Chapter 2

In Love With A Fool

ILWAF Chapter 2


I woke up from a dream I couldn't quite recall but what I know was it refreshed my soul.  

I flew my feet to the side of my bed and stretched while letting out a yawn. I went to the comfort room, my feet touching the cold linoleum floor. I gurgled and washed my face. I looked at the mirror and I was surprised when I found out that I was smiling yet I was totally unaware of it. 

My dream must have been that good that I still smiled even though I'm awake now. I just hope I'll remember it someday, or even just bits of it. 

Once again, my parents have left early and I was alone but it didn't ruin my mood. Somehow, while I was riding my way to school, I felt excited for no apparent reason and when I passed by Taehyung's house, I felt a tiny smile tugged on my lips. I wonder if he's already awake or probably in school right now. 

I felt the warm air greet me as I continued pedalling. I parked my bicycle beside the others again, just like yesterday, when I arrived at the school. 

“Kookie!” someone called from behind me and I immediately recognized the voice even though we just met yesterday. 

“Good morning, TaeTae.” I greeted back with a smile and he looked astonished. 

“Wow, it's my first time seeing you smile like that. You seem to be in a good mood!” he exclaimed happily.

“Yeah, I think I am.” 

“Taehyungieee! Jungkookieee!” a high-pitched voice came from the back and we turned to see a cute Jimin running towards us. 

“G...good!” he greeted while panting with his hands on his knees. 

“Wow, you're early today.” Taehyung said and patted Jimin on the head. 

“I was excited because Jungkook is finally part of our squad.” he said with a tiny smile. “Oh, and I have good news for you, Taehyung!” 

“What is it?” 

“Yoongi's finally returning here from Daegu!” Jimin excitedly declared while shaking Taehyung out of ecstasy.

“Really? But, that's good news only for you!” Taehyung laughed. 

“I'm sorry, but who's Yoongi?” I joined in, starting to feel out of place. Jimin faced me and placed his hands on my shoulders with a wide smile on his face. 

“M-Min Yoongi...he's a great person. He's amazing, talented, handsome, cute, realllyyy nice and fluffy. He's handsome- oh wait, did I already say that?” Jimin paused for a while. “Anyway, Yoongi is really adorable and perfect and…”

“Jimin has a big crush on Yoongi.” Taehyung whispered to me as we both watched Jimin endlessly describing Yoongi with all the nicest words you could ever think of. 

“Okay, I get it now. You can stop.” I raised a hand and he immediately stopped but the adorable smile remained. 

“Hehe.” Jimin shyly giggled while blushing. 

“So, when is he returning?” Taehyung asked and Jimin opened his mouth to say something but suddenly, a deep voice spoke from behind him.

“Excuse me.” I caught Jimin's whole body tensed up and he just stood there, frozen. “I said, excuse me.” 

“Oh, um, s-sorry. I d-didn't mean to b-block your w-way.” Jimin was stuttering so bad that I barely understood what he said. 

“It's fine. I was just going to park my bicycle here.” the mint-haired boy, which I suppose was Min Yoongi based on Jimin's reaction, said and silently parked his bicycle beside mine. 

When he was done, I caught him throw a shy glance at Jimin, who was already blushing so hard, it looks like he's going to explode sometime from now. Yoongi passed by us and Jimin immediately covered his tomato face. I could hear him squeal silently. 

“That was Min Yoongi, right?” I asked Taehyung for confirmation and he nodded. 
A soft thump was heard behind us so we all turned to see Yoongi picking up his books and pushed his glasses upward. He glanced at us and smiled sheepishly before walking away again. 

“Ahh, he's so cuuute.” Jimin softly gritted through his teeth. 

“Calm down.” I said while patting his shoulders. He bit his lip to keep himself from smiling. But all of a sudden, his eyes widened and his hand flew into the air as if he remembered something. 

“Aaahh!” he squealed. “I-Is he going to be our classmate?” 

We went to the classroom to check and there he was, sitting on the chair which was coincidentally right beside Jimin's.

“Wow, seems like you two are mint-to-be, just like his hair.” Jimin shot Taehyung a quick glare before sitting on his chair, followed by us. 

“Hi! I'm Taehyung. You're Yoongi, right?” Taehyung cheerfully greeted, making the mint guy look up. 

“Yes, I am. How'd you know?” he replied while closing the book with his thumb remaining in between. 

“U-Uh, well…” I caught Jimin slightly nudge Taehyung by his elbow and widened his eyes at him. “Just a good guess.” Yoongi stared at Taehyung blankly, probably not believing in Taehyung's excuse, which was obviously pretty lame. 

“Well, okay.” he replied and was about to read again when Jimin suddenly joined in. 

“H-Hi, Jimin- I mean, Yoongi. I'm Yoongi, I mean, J-Jimin.” he said while covering his cheeks, which were tomato red from embarrassment. 

“Um, n-nice to meet you, Jimin.” I observed Taehyung's reaction but I guess I was the only one who noticed Yoongi’s slight stutter at the beginning. Hmm…

“And, I'm Jungkook.” I said with a smile. 

“Yeah, I've heard about you.” he answered and smiled, which made Jimin slightly gasp. Yoongi immediately turned to look at him questioningly.

“Hey, you're being too obvious.” I quietly warned him. 

“Ah..I forgot something. I'll be right back.” Jimin quickly made up an excuse and ran outside. 

After a few seconds, he was back, looking the same as earlier and holding nothing, which made it even more obvious he was lying about forgetting something. I sighed inwardly and I got the feeling that Taehyung did the same, too.


Lunch arrived and the three of us were hesitating about inviting Yoongi with us, mostly just Taehyung and I because Jimin was determined to do so. 

“So, umm…” Jimin started, making Yoongi look up from his book. “It's lunchtime…”

“Mm-hmm.” Yoongi hummed and eyed Jimin with a you-think-I-don't-know-that? look.

“D-Do you want to eat with us? I've noticed that you don't have much friends to eat with, so, u-umm, maybe we could be friends? I-I mean, only if it's okay with you.” Jimin rubbed his nape while asking. 

“Oh, u-umm, okay. Thanks, I would love to b-become friends with you, Jimin.” Yoongi quickly added, “A-And with Taehyung and Jungkook, too.”

Taehyung and I flashed him a sincere smile while Jimin tried his best to keep himself from smiling too widely. 


“Those two are so cute.” Taehyung whispered to me while looking at Yoongi and Jimin who were left together in the table while Taehyung and I order the food. 

“Yeah.” I agreed. “Do you think...Yoongi will also like Jimin? I mean..” 

“I know what you mean. But, thinking about it...yes, I think they have a chance.” he answered. 

“How are you sure?” 

“Well, let me ask you. Jungkook, is there any chance you'll like me?” I felt my heart beat loudly, his question taking me off guard. 

“W-What are you talking about?” 

“See? You can't answer now, but you'll come to think of it later and realize the truth.” 

“Huh?” I frowned, still not understanding his point.

“My point is...Yoongi may not like Jimin now, but come to think of it! Jimin is cute and adorable..and he's nice. If only Yoongi thinks more about Jimin, I'm sure he'll get to like him someday.” 

“Oh…” I slowly nodded. “I understand your point.” 

We ordered the food when it was our turn and while we were waiting for it, Taehyung leaned into me and whispered,

“You know, I like you.” 

My eyes widened and I froze for a moment. 

“You like me, too, right?” he asked. 

“Why ask questions like that all of a sudden?” I murmured. The lady was now putting our food on a tray. 

“Haha, nothing. Just wanted to know.” he said as we took the trays and made our way to our table. Did I like him?, I wondered now that he mentioned it.

"Hey, lovebirds. Here's your food." Taehyung said as he placed the tray on the table and slid into the couch. Yes, our cafeteria has couches instead of simple wooden chairs.

"We're not lovebirds!" Jimin blurted out, looking red from his face to his ears.

"Soon." Taehyung gave them a meaningful wink and Yoongi let out a soft giggle, which I found adorable, what more to Jimin, who maybe has always dreamed of hearing that?

We ate while endlessly throwing questions at Yoongi, who luckily didn't seem tired of us unless he was hiding it.

"So, what's your ideal..girl?" Taehyung asked, almost whispering the last word. 

"Um.." Yoongi tapped his chin while looking up. "I want a girl who's nice and really fun to be with. I want a girl who will never leave my side through thick and thin. I also want her to be cute and also pretty at the same time." 

"Hmm." Taehyung hummed while slowly nodding.  

"But, I don't think any of these will be important once I've fallen in love with someone." Yoongi stated. "And my standards are not only limited to a girl."

The last statement sent wide smiles to our faces, especially the little cute Jimin beside Yoongi. 


It was already dismissal and I'm now walking my way home when I suddenly remembered something, making me completely stop on my tracks. Taehyung! 

I turned my ankle and ran back to our classroom, where I found Taehyung sleeping comfortably with his head resting on his arms on the desk.

"I almost left you." I whispered as I sat on the chair beside him. I silently observed his sleeping face and found myself smiling as my eyes hovered above his tiny lips. My hand unconsciously raised itself and landed on Taehyung's fluffy hazelnut hair down to his soft face. I was staring at him too much that perhaps I have memorized his facial features. It was when Taehyung lowly groaned that I realized what I was doing. I was about to pull my hand away when suddenly he grabbed it and kept it on his face.

"Your hand's really soft..." he whispered and I felt like my heart's going to explode. "Can I hold it forever?" 

I was sure Taehyung was saying these kinds of things just because he's sleepy and he doesn't know what he's doing, but I couldn't help but notice how awake his voice sounded and how serious his face looked as he stared deeply into my eyes.

I did like Taehyung, I realized, but I was sure it was just as a friend. I know I'm feeling this way maybe because I didn't have a friend back then. I was just new to this. 

I liked Taehyung but just as a friend, I repeated, most likely convincing myself. It was supposed to be nothing more.


And, there goes Chapter 2! I hoped you liked it. I'll update as soon as possible. 

Love lots, Ichigo~

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Chapter 3: Haha, dirty water! :D I love this so far (:
Cute (♥w♥)