The Meeting

Gokusen Finale

Those two years, that Shin was studying abroad, Yankumi went through a lot. Her students from Akado High School (formal and current ones), faced many troubles. Things got worse when Kazama, was accused of being involved in an illegal drug transaction. Yamaguchi that always helped her students, and believed in them try to find out the truth behind that incident. To make matter worse a government member was involved. But after uniting force with her students, and broadcasting the true identity of the governor, everything was resolved.

A month had passed since that incident, and everyone was on summer break. Yankumi was still working at Akado High School, as the home teacher of the 3D class. Takasugi Reita remained the leader of the 3D class. He and the rest of the students kept Yankumi busy even in summer break. Sawatari Goro remained as the School Principal in Akado High School. Sawatari after hiring Yankumi ended up also hiring formal English teacher Fujiyama Shizuka and Odagiri Ryu. They would start working at Akado High School after the summer break.

Around the same time, Kudo Hiroki was planning to come back. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he became the leader of the yakuza clan in Osaka. He has been mingled in any illegal actions and has started to become a threat to Oedo family. Although, no one knew yet who really was involved. Also, the incident that happened a month ago, was the doing of Kudo. And he was planning more hateful actions against the Oedo family.

Considering, that lately there were many threats against the Oedo family and that Sawada had graduated. He finally made up his mind to come back. Even if Kuroda-san never revealed the issues the Oedo family was lately facing, Shinohara kept Shin updated. Only going back, meant that he had to face Yankumi. And that part was scarier, than any other threat.

"Alright, Shinohara! I have finished after all with my studies here. So, I should be back in two or three days." he informed Shinohara "Let Kuroda-san know."

"I knew it, that you would come back. Kuroda-san told us, to keep you out of this. You had enough things to deal with. But you are part of this family, after all, I could not do that. Where will you stay?" Shinohara asked.

Sawada cracked a smile "I know exactly, why you would call me back. But whatever the reason, I am glad you warned me. Although it will raise many questions, I will stay with the Oedo family. Isn't my room there still? Just don't tell Yamaguchi how deep I am involved with the Oedo Family." he notified Shinohara and ended the call.

Shin was in more trouble now than before. He didn't only need to face Yankumi after so long. He also had to tell her about his feelings. And that he somehow became part of the Oedo family. That he worked for them, and that he was the Young Red Lion Master. 'How on earth did I manage to make the matter more confusing.' he thought as he placed his mobile phone on his desk and sat down. 'But I have no more excuses left. I will take a step forward each time, and face my future.' he agreed with himself; keeping in mind the last words Koruda-san told him before he left Tokyo.

The next morning he was already on the plane, departing from Boston. All those years, he had traveled and lived in Africa, in England, even in the USA,... He met all kinds of people, powerful and none, businessmen, governors, and yakuza … but none of them could compare to Yankumi. The question he had asked years ago, 'how in love he really was with Yankumi?' could be answered now. There was none else for Shin, only Yankumi. The years they were apart, all the adventures, all the experience he gathered, were cool, and he was glad he went through it. But, nothing change, his feelings were the same for Yankumi, deeper, more mature. And 'Why he was so madly in love with her?', now he could answer that too. 'To love someone you don't need a reason. So, if the reason is gone, then will you love also being gone... I love her because Yankumi is Yankumi.' he managed to conclude.

Loner Shin was finally back in Tokyo. He was older now, but his appearance was mostly the same. His hair was typically parted with the right side nearly covering his eyes, as it used too. It was only shorter, and natural black. His face looked more mature but was take breathing as before. His body, slender, with some muscles, nothing to puffy or gross. He was wearing jeans, sneakers and a black shirt. Shin dressed casually, only when in work he would dress with a black suit. His personality was the same flawless as before, smart, a great fighter, serious with a laid-back attitude, and an emotionless face. Caring for his friends, reading people easily, and hard working. A Loner, that had found his way back home.

And home he was. After 14 hours, on a nonstop flight from Boston to Tokyo with JAL airlines, he was home. He turned his mobile phone on. Grabbed his rucksack. And headed to the Oedo place. He only hoped he would not pump into Yankumi immediately. 'How will I face her' he was still worried while he was getting closer. The people around the Oedo Family recognized Shin. "Young Master is back"... "Welcome back Red Master" … "How have you been.." everyone asked. Sawada felt more uneasy, he greeted everyone and walked faster as he could. He entered the Oedo Household, and placed his rucksack on the floor, taking a deep breath.

Minoru, that was in the main hallway, was the first one that saw Shin. He ran towards him and bear-hugged him while lifting him up. "Shin-kun... You are back...Welcome back.." he yelled in excitement. Shin didn't manage to answer him, as Tetsu was the second one seeing Shin. The happy yells and the hugs went on for a few minutes. They greeted each other and talked about Shin's trip back home. Minoru was so happy he almost dragged Shin inside and placed him to sit at the main seat, like he was the head of the family. Tetsu brought sake and food. Everyone sat down, happily.

Moments later, the door opened and the Oedo Boss entered. He was surprised to find Shin there. He gazed at Shin confusing. Shin tilted his head, as he stood up and gave a formal bow at Kuroda-san. He walked in and sat next to Sawada, still confusing. "Did you finished with your studies, Shin-kun? When did you arrive? Where are you staying?" Kuroda-san asked. The question made it clear to Shin, that Shinohara didn't inform him, that Sawada was coming back. Neither that he was staying there.

"My plane landed a few hours ago. I was done with my studies since June. I was hoping I could stay here. If my room is still available." Shin filled Kuroda-San in. He didn't reveal anything about Shinohara. Maybe he had his own reasons for not telling Kuroda-san. Shin would ask him later. There was no need to tell him. He would never flick on someone.

Kumiko's grandfather even confused he was happy to see Shin. And happier that Shin would stay with them. Staying with them meant he would finally meet Kumiko, after so many years. That made the old man very happy. "Kumiko works still in Akado High School. Even if they are now on Summer Break, but she didn't go anywhere." Kuroda-san .

"I am aware of that," Shin-kun said as he was hiding again his emotions behind his poker face. Honestly, he wanted to ask where Yankumi was. But he was so scared that he could not form any words. The beat of his heart rose more and more and seemed more stressful than he thought it could be.

Meanwhile, as Shin and Ryuichiro were still talking, Yankumi had finished eating her ramen. She was having dinner at Kuma's Ramen Shop, with Kazama, Odagiri, and Reita. Those three got in troubles again earlier with locals today, they helped out in a charity event. Yankumi was very proud, loud as her naive self. She was so happy and emotionally charged, eating with some of her formal and current students. "Omaira (your guys) made me so happy today." Yankumi said, "I will buy you more ramen ...order whatever you like!" Odagiri and Kazama laughed asking her "Do you have the money to pay for that?" since they knew Yankumi's actions well. "Maybe only Ramen... Kuma get them only some Ramen?" she suggested while leaving everyone speechless.

"Yankumi never changes," said Kuma and brought them some more Ramen. "She has her clueless moments, since the first day I met her." he wanted on saying. While thinking of the older days, he thought about Shin. "I haven't spoken with Shin for some time now." Kuma just said without giving it a thought.

"Shin.." murmured Yankumi confused " Aaaa Sawada you mean" she smiled thinking of him. " I have not seen him for years. I have no idea what he is doing. I hope he is doing well." she said.

Kuma nodded as he remembered the time when Shin asked him not to reveal anything to Yankumi. Something, sounded now strange to Kumai. 'Why would he not want Yankumi to find out'. Thinking of way back of Shin's reaction, suddenly made seance to Kuma. 'Omg was he in love with Yankumi' he thought and the surprised expression showed at his face.

"It's getting late, guys you should go back home. Don't get in any trouble." Kumiko said after paying Kuma and walking back home.

On her way home, her mind was stuck on the name 'Sawada'. She remembered Sawada very well like time has not passed. He was one of her special students. Yankumi recalled how well he knew her. How easy it was for Shin to read her. She smiled, hoping he was doing alright. 'I never looked for him, to see how he was doing.' she thought. After all, Knowing Sawada how smart and capable he was, he would be alright. Her thoughts stopped as she was back home. Laughs, talks and being up late, made Yankumi think they had guests.

She removed her shoes, before entering (genkan), and walked in. Shin and her Grandfather were talking at the time. She paused a few steps, from where the men were sitting. Minoru and Tetsu, were fighting like always. Yankumi's gaze stopped at Sawada. She blinked several times, looking at the man sitting next to her Grandfather. He looked familiar, an older version of Sawada. She was puzzled. 'Sawada, how on earth?' she thought as she took a step closer. She took off her glasses off and rubbed her eyes confusing. Minoru and Tetsu, as they saw Ojou, stopped fighting.

"Ojou" mumbled Minoru guilty, like he had done something wrong.

"Sawada!" Yankumi yelled twice and attacked Shin pushing her hands against his chests. She reacted like she would, after seeing her students after a long time. A big smile was on her face, as she saw an old student of hers.

The voice of Yankumi, yelling Shin's name, made him shut down. His mind explode, his heart burned, and his heartbeats rise up. He was finally seeing Yankumi. He didn't have much time to react. As Yankumi was all over him. Hitting him friendly, and mixing his hair, as she would always do to all her students. Shin remained sitting, he had no energy left to stand up. His voice was shivering. His face didn't show any emotions, not because he wanted it, but the emotional shock was too big for him to react. He managed only to phrase a few words "Yankumi... Long time not seen!" and avoided to look at her. He knew if he would stare at her that moment his heart would stop.

Kuroda-san smiled at his Granddaughter. "Kumiko, let the boy breathe. He will not go anywhere!" he said with a soft voice. He knew well, how Shin felt at that moment. And he could see how hard it was for Shin. Kuroda-san had told him back then. But, at the time being, he could not do anything to ease Shin pain, only to make Kumiko step back a few steps and let him breathe.

Yankumi sat down next to Shin. She was super happy to see Sawada. But she was also confused about what brought him to her house. And not only that but why he was sitting with everyone and talking so casually. She knew that Sawada had a good relationship with her grandpa and the others. But since when were they so close.

"Sawada-kun, you are back from Africa? I am so proud of you, you come to see your old teacher" Yankumi asked him as she was still attacking at his hair.

Shin didn't mind her messing up his hair. Since it was Yankumi touching him, it was worthy. But the feeling that she was still seeing him as her student made him angry at that moment. But being angry, worked well for him. He managed to calm down. His voice returned back to normal. At least he could look now at her, and answer back.

"I came back from Africa half a year after we graduated from Shirokin Gakuen." Shin stormed against her" After so many years, there was no possibility I would still be there, Clueless Yankumi." It felt like Shin was attacking her like the first day they meet in Shirokin Gakuen. "And Yamaguchi I didn't come to see you. I am living here," he said seriously and walked outside to get some air. Shin needed to breathe. Seeing so suddenly Yankumi, made him lose his coolness. He was angry, but he could not tell her why. And even if he would explain to her, it was not Yankumi's fault. Everything started and ended with him, and the feeling he had for her.

Kumiko glanced at Sawada astonished "Sawada, what's wrong?" she asked, while she watched him ran outside. "Why does he sound so angry with me? .. Me Clueless..." Yankumi yelled and stood up pissed off. Her grandfather tried to stop her but it was already too late, she was already running after Shin to confront him.

Sawada leaned against the front wall, trying to calm down. Even angry, and with messy hair. Shin looked cool and amazing, as he was resting against the wall. He shook his head in despair 'Why on earth would I attack Yankumi like that' he thought.

He thought wasn't even ended as Kumiko blasted out with her pissed off attitude. He pushed shin against the wall fired up "Sawada, bring it on what is the problem?"

Shin watched at her and could not but smile. He hadn't seen an angry Yankumi for ages. He missed her, he missed her a lot. "Why are you so fired up?" he asked her calmly now.

"Sawada, if you want to fight. Bring it on!" Yankumi asked him again "Why did you attack me like that?"

'I missed her' Shin thought again. The calm act, the cool attitude, he could no longer play like that. He raised his arms and grabbed Yankumi. Shin wrapped his hands around her, giving her a tight hug. "I missed you," he said with a low voice as he went on hugging her. For Shin time pause. Hugging Yankumi, he waited for so long. Everything he was through seemed worthy at that moment.

Yankumi calmed down. Of course, he had missed her student. But it was not as dramatic as Shin saw it. "I missed you too, Sawada," she replied at him still confusing. The 'Sawada' she knew was never acting like that. 'Maybe things happened.' Kumiko made up her mind and wait to give Sawada time to explain.

The hug went on for a few more minutes. It was Kumiko the one who broke the hug. It started made her feel uncomfortable. She leaned against the wall, next to Shin. "So what happened?" she asked seriously at him "Indeed I find myself clueless. But you have to explain Sawada." She gazed back at him waiting to explain his reactions inside the house. And why he was acting like that.

Shin nodded, he knew the way he reacted it made no sense to clueless Yankumi. She could guess everything, but that Shin spent those 8 years falling madly in love with her, never would reach her. "Yankumi, I come to see you. That is true." Shin admitted honestly "There are many things that you don't know. But I will need time to explain. For now, let me be. I promise I don't plan to keep any secrets anymore"

"Kumiko let him rest. He had a long journey." Kuroda-san voiced as he was walking towards them. "Shin-kun is staying with us. He needed a place to stay, and I let him stay here."

Yankumi had more questions to ask. But since already Shin looked beaten down, and it was late. She agreed with her grandpa. She once more shuffled Shin's hair and smiled "Sawada you become so Ka-wa-ii"

Shin smiled telling her to shut up and walked inside. He gave a small thank you node at Kuroda-san and stepped into his room, closing the door behind him.

The night to come, was a stillness silent night. Shin, was one step closer to Yankumi. Everything seemed so messed up at that time. But on the other hand, it was the biggest step, he managed to do after so many years. He not only saw Yankumi, he not only hugged her, but he also lived in the same house as her. Shin sounded like a little boy in love. Soon, he had closed his eyes and manage to sleep in deep sleep.

Yankumi, also went to her room to rest. She didn't stay around asking questions. Seeing how serious Sawada and her Grandpa were, she agreed to give them time to explain. After all, tomorrow would be a new day and they would be able to talk then. Kumiko closed her lights in her room and lay against her bed. She thought about Sawada, the years when she was teaching him. There were so many questions more to ask Sawada. But soon Yankumi was also sleeping. The rest would be answered tomorrow or at least some of it...

(( continuing in chapter 5...))

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Chapter 18: I am a fan of gokusen , may it be manga, anime and the live adaptation but I recently discovered your story about I started reading it. I am glad you wrote this because gokusen was a bit hanging especially ShinKumi. Thank you for writing this, I love it!
Chapter 18: Thank You for sharing this story, I am a big fan of Gokusen, it’s so sad that Sawada didn’t made an appearance at The movie because of some private maters that makes me more sad than ever I ship them like since I was in grade school days.,

Thank You so much for sharing