
Bad Boy Next Door

Episode 3: Crossing The Road

Jungkook wakes up the next day with a pain striking on his back. Crap, he has been sleeping on his study desk the whole night! Did he fall asleep while reviewing the notes last night? He stood up from the chair and done a few of stretching before he walked himself out from his room, only to stumble upon his uncle who had just come home.

Yoongi stood in the hallway, frozen at his spot when he realized that Jungkook was actually waking up early in the morning. “Aren't you going to school?” he asks while he taking off his shoes and carefully put it on the shoe rack. “You gonna be late.” Even how many time he had persuaded Jungkook to go to school, his answer will be the same.

Jungkook yawned, “I'm skipping school today.”


Yoongi sighs as he followed his nephew to the kitchen. “I know what happened at school probably still bothers you but it has been a month since you stop coming to school.” He took out a box of Kellogs cereal and two large bowls from the cabinet before pouring the cereal into the bowls, respectively for him and Jungkook. 

“It's none of your business,” Jungkook growled as starts washing his face in the sink. “I'm fine without school. Nobody wanted me there either.” He looked inside the fridge after drying his face with a towel before grabbing himself a carton of milk and pouring it into his bowl of cereal.

Yoongi took the carton of milk, pouring it as he stirs the cereal slowly before taking his seat next to his nephew who was devouring the cereal at the moment. He let out a soft cough, gaining the young man attention immediately. He stares into his eyes for seconds, before averting it with a relief sighs escaping from his lips.

"I wonder why did I take you in after noona died." He mumbled under his breath as he shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.


Yoongi was barely an unemployed person - he did make money in his own way but it's always for himself. His own way to make money was only performing as an underground rapper and that's all. The money will go to his daily meal budget, the monthly rental and bills, and not to forget his cigarette. But when he took the custody of young Jeon Jungkook at the age of 20 after his older sister died, what was he expecting? Jungkook was 10 and confused about the situation he faced - losing a parent at such a young age and nobody wanted to take care of him, Yoongi couldn't bear to see his nephew ended at a foster house.

Each year of raising Jungkook was depressing for him. He couldn't make him happy as the other kids. He has failed as his guardian. Jungkook has always built his guard up around him. He never tells him anything about what happened at school until the teacher called him, saying he was a bully, he beat up a kid in his grade - and Yoongi knew that was all false accusation, knowing Jeon Jungkook is a very passive kid.

He actually becomes worse in middle school. He hangs out with the people he shouldn't be around with and beating up other kids, for real this time. It was countless on how many times that he had been reported to the school upper board and how many times that Yoongi had to beg on his knees for Jungkook to not get suspended.

All he wanted was his nephew to be happy but why is he behaving like this?

"Can you at least be good for once?"

He asks him, but Jungkook was only giving him a glare from the corner of his eyes, ignoring the question on purpose and asking him instead,

"Can you actually raise me like a good uncle for once?"

That was like some years ago when Jungkook is in his teen rebellious stage. He's nothing like that anymore, maybe. But he still doesn't want to acknowledge that how hard Yoongi actually earning money for them to live every day. He just decided to be ignorant and working to make money on his own. But his concern towards the recent event is how Jungkook doesn't want to go to school anymore after he was suspended for fighting again.


"It has been a month since you go to school," Yoongi has finished his second bowl of cereal and putting it in the sink, "Don't you missed on being a student?"

Jungkook drank the last sip of milk from the glass as he put it down on the table. Ignoring the question like always, he stood up from the table without cleaning up his bowl and glass as walked out from the kitchen into his bedroom, shutting the door close loudly.

That means a big fat NO.

Yoongi sighs. He never reflects, didn't he?

A moment later, the bedroom door flung open, revealing Jungkook wearing a black hooded sweater and walking towards the front door. Yoongi tilted his head to see his nephew walking out the door without saying anything to him and the door close with a loud shut. Shaking his head, Yoongi strode to the living room as he turned the television on.

Jungkook will most likely to break every door in this house if he going to keep that kind of attitude, Yoongi thought to himself. "Ah, . The landlord will make me pay for it if he did break the front door." He scratches his head. Just thinking about how much it will cost is giving him a headache.


Jungkook doesn't know where he was heading nor that he had any specific destination he wanted to go. He just absentmindedly leaves the house because Yoongi is annoying the out of him and he was super pissed at him when he asked about school. What was he thinking? Jungkook doesn't care about school anymore.

He knows that well, wasn't he?

He stared down at the river below him before taking a seat on the cold grassy field. The summer breeze and the warm sun rays flashing on his skin, somehow making him calm.

A train passed by in front of him, he can see it from where he was right now though it was far away. He looked at the time on his phone - 9 a.m. At this time around now, it supposed to be P.E class. It was his favorite subject out of all subjects in school. He really loves it when they play basketball and soccer but Jungkook was never given the chance to shine. Oh, what he was talking about? He never really interested in everything, did he forget about it? His classmates will never let him play with him even though he wanted it so bad - they just never give him a chance.

"Don't you missed on being a student?"

Jungkook clutched on his black sweater, his heart sting. It was an indescribable feeling, but he knows. He knows it but doesn't want to acknowledge it.

He is feeling sad and bad for his uncle.

He might be not the best guardian he had, but he is the only close relative he had in his life. He can't bear to lose him nor making him worry, but what did he do? Yes, he's making him more worry than he already did.

Should he go to school? , why did he suddenly thought of that? How funny that his heart changes so fast in a just a blink of time. He looked up at the sky, clear and blue - but why does this world seem so gloomy ever since he lost both of his parents? He missed them so bad. He wanted to meet them but it's not the right time yet. He still has their family photo hanging in his room and will always cry to sleep when he was thinking about them.

Why did they leave him so early? Jungkook was just ten years old that time, it was too early to be on his own.

He was bullied. The kids in his school said he killed his parents. 

He will never do that even in his second life if he ever reborn again.

The teachers said he beat up the kids in his class and saying he's bullying them.

It's because they mocked him for being an orphan. They told him he is a killer. They told him he should die.

The cycle continues until he goes to high school. The rumors won't shut down even how many times he fights - it just doesn't make any difference. But when he decided to fight back against them, they called him a thug, a delinquent, a bad person. People are so quick to judge, even his classmates are afraid of him.

The proof? Just look how they treated him when he was suspended after getting into a fight with the upperclassmen. Nobody even dares to come to his house to give the daily printouts homework and subject reviews. Jungkook chuckled, was he that bad of a person?

His question remains unanswered. He doesn't want to know anyway.

He checked the time on his phone again, 10:30 a.m. He stared at another train passing in front of him, probably heading to Hwamyeong where his school located. Ah, he's thinking about it again.

"Maybe I should pay a visit," A bitter smile form on his lips. "Just for a while." He knew very well he is unwelcomed but he must admit that he missed going to school, so bad.



Yeri opened her eyes only to be greeted by the flashing light from the fluorescent lights from above the ceiling. It took a while for her to realize where she is; white walls, uncomfortable bed and the scent of medicine. Ah, I'm in the infirmary? It's late, but it's no surprise. She must have passed out after P.E again.

"Oh my, Miss Kim. You're awake." A woman dressed in white blouse and a black pencil skirt, wearing a coat that every school nurses wear most of the time (she still wonder if the coat is a lab coat or really a nurse coat because it looks the same) and she has this kind smile that made Yeri feel like home and calm.

Like a mother smile...kind of.

"Ah, yeah. How long have I been here?" Yeri squinted her eyes that still hurting from the light above her and tried to get up slowly. "I need to go back to class."

Before she could land her foot on the floor, suddenly the sound of the door opening startled both Yeri and the nurse. It was Taehyung and it looks like he had just come here while running through the hallway (although it's forbidden) - worried plastered on his face. Yeri stared at him and slowly facepalming herself.

"Mr. Kim? Do you have anything-"

"IS KIM YERIM OKAY?!" He asks the nurse and Yeri swears she can see the color on her face was drained when Taehyung asked her with that loud voice of him. 

The nurse nodded and pointed at Yeri who was still frozen in her spot.

"Oh my God - THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY!" He came to her and hugging her like she is the most precious person to him (well, she is though). "I thought I won't see you again."

"Oppa- Mr. Kim. It's just a light anemia." Yeri tried to reassure him, but Taehyung won't just stop hugging his little sister. Ah, this is bad. The nurse going to have a misunderstanding, she thought. "I'm okay. Please let me go."

It took a moment before Taehyung realized that he supposed not to do any siblings related thing in the school and he immediately pulls her out from his hug. He stared down at his little sister and ruffling her hair. He sighed.

"I almost die when I hear you passed out." He whispers, "It's okay now since you're alright and awake. I couldn't imagine if-"

"Stop." Yeri rolled her eyes. "It's just my anemia acting up okay? You don't have to worry so much." She jumped off from the bed. Without saying anything again to Taehyung, Yeri walked out from the infirmary.

Taehyung sighs before he turned to bow to the school nurse, excusing himself before following Yeri after that.


When Yeri returned to the classroom, everyone is already gone. By that, it means that the school is already dismissed and she's actually have been sleeping in the infirmary room for half the day. anemia. No wonder the first and floor are so empty. She walked towards her desk and found a note where it says "Get well soon :) - Mark Lee". 

"Whoa, this kid is cheesy." Yeri folded the note. She isn't flattered anyway.

She literally skipped the classes today, huh? Does it mean she's a bad student now? Yeri took a seat on the chair and resting her head on top of the desk, pressing her cheek. She shouldn't have joined the P.E class today though. She shouldn't play the volleyball too. 

She could have avoided though, but she's stubborn.

"I just- I just don't want to be given a special treatment." She whispers to herself, "I just want to be like everyone else."

The classroom is silent before someone decided to make a sound from behind her, and she turned around to see a boy wearing a hoodie was walking at the hallway back and forth as if he was looking for something. Yeri groaned, she thought everyone has gone home but guess not. She stood up from her seat and walked to the back door, peeking through it a little. It seems like he was lost...maybe? Should she help him?

He looks familiar too. Yeri doesn't feel anything good about this.

They said to trust your guts feel, and Yeri decided to ignore the person before she heard a loud crash from outside.

"I guess I have to go out then?"

"Ouch.... When did this get here?" Jungkook was crouching while rubbing his . He just fell down on the floor from tripping over a small pail and because of his long bangs he cannot see anything in front of him. "Good grief, nobody is inside the school - ." He cursed once he saw a figure coming to him. It's a girl and it would be bad if she knows him.

Yeri tilted her head while standing in front of the hooded boy. He didn't move nor looking up at her. But he really does looks familiar to her. Did she ever saw him somewhere before?

"Um, are you okay?" She asks. "You just tripped on-"

"I-I'm okay!" He answers loudly. Yeri flinched. She swears she had heard of that voice, but who? She doesn't like this game of guessing, she decided to ask him right away.

"Who are you?"

Jungkook paused, there still people who don't know him in this school? If he looks up now, will this girl recognize him? Jungkook took a deep breath before standing up from the floor, dusting off his sweatshirt and pulling his hoodie up to hide his face. Yeri is still curious about who is he as she took a step closer but Jungkook back away a meter from her.

She clicked her tongue.

"Yah," her voice sounds stern. "Stop playing!"

Jungkook lifted his head only to met with Yeri's furious eyes piercing towards him. He did the same. "I'm not."

"Heh, you actually can talk?" Yeri crossed her arms as she studied his face, "Have I met you before? You look familiar though."

Jungkook averted his eyes from looking at her. He won't lie that he never saw this girl anywhere - this is the girl who came to his house last week to deliver the printouts, right? His eyes will never lie and his memory is not that hazy. How can she don't recognize him after that?

Yeri squinted her eyes close, trying to remember the hazy memory in her head. "I think I saw you somewhere before. Around last week?"

"Maybe you've mistaken me for someone else." Jungkook doesn't want to deal with this - especially with her. He tried to escape when Yeri is so immersed in remembering him but his escape route was not that easy. 

At the end of the hallway, stood a man - possibly a teacher - looking at them curiously.

"Jeon Jungkook?" The man voice echoes, making Yeri turned around immediately and Jungkook froze on his spot. 

"Wait! Are you Jeon Jungkook? For real?"

Why did he even come to school today?



Taehyung looks restless when he saw both Jungkook and Yeri in the same place.

One of the teachers caught them in the school hallway after school and decided to bring them to the teacher's room. Well, Yeri was excused though when she said she just went back from the infirmary and Jungkook had to bear with the 30 minutes lecture from the old discipline teacher Mr. Yang. Yeri felt guilty for leaving him behind but serves him right for skipping school for a whole month.

"Yah, did he do something bad to you?" Taehyung went to Yeri when she finished her lecture session with the old Mr. Yang and she shakes her head. Taehyung sighs in relief. Two things. Two things happened on the same day - he can't survive if he ever stumbled upon any bad news about Yeri again after this. Seokjin will clearly scold him when they got back at home.

"Oppa, is he really that Jeon Jungkook?" Yeri whispers, making Taehyung stares at her, puzzled.

"Why did you ask?" He tilted his head. "Please don't tell me you -"

"No! It's not like that, geez." She rolled her eyes. "I never saw his face before. He's not that scary like everyone in class claimed him to be."

Taehyung snorted. "I thought you already saw him last week? I mean, you literally gone to his house."

Yeri clicked her tongue, "I thought that the boy was not him." She said, recalling the incident under the bridge when she first met Jeon Jungkook and the actual first meeting that she cannot remember before.

"Just be careful when you are around him after this." Taehyung pat her back.

Yeri nodded at her brother's words and landed her gaze on Jungkook. What is so intimadating about him? The thoughts of him being the bad guy doesn't appear in her head. Like, everyone else is saying he's a bad guy and they should avoid him. But Yeri still cannot feel it yet. Or maybe she just judging by the way he behave just now. Maybe he's a wolf in a sheep clothes? Who knows? It still early to judge. They just met for like, an hour.

"I'll be waiting in the car." Taehyung pats Yeri's shoulder before he walked down the stairs as Yeri walked up again to her classroom on the third floor to get her stuff. When she finished packing up and walking down the stairs, she bumped again with Jungkook. This time less than surprising. The boy hide his face with his hoodie as he walked pass by her when Yeri decided to call his name, and he stop his tracks.

"You're coming to school again?"

Jungkook was silent for a moment before he answers her, "Who knows? I might be dropping out after this."

"Please don't do that." She said. "You still have a bright future upon you."

He chuckles. "That just some bull things like those teachers said to me." He turned around, hands tucking inside the pocket of his hoodie jacket. "I don't need you to lecture me with those kind of words."

Yeri took a deep breath, "The printouts, did you do them?"

"What if I don't?" He smiled teasingly, "Will you report me to the teachers?"

Yeri fell silent. She never met a person more annoying than her brothers. This guy in front of her is really something.

"I will do nothing." She answered. "And I definitely realized that it's none of my business to meddle with."

"Great! Now, off?" He waved his hands in the air and turned around as he walked down the stairs.

Yeri closed her eyes. She feels like she wanna scream loudly in this hallway but all she did was screaming from internally and gritted her teeth. Good Lord, she had to agree with all the people saying he's bad. But he's not that bad kind of bad - Jeon Jungkook is ing annoying!


Heyyyyyy I'm back! After a long wait and finally the chapter 3 is here! Well, I guess this is still a bit crappy since I write this in one go. Please forgive me for the grammar and spelling mistakes. T T I thought of going with Yeri having a bad impression about him is good idea tho haha. Before I thought of something more light, like having them meeting outside of the school gate and Yeri will fall in love with him instantly lol something like that but nah, that was to cliche for me. And I hope you guys like this chapter! (But if it's not really your cup of tea then just swallow it lol)

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Khairun16 #1
Chapter 5: Update please...this story really good
zarachan #2
Chapter 5: You updated! Thank youuuuu. This is so cute though ♡
Chapter 5: OMG!!! I wait for this so much, thanks author❤
Finally jungkook opening up to yerim little by little, can't wait for the next update!! I'm so excited
ningenshikkaku #4
Chapter 5: AAAAH thank you for updating
Chapter 5: i'm feeling all warms inside while reading this chapter. a good one. i love how steady this story goes. can't wait for more~
Soojungiee10 #6
Chapter 5: So cutee !!
Chapter 5: Finally an update . This what ive been waiting for . Thank you authornim ♡♡
Chapter 5: Thank you for your updated authornim. Have a nice day ❤️
Khairun16 #9
Chapter 4: Please update!!! I really like it
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 4: This is good. This book is goooood. Really good♥️