stepped closer to Taemin and blushed more, looking toward the ground. "I..I..Is it okay..if..I h..hug you..?" He asked quietly. Key laughed at this and stepped toward Kyou, giving Taemin and Ky some space. "Yes, you say 'oh we no have money fly to Korea,' but SHINee have money fly to America, so we come here instead!" He smiled brightly and pushed up his shades to his forehead so his eyes were showing.

Kyou blushed as he now saw Key's eyes "K-key...can I hug you too...? maybe? please?" he squeaked out, starting to get overly excited. Taemin happily opened his arms "Of course you hug me!" he grinned.

Kyler squeaked a little when Taemin opened his arms, and he jumped up and forward a little, hugging Taemin tightly. As soon as he hugged him though, he felt an odd sense of warmth rush through him, and he started to tear up and he buried his face in the crook between Taemin's neck and shoulder. He didn't want to let go. Key smiled and nodded. He knew Kyou would want a hug, and he also opened his arms. "Come here," he said softly, his sensitivity showing a little.

Kyou blushed and slowly inched into Key's arms, wrapping his own around Key's waist, then burying his face into his chest, his eyes tearing up as well. Taemin wrapped his arms around Kyler as well, holding him pretty close...he was a pretty good hugger~

Key smiled and wrapped his arms around the shy boy, lifting him a little more into a more proper hug, and he hugged him, holding him comfortably in an embrace. Kyler didn't let go for some time, and he moved his face just a little to look up at Taemin with at an angle, and he sniffled since he was crying, and smiled softly. "Y..You're so warm.." he said quietly. Yep. He loved it here. Could they just stay? Could he keep Taemin? Oh god he wanted to keep him like a kid who just found a lost puppy.

Kyou didn't want to move, also looking up to look at Key, just not wanting to let go at all "I...I...l-like this..." he mumbled. Taemin smiled "You warm too...but I keep you warmer!" he giggled a bit.

Ky laughed a little and snuggled into Taemin a little more, though he did catch Key's movement out of the corner of his eye and he only blushed more. He looked back up at Taemin to see if the other had caught it as well. Key wasn't so oblivious like Taemin, but he did have to chuckle at the other SHINee member before looking back down at Kyou. "As do I.." he said quietly, and before he really knew what he was doing, he bent down and kissed the other lightly on the nose, just to see what he'd do.

Kyou blushed madly, staring, completely wide-eyed at Key "W-wh...what...?" he was sooo confused now. Taemin had indeed caught it and his eyes widened in a little, before he looked down at Kyler and pecked his forehead.

Key smiled gently at Kyou and slowly led him over to the couch, sitting down with him. " know about Taemin but I want talk with you..about something..yes..?" he asked smiling a small smile. Kyler almost lost it when Taemin kissed his forehead, and he blushed like an absolute idiot, his own eyes widening and his glasses practically falling off his face. "T..Tae..w..what..? I don't.." He once again couldn't find words and he buried his face in the other's shoulder, still blushing madly.

Kyou blinked "Um...oh...okay...we can talk if you like..." he tried to calm himself down, but was still stuttery and shaky. Taemin smiled and let out a cute chuckle "That okay...yes?"

Kyler stumbled and stuttered to find his words, and he nodded. "W..What Kyou said.." he gulped a bit and twirled a finger in the fabric of Taemin's shirt, and he took in a deep breath, still blushing like a madman. Key looked up at Taemin's words and nodded, hoping Taemin was really on the same page as him, and he took Kyou's hands in his. "On plane here, I thinking a know? And I very confused and in Korea, I might not be okay..but America is free country and traditions not so strong..America more open and..accepting. And on plane I decided..I want go on date with you..if that alright? Don't want hinder your schedule..just..if you are time you know..?" He actually looked hopeful and had rather lost his cool but he sighed in relief when he'd gotten it out.

Kyou blushed event more...if that's possible "O-oh my gosh...w-what?'re serious?...but...why would you want to go on a date with me?...I'm not very special...". Taemin smiled "I thinking about you a lot on plane...and seem nice here...and I want know if you want go out" he blushed cutely, stuttering a few times as he talked.

Key nodded and kept that smile on his face. "On me2day both very nice. I feel odd connection with you that night. When you say you want meet us we both..start thinking about you a lot..realized we can't stop thinking about you so we make trip to America to tour so we see you. I want..we come with us on tour..yes? We go on dates while on tour, get to know each other better..maybe hit it off?" He asked and a small blush finally formed on his cheeks. Kyler had just been asked Taemin. From SHINee. TAEMIN. FROM SHINee. JUST ASKED HIM OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON HERE? He tried to keep his cool but his eyes widened and he backed up and almost tripped. "W-What..? ME? W..What I..what Kyou said I'm...I'm not that great..or special..or..or..anything..I..oh my god you're serious aren't you? You're not just joking. This is REAL?" He was..uncomprehending. Of anything. He almost fainted right there but kept himself standing. Just barely though. His pink bangs fell into his eyes a little. Comprehension? Nope. There was none.

Kyou continued to blush "K-key...I...I can't believe're serious? I...I would absolutely love to..." he shyly leaned in and kissed Key's cheek. Taemin grinned wide "No joking! completely go out with me...? we have fun...and...hang out...and you come on tour and maybe come out on stage...sing with me~"

Key blushed a little more when his cheek was kissed, and he brought Kyou back into a warm embracing, kissing the other's cheek right back. " have honor of coming out on stage to dance and sing with us, yes? Only if you want though, not want pressure you." Taemin's smile, Taemin's voice, everything about the man was getting to Kyler and he was almost crying. Almost. "T..Taemin..I..yes! Yes I'd honored to date you and and and sing with you..and be on stage with you and..yes. Yes yes yes. Oh god Taemin.." his eyes started to get misty and he leaned up a little, trying to reach for Taemin's cheek, but he kinda ended up missing and got half his cheek and half his mouth, a little embarrassing but the little bit of mouth he got made him blush like crazy.

Kyou started to stutter "I...I would be honored...I..I'm just honored be with you...I'm still not very special...but...this is...a complete dream come true...please let this be real..." he buried his face into Key's neck. Taemin blushed all cute at the kind of kiss he received "O-oh..." he stuttered, before leaning down and kissing the same spot on Kyler where he had been kissed.

Key snuggled with Kyou more and smiled at his words. "I promise it real..No dream..All real. And for the record..I think you special.." Kyler wasn't expecting Taemin to kiss him in the exact same spot and he blushed all cute like as well. So much uke combined was going to give someone a heart attack if the two of them acted like this on stage. He blushed a deep red and buried his face back in Taemin's neck. "S..So..w..what..what now?" he asked quietly. He didn't know what one did when one dated a famous K-Pop star.

Kyou smiled, still blushing "R-really...? I...I think you're special too...very, very special...Oh wow...I...I never...would have thought I'd actually meet my crush...let with them...". Taemin giggled "We snuggle and hang out and...cuddle...go me..."

Key chuckled and eskimo kissed the other, rubbing noses with him. He started to sing quietly. "Neveeer thought I'd see the daaay where all my dreams came trueeee.." Kyler loved that giggle and that smile and that everything and he blushed more. "H..Have you guys ever been here before? Atlanta I mean..? Kyou's from Michigan..and I don't think any of you have been to the Georgia Aquarium or the Coka-Cola Factory..r..right? W..we could go there on a r..really long double date." He chuckled a little. "They're right next to each other."

Kyou blushed as Key started to sing " your voice so beautiful?" he hugged Key again. Taemin nodded quickly "Yes! that sound wonderful...let do that...but when?"

Key smiled and sang a little more. "But one day everything in my life was the day that I met yoooou." He swayed a little with Kyou. "Not that wonderful..could be better, but lots practice I guess.." Kyler pulled back from his current embrace with Taemin. "Mm anytime you want. Whenever you're not touring haha. It's summer so Kyou and I are free whenever. We just sit around here bored, working on internet stuff for our friends haha. So you pick a day and we'll go!"

Kyou let out a sigh, completely content now " really is're making me so gosh...". Taemin smiled "Well...tomorrow good, yes? tomorrow we free~"

Key was very happy as well, and he wished he could move a little faster but he didn't exactly want to scare poor Kyou, especially since they'd only talked once before today and it was on the internet. He blushed. "Well thank you..I appreciate it.." he said quietly, and he started to fiddle with Kyou's hair a little. Kyler nodded and his eyes were sparkle desu happy and he nodded again because he'd forgotten already that he'd nodded just a moment ago. "Y..yeah tomorrow's great! I'll drive if you want since I know where I'm going and have a car. Unless you have agents or bodyguards that won't let me drive haha!"

Kyou nuzzled Key affectionately "You're very stop now if you don't want me to fall for'll be too hard not to...". Taemin giggled again "Yes! and it be alright...we be fine...we trust you~"

Key chuckled and leaned in to whisper in Kyou's ear with hot breath. "But what if I want you fall for me..?" He pulled back and winked again, a slower, more..sensual wink than the others. Kyler nodded and smiled widely. "Alright! Tomorrow at..let's say noon? We'll pick you up at your hotel and take you out to lunch and then we'll go on our date!" He giggled cutely as well, leaning in to snuggle with Taemin again.

Kyou blushed madly, struggling not to let out a moan "U-u-um...then...I want you to fall for me too..." he leaned a little closer, going to kiss Key's cheek. Taemin pouted "I wish we stay here...I here with you..."

Key could tell Kyou was struggling and he leaned in again and whispered in his ear again. "And I shall.." He chuckled lowly and nipped Kyou's ear playfully, gently moving over him and laying Kyou back on the couch. Kyler blushed and chuckled at that pout. "Well, if you want to we can do that..but we don't have guests rooms because the apartment's pretty small..we don't have as much money as you, I know..but..if you're okay sleeping in my room..and Key and Kyou can sleep together..then that's fine.." He chanced a look over at Key and Kyou but quickly left them alone and looked back at Taemin

Kyou let out a small gasp "U-um...I...K-key...what are you...doing?" his brain wasn't even working properly anymore. Taemin nodded quickly "Yes, that sound nice...I want stay here badly..."

Key chuckled a little, smirking at the reaction. "Mm.." he said quietly, thinking about it. "Taking it one step further?" He asked with a little smile, and he moved to nip and kiss at Kyou's neck a little, almost letting out his own moan at the taste and feel of that skin. Ky nodded and pulled Taemin towards his own room. "Well we'll leave them alone then. Perhaps you should call Onew and let the rest of them know you're staying the night? Just so they don't worry, you know.." He opened the door to his room and led Taemin in, backing up until he fell on the bed. He flailed a little and brought Taemin with him in a heap. He hadn't remembered the bed being this close to the door.

Kyou blushed madly, holding back another small moan "K-key...d-don't go too far...o-okay?". Taemin nodded "Oh yes...I do that" he pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number to call Onew.

Key looked up at Kyou and nodded a little before moving in and kissing the other on the lips, ever-so-gently. "I can stop if you want.." he said quietly, just above a whisper. Ky got up from where he fell on his bed and crawled up behind Taemin, placing his head on the other's shoulder and blinking, his arms wrapping around Taemin's waist. "Ohayooooooo." Onew answered in Korean, and he quickly realized it was Taemin and asked in Korean how it went. His voice was excited, asking, "Did it go well? Did you ask him out yet?! Did he say yes? When's the date where are you going GIVE ME THE DEETS."

Kyou's eyes widened "A-ah...I...I...d-don't think you realize what you just did..." he shyly leaned up and kissed Key back on the lips. Taemin let out a cute laugh, answering back in Korean "Yes...I did...he said yes...we're going an Aquarium and the Coca Cola factory?...also Key and I are spending the night over here..."

Key kissed back with a small, content, "Nnng..." but when he pulled back he was confused. "W..What? What I do..?" he asked quietly. He didn't get it. Was it good? Bad? What did he do?  Onew almost screamed on the other end. "SPENDING THE NIGHT?! ARE YOU GONNA GET TAIL? OH YOU BETTER GIVE ME THE WHOLE GODDAMN STORY WHEN YOU GET BACK I WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT ALLLLLLL." He was drawing attention and Jong walked into the room and groaned. "Shut the hell up will you? God you're so loud." He looked like he'd just rolled out of bed in a VERY grumpy state because he did NOT want to be woken. Onew waved him off though and just got more excited. "JONG HE ASKED THAT KID OUT. HE ASKED HIM OUT AND HE'S SPENDING THE NIGHT AND THEY'RE GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW AND--" Before he could finish there was a very loud slamming of a door that could be heard through the phone, and Jong left the room. He apparently did not care right now, in the least.

Kyou blushed and smiled a little "A member of SHINee just stole me first kiss...ahaha~" he nuzzled Key. Taemin blushed madly " don't...think so? don't want a tail..."

Key blushed madly at that and couldn't help but b'aww a little, and he moved back in and kissed Kyou more deeply, more passionately and clung to him tightly as if the smaller boy were a lifeline. Kyler wished to god that he understood what the hell was going on right now but he didn't understand Korean, and he shrugged. Onew on the other hand, groaned. "NO NOT /A/ TAIL. GETTING TAIL. . SLEEPING TOGETHER. ARE YOU GONNA HIM I'LL JUST GO AHEAD AND ASK."

Kyou slowly wrapped his arms around Key, kissing him back as best he could, still nervous. Taemin gasped "Onewww! I couldn't do that!...I-it's just like a sleepover...I...I you think he wants to do t-that?" he shuffled a little, just stuttering.

Key chuckled and moved slowly, knowing the other was nervous, trying to teach him in the ways of kissing. He smiled into the kiss, only gently pushing his tongue into Kyou's mouth. He moaned a bit at the taste and opened his eyes. He hadn't realized they were shut, and he watched Kyou, his eyes showing true happiness. Onew just laughed. "You're kidding right?! He TOTALLY has the hots for you! Besides even if he didn't love you, and he DOES, everyone wants to get laid by us! We're famous! HIM MAN. You won't regret it!" Kyler was totally oblivious to this whole conversation, and he stuck in his iPod and started playing Believe by U-Kiss, singing and dancing a little. "I do believe you, you, you! I do believe you, you, you!"

Kyou started to kiss back, letting out a small moan of his own as he rubbed his tongue against Key's. Taemin sighed "I...don't know...that's a little fast...d-don't you think?..." he looked down.

Key wrapped his arms around Kyou, rubbing up and down his sides gently as he just continued to kiss him. Could they just stay here kissing? Forever? Just this would be enough for him forever. America was so much more accepting. Anywhere else asking out a guy would have gotten him at least slapped, and in some places, shot. No..this was much nicer. Onew groaned a little. "You're such a party pooper Taaaaaaeee. Come oooooon everyone moves fast these days! at least kiss him! Have you even done that yet? I doubt it! Do SOMETHING. Don't just sit there or you won't be any fun!" He was lying but he just wanted to push Taemin along, though that might have been a good or bad thing.

Kyou kissed Key back, a hand traveling up and tangling his fingers in Key's hair. Taemin nodded "Okaaaaay I will...but I'm not going to go to may be like that, but not meeeee."

Key chuckled a little and pulled away for air. "Mm..not yet..too fast maybe..?" He asked quietly, but he didn't really wanna leave this at all, and those fingers in his hair were like heaven. Onew sighed. "FINE FINE JUST DO SOMETHING OR I'LL COME OVER THERE AND TAKE HIM AND DO SOMETHING FOR YOU." Kyler was totally oblivious to this whole conversation and he got up and started to dance and sing to the song on his iPod, which was still Believe by U-Kiss. He'd gotten the main dance down perfectly since it was all the same movements, and he looked pretty pro dancing around his room, using his iPod as his microphone. He didn't realize to a famous K-Pop star he probably looked like an idiot.

Kyou ran his fingers through Key's hair, shaking his head "Not yet...but...this is so nice..." he let out a content sigh. Taemin whined "Okayyyyy! I'll do something but you can't have him, he's mine! >:U" he looked over at Kyler and giggled a little.

Key purred a little and felt into the touches, the fingers running through his hair, and he moved to lie down with Kyou and hold him on the small space that was the couch. " nice..yes..very nice." Ky giggled as he danced and sang and he grabbed the phone from Taemin and started singing into it at Onew. His Korean was only good enough because he had memorized the lyrics by sound, and he grabbed Taemin's hand and brought him up to dance with him.

Kyou smiled and buried his face into Key's chest "I want to stay like this...". Taemin let out a laugh and started to dance to Kyler.

Key smiled and kissed Kyou's forehead, humming. "Mmm..we can stay like this..". Kyler danced and continued to sing to the song, moving to place his iPod in his iVoice dock so that Taemin could hear the music. He continued singing to Onew until he handed the phone back to Taemin, and Onew knew right away that Kyler had left the phone. He was immediately laughing at the singing in Taemin's ear, and he smiled. "His Korean's a little choppy but not bad, but I assume he just memorized those lyrics, wherever they came from. Either way sounds like you're having fun so I'll let you two have fun! MAKE SURE YOU AT LEAST KISS HIM OR I'LL STEAL HIM FROM YOU I SWEAR." And before Taemin could have even replied, Onew hung up the phone and Kyler was still dancing and singing.

Kyou lifted his head a little and kissed Key's neck, smiling " feels so good to be in your know...?". Taemin whined loudly at the phone and put in over on a table, looking over to Kyler "Come heeere~" he giggled and opened his arms.

Key moaned a small, barely noticeable moan as his neck was kissed, and he nodded. "Being with you here..perfect.." he said quietly, and he closed his eyes and snuggled into Kyou a little. Kyler tilted his head and danced all the way over to Taemin's arms, wondering why he whined so loudly just now, but he ignored it, and he giggled up at Taemin when he got to his open arms, eyes sparkling. He continued to dance a little bit in Taemin's arms, swaying them both a bit in time with the music, which faded as RingDingDong came on.

Kyou nodded a little and closed his eyes, nuzzling Key affectionately " aren't going to leave...are you? to go back to Korea?...I don't want to let you go now that I have you...". Taemin lifted Kyler slightly and leaned in, kissing him on the lips, gently and shyly.

Key furrowed his eyebrows, opening his eyes back up and looking at Kyou next to him. "L..Leave..oh god Kyou.." his eyes dimmed a little and he kissed the other's forehead again. " never..I..Kyou the only way I'm going back to Korea is with you in my arms.." He sighed and gave the other a sad smile. "I promise." Kyler..was not expecting that. He'd just been dancing and singing and BAM this came out of nowhere. His eyes widened as he was kissed, and he blinked as he slowly got over the shock of what was going on. Slowly, he closed his eyes and started to kiss back. He moved his arms up around Taemin's neck and kissed him just as gently and nervously, hoping he was doing it right.

Kyou looked up into Key's eyes, his own eyes tearing up a little, a smile coming onto his face "Key...I'll go with you anywhere...anywhere at matter what, I want to stay with wherever you go, I'll happily follow." Taemin tightened his arms around Kyler, continuing to kiss him gently, then slowly pulling back and smiling "That nice...very nice..."

Key b'awwed a little and kissed Kyou's nose, snuggling closer with him. "Then you come with me everywhere..every tour..every stage..all places..never be apart..ever..yes..?" Kyler moaned just a teeeeeeny tiny moan before the kiss ended, and his eyes fluttered open and he smiled. "Y..yeah..a..a bit unexpected..b..but y..your kiss was..r..really nice.." He snuggled into Taemin and smiled, face buried in the other's neck.

Kyou nodded "Everywhere...every single place ever...I'll never leave your side...I promise, Key...forever." Taemin giggled a little and nuzzled Kyler's hair, before starting to sing along with the song.

The night of the concert in Atlanta seemed to come a little too least for Kyler. He was in the bathroom coughing and feeling sick to his stomach, about to throw up for the second time already as he and Kyou waited in their apartment for SHINee to come pick them up. He groaned and braced himself, placing his hands on the bathroom counter and breathing heavily. Was he really that nervous about going on stage? Eeeh he wouldn't be if it weren't for the THOUSANDS of people that were going to be there.

Kyou gulped, sitting on the couch and trying to calm himself down. He didn't know if he was going to be able being on the stage with SHINee...let alone Key. Taemin had gotten ready pretty quickly and was now just waiting on the other, very impatiently and pouting cutely...he couldn't wait to be on stage with Kyler.

Key wasn't far behind Taemin, it was more the fact that the other three were coming with them and it seemed like Onew was taking a long time on purpose. Key twitched a little as he neared Taemin and yelled over his shoulder in Korean. "당신 엉덩이를 서둘러! 나머지 기다리고 있습니다!" Onew groaned a little and stuck his tongue out as he hopped on one foot, struggling to get a boot on. When he was finally ready, Key opened the door and pretty much ran to the elevator and then their waiting car. They had to get to Kyou and Ky, and he was rather anxious about seeing Kyou. If they didn't hurry they'd be late!. Kyler, waiting in the apartment...was still sick in the bathroom, and by now he had successfully thrown up again. If he wasn't careful he'd be emptying his stomach of all the food he'd had this month. (translation: Hurry your up! The rest of us are waiting!)

Kyou walked towards the bathroom "...You okay, Ky...? nervous too...?" he let out a small sigh "Try and calm down...I know that's hard to do but...". Taemin hurried after Key to the car, a big cute grin on his face...he couldn't wait to see Kyler again!

Kyler was kneeling in front of the bathroom sink now, on his knees, breathing irratic. "K..Kinda hard to do when thousands..millions of people are about to be watching you live, don't you think..? I swear if I get sick all over this nice, sparkling gay- outfit I'm wearing I'll be pissed.." He groaned a little more, staying on his knees and leaning his head against the cabinet. The car ride was pretty quick, but that was probably due to Key yelling at the driver to speed the up until they were almost going 80 miles per hour. When they arrived at the apartment, the driver got out to let them all out of the car, but Key didn't wanna wait around for his sorry to walk /slowly/ all the way over to them, so he pushed out of the car and left the door open for the rest of them, taking Taemin's hand and running toward the apartment door. Onew and the others stared for a moment before they realized they'd be lost if the two didn't lead them. Onew screamed after them. "안녕!지옥 기다려!" Key didn't hear him though, and rushed toward the door. (Translation: Hey! wait the hell up!)

Kyou smiled a little "Yeah, you're right...but...I'm sure it'll be alright, Ky! I mean think about it...your man is going to be right beside you the whole time...maybe he'll even kiss you on staaaage~". Taemin Plastered himself up against the door and looked back at Key "...Let's goooo!" he practically flew inside and started to go up to where Kyler and Kyou were.

Kyler didn't even seem to notice when his boyfriend and Kyou's man came bursting through the door, and he gave Kyou an "ene" look before going back to cough a little into the sink again. Key laughed at Taemin's failure to knock at all and ran through the door. "Kyooooou!" He yelled out happily, smiling widely as he ducked around trying to find them in the bathroom. The others were behind them. Onew had finally figured out where they'd gone and as they approached the door, Jong scoffed and spoke below his breath in Korean. "놈들이 사는데 쓰레기장 이런 아파트가?" Onew bopped him on the head. "안녕! 우리가 여기있는 동안 예정!" Finally they wandered in the open door, watching Key and Taemin look around for their boys. (Translation: This hole oh an apartment is where these guys liv(Translation 2: Hey! Be nice while we're here!"

Kyou looked up, seeing Key and grinning wide "Ah, Keeey!" he ran towards Key and started to hug the crap out if him. Taemin quickly went to Kyler's side "You okay?..." he looked at Kyler with a cute, concerned expression. Minho sighed, rolling his eyes a little towards Jong, before smiling as he saw all the affection.

Key opened his arms just in time to catch Kyou as the other jumped in his arms, and he swung him around a little before placing him on the ground and kissing him tenderly. When he pulled back he smiled. "Mmm I missed you.." he said quietly. "Uhh.." he looked toward the bathroom and then back at Kyou. "You two ready to go..yes..? Or no..?" He didn't exactly know what was going on in there but he figured if Taemin had gone in there there might be a problem. Kyler's eyes widened. He hadn't even noticed Taemin until the other was right next to him. When he looked at him, he was obviously sick, and he groaned a little. "N..Nerves I think..keep..t..throwing up.." he said quietly, and he pushed up on the counter with his hands, forcing himself to stand. "I..I'll be fine. W..We're ready so we should probably go..d..don't wanna be late." He managed a weak smile before pushing off of the counter, and walked forward to Taemin and into his arms, sighing a little at the comfort in just having him there. Jong was rolling his eyes a little, trying to look cool, as if the affection was majorly lame, but on the inside he thought it was adorable. And Onew? He was going through EVERYTHING in the apartment, curious bastard. He wanted to know everything about the new boys intruding on their lives if they were gonna be sticking around. He was sniffing around and looking at everything like a monkey.

Kyou glanced to the bathroom "Maybe...I'm not sure..." he leaned up and kissed Key back. Taemin held Kyer close in his arms "It all okay, really...I'm here...". Minho frowned a little at Jong and was now focused more on Onew, watching him as he snooped.

Key kept all of his focus on Kyou for the moment as Tae and Ky got it together. Kyler looked up at Taemin with a small smile. "I know..I love just..knowing you're here really..thank you.." He coughed a little and started to make his way out the bathroom door, slowly, using Taemin for support, and he looked around and noticed the rest of the SHINee members were there. He pushed up his glasses and waved at them with a small smile. "Hey guys..nice to finally meet the rest of you.." he said quietly again, and he motioned that they all better go and started heading for the door with Taemin. The sooner he was sitting and in the car, the better. Jong waved back and put on a smile, though he was just as worried as anyone, and Onew stopped his snooping and dropped a cookbook on his foot, which made him yelp more in surprise than pain, and he picked it up and put it back with a small blush, waving at Kyler and Kyou, embarrassed.

Kyou nuzzled his face into Key's chest "Bleeeh...okay...let's go~" he let go and started to walk out. Taemin smiled and petted Kyler's hair a little, trying to comfort him more "Okay...come on~" he started to head out too. Minho couldn't help but laugh a little at Onew, making a little joking gesture towards him.

Key chuckled and took Kyou's hand in his as they walked out the door, and Kyler waited for Onew, Minho, and Jong to walk out before locking the door with tired eyes. He then turned to walk to the car with Taemin. Once they were all in and seated in their fancy- limo, Kyler sighed and leaned into Tae, closing his eyes for now. Maybe just a few minutes of closing his eyes would calm his nerves and stomach before they got there. Key also took Kyou in his arms and kissed his cheek, chuckling again. "We have a lot of fun tonight..promise you won't forget it." Jong nearly died at how cute the four were though he'd never admit it, and Onew seemed kinda oblivious to what was going on. He just wanted to give them their privacy really.

Kyou got into the Limo and nodded "Mhh...I know~ I can't wait to be up there with you <3". Taemin wrapped his arm around Kyler and nuzzled his hair "All will be okay~ I'm here...". Minho hurried into the Limo as well, trying not to watch the others too much.

Key almost b'awwed and he leaned in with a sweet smile to steal another small kiss. "I can't wait, either. <3" Kyler was calming down a lot more easily with Taemin's soft voice, and he purred a little, gripping Tae's shirt with his small hand a little, and he snuggled his face in Taemin's chest for the ride to the concert. Jong watched Minho quietly with a tiny smirk on his face, shifting a teeny bit closer to him, wondering if he'd notice. The one who noticed though, was Onew, and Onew got a devilish, creeper smile on his face, knowing exactly what Jong was thinking.

Kyou kissed Key's neck softly, then looked up at him again "This is going to be yet another dream come". Taemin chuckles a little and buried his face into Kyler's hair, also relaxing and waiting to get there. Minho was staring at the window, not really paying attention to anyone else.

Key groaned a little at the kiss to his neck, and he shifted closer to Kyou, as if it were possible. "That..why I am fulfill your dreams.." He said gently, that small smile still on his face. Kyler finally opened his eyes and looked up a little at Taemin. "Mm..Tae..?" he asked quietly. Onew kept creeping on Jong, who scooted closer to Minho again and leaned in, and suddenly his tongue darted out of his mouth and he the other's ear, and he pulled back quickly and looked away, acting like it wasn't him at all.

Kyou blushed "'re here for so much more than that...<3" he kissed Key's cheek. Taemin blinked and looked at Kyler "Eh...yes?".

Key blushed at that and snuggled into Kyou. Ky looked up with a sleepy smile. He knew it was early in their relationship but he might as well say it now. "Mmm..I love you, Tae.." He then closed his eyes and snuggled back into Taemin's chest. Jong flashed a wide smile at Minho, and he leaned back forward, getting extremely close to kissing him. He whispered hot breath onto him, "What? Something..wrong, Minho?" He gave him a sly smile and leaned back a bit.

Kyou snuggled back against Key, closing his eyes. Taemin's eyes widened and his blushed "R-really?...I...I love you too..."he hugged Kyler tighter. Minho let out a low growl, narrowing his eyes at Jong, then biting the other's lip, pulling back after doing that and looking to the window again.

Jong was surprised when Minho bit him and his eyes widened and that actually..kinda hurt his feelings. His lip was now bleeding and he looked away and his pride broke. Onew was shocked and he grabbed Jong and pulled him into a hug, and Jong's eyes got a little watery. He hadn't really expected Minho to BITE him. Kyler made a small noise of a approval, continuing to sit their quietly in Taemin's arms. Key noticed what had happened when Jong had gotten bitten but he didn't know how it got to that point in the first place, so he kept quiet and just watched, holding Kyou in his arms protectively.

Kyou nuzzled Key happily "You're so warm...I love it..." he kept his eyes closed, snuggling. Taemin smiled and kissed the top of Kyler's head "I love you...". Minho glanced over to Jong and Onew, starting to feel bad, not having meant to bite Jong so hard. He inched over, muttering an apology in Korean, hoping he would be forgiven.

Kyler chuckled a little and made another content noise. "And I love you.." The car then pulled up to where they were supposed to get out and go inside to the back of the stage they'd be performing on, and Jong was saved from having to speak to Minho, and he pushed his way passed him and out of the car, running out and into the building and finding a bathroom to check his lip..and maybe cry. Onew didn't know whether to follow or not so he sat there dumbly, sighing. As everyone filed out of the car and into the backstage area, Jong was still in the bathroom. That bite wasn't as physically painful as it was emotionally, and he crumpled against the wall and sat on the ground, covering his face with his hands as his pride was totally forgotten. He'd never expected such a harsh rejection from Minho..

Kyou pouted and got out of the car, stretching " we go then, eh?" he smiled at Key. Taemin got out of the car, waiting for Kyler to join him before walking in. Minho covered his mouth, feeling horrible. He walked over to Onew ((and since I'm too lazy to translate, pretend it's Korean)) "I didn't mean to bite him that hard..."

Key nodded. "Yes! We go now~" He wrapped his arm around Kyou's waist and walked in, smiling just to have him there. He wondered how long it would be before they'd be on stage. Ky was a little slow to realizing they'd stopped, but eventually he slowly made his way out of the car, stumbling when he caught his foot on the way out, and he fell into Taemin. "Nnnnff..S..Sorry Tae.." He said quietly, a little embarrassed but still just kinda weak. When Minho approached him, Onew crossed his arms and closed his eyes, shaking his head. He opened his eyes and looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up at Minho out of the corner of his eyes. "You know, I may be pretty dumb sometimes but even I know the kid's in love with you. And not only could you not tell but you just rejected him by /biting/ him. How do you think he feels, Minho? Have you ever even notice how he acts differently around you? He always has. Please don't tell me you just were too ignorant to pay attention after all these years of us being a team." He then walked off and into the building, leaving Minho behind him with another sigh.

Kyou let out a small giggle and hugged Key "Man, I can't wait! This is all so exciting...what're you guys singing first? I want to know so I know what I'm doing...haha~". Taemin turned and wrapped an arm around Ky "It just fine, Ky! We have fun out there!" he grinned all wide and cute, starting to walk inside. Minho's eyes widened "Wait...what...? But...I just thought he was messing around...I mean...It's not like I meant to hurt him..."

Key snuggled the other as they walked around backstage, watching people getting ready for them to go on. "Mm we decided sing Lucifer first because you and Ky know Lucifer most best." He said, and he smiled at the other, kissing his cheek. Kyler whimpered and smiled a little. "I know we'll have long as you're with me I can always have fun.." he said quietly. And then he turned.. "Mm..I'll meet you out on stage? I have to go do something.." he said quietly, and he kissed Tae softly, pulling away a bit. Onew groaned and gave Minho "the look." "And you wonder why we used to call you "Mean Ho." I mean really, Min, shouldn't you have known better than to bite someone in the first place? And don't apologize to me. Go find HIM. He's the one you need to apologize to."

Kyou nodded "Alrighty, that sounds good! I'm meet you out on the stage in a bit, 'kay? <3" he stood on his tip toes and pecked Key's cheek. Taemin smiled "Mhm! meet out there soon!" he kissed Kyler back before wandering over towards Key. Minho frowned "Ah...well...I...I didn't mean it like that...I mean...he...just my ear I mean..." he let out a sigh.

Key nodded and kissed the other a little more fully. Cheek kisses? Unnecessary at this point. He chuckled and waved quietly before wandering towards Taemin. Kyler smiled and ran off, grabbing Kyou's hand as he went. "Come on I have to get something done before we're called out there!" He said in a harsh whisper, but he had a huge smile on his face now, because being in front of millions of people live wasn't exactly on his mind right now. Onew growled a little. "What did I just say? DON'T apologize to me! Go find Jong and apologize to HIM. God knows how much you hurt him. And if he can't pull himself together in the next ten minutes and he goes out on stage crying or doesn't come out on stage AT ALL, everyone's gonna wonder what's going on. Now GO." He said it harshly, pointing off in the general direction Jong had run.

Kyou kissed Key back before nodding to Kyler "Alright, let's go then!" he was grinning like an idiot. Taemin grinned at Key, speaking in Korean now "So...what's up with you and Kyou, ehhhh?~" he winked. Minho let out a squeak of surprise and ran off in the direction Jong had went. He gulped before calling out Jong's name.

Kyler ran off into one of the unoccupied backstage rooms and looked around before turning to Kyou. "You know what today is right? It's Taemin's birthday..anyway I ordered some flowers to be sent here and they're roses and I got him something else too along with the roses, but I wanted an opinion first and I dunno if it's too early or not but okay..alright are you ready? Omg I dunno what you even think of all this I'm talking too much.." Key raised an eyebrow at Taemin and smirked. "Hmm? Me and Kyou? I could ask you the same about yourself and Kyler eh? You two seem to be gettin' pretty friendly. I heard the "I love You"s in the car. Oh by the way, Happy Birthday you dope." He then ruffled the other's hair a little, just enough that he'd have to fix it before the concert. Jong was just coming out of the bathroom, one hand braced on the door frame, his other sleeve wiping away tears from his wet eyes. As Minho almost completely ran past him, he just didn't answer, hoping the other just wouldn't notice.

Kyou grinned "You're so sweeeet! awww, Kyler, he's gonna love thaaat!" he cracked his knuckles "And hell yeah am I ready! watching Key dancing up close will be pretty damn yyy~". Taemin laughed a little "Yeah....but I really do think I love him, Keeeey." he reached up and started to fix his hair. Minho stopped in his tracks and turned, looking at Jong and hurrying to him "...Jong...I honestly really didn't mean to hurt you so bad...and...I didn't reject least...I didn't mean to reject you...I...I'm so sorry...and..." he stopped talking and hugged onto Jong.

Kyler blushed like an idiot and reached into his pocket. " him one more thing but I dunno if it's too early.." He then pulled out a small box and opened it. In it were two small rings. One was silver. It had a white feather on it outlined in black. The other was gold with a black feather outlined in white. They looked real, and really expensive. "I used a lot of my saved up money for this. I figured I'd need it for something important one day I just didn't know these would be it. T..They're promise rings. I can't very well propose this early but..promise rings are nice..right..? I..I was thinking of hanging one of them on a string off of one of the roses..or something I dunno.. B..but I dunno which one he'd like better." Kyler was rambling, but if one looked closer at the rings, engraved in them both were the words, "This is my promise to you.." in a fancy script. Soon a knock was heard and the flowers were delivered, and Kyler set the red roses down on a counter top in their vase. Key laughed, but it died down and he looked off with a small, dreamy smile, thinking. "Ahh..I know what you mean..I think I really love Kyou, too..I've never been this attached know..?". Jong looked up at Minho with hurt, red and puffy eyes as the other talked. His lip was still bleeding a bit and he just stayed quiet until he was pulled into that hug. He didn't know whether to push Minho away or cling to him for dear life, and he ended up breaking out into more sobs and clinging onto Minho, burying his face in the other's shoulder.

Kyou giggled "Well...I think the Silver one would fit him better, don't you think?~" he looked over at the Roses and smiled "My gosh he's going to love this, Ky, really...". Taemin nodded "Exactly...I'm so attached to him...I never want to leave his's crazy..." he smiled. Minho moved and lifted Jong's chin, kissing above both of his eyes, and then kissing his lip softly "I really am sorry,'s all okay now..."

Ky tilted his head. "I honestly had no idea which would fit him better..that's why I asked you haaa.." He went to get a string out of his pocket and moved to tie one end to one of the rose stems, tying the other end around the silver ring and then letting it dangle over the side of the vase. "What do you think..?" He asked quietly. The string was more of a small, silver lined gold ribbon, and he watched it move a little back and forth, glinting in the light. Key nodded and looked back at Taemin. "It's funny..I feel..the exact same way about Kyou..who ever thought we'd be falling for two guys we met on a website..? Two American guys too. We barely know anyone American." Jong's eyes widened, the tears starting to calm a little as he was kissed above his eyes, and then on his broken up lip, and he sniffled a little and moved back to snuggle with Minho again. "Y..You don't..h..hate me do you..?" He whispered, total fear overcoming his voice.

Kyou laughed "I think, like I've said so many times before...he's going to absolutely love it, Ky! <3". Taemin nodded "Yeah...I never would have thought...but...they're so perfect...". Minho shook his head and kissed Jong's forehead "I could never ever hate you..."

Kyler blushed again and petted the roses softly. "I hope so.." he said quietly, and then he got an idea, and he put the other ring on a string as well, also attaching it to a flower stem. Taemin could choose which one he wanted himself, and then he'd be able to see both his options. Key nodded and moved in, hugging Taemin. "We can both say we got really lucky." At that point someone came around to tell them to get their asses out on stage and Key nodded, letting go of Tae and looking for Minho and Jong. Jong whimpered a little and before they went out on stage, he moved in and kissed Minho lightly. His lip still hurt but he would get by, and he really needed this kiss.

Kyou nodded "Well...let's go out there and get ready for them to call us out, hm?~". Taemin nodded at Key, then ran off to find Minho and Jong as well. Minho kissed Jong back, before seeing Taemin and Key coming, then letting go of Jong "Let's go~"

Key ran off with Taemin to find Minho and Jong, and Jong looked at Minho and nodded, before all of them went to run out on stage and greet their fans by waving. Jong's eyes were still a little puffy but hopefully the fans wouldn't notice that or his split lip, and Key smiled happily as he ran out with the others. Kyler waited until he knew Taemin wouldn't see him, and then he grabbed the flowers and walked out of the room with Kyou, and waited to be called out on stage by his own boyfriend or Key or both of them or whoever was gonna call them out. He was nervous but excited.

Kyou followed Kyler out, waiting to be called out by them as well. Taemin called out to the fans, waving and jumping around a little like his normal adorable self. Minho stood to the side, smiling at waving to everyone.

As the audience quieted down Key spoke up. "Hello America! How are you doing tonight?!" And cue screaming. He waited again with a smile on his face, and when they quieted down he spoke up again. "We have a very special show for you tonight, America. We have two very special guests for the concert. They live here in Atlanta and they are the uhh..reason we are here tonight! So without making you wait, we welcome out Kyou and Kyler!". Kyler wanted Kyou to go first, and he waited and hid the vase behind his back as well as he could, hoping Taemin might be a little gullible or oblivious like usual, and not notice.

Kyou ran out onto the stage and waved, immediately going to Key's side. Taeminlooked back to see Ky coming out too, smiling at him. Minho stood beside Jong, watching as Kyler and Kyou came out.

Kyler, for one, was really grateful his microphone was on a headband so he wouldn't have to hold it. When he came out, he managed to pull out one hand and wave quickly to Taemin and the audience before moving to hold the vase more firmly again behind his back. Key smiled and hugged Kyou happily, and Kyler went and stood next to Tae. Jong smiled a little at Minho, feeling better now, and Onew watched silently from next to them. He noticed that Minho and Jong seemed okay now so he felt a little better himself. Key started to talk about getting started on the concert, but Kyler stopped him. "A..Actually Key before we start I wanted to say something..if that's okay..?" Key raised an eyebrow, but he nodded. "Okay go ahead. Everyone, Kyler." Ky waved again and gave a nervous laugh. "Ahaa just call me Ky.." he said quietly. Then he turned to face Taemin. "Tae.." he started quietly.

Kyou smiled and watched as Ky began to talk to Taemin. Taemin blinked and looked over at Ky "Yes, Ky...?" he tilted his head a little. Minho smiled over at Jong, then looked over to Ky to watch.

Ky blushed and smiled gently at Tae, if not nervously. " is your birthday..and I probably thought I forgot..but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, and that I love you." He then brought out the vase of roses for Taemin to see, the silver and gold rings still hanging on their strings from two of the flowers. Onew's mouth opened a little in shock and then he got a huge smile on his face, and Jong placed a hand over his mouth, also smiling. Key grinned widely as well and wrapped his arms around Kyou's waist.

Kyou snuggled back against Key and grinned wide at Taemin and Kyler. Taemin blushed madly and looked at the flowers and the rings, starting to stutter a little " you...I love you too!" and thus, fangirls were disappointed everywhere. Minho b'awwd at them and snuck a hand over, grabbing one of Jong's.

Key smiled and looked down at Kyou, kissing his forehead before watching Tae and Ky again. Kyler blushed as well and said quietly, "Uh..t..those are promise rings..I..I didn't know which one you would like more so I just..put them both there and thought you could..decide..?" He shifted a little and watched Taemin with his roses and rings. Jong's unoccupied hand was suddenly taken hold of by Minho's, and he blushed like an idiot, and looked shyly over at the other. He hadn't expected that. But now Onew was feeling left out. As cute as all these couples were, the poor lovable soul didn't have anyone of his own to hold hands with or say he loved.

Kyou turned and kissed Key's cheek, giggling a little, then stepping away. Taemin covered his mouth with one hand, then grabbed the silver ring off of one of the flowers "I love you Ky...W-wow...". Minho glanced over at Jong and smiled a little "Heh...this is nice..."

Kyler blushed and smiled, taking the gold ring. He took the silver one from Tae and placed the vase of roses on the ground, and moved in and took Taemin's left hand. "May I..?" he asked, meaning to put Taemin's ring on him. Jong nodded and smiled. "It is.." He didn't notice Onew watching them now, but Key sure noticed Onew in his lonely state.

Kyou watched them, blushing himself a little now. Taemin blinked and held his hand out, nodding "Y-yes~". Minho was also noticing how down Onew seemed to be and he tilted his head a little.

Kyler blushed and put the ring on Taemin's left ring finger, slowly and carefully. It was beautiful on him. He held his own ring in his hand and looked back up at Taemin. He smiled, hoping Taemin might do the same for him. Jong looked at Key and then Minho, noticing they were both watching Onew, and he looked over at him as well and furrowed his eyebrows. With his free hand, he reached out and grabbed Onew's, pulling him closer. Quietly, in Korean, he whispered, "What's wrong..?". Onew didn't care to say but it was obvious how lonely he was, and he really didn't need to say anything.

Kyou was busy b'awwing at Kyler and Taemin's cuteness. Taemin took the ring and placed it on Kyler's left ring finger as well "...May I kiss the bride?~" he grinned. Minho moved over and wrapped an arm around Onew, trying to comfort him.

Kyler couldn't help but turn completely red at the question, and he nodded in response, not knowing what else to say. Bride..? He..could get used to this. Hell he loved that idea. He looked down at his ring and then back up at Taemin, still blushing madly. Onew looked between Minho and Jong and blushed a little, though he still felt lonely and like he was intruding upon their relationship, but he leaned over to each of them and kissed their cheeks for making him feel better. Key was just happy everything was turning out so nicely. It was like all seven of them had just forgotten they were on stage and right now he felt this was his family and he was home.

Kyou looked out towards the crowd "Aaah...Keeey...we should get a move on, eh?~". Taemin kissed Kyler's lips gently, then pulled back "Hm~". Minho now had one arm around Jong and one around Onew.

Key looked down at Kyou and then out at the audience, who consisted of a lot of impatient people and a lot more b'awwing fangirls, and some fangirls who were clearly disappointed. He nodded at Kyou. "Yeah but..let them have their moment, you know..?". Ky blushed as he was kissed, and he kissed back, making a small noise of approval. He moved in and hugged Taemin tightly. "Happy birthday, love.." he whispered low enough that it wasn't heard through his microphone. He then pulled back. "Everyone's waiting on us I guess..". Minho..well..Jong and Onew officially looked like his es, both hooked under one arm like they were. And as seme as Onew and Jong BOTH were compared to Minho, they both seemed pretty damn fine with that for now. Someone from backstage ran out and grabbed the roses, putting them backstage for now so they wouldn't get in the way.

Kyou nodded "Eh...I guess..." he nuzzled Key a little. Taemin smiled, then nodded "Let's do it then!" he pulled away form Kyler. Minho smirked wide at his 'es', facing the audience.

Key pulled away as everyone else faced the audience, and he smiled. When the music was cue'd, Lucifer started to play and everyone got in position, and Kyler wasn't sure where to go since this was THEIR song and he and Kyou were kinda intruding on it, so he just got next to Tae and blushed, hoping he wouldn't up.

Kyou started out dancing behind Key, being sort of nervous, but quickly changed to dancing beside Key as they began to sing. Taemin had moved into position and was now dancing along to the music. Minho quickly moved to where he was supposed to be, dancing as well.

Kyler was nervous but he eventually got used to the dancing and singing, and he did just fine. Jong and Onew played their parts well of course, they'd only done it a million times. Key couldn't help smiling through the song as he watched Kyou dance, and Ky as well really, but mainly Kyou.

Kyou nearly tripped when they had gotten to the chorus, but caught himself, thankfully, matching Key as he danced. Taemincontinued to dance his parts, glancing over at Ky and smiling every so often. Minho also was dancing his parts, his gaze wandering back and forth between Jong and Onew.

Key smiled again at Kyou and then moved and changed some of his moves from Lucifer, instead taking Kyou into his arms and doing a fast moving couples dance with him. Kyler watched them but couldn't help but notice and he smiled. Onew was off in his own world by now, just dancing and singing and becoming one with the music like a ing hippie. Jong's voice came off surprisingly strong and gorgeous after the ordeal from tonight, and he seemed more fierce than ever before, and that was pretty damn fierce.

Kyou let out a small gasp as he was grabbed by Key, going along with the new dance that they were doing. Taemin glanced back to Kyler, now grinning wide as he saing...he was just too happy right now. Minho kept himself from laughing a little at Onew, and instead looked out towards the crowd, dancing.

Key continued the new dance and leaned in, kissing Kyou as he kept moving, and then he twirled the other a couple times. Soon the song ended and everyone stopped in the cool ending pose for Lucifer, one pointer finger pointed at the ground, the other pointing to the sky as their feet turned in rhythm. Afterwards Kyler was panting a little, but he was fine. He just wasn't used to dancing under hot stage lights in front of so many people. Everyone was cheering like crazy. Onew slowly came down from his song high, and Jong was feeling totally empowered now.

Kyou let out a laugh and hugged onto Key, being happy that he had actually done this and the crowd liked it. Taemin looked over to Kyler and grinned wide "Ha!~" he pulled Kyler into a hug. Minho looked over to Onew again, then back to Jong...Jong looked so happy...and that made Minho happy as well.

Key chuckled and waved at the audience, snuggling Kyou happily. Kyler laughed and snuggled into Taemin, never more comfortable than right now. Jong couldn't get his mind off of Minho, and he looked over to him and blushed a little. Onew, as he calmed down, was thinking about the two aforementioned SHINee members, and he inwardly realized this wouldn't work. He wanted them to have each other..and he wanted to have his own partner..someone he didn't have to share. Threesomes never worked because someone was always left out, and he just..wanted Minho and Jong to be happy with each other. They didn't need him..right..? He could find someone else..couldn't he..?

Kyou snuggled Key back, before pulling back away from him and smiling. Taemin smiled at Kyler, looking over at him and patting his head. Minho looked over to Onew again and tilted his head, wondering what was wrong with the poor guy.

The concert seemed to pass by fairly quickly, though a few of the dances Kyler messed up on because he wasn't familiar with the songs, and he wondered where the hell they'd come from. But overall it was a great performance, aside from their more personal issues. By the time it was over, Kyler barely made it off-stage. He was so tired he almost collapsed, grabbing onto the stage curtains so he wouldn't fall. "How do you guys go through these concerts on a daily basis? Jesus..christ.." Key walked back and chuckled at Kyler, figuring someone would take care of him, Taemin or otherwise, and he reached out to Kyou to grab his hand. "You did wonderful job.." he said quietly. Jong walked back smiling widely. He adored Minho and man he couldn't stop thinking about him. Onew walked off from the group to think for awhile before their car came back to pick them up.

Kyou let out a small yawn and hugged onto Key "I'm so tired after all of that...but it was so much fun...I can't wait to do it again!~". Taemin quickly went to Kyler's side and chuckled, wrapping an arm around him "You were great!". Minho walked over to Jong and grabbed his hand again, like earlier.

Key smiled widely and nuzzled Kyou's cheek. "Well you go on tour with us, yes..? So you get to sing and dance with us every other night, since that our schedule." Kyler looked up at Taemin with a small smile. It was clear he was tired, and he snuggled into the other, his face flushed. He tried to stand back up and walk again, which only resulted in him falling again. Obviously being sick before the concert wasn't helping his state now. Jong blushed as his hand was taken in Minho's, and he moved in and kissed the other's cheek delicately, treating him as if he were a fragile flower.

Kyou nodded "Yes, of course I will! I never want to leave your side, Key <3". Taemin picked Kyler up, bridal style, and started to walk back out. Minho kissed Jong back, just as gentle, then glanced over to Onew again.

Key blushed and walked out toward the car with Kyou. "Every time you say know..?" He glanced back and forth between Kyou and the ground. Kyler..did not exactly expect that, and when he was picked up bridal style he blushed madly, wrapping his arms around Taemin's neck as he snuggled him. "' strong.." he said quietly, and he closed his eyes and snuggled in more. Could Taemin just hold him forever? That would be the best. He would never have to move again. Jong hummed a little bit into the kiss, and then his eyes traveled to where Minho was looking, and Jong furrowed his eyebrows, taking Minho's hand and walking over to Onew with him. Onew didn't seem to notice them, and just stared down at the ground, thinking to himself.

Kyou chuckled a little " heart flutters every time I'm around you~" he walked beside Key, staying close to him. Taemin blushed cutely "E-eh...w-well...thank you~" he giggled and continued to walk outside. Minho squeezed Jong's hand a little as the both of them walked towards Onew.

Key felt funny. He had blushed so much lately and it just wasn't like him, but he didn't really mind it for now, and he leaned in to kiss Kyou's cheek for the millionth time, and when they got to the car, Key opened the door for Kyou to slide on in. He noticed Taemin walking out to the car as well, with Kyler in his arms, so he got in and left the door open for them. Kyler leaned up and captured Taemin's lips in a sweet, loving kiss. "Your blush is just adorable.." he sighed out happily, "..not to mention that giggle of your's. Mind just holding me forever? I think I'd like that." He chuckled a bit. Jong looked at Minho and then kneeled down in front of Onew. "Onew..what's wrong..please tell us we just want to help.." Onew looked at Minho and Jong. "No I don't want to bother you with it..go get in the limo..I'll be there in a minute.." He sighed and looked away. But JONG had other plans, and he just sat right on his and pulled Onew to the floor with him, not letting go. "I ain't lettin' go until you say something, Mr. Angsty Loner."

Kyou kissed Key's cheek back and once inside the car he leaned over on Key and nuzzled him, closing his eyes. Taemin blushed deeper and got into the car, setting Kyler beside him, but still holding him "A-alright..." Minho decided to join them, flopping down and clinging to them both.

Key held Kyou tightly, snuggling him as they waited for the other three. He started to kiss the other's face tenderly, holding Kyou's chin up and moving his face with his hand, and he kissed at his neck, as well. When they were in the car and Taemin situated them so he was still being held, Kyler intertwined their hands, looking at the ring on Taemin's finger. "Mm..I love you, Tae.." he said quietly. He'd said it a lot already but he felt like he couldn't say it enough. Jong wrapped an arm around Minho's waist and gave Onew a very concentrated stare. "Now talk," he said in Korean.

Kyou blushed madly, watching as Key did so "K-key..." he stuttered, trying to not catch eye contact with anyone else. Taemin smiled and leaned against Kyler, kissing his head "I love you too, Ky..." Minho nodded at Onew, waiting for him to begin talking, leaning against Jong. Onew looked down, mummbling in Korean "...Seeing you all with someone...I'm lonely...I guess..." he poked at the ground, looking all depressed.

Key smirked, ignoring anyone else in the car for now as he gently pushed Kyou a little more against the door, and a hand 'accidentally' slipped up Kyou's shirt, feeling his chest. Key loved that soft skin, that scent irradiating from Kyou, which was probably mostly sweat right about now but hell if he cared. That just made it ier. Ky slowly let his eyes slip shut and he started to doze, just waiting for the others now. Jong furrowed his eyebrows. "L..Lonely..? Oh god Onew.." he said quietly, and he reached out and brought Onew into a hug, holding him for a minute. "You'll find someone..someone just for you that you'll never have to share, and he'll be so hot that we'll all be jealous." He chuckled a little, but quieted down and gave Minho a sad smile. He didn't exactly know what to do for Onew.

Kyou let out a squeak and put his hands on Key, his eyes wide "S...stop...Key..." Taemin was so tired that he was also beginning to doze off, holding onto Kyler. Minho frowned "Onew...I agree with will be okay...". Onew looked away and shrugged, not wanting to look at the other two.

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