When The Cat Is Away

Who Said Detention Was A Bad Thing?

As it turned out, I wasn't ready at all. The wondrous start to my day just kept getting better, for it never rains but it pours, doesn't it?

I wasn't ready for the dressing-down we received for being late from Professor Kim, which revolved around the phrase 'sense of urgency', which he had to have repeated at least 10 times so far.

I glanced at Jisoo and tried my best to stifle my giggles when I saw her yawning rather conspicuously. 

"Young lady, what are these atrocious manners of yours? Do you find my voice that boring? You're stuck with me for this year, you know that." Professor Kim looked absolutely livid. If looks could kill, I feared for Jisoo's life at that instant.

"No, sir," Jisoo straightened up and tried to look earnest, "Your voice is extremely...engaging. It resonates within me."

"Oh, if it resonates within you, what was my last sentence before your unnecessary interruption?" 

"Um...we should have a greater sense of urgency?" Jisoo obviously had no clue.

I involuntarily let out a small giggle, immediately realising I had landed myself in hot soup. Professor Kim glared at me, practically yelling, "Youngsters these days, the nerve of them to laugh and yawn while being disciplined! Both of you will enjoy a wonderful detention session afterwards!"               

All we could do was hang our heads while Professor Kim continued droning on. And my parents wonder why I can't stand school...

One positive from that lesson, however, was that I got to sit next to Jisoo, with there being two empty seats next to each other, and Professor Kim surprisingly not raising any objections.

It was easy to see why Jisoo referred to our class as the 'nerd class'. Throughout the day, they never seemed to stop scribbling notes on their notepads, regardless of the lesson. Jisoo and I looked hopelessly out of place, fiddling with our fingernails, fidgeting restlessly in our seats or whispering complaints to each other.

It was also easy to see why Jisoo was always a leading candidate for detention, she hardly seemed like she cared. She was constantly fixated on her phone screen underneath her desk, playing the trendy Pokémon Go game. If not, she was probably dozing off, just like she was now in biology class. I shook my head fondly as a trail of drool began to form below her slightly opened mouth. Of all the distractions anyone could face in class, Jisoo's face had to be one of the worst, for once you looked it was hard to tear your gaze away, even in her most unsightly moments. It was that spellbinding...arguably the sight of perfection. 

"Are you ever going to stop ogling at me?" Jisoo's husky voice jolted me out of my daze. "Earth to Chaeyoung?"

"Uh, hi..." Having been caught red-handed, I felt my cheeks heating up.

"I know I'm pretty, but do you have any tissue? You can continue staring once I've cleaned this up." She pointed at the drool on her chin while continually teasing me.

You bet I will...



"What's detention really like?" I asked Jisoo somewhat worriedly.  I had only one previous experience of detention back in Australia, where my teacher of advanced age had supervised me for the entire duration, leaving me with no choice but to struggle through the pains of homework unwillingly.

"Detention...it's a lot more fun than you think." Jisoo answered cheerfully, walking with a spring in her step. 

"Do teachers supervise you throughout?"

"No, here the student council takes care of detention." Jisoo smirked before continuing, "Or rather, Nallalisa does."

"That means..." My lips began curving upwards slightly.

"It means exactly what you think. Don't you think I would be avoiding detention like the plague if it merely involved doing work under the watch of old hags?" Jisoo grabbed my hand as she skipped merrily towards the detention room.


"Lisa, you know the drill, mark the attendance, then make sure they keep in line." A burly, bespectacled man was giving out orders when we stepped into the room. "However, we have made some modifications to the system..." Lisa glanced at us and mouthed, "Save me."

There was a girl sitting in the front row of the classroom, seemingly attempting to create the illusion that she was studying attentively, having positioned some Biology notes on the desk, while her fingers flew over the keyboard of her phone beneath the desk. Given that her notes were placed upside down, though, it wasn't exactly successful. Before I could warn her, though, the man had turned his attention to us.   

"Jennie Kim, your act would be far more convincing if your notes were actually positioned in the correct orientation." The man let out an exaggerated sigh, shaking his head.

"Oh, right, silly me." Jennie flipped her notes the right way up before smiling innocently at the man. "There you go, Mr Im, all done."

Mr Im heaved another long sigh before looking towards myself and Jisoo. "Jennie, Jisoo, you girls are the well established old guard of detention, I hope you're not bringing in some young blood to follow in your footsteps," He gestured towards me, before continuing, "Lisa, make sure they do their work, and keep an eye out for Jennie especially. She's a sly one, that girl." 

"Will do, sir!" Lisa answered while winking at us.  

Following Mr Im's departure, Jennie instantly vacated her seat and sauntered up to Lisa, who was leaning against the teachers' desk. As expected, when the cat is away, the mice will play...

"You heard Mr Im, keep your eyes on me and only me. Even though there's a new hottie on the scene." Jennie jerked her head towards me. 

"Relax, honey, she's not mine, she's Jisoo's." Lisa had a teasing smirk on her face.

"Wait, Jisoo got herself a girl? Finally? Am I hearing things? Should I get my ears checked?" Jennie looked me up and down before nodding approvingly. "Yeah, she's totally Jisoo's style."

"Hey, Jennie Kim, we only just met today, can you take your fantasies somewhere else?" Jisoo looked slightly flushed, and I was sure I did too.

"Ooooh...getting defensive aren't we?" Jennie chortled heartily before offering me her hand. "Jennie Kim. And you are?"

"I'm Rosé. And...are you two...together?" I pointed towards Lisa and Jennie.

"Yeah, we are. Homophobe?" Jennie enquired.

"No, not at all, just that in Korea, you expect people to be more...conservative regarding these issues."

"I don't give a damn about what those homophobes think, they can get their narrow-minded asses outta my face." Jennie wrapped an arm around Lisa's waist. "Love is about us, not about those pricks."

"Exactly my sentiments." Jennie had taken the words right out of my mouth. Ok, maybe I would have put it across less coarsely...

"So when are you gonna ask Jisoo out, then?"    

Flustered, I looked to Jisoo for help. She simply grinned at me. "Welcome to detention, Chaeyoung."


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: They just me and yet it seems they have been together for a long time. Hahahaha
Chapter 3: Two birds with one stone? I wonder what these little trouble makers are up to now...
Chapter 3: Uh-oh i smell trouble .__.
HAHAHAA I love how Jennie is so blunt. Chaeyoung and Jisoo literally met a few hours ago. XD

Looking forward to the upcoming chapters! Hwaiting!
numberletter #5
Chapter 2: LOL JENNIE. This is my fourth time today reading fics with badass Jennies and I still find it funny lol
Chapter 2: As expected Jendeukie is the badass chick lmao
Chapter 1: Finally got a chance to read this and wow it seems great so far! Love your writing style and the dynamic between the characters. Jisoo was so cute in this chapter <3 Can't wait to see how Rosé and her will bond! We met everyone except Jennie, so definitely wondering what she'll be like too. Looking forward to your next update (:
Jichuu being Jichuu. lmao my pikachuu XD