The first date

Gokusen Finale

He was twisting but in a bad way. Waiting for Yankumi to get ready. Floundering, desperately drowning in front of everyone with a muted smile, recalling last night's memories. It was not the kiss, not Yankumi telling him "I love you". But what had Shin acting like a child, was the part that he asked her out for a date. It would be their first date. It took him a while to summon up the courage to ask out Yankumi. But it was worth it. After too many years longing for her, Sawada could finally have few moments with her. They may have kissed and hugged, but being on a date was something else.

He woke up early that morning, he skipped work. He went shopping for new clothes and cutting his hair. It took him all morning to get ready. He looked amazing in his new casual clothes. A pair of jeans, a black shirt, and a light black jacket. Sawada wanted to dress more formally, but he thought of Yankumi 'Let's keep it casual and simple'. His hair curly, a bit shorter. Shin was now more than ready. Although he was anxious and nervous all morning, how the date would go. His head was in chaos. He hadn't slept. He couldn't eat. His heart was banging inside his chest. Shin with the cool persona and the emotionless face, couldn't hide his nervousness and happiness. A big smile was on his face and a nervous pace on his feet.

Since it was Saturday, Yankumi didn't have to attend school either. She also felt oddly going on a date with Shin. Being anxious too but in a good way. But she, on the other hand, woke up late. She took a good look at the clock and it was already noon. "I am late" she yelled and panicked. She had a shower and dressed too casually. The truth was she was wearing her tracksuit. But her grandfather suggested going to change. "Kumiko spare him, don't go out on a date looking like that." the Oedo leader suggested. Making her go change into something more formal, like black pants and a casual shirt. This time she thought to keep her hair down, and her glasses off. She looked at the mirror, put some lip-gloss on and made her way where Shin and the others were.

Shin finally noticed Yankumi walking towards him. "Damn! She is pretty!" he thought and drop his eyes gazing at the floor. He rocked his feet right and left as he blushed for a short moment and almost forgot his words. But knowing Yankumi was waiting he could no more avoid her. Shin stood up, his gaze finally made Yankumi's. The room was filled in silence for a few seconds. "You look alright! Should we go!" Sawada said in low tone trying to hide his nervousness. But inside his head, he was yelling "Yatta! Yatta!". It was one of the few moments that Shin was really happy.

Kumiko nodded at him and gave a short goodbye to the rest. Because, Sawada looked really great, made her feel uneasy 'He must have worked hard for that look all morning long? And his hair... Did he even had a haircut?' she thought as she followed Shin outside.

Both didn't say anything else. They were so anxious about the date, that no one spoke. They walked a few seconds until the reached the main street to get a taxi. Shin was walking behind Yankumi, gazing at her with a smile still on his face. But each time Yankumi turned to face him he faced would turn serious pale. She didn't say anything, only looked at him confused.

"Where are we going?" Kumiko asked as she took short steps behind Shin. She had asked him last night but Shin told her it would be a surprise. She started daydreaming, of glamorous restaurants or maybe an outside dinner.

Sawada never answered her but kept walking. Finally, he stopped and turned to gaze a Yankumi. "We are here!" he said.

"I thought we would take a taxi?" she asked as she looked up to see that they have reached Kuma's place. "Why are we here?" she asked again confused and a bit disappointed.

Shin moved a step back with a scary face "I was so excited yesterday that you accepted my date. I never booked a table. I didn't organize anything." He opened the door to Kuma's shop "Let's eat here!" he said with an odd smile on his face.

Yankumi sighed and followed him mumbling "It would be a surprise... What kind of a date is that".

Inside Kuma's shop, they ordered some Ramen. They weren't talking at all. Kuma was even confused about why both of them would act like that. "Are you guys alright? Is something wrong with the food?" Kumai asked.

"Kuma.. my first day was ruined" Yankumi complained about her clueless mood.

Kuma had no idea that those both started dating he looked at Yankumi with a baffled look. "Your date.. since when are you dating Yankumi" he made fun of her.

Yankumi glared at him angry ready to attack him. Shin was on time to grab her and make her sit down. "Let's not attack anyone today!" he suggested.

"Yankumi dating hahaha..." Kuma couldn't stop laughing.

Sawada gazed at his childhood friend angry and said "We are on a date right now! You have a problem with that?"

Kumai's jaw dropped, turned around and left. He was totally shocked he couldn't say anything. He only walked up to Ami telling her the news.

Only Kumiko was happy seeing Shin admitting that they were on a date. Even if it seemed that the dated had failed. They ate their ramen, paid and walked out of the shop. Kumi and Shin gazing each other confusing, what should they do next.

Though Shin had enough of that nervous feeling and the silent mood. He grabbed her hand and smiled at her. "Let's go!" he said and pulled her with her.

"Eh! where are we going!" Yankumi yelled and followed Shin with a big smile on her face.

The rest of the day they did, things that kids would do. First, Shin brought her to an arcade and pushed her into a photo-booth. He sat close to her and hugged her, as they took odd and cute pictures. Then he dragged her outside and pulled to a maids coffee to drink a milkshake. "I would love to see Yankumi in a maids outfit" Shin made fun at her.

"Not happening!" she uttered at him.

"Why not? I would take pictures! Your students would love them." Shin .

"I said no!" Yankumi said again with a smile.

"But then again you are right! Yankumi in a maids outfit! No! No!" he said laughing. Making her ready to attack him. It was only because the maid came to bring them the bill, that stop Yankumi.

Later on their way home, they even bought a couple of shirts. Pink for Shin and a blue for Yankumi. Suddenly, the open blue sky got covered with clouds. It's sky blue color turned to dark blue. The Sun hid and few drops of rain felt fell on their shoulder. Both started running so they wouldn't get wet. Soon the rain became heavier, drenching through their clothes and hair. Most of the people that were still out started running faster. They were passing through the park. The breeze was stronger and the rain seemed like wouldn't stop for some time.

The fresh wet earth smell filled the area around them. The branches of the trees sounded like they let out soft music. Even the raindrops that were crashing against the ground seemed to fall slower. All of a sudden Shin stopped in the middle of the muddy side path and pulled Kumi towards him. The hefty rain continued dropping against them, as Shin drilled black eyes gazed her deeply. He placed his hands on Yankumi's shoulder in a fast grip and lifted her closer to him. The close gaze, the heavy rain made Kumi's heart stop. 'What sort of a feeling is these' she thought confused. But her thought broke as Shin leaned close to her, tilted his head aside and pushed his lips against hers. A soft warm touch feeling, as his lips first slowly then wilder took over Kumi's lips. The kiss went on for a few minutes. It went deeper, wilder as Shin wrapped his hands around her pulling her even closer. She placed her hands around him, against his back. Her finger softly pinned against his shirt as the kiss went on a couple more of minutes.

They only broke the kiss to take some air, as both were still gazing at each other deeply. Shin smiled at her and leaned over kissing her again for a short time. As Kumi leaned also against his longing for a longer kiss. When both were finally back on earth and stopped the kiss, the rain had also stopped. With soaked clothes, and bridal smiles they made their way back home. They didn't say anything, the only kept looking at each other with a big smile and blushed cheeks.

((continuing Chapter 16))

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Chapter 18: I am a fan of gokusen , may it be manga, anime and the live adaptation but I recently discovered your story about I started reading it. I am glad you wrote this because gokusen was a bit hanging especially ShinKumi. Thank you for writing this, I love it!
Chapter 18: Thank You for sharing this story, I am a big fan of Gokusen, it’s so sad that Sawada didn’t made an appearance at The movie because of some private maters that makes me more sad than ever I ship them like since I was in grade school days.,

Thank You so much for sharing