Looking for roleplay partners for au plots, also interested in forming a (small) rp group! updated!!


Yes I, as so many others before me, am looking for roleplay partners as directiories just aren't cutting it for me at the moment and there's not much in the realm of creativity one can do with those restrictions! Anyway!! I am looking for strictly au plots only, idolverse sadly isn't all that interesting to me anymore. 

Some AU plots I am interested in

  • Gang / Mafia AUs (1x1 is fine but I'd like to have a group for this,it doesn't have to be like a GANG GANG it can be a harmless little rival friend group gang etc)
  • Hospital AUs
  • University AUs
  • Murder Mystery Aus
  • Spy AUs
  • Runaway AUs (like runaway teens/ people just running away from life in general, again 1x1 is fine but i'd prefer a small group)
  • Domestic AUs 
  • Fantasy AUs!! (harry potter, etc etc)
  • Basically anything so long as it's interesting. I ALSO LOVE ANGST. CRAVE IT. Seriously I am SUCH  a for angst.


You are free to roleplay whoever you want to, all I ask is that you be because of the themes and natures of these AUs and I am over 18 myself.

I haven't decided on a platform yet, but I am leaning towards facebook or twitter. Semi literate is what I'm going for, your english doesn't need to be fantastic so long as you give decent replies! 3rd pov is preferred but 2 is okay too! My timezone is -7...i think....or -8 idk  but im always around so any timezone works!

Uhhhh but, yeah that's basically it.If you're interested let me know, and if you're open into being in a rp group let me know as well. I just wanna find partners who are open to  having fun and trying new things, and who are cool. If you're in the group I'd want everyone to get along and have fun a plot with each other to make a great interesting story for us all!! 


So I'm done talking now-  and i know I probably missed a few things, but if you have any questions or concerns or even au suggestions hit me up here in pm or the comments. I hope to get a good thing going!



updated to say that i wanna do the group aus on facebook due to it being a lot easier for everyone to interact, since you can get kinda drowned out on twitter;; sorr y for any inconvenience ;;


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I'm interrested in this, all AUs are interesting and have their charm, though I'm someone who prefers a group roleplay since the diversity of characters makes things fun, but I'd be ok with 1x1 as well. I only ever really did Facebook RP, so I'd be more familiar with it, but I'm willing to try other things. However, since I'm in university, I will try to reply as often as I can, except when I have tests/exam... But I have a question, would we have to write a biography for our character beforehand???
wjsvtn #2
interested in the runaway plot, fine with 1x1 or a group
Wow i really am interested in this~ I love all the aus you listed!! (Except for fantasy/harry potter because I'm not a fan at all) also, i totally enjoy being in a small group! I have a month or so before school starts and i don't have a job and i want to rp a lot.. mostly to improve my english and writing skills~ >^<
I just struggle to come up with a good reply and I am guilty of taking quite a long time to reply... Oops? XD

The only tiny problem is... I'm sixteen, well, turning seventeen this year :<
I am interested in this.
College life has been killing me and I crave for some roleplaying but I'll usually feel bad bc I can't seem to find time to entertain to all notifications and stay online for 2 hours straight. Getting online in between breaks for like 5 minutes in between each classes is something I can do but most roleplays won't like that.
If you don't mind my situation, well then I am very much interested in this. I'm interested in all but university aus-- i've had enough of that kind of life lmao
i'm most interested in angst and fantasy au!
i'm okay with 1x1 and even group ( as long as they don't mind my time on able to be online ) . i'm more prone to fb rather than twitter. also, I want to enhance my writing skills--
hello there! i'm interested in joining this, though i must say that i'm a little inexperienced with facebook. (and by a little, i mean very.) if you're okay with me learning as we go along, then. sweats. the runaways!au really jumped out at me, so i thought it wouldn't hurt to try.
chasingyourmind #6
Hey! I'm super interested!! I'm good with any platform as well! And the runaway one would work for me! :D
I'd be interested, the runaways AU seems most interesting to me. I much prefer Twitter since I have a past of getting Facebook locked haha.
i'd love group roleplay for runaway au!! and i only have twitter for now,
teenworkbook #9
I'm interested