Chapter 7

Unsolved Past

Chapter 7

A bright light made his eyes hurt, he rubbed them gently as he looked around. The sun already shone on the east and his alarm would be on in another minutes. He somehow amazed that he could get up by himself without the alarm. Well, not forgot to mention he couldn’t really sleep last night because the strange noise his parents produced.

He got up from his bed as he took his hand phone on the nearest table, where his beloved teddy bear was. It was filled with his girlfriend’s message and he loved it. There were good morning message and such. He’s twenty years old this year after all; getting a girlfriend was indeed one of his needs now. Smiling he decided he should get his breakfast. 

Getting out from his own bedroom, he went through the usual white wallpapered hall with some gold embroider. He needed to admit, he loved this mansion; everything was just cool. He knew his appa’s business had expanded more than before and that’s they could afford such a mansion. 

But that didn’t mean he forgot how he was before; he and his parents had been donating some of their money to poor people of course. The people who had no one to support them; he wanted to help them.

Jumping from stair to stair like he did when he’s a child, he walked into the dining room. He found his umma was making their meal; he loved the aroma.

“Oh! Hyoobin, you’ve woken up!” Jaejoong spoke as he gave a glass of milk to his son.

“Yeah, somehow I managed to get some good sleep even though umma and appa were so noisy last night!” Hyoobin teased as Jaejoong pushed his son’s shoulder slowly, teasing back.

“It seems our son’s mind already became corrupted like ours, Jaejoong ah…” Yoochun came out of nowhere as he stormed the bread on the dining table.

“Appa, I’ll attend my first meeting today, wish me luck, OK?” Hyoobin spoke as he ate his breakfast together with his parents. Today was his first day ever to help Yoochun at the company. He wanted to become Yoochun’s reliable successor.

“I hope the two of you best luck!” Jaejoong cheered as he kissed Hyoobin’s forehead and Yoochun’s lips.

“I wonder will I and my future wife so cheesy like umma and appa,” Hyoobin teased as he finished his breakfast and ran away from his umma’s and appa’s protest. 


Hyoobin finished his speech of the new environmentally-friendly-house development program. It was the company newest project and Hyoobin would be the man in charge for the first time. Usually, Yoochun was the one who took the role.

“If there’s no question, you can go now,” Hyoobin said as his employees did as he had ordered at the meeting before. He looked at Yoochun as the man showed his thumps up. He did well.

“Appa, I think I can take care of the rest by myself. Appa should go home and accompany umma,” Hyoobin suggested as they walked through the hall.

“So you’re emphasizing that appa already too old to handle such a work?” Yoochun asked.

“Nope, I just want umma to be not alone,” Hyoobin said as he skipped to his office direction,” Bye appa…”

“See you later then,” Yoochun spoke as he got into the lift and headed home. To be frank, he couldn’t wait to meet Jaejoong; he already missed the man.

Giggling like a teenager in love, Yoochun got into his car as he drove away from the parking lot. He’s freaking thirty seven years old this year but he’s still logging for Jaejoong like there’s no tomorrow. He’s a hopeless romantic, he must admit.

As he drove away, some memories got into his head. He somehow felt glad everything was fine now.


It was fourteen years ago and Park Yoochun just hoped he would die that very moment. He’s freaking scared to break the news to the six-year-old innocent Hyoobin. Jaejoong’s condition next to him wasn’t that good either.

“Umma, ajusshi, what do you want to talk about?” Hyoobin asked as he played with his feet; he’s wearing his favorite socks after all. They’re sitting on Jaejoong’s flat living room.

“Hyoobin ah, umma want to tell you a secret,” Jaejoong finally began,” I’m sorry for never telling you this, please don’t be mad at umma or your appa…”

“Appa?” Hyoobin stopped playing with his socks, the word shocked the boy. He stared at the ground as Yoochun swore he wanted to hug his son. Yes, his son.

“Yoochun ajusshi is your appa, Hyoobin ah,” Jaejoong broke the news as the boy paralyzed and looked at Yoochun’s direction with his big shocked puppy eyes. Tears instantly filled the boy’s eyes.

“Appaaa…” Hyoobin called as he cried out, Yoochun immediately stormed the poor boy and hugged him.

“Hyoobin, I’m sorry. Appa was bad for never been there for you. Would you give appa second chance?” Yoochun asked as he wiped his son flooded tears. The boy nodded immediately as Yoochun felt his heart finally beating again.

“Appa, don’t…leave…” Hyoobin sobbed as Yoochun caressed his son’s hair and promised him he would never leave them again. 

Jaejoong smiled in relief as he joined the family hug. Finally the three of them were together.


He reached his mansion gate as he let his assistant parked the car for him. Walking through the main door, he heard some noise from the kitchen. Yoochun knew it was his wife preparing for their dinner. 

Their marriage had been fourteen years and Yoochun felt the time was sure flown fast. He took his jacket off and headed to the kitchen.

“Jae…” Yoochun called as he embraced the man from behind.

“Oh! You’re home,” Jaejoong was a bit surprised as Yoochun pecked his lips,” Welcome home, Chunnie. Where’s Hyoobin?”

“He is still taking care some stuff,” Yoochun explained as his naughty hand started to do their ert things.

“Chunnie!” Jaejoong warned as Yoochun back off. He knew he shouldn’t tease Jaejoong when he’s cooking but he just couldn’t help it.

“But I miss you…” Yoochun pouted.

“I think you’re much more like my son now that Hyoobin,” Jaejoong commented as he continued his cooking, ignoring his husband’s needs.

“Fine,” Yoochun made a conclusion,” I’ll let you go for now but tonight you’re mine!”

“I think Hyoobin will have a hard time sleeping again tonight…”

“It’s your fault for being so loud…”

“But I know you like it when I’m loud,” Jaejoong cheered as he won the debate. Yoochun smiled as he embraced the man from behind again, telling and whispering how much he loved the man. He knew his love for his family would flourish even more as the time passed.

-The End-
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Chapter 7: Awww~ Niiiiice~ Hehe. It's sweet~
Chapter 3: WOAH. LOL. XD
S2Sky6002 #4
Chapter 7: haha thank you for sharing jaechun =D
lalalemon #5
Chapter 7: Awww it's so sweet ^^
Chapter 7: A very enjoyable story, thanks for sharing you work!
mickeycute #7
Chapter 7: ahmm im not actually used to read jaechun fan fic but this story is an exemption... fighting author ssi^^
Chapter 7: that is one sweet story, my first ever jaechun fic , i only wished they had one more child :D
kyouya3 #9
@bexiah lol, jaechun just infected me this year so I hope U can bear w/ me, wkwk...Thx u for reading^^
though it felt weird to read jae being with chun, I still love this fic!
And, ah Hyoobin-ah, can I take you home? <3