Second thing



Yudai's weight would never be spoken about again. That is, until he fell ill.

Their days have gone by a bit more smoother, Taiki had actually forced himself out of his room and into the sunlight, Hayate had begun to smile once more and they were all able to carry on their lives. Even with the pain of their losses. The first week without Sota was the most difficult, as it was with the loss of Toru. But they all had each other to lean on during their time of mourning. It was this sense of family that set them apart from many groups. It was this sense of family that kept them all sane during these trying times.

However, as the days pressed on, Taiki noticed a change within Yudai. His mental mind hasn't changed much but his body was a whole other topic. Taiki and Hayate were used to Yudai changing in front of them. They couldn't even begin to count the numerous hours he spent shirtless with them. But during the past 2 days, he had kept his body hidden from them. He would change privately in his room and he bathed in the dark of night. Whenever the other two would press forward their concerns, Yudai would blame the cold weather for his behavior.

As Taiki pondered Yudai's actions, he came to the realization that Yudai never ate in front of them either. Ever since Yudai began to make the rations, he had the habit of eating alone in his room. Something triggered within Taiki as he spent the following days observing Yudai closely.

Taiki had hoped it was his imagination that caused Yudai to look leaner than usual. However, over time it became clearer and clearer that Yudai's body was wasting away. Once he felt sure of himself, he had seeked out Hayate to confirm his suspicions.

Hayate agreed, saying that Yudai was getting smaller and smaller and that his work out routine was getting shorter and shorter as time progressed. Their first thoughts targeted the food as the victim. However, that could not be as they all shared the same food supply, as Hayate pointed out. 

Taiki brought up the possibility of an illness that plagued Yudai. However, they would have noticed other symptoms that came along with a fever or a cold. He didn't seem to be sneezing or spending his time sleeping.

They both figured the best thing to do, was to simply ask Yudai what was the problem. They both nodded to each other before opening the door to Yudai's room.


They both gasped as they saw Yudai almost , save for his boxers. Yudai did what he could to cover up the skin that Hayate and Taiki could see. His hands did not do that well of a job, as they could see his muscles had disappeared. The abs he was so proud of was now faded away.

"GET OUT!" Yudai practically screamed as he pushed them out of his room, causing them both to land on the floor. The door in front of them slammed, the noise echoing throughout their home.

"Did you see it?" Hayate asked.

Taiki nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. He remembered reading a book on depression and how a symptom of depression was weight loss. Of all the people in his life, save Sota, Yudai was the last person he would have thought to have depression. But he supposed that it was often the one you last expected to suffer from it. 

They waited until Yudai walked out of the room, his face red from anger or embarrassment, Taiki couldn't tell.

"I... Sorry" Yudai mumbled out and kicked the floor, "It was childish of me." He added and looked over at Taiki and Hayate.

"Yudai, you're losing weight. Hayate saw it as well. What's going on? Why are you losing weight?" Taiki asked.

"I told you, I am working out, it's what is supposed to-"

"Don't give us that," Hayate spoke up and took a step towards him, "I don't want to hear your 'I'm perfectly fine' speech again." 

Taiki blinked at the attitude the younger member was putting out before smiling to himself gently.  Even though this plague took away his lifestyle, his friends and possibly even his hope, it would never extinguish the fire in his soul.

Yudai sighed stressfully and ran a hand through his hair, "Look. I said I was alright. I've been saying that for the past few days now. What more do you want?"

"We want the truth." Taiki said simply and crossed his arms, "I'm worried out you..." He admitted with a sigh, "I... I read some things on depression"


"-and how weight loss is one thing linked to it" Taiki continued, slightly louder as he had to talk over Yudai, "I-I know how much you miss Toru and-and Sota... but you have us two" he said, choking back a sob.

"No no no..." Yudai sighed and rubbed his face, "I'm not depressed. Am I sad? Yes. Have I mourned them? Every day. But I know I have you two." He smiled lightly as he closed the distance between them and he held them both tightly. "Please... don't worry about me."

"Yudai..." Hayate frowned as he wrapped his arms around him, "You know that that's impossible for us... You're like my brother... You're-You're getting smaller..." He mumbled.

"It's nothing." Yudai said quickly and shook his head, "It's nothing at all. Please. Just... let's just not talk about it anymore."

They both nodded to him and held him tighter for another moment before they broke off. "Okay. Go eat your suppers. They're on the table. I'm going to wash up a bit" he said quietly.

Taiki frowned at his tone. He sounded tired. Weak even. "Oh... Okay" He said and watched Yudai walk down the hallway.

Yudai's steps were staggered and he leaned against the wall as he walked. If Taiki didn't know any better, he would have thought that he was drunk. Yudai shook his head, coughed into his sleeve and took one more step before falling to the ground.

"Yudai!" Hayate cried out and rushed towards him. He knelt down quickly and felt his face, "He's warm... Really warm" He said and looked up at Taiki. "He's burning up."

"Let's get him back in bed." Taiki decided and knelt down beside Yudai. They counted to three and lifted Yudai from the floor. His body was easier to lift, as he had lost so much of his body weight, and they were able to carry him back into his room. They laid him on his bed and threw a light sheet over him. He was still breathing, but as Hayate said, he seemed to have caught a fever.

"We should let him rest for a little while." Taiki decided and looked at Hayate, "I can stay with him."

Hayate nodded, "I'll go fetch us some cold water. It might help." He said and turned to the door. "He'll be okay... right?" He asked, his back towards Taiki.

Taiki took a moment to think before nodding a bit, "Of course he is." He said softly and watched Hayate walk out of the room. He glanced back down at Yudai and brought the sheet up to wipe the sweat from Yudai's forehead.

"H-Hey.." Yudai coughed out. "He's gone...?"

Taiki nodded, "Yes, get some rest. You passed out in the hallway." He explained lightly, "And-And it looks like you're catching something."

Yudai shook his head and coughed once more before grabbing onto Taiki's shirt, pulling him closer. "I don't want you to give up."

Taiki frowned and tried to lean back, but Yudai kept him in a surprisingly strong hold, "What? What are you talking about Yudai?"

"Never give up. Taiki... I need you to promise me that. You'll never give up, I need you to keep fighting. For Sota, for Toru... for me."

"Yudai what are you trying to-"

"Promise me!" Yudai snapped out, tears watering his eyes, "I need you to take care of Hayate. He... He wakes up in the middle of the night. You need to be there for him. When he has his nightmares, sing to him. I don't want you in your room anymore. I know you miss Sota, I do too. But he wouldn't want you closing yourself from everyone.  Especially Hayate."

"But I-"

"I'm not going to be there for him. You two are right, something is wrong. I don't regret it though" Yudai said softly and loosened his hold on Taiki.

"Regret what..?" Taiki asked, although he was terrified of the answer.

"You said I was losing weight. I was. The-The rations... it only could have lasted the 3 of us for two more weeks... for the two of you, it would last longer than that." Yudai coughed out, "So... I gave my rations to you guys. I guess you could say I was starving myself. Which I was... But if it means you two got to live longer.."

"Yudai what have you done?!" Taiki cried out, "No. I'm not letting this happen! We need you!"

"You don't need me." Yudai said softly, a sharp contrast to Taiki's cries. "You two have each other. Hayate has grown stronger and more resilient... Taiki, I was going to die anyway, you know that."

More tears streamed down Taiki's face as Yudai's voice became fainter and fainter. Emotions clogged his throat, forcing him to listen to every word Yudai tried to say. 

"But.. you two will survive... I know it. So don't give up on me. Don't my sacrifice be in vain... Don't mourn me. I'll be with Sota and Toru again... we will be Da-iCE in heaven. And many years from now, we will all see each other again. We will dance and sing. We will all tease Sota again, we will go our for grilled meat, we will take funny selfies and sing until our throats are sore. Our days will be happy again... But don't give up...."

Taiki held Yudai's hand as he leaned back further in his bed. "I won't give up... I will live for you... Goodbye Yudai"

Taiki held Yudai's limp hand closer to his heart. He made a promise to himself and to Yudai. He would never give up. He would fight until he drew his final breath.

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Chapter 1: WHY SO SAD AND GOOD! Your awesome Author-Nim! Keep up the work!