Author's Note:

Gokusen Finale

Author's Note:

✘ Thank you, everyone, for reading the fan-fiction I hope you like it.

✘ I am only posting this (as a friend suggested) to let you know that I posted the sequel. It's supposed to happen years after this story. Its a crossover with high and low. And the story has to do with shinxkumi daughter and the leader of Hoodlum Squad.

✘ Of course, most of the Gokusen OC and the OC of High & Low, will make an appearance.

✘ You can find the story in the section of Gokusen or High & Low cross over.

✘ I hope you will like this one too.

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Chapter 18: I am a fan of gokusen , may it be manga, anime and the live adaptation but I recently discovered your story about I started reading it. I am glad you wrote this because gokusen was a bit hanging especially ShinKumi. Thank you for writing this, I love it!
Chapter 18: Thank You for sharing this story, I am a big fan of Gokusen, it’s so sad that Sawada didn’t made an appearance at The movie because of some private maters that makes me more sad than ever I ship them like since I was in grade school days.,

Thank You so much for sharing