그렇게 가지마요.

Please, Don't Go

“Hyung… Who was that?” Taemin tugged Jinki’s sleeve, trying to get his attention. Jinki shed his jacket and went into the living room. It had been so long since Taemin was able to hug his boyfriend after he arrived home. Jinki always seemed so tired and Taemin just wanted him to hurry up and rest.



“No one, that was only my friend.” Jinki emphasized on the word friend and plopped down on the purple loveseat they bought. Taemin came closer and looked down. Jinki wasn’t acting like himself lately and that’s because of his packed schedule and lack of sleep. As a budding singer, Jinki had to train everyday to perfect his voice and songs to make it in the entertainment industry. This foul mood of his usually cheerful boyfriend had been going on for the last 2 weeks.


“She can’t be just a friend. Not when she kissed you and draped herself on you, hyung.” Taemin said in a hushed voice yet loud enough for Jinki to hear. He didn’t want to confront Jinki when he was already very tired, but he couldn’t let it slip away, could he? The girl kissed Jinki in front of their apartment door!


“Just drop it, Taemin. I’m tired.” Jinki’s voice took on a warning tone. Taemin was hurt, but even more hurt by the fact that Jinki didn’t even bother to apologize to him.


“Hyung… If you’re going out with her, I’m okay with it, you know? I just need you to tell me…”


“, Taemin! She’s just a friend! Stop being so jealous! I didn’t know you can be such a whiny ! Just leave me alone!” Jinki shouted. Taemin yelped and backed away. Never in their 8 months relationship did Jinki shouted and called Taemin bad names. Jinki never even swore. Taemin was scared, this wasn’t the Jinki he fell in love with.


Jinki’s eyes widened and he looked up at Taemin. Shock, sadness and deep hurt etched in his Taeminnie’s eyes. Jinki jumped up and tried to reach for the younger boy but Taemin just backed away, completely scared of him. Tears dropped from Taemin’s eyes and he could hear his fragile heart breaking.


“Okay, hyung… I’ll go.” Taemin quickly grabbed his phone and wallet, shoving them into his pocket.


“No, Taemin, please. I was tired, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Jinki grabbed Taemin’s wrist, but he broke away from the grip.


“I’ll go.”


That was the last words Jinki heard from Taemin.

.: :.

“Taemin, baby… Are you okay?” Key hugged the crying boy that knocked on his apartment door a few hours earlier. Ever since he got there, the boy couldn’t stop crying and all Key could do was ushered him to the couch and hugged him.


“J-jinki-hyung…” Upon calling out Jinki’s name, the memories flood back into Taemin’s mind and he started breaking down all over again.


“Taemin, did you have a fight with Jinki-hyung?” Taemin nodded and Key hugged him tighter. Key never thought they would ever fight this badly. Jinki was one of the friendliest people he ever knew and he wasn’t the type to make Taemin cry. Sure, they had a few arguments time to time, but Jinki would always hug Taemin and sort the problem together.


“He was so scary, hyung…” Taemin managed to say in between his violent sobs.


“Hush now, Taemin. You’re here with me and you’re safe, okay? No one can hurt you when I’m here… Shush…” Key hugged the younger tighter, letting Taemin cry in his embrace.


After another hour of crying, Taemin’s tears finally stopped flowing. They were still on Key’s sofa with Taemin leaning against Key. Key never stopped holding Taemin throughout the entire time.


“Can you tell me what happened now?” Taemin hiccupped and nodded weakly.


“I saw him kissing a girl in front of our apartment.” Taemin managed to say even in his raspy, tired voice.


“He did not!” Key’s eyes widened. Unbelievable, he thought. Taemin only nodded.


“I asked him who the girl was and she said she’s only a friend. But friends don’t kiss, hyung…” Taemin’s heart was being stabbed by millions of sharp knives.


“I know, Taemin… Then what happened?”


“I said it would be okay if he was dating her as long as he told me, but he…” Taemin gripped tightly on Key’s shirt. “He shouted at me and called me bad names… He asked me to leave him alone so I did…”


“I can’t believe it! That’s not the Jinki we all know… Oh Taemin, I’m so sorry about this… That is just unacceptable, especially for him.” Key hugged the younger boy, blood boiling in his veins. How could anyone hurt someone like Taemin!


“Hyung, I understand him. He’s tired from his work and I can’t blame him for that. He’s under a lot of pressure.” Taemin did understand, though.


“That’s no excuse, Taemin! What about the kissing part? That’s not part of the pressure he’s under!” Deep inside, Key swore that he would give Jinki a piece of his mind. And probably some punches in guts.


“Maybe he’s tired of me, hyung. I mean, we’re both boys… Maybe he likes her better than he likes me.” Taemin always knew this would or could happen, but it still hurts so badly.


“That’s bull, Taemin. He knew how fragile you are even before you started dating.” Key went into his motherly side and almost started rambling if Taemin didn’t stop him.

“People change, hyung. People change...”

.: :.

“What the hell were you thinking, hyung? You know how insecure he is about everything. You were the one who always supported him in the things he does.” Jonghyun said to the man sitting on the couch. Jonghyun was Jinki’s friend, both new singers trying to make a big name. Their vocal instructor sent them on a break after looking at Jinki’s saddening performance.


“I have no idea what happened to me, Jonghyun. I really regret what I did, but I don’t know how I can explain it to him!” Jinki wanted to scream, rip his hair out or just anything that could calm his anger. Yes, he was angry. He was angry at himself for hurting his precious boyfriend the previous night.


“He misunderstood the whole situation. That damned Luna was drunk and she lives in the same building as us. She just had to kiss me as a thanks for taking her home!” Jinki felt like because he didn’t get any sleep. He tried to contact Taemin but he turned off his cell phone. He even tried to call Key, Jonghyun’s lover and also Taemin’s best friend, but he probably plugged off the telephone cord.


“Then you should probably call him soon, hyung. Or just go over to Key’s house. He’s probably there.” Jinki looked at Jonghyun ridiculously.


“Jonghyun, have you gotten a call or text message from Key today?” Jonghyun shook his head. “That’s the whole problem! I tried to call both of them but it wouldn’t get through. I stopped by at Key’s house today but no one answered the door.”


“Well, knowing Key and his special relationship with Taemin, he won’t let you see him for some time, hyung. He goes overboard with the term ‘overprotective’ and takes it to a next level.” Jonghyun sighed and leaned back. He loved Key, but sometimes he just makes things more complicated.


“That’s not helping, Jonghyun. Can you just call him or something? Tell him that I want to talk to Taemin?” Jinki pleaded. Jonghyun patted Jinki’s back and dialed a number. It wouldn’t get through and he tried and tried again. He decided to leave a voicemail, hoping Key would listen at the very least.


“Yeobo, I know you’re trying to protect Taemin, but please don’t make this harder for all of us. Let Jinki talk to him and let them solve it themselves. Please call me as soon as you can. I love you.” Jinki sighed at Jonghyun’s last words. He wanted to say that to Taemin too.


Not long after, Jonghyun received a simple yet shocking text message.


From : Key

Message : We’ll be going away for a while. I love you, yeobo <3


Jinki broke down. He needed to tell Taemin. He needed to make things clear.

He needed Taemin.

.: :.

It’s been 2 painful weeks for all of them. Jonghyun and Jinki had no idea where Key and Taemin went off to. Jonghyun tried his best to keep in contact with Key, but it was so hard when Key wouldn’t pick up the phone and only sent messages just to tell them they’re okay.


And Jinki. Jinki was a wreck. He wouldn’t eat, he couldn’t get enough sleep. His fatigue showed all over his face and everyone was worried. An idols life was hard enough even when they had more than enough energy, but in Jinki’ condition, they were kind of expecting Jinki to break really soon. But somehow Jinki didn’t. He may be tired and quiet, unlike his cheerful, happy self, but he always get his job done. He sang, did interviews and radio shows just like usual. When people told him to stop working and take a rest, he smiled sadly and said that he’d rather work than rest because if he did he would think of Taemin and feel worse.


Jinki tried to call Taemin and Key, leaving messages, pleading so that Taemin would come back to him. But nobody would reply. Key wouldn’t let him talk to Taemin and it was killing him. A huge piece of his life was taken away from him and he couldn’t cope with it. His heart broke and it was so hard for him to try and live his life without Taemin.


“Hyung, if you don’t rest you won’t stand for much longer…” Jonghyun was more than worried. He was worried sick about his hyung. He somehow felt responsible for his situation because Key, his lover, took Taemin away and shielded him from Jinki.


“I’m just fine, thanks for worrying though.” Jinki forced a smile that broke Jonghyun’s heart. “And once again I tell you that it’s not your fault or Key’s fault, okay? Stop blaming yourself or your lover for this mess. Now let’s go, we have to do the rehearsal for tonight.” Jinki walked towards the stage that he thought would be the breakthrough of his career. But it was different. Because Taemin wasn’t in his life.

.: :.

Key tried very hard to make Taemin smile even just a little. He offered Taemin to tour around Korea and make him take his mind – and fear - off of Jinki for a while, but it just didn’t work. Taemin did take up on the offer, thinking that it might help but he was silent, unhappy, tired and sad.


“Taemin… Am I making this worse?” Key sat beside Taemin who was staring emptily at the hotel’s TV.


“No you’re not, hyung. I needed to go out and see Korea anyway. I’ve never even been to most of the places we visited.”


“I’m sorry, Taemin…”


“Don’t be, hyung. I should thank you for taking me travelling.” Taemin hugged Key. He was so caring and loving. Key was a mother figure for Taemin and he really appreciated what he had done for him.


Deep inside, Taemin was still hurt. He loved Jinki, after all. He couldn’t take his mind off of him. Every little thing he did or saw always reminded him of his boyfriend. Because basically, they did so many things together. They ate ice-cream together, they played at the beach, they went to the theme park, they went to the zoo.


He loved Jinki. And he always will. He didn’t care about explanations; he just wanted to be with Jinki again whatever their relationship might turn out to be. He just wanted to be beside Jinki. His Jinki.


Key flipped through the channels, stopping at one particular live show. It contains the best and only the best singers in Korea. He stopped at that channel because it was his and Jonghyun’s favorite show.


“You know, Key-hyung. Jinki-hyung always wanted to be in this show. He said that… if he’s able to be in this show with me watching in the front row seat his life would be complete.” Tears welled up in Taemin’s eyes. He remembered the night he was cuddled with Jinki while watching this show and he told him that. Taemin missed Jinki so very much.


“Jonghyun said the exact same thing, Taemin.”


“A brand new pair of singers will now join our stage and grace it with their amazing voice! Please welcome, Onew and Jonghyun!”


Taemin and Key glued their eyes to the screen, seeing two men in black pants and shirt sitting on the stool provided on the stage. Taemin’s eyes watered. Jinki looked so gloomy and sad. He never wanted to see him like that. Anything is better than the sad expression on Jinki’s face.


“Good evening everyone.” Jinki started off. “You may know me as Onew, but tonight I go by the name Jinki. Lee Jinki. My best friend here, Kim Jonghyun will help me sing a ballad tonight. This is a song for someone that I love. I hope that you can listen to this wherever you are right now, jagiya.”


“Last night in my dreams, you drew close to me
Your whispered words, your hair that brushed against my face
” Onew started off with a soft melody, piano gently playing.


When I woke up from my dream, it was all too clear
That your presence was nothing but a dream
The tears in my eyes told me
” Key stared lovingly at his lover singing the saddening lyrics.


You can’t, you can’t, don’t leave like this
Please just one more time, one more time, hold me in your arms again
” Jinki sang his heart out, putting his feelings out for everyone to see. It was a heartbreaking sight, Jinki’s hand clutched into a tight fist on his chest, face contorted into nothing else but sadness and regret.


The next time I close my eyes to meet you
Hold me as I stay still in that spot
” Jonghyun sang, covering for his hyung who was clearly in pain.


Even when I open my eyes, only your figure is clear
That your presence was nothing but a dream
The sadness reflected in my tears told me
” Jonghyun continued while Jinki held back his tears, threatening to spill out. Jinki didn’t care he was on a nation-wide live TV show.


You can’t, you can’t, don’t leave like this
Please just one more time, one more time, hold me in your arms again

The next time I close my eyes to meet you
Hold me as I stay still in that spot
” Jinki sang perfectly, despite tears that finally dropped. Taemin watched Jinki the whole time, covering his mouth with his hand, holding back sobs.


I try and even though I try
I insist, I insist
Come back to me
” Key hugged the younger boy, tears also in his eyes. He missed Jonghyun a lot and he couldn’t wait to be in his arms again.


You can’t, you can’t, don’t leave like this
Please just one more time, one more time, hold me in your arms again
” They both sang, begging Taemin and Key to come back to them.


The next time I close my eyes to meet you
Hold me as I stay still in that spot
” Jinki finished in tears, exposing himself to everyone. But he didn’t care. As long as Taemin saw just how much he wanted him back, it’s enough. He knew everything would be alright as long as Taemin is by his side.


The crowd roared, just like Jinki always wished. But it was different. He didn’t want this, not if Taemin wasn’t there with him.

.: :.

Jinki sat on the purple loveseat he and Taemin favored so much, facing the door. That was how he had spent almost 3 weeks, waiting for that door to open to show Taemin that would run into his arms. He wished he could turn back time, but he couldn’t. There was nothing he could do.


It was almost 1 in the morning and he got up, walking to the bedroom he used to share with his beloved.


The door softly opened. But Jinki didn’t have the courage to turn back.


He felt arms wrapping his torso and a soft whimper could be heard. Water was wetting a spot on his shirt, where a warm face was buried.


Jinki let out his pent up emotions run freely through his tears.


“Jinki-hyung, I’m back.”

Picture taken from : http://ilovekyuhyun-sungmin-siwon.blogspot.com/2011/07/just-few-more-taemin.html

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Chapter 1: OMG IM CRYING ;__;
i just can't imagine how happy onew was when taemin hugged him ;__;
Chapter 1: Uwahhh! Taemin came back!
*sobs* phiiee, dudeee. you make ontaeshawol sad. in a good way. this is very sweet and like just that it really wasn't that bad but because Jinki was in one of those moods it made everything so much worse.
I can't cry , and I'm not going to! Oh forget it!!! Im drowning in my freaking tears!!!! You taken my ONTAE obsession to a whole new level
OMO, are you trying to kill me, lol, so sad, and so sweet; that song always makes me cry; I'm glad that Tae came back to him, love it, OnTae FOREVER. ;-D <3<3
aaaa....this is so sad..huhu..T_T
I legit nearly cried. it was the sweetest thing evs. loved it. u da man!!! XD
EveNiN #8
Yep..I'm probably reading it for the 100th time...it's addictive!!! And it is one of the best OnTae fluff I've read so far and I do ship OnTae very much!
This was very lovely. you're making me teary eyed again. lol