our family

it's cold but at least our kids are hot

They don't know what they did to deserve this.


Maybe it was Seungjun's addiction to back scratching.


(And being damn good at it.)


Or if it's Jihun's addiction to getting his back scratched.


(Which has gotten out of hand for the past couple of months if Youjin's being honest.)


Or maybe it was Inseong's pure stupidity and dense-ness and inability to shut the up and just sit calmly in one place without touching one of the members.


(Inseong has a lot of weaknesses.)


But they, or one of them, managed to somehow piss off the Gods into them turning off the heating system in their dorm and probably the whole building and now all five of them were sick.


And not the clubbing swag type sick.


Sick as in Youjin can hear Seungjun sneezing from his room for the eleventh time in the past 2 minutes.


And that's not swag.


He hears Jihun shuffle around the hall, going to the kitchen and back to their room, Youjin guesses Jihun is Seungjun's personal tissue slave at this point.


Because Jihun has gotten over his cold just yesterday night and he's gotten the pleasure of taking care of Seungjun, who seems to have it the worst.


As the leader (and a man with an undoubtable crush on another man) he has to do things like this.


As the leader, sure.


And Youjin is the selfish hyung who acts like he doesn't notice anything happening outside of the bubble he and Heejun's put up because he can't be bothered by Seungjun's snot.


Or any of their snots, when it comes to that matter


The two are huddled around a laptop, the Sims 4 loading screen lighting up their dark bedroom.


Their manager got it for them. They're not sure why, they thought it to be some trick at first, but their suspicions were proven wrong when he promised the boys some fancy snacks he's gotten from Thailand.


Which really should've had the opposite effect, but 'cmon. They were on a diet, they'd be idiots to refuse that offer.


Because, yes, they're petty enough to get bribed by food. It's Thai cuisine, for God's sake.


Well, it's only Youjin and Jihun who are petty, the other three are just plain naive.


They decided not to question fate when it was favoring them and just gratefully took the game, along with the bag of snackage that's supposed to keep them sustaining during the harsh winter.


(Though it isn't favoring them anymore.)


After the first day the bag was gone.


Courtesy of Heejun.


And shared between him and Youjin.


Because he's a good boyfriend.


And Youjin was a good boyfriend when he let Heejun sleep with him a couple nights back.


Because, damn, Heejun swears, he swears he saw someone standing under the street light and staring at him through the window.


Youjin's been rewarded with half of the snacks and a kiss for his sacrifices Heejun likes to call 'blessings'.



Inseong's in Youjin's bunk, Youjin isn't sure why because Inseong's bed is literally six steps away. He's on his phone, curled into half of the poor taste closet he owns, a blanket to top the mix off.


'Or to cover the atrocity' Heejun comments and Youjin agrees, shamelessly so.


They all have different ways to fight the common cold.


Heejun's is probably the worst, though, and Youjin, being the responsible adult that he takes himself to be, takes it upon himself to point that out.


Heejun's sitting by Youjin's side, clad in only a t-shirt Youjin could see Heejun's hard s through if he stared long enough, and a pair of shorts.


When Youjin yelled earlier, his voice hoarse, for Heejun to dress up warmer, he only got a wave of a hand and an explanation Youjin could hardly believe in return.


"I'm building my immune system," Heejun said. "After a while I'll stop being cold, stopping the cold as well."


And Youjin shakes his head. That's not how it works. The logic's way flawed.


He tells him that, but Heejun is a little brat, and he's secretely hiding more angst than any of them, so of course his principles stop him from at least putting on the pair of socks Youjin throws his way.


He's been like that for a couple of hours.




So he discreetly tries to steal warmth from Youjin, leaning into his side. Into the soft blanket Youjin has around his body.


And as much as Youjin cares to shake him off, he just doesn't have the heart to.


He wordlessly agrees to be Heejun's man heater.


Because that's what boyfriends are supposed to do, right?


At least that's what Inseong had told him earlier.


Way earlier into the relationship.



"Long hair?" Youjin asks, taken control of the game, checking all the choices of female hairstyles they get.


"Yeah," Heejun agrees, sitting on a chair beside him. "And make the husband's nose smaller. He looks like Gargamel."


Youjin does as he's told.


He always does as he's told by Heejun.


He might as well be Seungjun at this point, following every command another dude gives him, and the thought puts him off a little.


But it's Heejun, and he loves loves loves Heejun.


So he decides that things are fine the way they are.


"And what about the kids?" He asks, clicking, switching between the two of them.


"Sickeningly perfect," Heejun thumbs up and they finally get to the actual game.


They've been creating the perfect family for the past two hours.


A ty, hot wife, an athletic husband who could make either one of the players cream their pants, if they were honest and if he were real, and two kids that look almost magical with how good they're made to look.



"Make her cheat," Heejun orders, twenty minutes into playing.


"With who, she hasn't met anyone besides the teen nanny," Youjin says, concentrated on how the nanny they've hired is making hot dogs at 3am. He watches her, sending a telepatic message through the screen.


Don't set the house on fire, don't you dare set the house on fire, don't set the house on fire.


He sighs in relief when he sees her hold a platter of 'Nice quality' pancakes.


Wait. Wasn't she just making hot dogs?


"Order pizza," Heejun says.


"You want Carmen to cheat on her hot husband with the pizza man?" Youjin asks with a raise of his brow


"Yes," Heejun nods, unapologetic with his idea.


Youjin snorts, then coughs for ten seconds, and after he's done he gets his sim to order pizza when the sun rises in the sims world.



"Do you think I'd score a date with Carmen?" Heejun asks, suddenly.


His legs are now sprawled across Youjin's lap, covered by his blanket.


"You? Yeah, you would," Youjin answers truthfully. "Her kids too," He adds.


And that's not creepy at all.




"Yeah. I mean, you scored a date with me," Youjin shrugs. Heejun smiles at that. "If you're lucky enough, maybe you might even get to her husband."


"I'm leaving Emil to you, Youjin," He pats Youjin's thigh and Youjin has to wonder why the hell is this little kid being so casual with him.


Only to remember that they're dating, and that Youjin was the one that let Heejun speak to him that way.


"Nah, Emil's all for you, you gay little boo," Youjin flashes a smirk which would make Heejun want to sit down if he wasn't already.


Heejun likes the nickname. Youjin never uses it like he means it, but he likes it.




It's cute.


Just like Heejun.


And just like Youjin. Heejun doesn't forget to add to himself.


"Shut up," Inseong says from his spot on the bed, finally deciding he's bored of staying quiet. "Both of you are gayer than Seungjun, and we've all seen the way he watches Jihun sleep."


"We are in a romantic relationship," Heejun feels the need to point it out.


"Who asked for your opinion," Youjin tells Inseong, a little too aggressive, mostly because he's pissed at the world that he can't breathe properly, and all three of them are left to shoot glares at one another.


Inseong's done nothing to deserve this.


"Look at this man, wouldn't you want him to be your better half?" Heejun says and Youjin pushes himself away from the screen, dropping Heejun's legs, keeping the blanket on them, to not block Inseong's view.


Inseong looks at the screen, a close up of the hottest male sim ever created, and puckers his lips.


"He's hot," He decides.


"Right? We worked an hour on him," Heejun says proudly, though he really shouldn't be. "He's basically our kid."


"Our children would be even better looking," Youjin furrows his brows as if offended.


"There's no way anyone in real life looks as good as that," Heejun says. "And our kids won't be the first too."


Youjin has to wonder if he's supposed to be the positive one in this relationship.


"He's perfection," Inseong says seriously, looking at Youjin.


"But he wouldn't be my better half! He isn't better than me!" Inseong adds, shouting, forgeting such a thing as an inside voice exists.


Youjin snorts and Heejun laughs.


They choose to ignore that, not wanting to completely smash Inseong's selft-esteem.


A friendly deed.


A reward for putting up with the couple whispering at night when they act like Inseong isn't awake, though they know for a fact that he is.


Inseong's too nice to tell them off anyway, mostly because he, un-creepily, likes to listen to them.


He mostly just likes listening to the soft voice of a whipped Youjin, because he takes it as a gift to see, or hear, him being so weak and open for someone.


"That good looking people don't exist?" Youjin asks. "Then what about Jaejoong, huh? What about Channing Tatum? Our boy Eunwoo. Explain." Youjin wears a smug expression on his face, looking like he just explained how mechanical physics work, or why some pistacios taste like pee.


"One of those things is not like the other," Heejun mutters, looking down, not looking for conflict.


"Taeyong," Inseong offers. Why isn't he done talking yet? "You've been thirsting after him lately, Heejun."


"I'd never!" He says, offended, but laughs at Youjin when he sees his, clear to be an act, offended expression, a hand placed atop of his heart.


"Man, you," Youjin dismisses with a cough and rolls his chair back into it's place, picking up Heejun's legs and begrudingly placing them back on top of his lap, neatly fixing the blanket on them.



"Why is Emil suddenly angry? We didn't do anything wrong," Youjin says, eyebrows knitted, ready to get into the game and fight the sim if said sim doesn't get in a better mood soon.


"The hot husband?" Inseong asks from the bed. At this point he's almost an active player three.


"Yeah," Youjin nods, in thought.


"Maybe because he's in the presence of his arch nemesis?" Heejun asks, a chocolate bar in hand.


He offers a bite to Youjin.


"But he's not... He doesn't even have any enemies yet," Youjin says, mouth full.


"Let's make one for him then," Heejun shrugs, throwing the little bit left of the bar to Inseong, who finishes it with glee.


Heejun the melted chocolate off his fingers, and if it wouldn't be so out of character for him Youjin would offer to do that for him himself.


"Don't make enemies!" Inseong shouts. When Heejun gets ready to argument why Youjin should definetly make enemies Inseong adds. "Make friends, then make them a secret couple, then break them up by making them enemies."


"You want Emil to cheat on Carmen?" Youjin asks, eyebrow raised.


"Carmen already cheated on him first, didn't she? The family's already in the gutter," Inseong shrugs.


"Damn," Youjin says, thinking the plan isn't half bad. It gets him occupied.


"Don't talk trash about our family!" Heejun defends.



"Let's kill them," Youjin says with a bored voice, two hours later.


"What?! No!" Heejun screeches, ready to dive for the laptop and take it if Youjin's gonna continue being that hostile towards their babies.


Youjin sneezes his way and some of that germ action gets into Heejun's mouth.


They both sit still, bewildered.


"Let's kill them," Youjin repeats, looking back to the screen, acting like he didn't just sneeze into his boyfriend's mouth.


"No, why would you do that?" Heejun argues, wiping his lips into his shirt and acting like he isn't about to puke.


"Why wouldn't we do that? I'm tired of them," Youjin says, getting a sim with the 'unlucky' trait by the oven.


"Being tired should never be a reason to kill your children," Inseong says, and Youjin has it in himself to admit that that's not a bad advice.


"At least save the kids," Heejun pleads, his expression suddenly falling into the 'my dog died' category of sad.


"Not ready to see kids die?" Youjin asks with a bad imitation of an evil laugh.


"No, I'm not. They're our kids' kids. They're our grandkids. How could you," Heejun sniffles.


Youjin thinks for a second that he's crying, only to be slightly disappointed to see that he isn't.


"That sounds like a hell of a lot of inbreeding," Youjin sighs. "I'm gonna kill them all." He nods to himself.


"No," Heejun's clearly displeased.


"If you force yourself to cry right now I might consider it," Youjin says, side-eyeing Heejun's expression.


Heejun looks like he's seriously considering the idea, and in a second his brows are furrowed, lips in a pout.


His eyes are squinted and he looks down, trying to think of something depressing.


"You don't let me kiss you sometimes," He says quietly and Youjin laughs. "You don't always cuddle with me," He says, and Youjin wants to emphasize the words 'sometimes' and 'not always'.


Youjin looks at him expectingly, waiting for the tears to start pooling at his eyes.


It's so weird. Hoping to see your boyfriend cry.


"You don't love me," Heejun says to top the cake and sniffles.


Youjin's quick to cup Heejun's face and lift his face up. He meets Heejun's into a cute 'O' drawn lips with a pair of his own.


He kisses him softly, for only a moment, and pulls away to see Heejun's bewildered expression, though tear-free.


"Jeez, what an ," Youjin says, feeling childeshly used. He releases Heejun's face from his soft hold and goes back to the game with a sharp look.


Heejun just cackles, then giggles softly.


"You would never make me cry," Heejun says, his voice chipper and eyes bright.


"What if I broke up with you?" Youjin says coldly and Heejun looks like he's just sunk from the high he was on a moment ago and into the underworld where he just shook Hade's hand and got a ual compliment from him.


"If you broke up with him you'd get us three to come after you," Inseong says from his spot on the bed. "And there's no way you'd survive that."


Youjin understands that, realizes his joke wasn't that funny, and apologizes by lifting Heejun from his chair and sitting him in his lap.


Heejun seems happier than he was, so that's good.


Meanwhile, the sim surely starts a fire.


"Can you imagine the heat in that house..." Youjin says watching the sim burn, somewhat jealous, nuzzling his face into Heejun's shoulder.


He can barely see the screen now, but that's a-okay.


"Yeah. It's so nice to die in a fire." Heejun's voice drips with sarcasm, something Youjin had little hardship getting used to, and an Inseong laughs in the background.


Nontheless, Youjin chuckles into Heejun's neck and Heejun's body gets littered with goosebumps.



"Let's start another family," Heejun says when their first one is finished dying.


"Aren't you bored of it yet?" Youjin asks, eyes droopy.


It's a little late and Youjin's a little tired.


"Let's start a KNK family," Heejun offers and Youjin's quick to take ahold of the mouse and go to the main menu and start a new family.


"Make us two spouses," Heejun says when they're finished with creating all the members.


They even created their manager. For good measure.


"Spouses? I thought we're making us all into roomates."


"No, scratch that. Make us, and Jihun with Seungjun into couples."


"And what about me?" Inseong asks.


"We created you." Youjin nods.


"Yeah. Come and see," Heejun offers and Inseong does come over, three blankets draped over his body.


They don't know where he got two more from.


"That's a girl," He points out the obvious if Heejun and Youjin haven't had the pleasure of noticing it yet.


"Yeah. An ugly girl," Youjin says, completely satisfied with their work.


"She has your eyes..." Heejun says dreamily and Inseong looks about ready to smack him.


Though he wouldn't get very far with it when Heejun has Youjin around him protecting him like a dragon from a fairytale.


Quite the obstacle.


He's stopped anyway when Jihun rips open the door to their room.


"Heating's back on," He says, for one or the other reason panting and runs out right away.


All three of them scurry out of the room and into the bathroom, having mild fights in the doorways, pushing past one another, shouting obscenities.


They find Seungjun already sitting in the bathroom on the tiled flooring, with a blanket around himself and Jihun beside, a cup of something hot in hand, smiling at them friendly.


Youjin closes the door and Jihun stands up to start the shower, hottest setting possible.


They all sit huddled up, not meeting each other's eyes.


Jihun's arm around Seungjun's shoulder, Heejun in Youjin's lap, wrapped in Youjin's arms, and Inseong, between the two pairs, feeling absolutely fullfilled just by sitting there with his phone, exchanging messages with someone online.


They just sit.


In silence.


Only the sound of a running shower filling the already cramped room.


They all wait for the room to fill with warmth, all eyes and bodies tired.


Only when the room starts filling with steam, when their personal sauna begins and when they stop shivering does a conversation begin.

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Chapter 1: Omg. You don't know how many times I laughed while reading this. I even started to message my best friend to share all the funny quotes with her. But I ended up almost sending the entire last half of it! Lol. My favorite was probably this:
"Let's kill them," Youjin repeats, looking back to the screen, acting like he didn't just sneeze into his boyfriend's mouth.

It was golden! I love it!!!