Chapter 3

Hooman and I
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Phase III


Kyungsoo admits on having flaws in raising Baekhyun. And this flaw is something that Kyungsoo will have to live for the rest of his life. If you guessed it, then you are right.


Baekhyun is a Velcro puppy.


It must be because when Baekhyun was still a tiny little pupper, Kyungsoo would always bring him everywhere he go – that it be the grocery store, going to his parents’ house and even at work (obviously.) As Baekhyun grew, it became a habit of his to follow Kyungsoo that whenever he’s left alone, he’d cry for hours and paws on the door until Kyungsoo comes back from an errand.


Though, that’s only normal for dogs so here’s another example.


Kyungsoo has a towel wrapped around his lower half, ready to go to the bathroom to take a bath. He sees Baekhyun lying on his stomach on the bed, watching him and though it’s quite unsettling how a grown man is in his room looking at his half-ness, he forced himself to think that that grown man is once his dog and that same dog had seen his form many times.


However, just when he’s about to step inside the bathroom, he hears the bed creak and footsteps padding behind him. Kyungsoo sighs.


“Baekhyun.” He places a hand on Baekhyun’s chest and gives him a gentle push. “Baekhyun, I’m just going to take a bath. I won’t be long –“


“Let me go with you.”




“Baekhyun, I’ll be quick. I promise so –“


“Soo~” Baekhyun tugs his towel and Kyungsoo has to seal it with his tight grip so it won’t fall off knowing that he’s wearing nothing underneath it. “Let me go, too. I’ll be good, I promise!”


“B-But –“


“Please?” And he’s giving that sad puppy look again. Baekhyun is still tugging his towel furiously and Kyungsoo feels his face heating up just at the thought – dog or not, Baekhyun is a man and being in the same bathroom with a man is a big no for him. Kyungsoo groans.


“F-Fine, just…” Baekhyun beams. “Turn around in one corner.”


The pup’s face fell. “But I won’t see you!”


“Baekhyun, we’re in the same room!” Kyungsoo runs his fingers through his hair in frustration but when he felt his towel on the verge of falling, he quickly dropped the act and gripped the white cloth tight. “You can literally hear me in there!”


“But I won’t see you.” Baekhyun repeats, his eyes downcast and looking really sad.


Kyungsoo wanted to curse out loud – he hates himself so much – like god, what did came over his head bringing Baekhyun in with him while he takes a bath back when he’s still a puppy?


“Okay, okay, okay… you can watch me take a bath.” that sounds wrong in so many levels. “You know what, how about I give you your bath, too.” Baekhyun is smiling in delight upon hearing this. Kyungsoo blushed. “We can s-save time that way. And water! Water, too.”


“Yay! You’re the best, Soo!” Baekhyun wraps his arms around Kyungsoo and leans his whole weight over him causing Kyungsoo to let go of his towel to grab Baekhyun so that they won’t fall.


Which made the towel around Kyungsoo fall off… on the floor.






As expected, they’re late. Kyungsoo has had a hard time having Baekhyun wear clothes that they ended up running around the house – it looks weird, too for Kyungsoo to chase a grown man in the living room just because he refused to wear his underwear – Dammit, Baekhyun.


Kyungsoo sees Jongin and a tall silver-haired man sitting on the chair and he’s holding something – a cat figurine? Jongin is talking about something with Chanyeol, looking agitated about something contradicting Chanyeol’s ready to burst laugh.


When Baekhyun sees the other, he bursts out laughing and immediately detaching himself from Kyungsoo to go to his feline-friend, shouting, “Sehunnie!” Somehow it made moving easier.


And wait, that’s Sehun? Now that makes sense.


“Hey, hyung.” Jongin gives him a small smile. “How was your first day with Baekhyunnie?”


“Are you honestly going to ask me that?”


Jongin’s smile falters and he quickly shakes his head.


“By the way, what’s Sehun holding?” The three of them look at the cat-figurine the said man is holding. He has this possessive hold on the thing and he’s trying to get it away from Baekhyun’s pesters and pokes. It looks comical that Kyungsoo wanted to laugh but Jongin seems like he’s not sharing the same sentiments as them.


“It’s Atticus.” Jongin mutters. “It’s like some sort of a close friend of his.” Chanyeol snorts.


“Do not mock Atticus! He is my master!” Sehun exclaims with a huff. “Atticus taught me patience, the art of posture and the secret to staying still.” Hearing these things has Kyungsoo, Jongin and Chanyeol stop and stare at Sehun with mouths slightly parted in surprise. Except Baekhyun who looks in awe of Atticus upon hearing that.


“He must be a genius.” The pup whispers.


“Such a brilliant mind really, tiny pupper.”


Jongin pulls Kyungsoo by the shoulder to face him. “I want Sehun back to the way he was. I’m not joking. Hell, he even calls the TV a lightbox.”


Kyungsoo smirks. “I thought having cats are way better than dogs.”


“They are, but…!”


There’s a loud crash followed by Sehun’s wailing. Turns out Baekhyun as Sehun pinned down by the back, the pup nipping on Sehun’s ear. It’s a game they play whenever they’re together and most of the times, the sight is usually a distraction. Presently, however…


“I swear, this is in the making.” Chanyeol mutters. “Shall we change this research lab into some sort of industry?”


“Shut it, Chanyeol

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knditksbh #1
knditksbh #2
Chapter 8: Awwwww this is so touching, you are right humans are so heartless sometimes...BUT GOOSEBUMP...kyungsoo's parents saved baek's mum and then years later kyungsoo took him home...
Chapter 6: This us hilarious but i want to know something in sekai who is like the bottom in the relationship?
oxyjen #4
Chapter 6: Love love authornim! You updated twice for today! Never disappoints as always! <3
oxyjen #5
Chapter 5: This gets better and better! I seriously can't wait for more!!
thecrud #6
Chapter 5: Kekekekekekekkekekeke
Chapter 3: oohhhh i recognized this! from the buzzfeed's series dear kitten! best ad videos ever lmao and yeah this is very cute ;;;; sehun with his cat behavior is so cute lmao and soo /facepalm/ chanyeol should open company :)))
baekedhyun #8
Chapter 4: it only gets better with each update...
baekedhyun #9
Chapter 4: it only gets better with each update...