Declaration of war

Gokusen Finale

A silence night, once again, with the moon being the only light. Natsumi was walking back home. Lately, she was seeing fireworks above her head, and had butterflies at her stomach, each time she was meeting with Yabuki. Although she only knew him for a short time, she had fallen madly in love with him. Natsumi, like her brother Shin, was always serious and wasn't interested in love affairs. But, since she met Yabuki everything changed. The good news was, that Yabuki had also fallen for her. Today they were on their first date. They went and watched an action movie. Yabuki picked the movie. Natsumi was never an action lover, nor a movie fan. But since Yabuki, wanted to go, she agreed with him. They had a good time. Their date ended with a soft kiss, and Natsumi running off all blushed.

While walking back home, she never noticed a black van following her. It was following her sometime now. Natsumi, that had just reached home, send a good night text to Yabuki. 'It was fun. We should do it again. Oyasimi!' She looked for her keys in her bag, to open the entrance door. But being hard to reach them, she placed her back between the wall and her hip.

Suddenly the van form before stopped a few meters away from where Natsumi was standing. Three muscle men with tattoo's got out of the van and walked up to her. One of them grabbed her from behind and muffed , so she wouldn't scream. Another tied her hands and they moved her fast into the van. Natsumi struggled with her energy. But she had no change to outcome them and escape. The men started the engine and drove away. They didn't say anything to her. The orders were to kidnap her and bring her to the warehouse were Kudo was.

Natsumi scared and confused gazed at the men that brought her to the warehouse and placed her into a chair. They tied her feet, so there was no way she could run. "If you remain quiet. This time tomorrow you will be gone." one man told her "After all you are not our target." Then he closed and locked the door behind him, leaving Natsumi inside the darkroom scared.

Kudo pattern was going as he planned Or so he thought. What Kudo didn't see coming was Yabuki. Hayato, after Natsumi runoff, he followed her. He would never let her walk back home alone. The time Kudo's men attacked Natsumi he was reading her text. But he was close enough to notice, them putting Natsumi in the van. He ran after the van. He had no idea, how long he ran or how fast. But when he reached the warehouse, he was out of breath. Yabuki hid behind a dumpster, as he was trying to find a way to save Natsumi.

❧ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

Meanwhile, at Kuma's shop Aya was getting ready to close for the night. But a sudden visit made her postpone it. An old friend of Kuma's old schoolmate was standing at the door. With a fashionable cool outfit and bright smile, Noda smiled at Aya. "Kumai Aya… is that you?" he asked. He haven't seen Aya for years. He remembered her as a fat young girl. "Wow! You have changed a lot" he told her as he left a small box at the table that was next to the entrance.

Aya that was surprised by the visit, gave a warm welcome at Noda. "Is that you Noda?" she asked him back. "I swear you look better than ever!" she said honestly at him and watched him leaving the box on the table. "Aww, what did you bring?" Aya asked curiously as she moved over where Noda was.

"Aya don't open it. This is for Kuma. You are closing now the shop right?" Noda said seriously.

"Yes, I am closing the shop! I was not going to open it. What is it?" she asked curiously once again.

"Just leave it here. And Kumai will know tomorrow. I will inform him!" Noda told her with a sad face and walked off.

Noda, that knew exactly what was in the box, left with a heavy hard. He felt like a traitor. Kudo was moving his pawns and this night, his second plan was set and ready to explode or maybe not?

Aya that was really surprised by Noda's visit, remain a few seconds and gazed at the box. But since she had no reason to open it, she left it there and was about to take her leave. But her way out was blocked by Ogata. Ogata was waiting at Aya outside, to walk her home. Since he was worried about last night's events. Heard Noda's call to Kudo. Although he didn't understand much. But it sounded like bad news. So, he could not let it slight.

"Ogata... Why are you here? And how are you? You never called me ..?" Aya filled him with too many questions at once.

"Take it easy Kumai Aya. One question at the time." Ogata mumbled as he looked at the box. "I am alright," he responded although he wasn't. "I didn't call you I had to go to work" he added.

"What? You went to work? Like that... Are you crazy.." Aya started yelling at him.

Ogata couldn't hide his smile and placed a finger against her lips to make her stop. "I said I am fine. Who was that man? And what's inside the box?" he asked seriously.

Aya pushed his finger away and gazed at him "Are you jealous?" she .

"Aya... That's not it! Who is he?" he asked again.

Aya that couldn't avoid his serious face answered him "That was Noda... An old friend of Kuma's. He, Kuma and Shin was Yankumi's first students. As for the box I have no idea what it's inside."

"Let's open it! I have a bad feeling about this?" Ogata said.

❧ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

In the meantime, at the nearest police station, was Odagiri. He was captured and was accused as the main suspect of the late robberies. His ID card was found at one shop, where the robbery had occurred. Also, there was a witness placing him there. Odagiri, that was through the same scenario when he was in high school, didn't find it odd. Although this time things looked worse and Yankumi was not around to help.

Kudo felt satisfied since his 3rd part of the main plan was going as he wanted too. (or maybe not.)

Shinohara was finally back after a long time. Shin had contacted him since he had noticed Kudo's actions had increased lately. It was pure luck that Shinohara was at the station at the same time when Odagiri was captured. He couldn't avoid listening to why they had Odagiri. He remembered that he was 'Ojou's' student. That's why he thought to investigate and see what was going on. He remembered how Yankumi always talked about her students. And he thought it odd that Odagiri would fall into such a mess.

❧ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

The only part of the plan that actually worked was the last one. The rest of Kudo's men had ambushed Minoru and Tetsu, as they were coming back home. As usual, those two were fighting. Minoru had eaten again most of the meat that they bought for tonight dinner. But soon their silly fight pause as Kudo's men gang up around them. At first, Tetsu and Minoru were hard to handle. But Kudo's gang didn't play fair, and soon they had both of them badly beaten.

At the Oedo Family, things started to look scary. Sugawara had brought the bad news about Tetsu and Minoru's attack. Kuroda-san, Shin, Yankumi and the others gathered at the main area. Worried faces with questions filled the room.

"Since when was Kudo back and none told me," Yankumi asked with her yakuza voice.

The men tried to avoid the question. Kuroda-san and Sawada were the ones that thought to keep Kumiko out of it. She was already puzzled every day to take care of her students.

"Yankumi it was me... We weren't sure how deep Kudo's plan was.." Shin said.

"Kumiko... We will deal with not telling you later. Now we have to deal with Kudo. How bad are Tetsu and Minoru injured.?" Kuroda-san questioned.

Sugawara informed the 3rd leader of the Oedo family, that they were badly injured bad they would survive it.

Suddenly, their mobile phone started to ring. Everyone answered it, but soon a chaotic terror was shown into their face.

Shin ended the call. It was Kudo telling him to go meet him alone. But before he would storm out, Yankumi spoke "That was Yabuki." looking at Shin. "Kudo got your sister, earlier tonight. Hayato somehow saved her… they came over here.." she explained confused.

Shin that Yankumi's words gave him life again added " That was Kudo... Telling me he has my sister."

"Maybe he didn't find out that Yabuki helped her," Yankumi said.

Kuroda-san was worried now, they didn't have any attacks for years. There were some light fights. But nothing big. This started to seem oddly wrong.

Suddenly, Shinohara and Odagiri walked in. Second later Kuma, Aya, and Ogata. They explained what had happened. That Odagiri got framed. That at Kuma's shop was placed a bomb. But the odd thing was that it was brought by Noda.

The room went silent. Everyone was confused. What would they handle first? How could a Kudo, organize such a plan. As Natsumi and Yabuki walked in. Shin could breathe now that his sister was saved. He thanked Yabuki many times and swore that he wouldn't let Kudo slight this time.

" Is the same Kudo that attacked Yankumi back then Shin… when you helped her out" Kuma asked.

Again the room felt in deep silence and you could tell that Shin was ready to kill Kuma at that time.

"Wait Kuma what?" Yankumi asked Kuma and turned to Shin "You … back then... It was you... I thought Shinohara" she lost her words. Since lately Kumiko's feelings about Shin started to be confusing. Now with her knowing that detailed would make it more confusing.

Shinohara although pissed that the truth was revealed he said the truth "Shin helped you… Saved you back then. When we arrived he had already protected you. Funny he wanted to keep it a secret."

Shin glared at him and walked towards Yankumi "We will talk about it later. For now, let's figure out how to deal with Kudo." she said tapping her shoulders.

"The incident with the governor we think... That Kudo was behind it." Shin added.

Now they had to deal with a dangerous Kudo. The next day they had no choice but to go an face him. Only this time everyone wanted to take part. Since Kudo mess with everyone's family. That night none left from the Oedo family home. They remained there. As Yankumi's student, as friends but more of all like family. The Oedo leader that once thought that with his death would be the end of his clan. Now could see its rebirth.

(( continuing chapter 11))

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Chapter 18: I am a fan of gokusen , may it be manga, anime and the live adaptation but I recently discovered your story about I started reading it. I am glad you wrote this because gokusen was a bit hanging especially ShinKumi. Thank you for writing this, I love it!
Chapter 18: Thank You for sharing this story, I am a big fan of Gokusen, it’s so sad that Sawada didn’t made an appearance at The movie because of some private maters that makes me more sad than ever I ship them like since I was in grade school days.,

Thank You so much for sharing