
Who Said Detention Was A Bad Thing?

"Jendeukie and I have been detention buddies since like, forever." Jisoo slung an arm around Jennie's shoulder. "I swear she does stuff much worse than I do, but always manages to get away scot-free."

"Admit it, you're simply tactless."

"Says she who got exposed for blatant plagiarism."

"Hey, how many Songs are there in Korea? How was I to know that a Professor Song was our Professor Song?"

"I still can't believe you only got 2 weeks for that, copying straight off your own professor's self-published book."

Jennie shrugged, "I have my ways."

"You mean Lisa has her ways, she totally bailed your sorry out of trouble."

"Like I always do." Lisa shook her head in mock disappointment while grinning widely.

"What did you do?" I asked curiously.

"I just put in a good word...or about a hundred for Jennie. Absolute piece of cake."

"Hey, I saved your social life, I'd call that a fair trade."

"I wasn't that bad..."

"You were too! I swear you didn't open your mouth the whole first week of school..."

As the relentless wave of banter continued sweeping forward, I turned to Jisoo and whispered, "So this is what you guys do for detention? Endless bickering?"

Jisoo chuckled before answering, "Nope, we're far from this mild." She raised her voice to address the bickering couple, "Hey lovebirds, quit your pointless argument, Chaeyoung here wants to know what we do in detention."

Jennie scanned me from head to toe before smirking deviously. "Rosie, you game for some Truth-Or-Dare? We don't go easy on beginners, mind you."

I had never been one keen to play the intrusive game, had never been comfortable sharing personal matters and had never been an adventurous person. Something about this unique clique, however, compelled me to agree.

"Try me." I announced with an unexplainable surge of confidence running through me.

Jennie looked slightly taken aback momentarily, but regained her composure instantaneously. "Confidence, huh, I like that in a girl. You're starting. Truth or dare?"


“Dare.” What's the worst they can get me to do in a school, anyway


Jennie’s grin grew ominously ever wider. “Get hold of the test papers Professor Kim has been working on.”


I was rather flummoxed. “How would you know that he's been working on a test paper? He hasn't even mentioned it.”


“Again, I have my ways.”


“Jendeukie, isn't this a bit too much for her to handle right off the bat? You should know better than anyone how difficult it is.” Jisoo looked extremely alarmed.


“Why not you be the knight in shining armour and rescue the damsel in distress from the force both of you have yet to conquer?”


“Are you up for it?” Jisoo gazed at me with concern. “If you're game, so am I.”


“Where can we find the test papers?” Roseanne, are you going crazy? Are you actually considering carrying out such a ludicrous task? You could get expelled from school within your first day!


“Professor Kim keeps them in the drawer underneath his desk, as long as you get that far, you'll have no problems finding them.” Jennie explained.


I shrugged nonchalantly and announced confidently, “Bring it on.”


“Good luck, newbie. And please don't disappoint me again, Jisoo.” Jennie called after us as we made our way to the staff office.


“You've done this before?” I could feel the adrenaline racing through my veins, I was a lot more nervous than I had let on.


“I've tried, at least. I couldn't get past the first line of defence.” Jisoo giggled softly.


“And what's that?”


“I couldn't find a way to get in for an hour.”


I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter. “Hey, it's really difficult! You know students aren't allowed in, so I tried to sneak in…” Jisoo protested while punching my shoulder repeatedly.


“Has anyone gotten the test papers before?” I asked after calming down somewhat.


“Jennie, duh. That girl is a ninja, I swear, she's gotten her hands on around 5. How else do you think it's possible that she's topping for Math?”


“I wouldn't have thought it possible.” I replied while shaking my head in wonder.


“Well, here we are. You lead the way.” Jisoo gestured towards the staff offices.


“How about...we kill two birds with one stone?” A brainwave had just flashed through my mind. An epiphany. I'm officially a genius.

My lips continued curving upwards as I kept grinning like a fool. I knew this was going to work.

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: They just me and yet it seems they have been together for a long time. Hahahaha
Chapter 3: Two birds with one stone? I wonder what these little trouble makers are up to now...
Chapter 3: Uh-oh i smell trouble .__.
HAHAHAA I love how Jennie is so blunt. Chaeyoung and Jisoo literally met a few hours ago. XD

Looking forward to the upcoming chapters! Hwaiting!
numberletter #5
Chapter 2: LOL JENNIE. This is my fourth time today reading fics with badass Jennies and I still find it funny lol
Chapter 2: As expected Jendeukie is the badass chick lmao
Chapter 1: Finally got a chance to read this and wow it seems great so far! Love your writing style and the dynamic between the characters. Jisoo was so cute in this chapter <3 Can't wait to see how Rosé and her will bond! We met everyone except Jennie, so definitely wondering what she'll be like too. Looking forward to your next update (:
Jichuu being Jichuu. lmao my pikachuu XD