Third little thing


Little sleep came to Taiki. Another death at his hands. He should have kept a better eye on Yudai. He should have spoken to Yudai. He should have made the rations himself. He should have done so much more. He was their leader, wasn't he?

A yawn escaped through Hayate's mouth as he slept on the leader's arms. The news of Yudai's passing was hardest on the youngest. Hayate was up for most of the night, kicking and screaming, yelling at everything. Taiki didn't know if Hayate was angry at Yudai for deciding this or himself for allowing it to happen.

Once he was sure that Hayate was fast sleep, he laid him gently to the bed. It was odd to see Hayate up late at night. He was always sleeping. Before practice, after practice, before photo shoots and every where in between. He slept so much that their fans have dubbed him 'Sleeping Prince Hayate'.

He realized, with a pang, he may never see his fans again. That familiar guilt settled within his stomach. With all the events happening, he had no time to think about them. His heart ached once more, not just with the loss of three close friends, but the loss of all who supported his dancing as well as his singing.

Taiki sifted out a frustrated sigh. Knowing sleep would not come tonight, he set out to pace around the house. As he neared Toru's door, he slowed. The door hadn't been opened since Toru's passing. He placed a hand on the golden handle.

No. He wasn't ready to reopen old wounds. He knew if he visited Toru's memories, his emotions would take over, rendering him useless to Hayate. He made a promise, he never went back on his promises.

'You promised to keep Sota safe.' His guilty conscience whispered to him, an ugly and cold voice. 'You also promised that Yudai would be okay. That Toru wouldn't die.'

'No' Taiki said to the voice that clouded his mind. 'It's not my fault'

'Of course it is. You could have stopped Toru, kept him home and safe. He could have been alive today. Yudai died. And for what? He died for a coward who has no place here. If you died with Toru, Yudai would have been alive today'

'Stop it stop it stop it...' Taiki practically begged.

'Why? You don't like what you hear? You can't handle the truth?'

"I said enough!" Taiki screamed out and punched the wall, leaving a small dent. Tears stung his eyes as he held his fist and retreated back into his room. Thankfully, Hayate didn't wake up. He would have to come up with a convincing lie in the morning.

As he laid in his bed, he couldn't help but wonder about the future. Would Hayate be there in the future, would Taiki perish before the younger member? Would the both survive this living nightmare? These thoughts plagued his mind as he forced his eyes shut.


As the weeks went by, the pain and grief became bearable. The two were able to smile at the summer breeze and laugh at the happy memories they shared. At first they felt as if laughing in a situation like this was inappropriate. However, Taiki was swift to remind Hayate that Sota would have wanted them to smile and to laugh, as would Yudai and Toru.

"Taiki," Hayate said as he walked to him. "Our rations.. they're running out." He said and held the almost empty container. 

Taiki frowned softly as he looked in, "Looks like we will need to get some more." he said softly and looked down at Hayate.

"Hey I can get it!" Hayate said quickly and looked around for their pistol, "I can get it. You do what you need to do here."

"No Hayate I can't let you do that. You're young. Stay behind" Taiki frowned as he caught Hayate's wrist. "I can't lose you too..."

Hayate smiled softly at him, "Don't worry. I'll be back before you can say 'I'll be back... back back back back back' " He said, to the tune of their first single.

Taiki sighed, he knew he wouldn't be able to talk Hayate out of this. They had been stuck in their home for the past month now. "At least let me come with you." He said finally. "But I take the gun. You don't even know how to use it"

"I can use it!" Hayate said, slightly offended, "I can go Bam Bam Bam!" He said but handed Taiki the gun anyway. 

"Great! Let's go then!" Taiki said as he walked out. The air was warm, so there was no need for a sweater or a coat, however Taiki wished he had taken his sunglasses as the sun blinded him

The 20 minute walk was a breeze to them, they were used to dancing for an hour straight. Even though they hadn't done much training over the past two months, they were fit enough to walk the 2 km without breaking a sweat.

The town was desereted, as it was when Taiki was last there. Taiki spared a glance at the blue building which held Toru's decaying body and walked past it.

The two lifted their hands to their nose, trying to block out the scent of death that hung in the air. It didn't seem like there was any sign of life anywhere. Every sound they heard seemed to be amplified by the emptiness of the town. They spotted their usual grocery store and looked at each other before making their way over.

"I'll grab the cans." Hayate said with a nod and disappeared into the store. Taiki nodded and watched him go into the store. He held the pistol in his hand tightly as he stood by the door, keeping an eye out so Hayate would be safe.

He scanned the parking lot and the streets around him. Empty. Nothing moving, except for the leafs that brushed by. He took the time to examine the once lively town. It used to be such a bright and beautiful town. In as little as two months, it has been reduced to a wasteland of browns and greys. The occasional splash of red marked the ground. The only color in the entire scene. Ironic how the deaths of the townspeople was what gave this town life.

Something shiny caught his eye and he looked down at the ground. A silver pocket watch lay on the ground, half covered with dirt. He knelt down and gently picked the watch up.

Just as he was about to drop the watch into his pocket, an ear splitting scream assulted his ears.


He dropped the watch and ran into the store, just in time to watch a zombie grab Hayate by his arm. Taiki brought up the pistol and shot. But he was too late. The  undead took Hayate's neck in its hand and bit into it, ripping out his throat and killing him instantly.


Blood squirted out of his throat and he stared into Taiki's eyes as he hit the floor. Taiki brought up the gun and shot wildly at the zombie who had taken his friend from him. The tears in his eyes made it difficult to aim properly but after a few heart beats the zombie was as dead as Hayate was.

Taiki cried out as he ran to kneel down next to Hayate. There was no way to save him. The wound was too big, besides, his heart had already stopped beating. Taiki lay his head on Hayate's chest as he cried out. He swore continuously as he shook his head as he tried to convince himself that it was a nightmare. He could have sworn he felt Hayate's chest rise and fall. 

He frowned as he felt movement underneath him. It was impossible. As strong as Hayate was, there was no way he could have survived that. Confused, he stumbled back a bit and watched the corpse convulse. The body, not a corpse no longer, stood from the ground. It's soulless glare met Taiki's. 

Taiki's eyes widened in fear as he ducked to avoid an attack from Hayate, he had barely missed. Taiki quickly stood up on his feet and backed away from his friend. "I can't do this..." He muttered as he held the pistol up. He let out a grunt as he rolled away from the next swing, "Hayate please don't make me do this" he pleaded. 

His hands shook as he lifted the pistol to Hayate's head. With a cry, he pulled the trigger and and watched his friend fall for the second, and final, time.

The pistol fell from his hands as he realized what he had done. Four deaths now from his hands. His hands shook as he tried to think rationally, tried to make his body run anywhere but here. His body refused to move, as if forcing his eyes to see what he had done. To tell him that he's no more of a monster than those undead.

He forced his body to run, run back to his home which he would have to live in solitutde for the rest of his life. As he ran, the only thing he could hear was Hayate's horror filled scream shatter his world.

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Chapter 1: WHY SO SAD AND GOOD! Your awesome Author-Nim! Keep up the work!