Chapter 1

In Love With A Fool

I hope you enjoy the first chapter! :) I would like to thank @lovekpop2411 for being ny first ever subscriber. I dedicate this chapter to you. Thanks for the support and I hope you continue that. 




Those numbers kept on blinking in my digital clock placed on the desk beside my bed. One more minute and my alarm will go off. 

I didn't waste another minute and stood up. When my alarm started ringing, I immediately killed it. I went out of my room after gurgling and washing my face and quickly went down the stairs but found no one. Where were Mom and Dad? 

As I neared the dining table, I found a note on it. 


Your dad & I left early for job. Breakfast is in the fridge. Enjoy your day, sweetie~


I threw the note in the trash can after reading it. I'm not being harsh or whatsoever, but why would I not throw it? It has no use anymore.

I took my food from the fridge and heated it. I poured myself a glass of mango juice while I waited for the microwave to tinkle. 

When it did, I immediately took it out and silently ate it. I was used to being alone all the time since both my parents are busy with their work and they sometimes need to leave the house early in case of emergencies in their jobs. 

After eating, I took a quick bath and put on my school uniform. I made my way to the garage and pulled out my bicycle I have been using since first year. I rode my way to the school, the warm morning wind opposing my hair. I have passed by a guy wearing the same uniform as I but he was busy talking to a dog. It really creeped me out, why would he even talk to a dog?

I reached the school and parked my bicycle beside the others. Only a few students were walking by, and the school grounds are really tranquil. It was understandable since it's just 5:28 in the morning and classes start at 7. And, yes, I know I'm too early but who cares anyway?

"Excuse me." a voice spoke from behind me and I turned to see the same guy who was talking to a dog earlier. Woah, how did he go here that fast?

"Do you need something?" I asked and he flashed a bright smile.

"I just wanted to greet you a good morning! And, um, are you from Section I?" he politely asked. 

"Uh, yes. Why?"

"Then, by any chance, are you the great Jeon Jungkook?" 'The great'?

"I'm not great, but yes, I'm Jungkook. And, you are?" I asked.

"A human." he answered and made me frown. 

"Ah, I didn't know that." I answered, making sure to add sarcasm in my tone. "What's your name?"

"Kim Taehyung. I'm from Section I, too. But, I guess you never knew me because you were always busy reading books." he said. 

"Well, yeah..." I awkwardly said, not knowing what to say anymore. Actually, I want this conversation to end right now.

"Why are you here so early?" he asked. 

"I'm always like that." I simply answered. "You? Why are you here this early, too?"

"I actually wanted to see the sunrise; that's why I woke up early. But, I still missed it." he sadly said while looking up at the sky. 

"Why would you want to watch the sunrise?" 

"You know...just to..." he trailed off and looked at me again. "Have hope." he shrugged.

I frowned at his answer, but I somehow liked it. When I was young, I used to wake up early just to watch the sunrise so I'll feel happy. But, I got tired of watching it through the years because I realized, watching the sunrise couldn't actually help me throughout this life. I realized that even though the sun rises, it also sets so what's the point?

"Anyway, do you want to walk with me to the room?" he offered. I wanted to reject him, but he left me with no choice since he had already pulled me with him. 

"Ah, it's locked..." he whispered while aggresively turning the doorknob. He suddenly pulled something out from his pocket, what seemed to be a hair pin and inserted it into the lock. After a few struggles, the lock clicked and the door opened. "Tada!" he eagerly shouted, his voice echoing. "My grandmother taught me that when I was a kid. She told me that opening a locked door can be really difficult, especially when it's locked. But when you have the right equipment, it will open up automatically for you."

"The door didn't open automatically for you, though." I stated. 

"Well, at least, it opened for us." he said. I the lights and both the wall and ceiling fans while he opened the windows. 

"You know, I feel honored to be with you." he spoke while looking outside. I noticed that some of his hair was actually brown when the sunlight hits it. 

"Why? I'm not like a TV personality..." I said and sat on my chair which was in the very front row. 

"You're not, but you're like a celebrity here. Many people, mostly girls, admire you for being perfect." he said as he sat beside me. 

"Perfect?" I repeated. How could I be perfect? I'm nothing but a speck of dust floating around. 

"First, you're really handsome and cute at the same time." he said while pinching my cheeks, to which I immediately pulled away from. Skin contacts send chills through my spine. "Second, you're intelligent as heck. You're top 1 in the whole level." he stated with admiration and I was starting to feel uneasy. Compliments make me awkward. "'re perfect!" 

"N-No, I'm not." I stuttered. 

"Yes, you are." he insisted. "Cutie boyyy."

"D-Don't call me that!" I said.

"Haha, you're so cute."

I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my nerves down. It was already 6 and I couldn't believe I wasted time talking to this creature rather than reading a novel I have brought. 

He continued mumbling about things I couldn't quite understand as I pulled out a novel and started to read it. Taehyung's voice also started to drown off as I get indulged into what I was reading. 

I had already finished two chapters when I decided to rest. I glanced at Taehyung and stifled a giggle when I found out he fell asleep. I admit, he looked cute and peaceful. I wished he really was peaceful even if he's awake. 

It was when his eyes fluttered open that I realized I have been staring at him for almost an hour. I didn't even notice some of our classmates started to enter the classroom one by one. 

"Oh, I fell asleep?" he muttered, probably talking to himself. He looked around the room and his eyes widened when he saw a boy at the back of the room. 

"Jimin!" he shouted as he ran towards the boy. 

"Taehyung!" the boy, who was named as Jimin according to what Taehyung called him, called out back with a wide smile. 

"I'm going to introduce you to someone. He can be our new friend." Taehyung happily said as he pulled the other guy towards me. 

"Jungkook, this is Jimin, my childhood best friend. Jimin, you probably know who he is." Taehyung introduced while pointing at him. The other remained standing there while staring at the guy in front of him with wide eyes. 

"Taehyung, you did not just..." he whispered. 

"Yes, I just did befriend the great Jeon Jungkook of Section I of Seoul High this morning."

"Woah..." Jimin exhaled out in awe. "H-Hi, I'm Park Jimin. I really admire you." he said while extending his hand.

"Thanks. I'm Jungkook." I reluctantly took his hand and shook it. 

It was already 15 minutes before 7 and it took just a few for the classroom to be filled with noise. Taehyung and Jimin decided to make the two seats beside me theirs to keep me company. 

"We have always noticed how you were always quiet and you don't talk that much. We wanted to change that." Taehyung had explained.

"Plus, what would a someone as great as you be ashamed of?" Jimin said. 

"Stop it. I'm really not as great as you think I am. Please stop treating me like a God, it's making me uncomfortable." I had replied. 

"Oh, really? We're sorry. We didn't mean to make you feel like that. It's just that you're really...per- okay, I'll stop." Taehyung shyly laughed at the end of his sentence. 

"But, can we be friends with you? We promise, you'll never get bored with us." Jimin had raised his right hand and Taehyung copied him to convince me. 

"O-Okay, sure." I answered and Jimin punched the air while Taehyung did a what-God-only-understands dance. 

Our first teacher entered the classroom at exactly 7:00 and everyone rushed back to their seats. The whole classroom was dead quiet as the teacher placed his things on the front desk. 

"Ehem..." he coughed. "Good morning. As you all know, this is your first day of school so we won't be doing much yet. We will start our first lesson tomorrow. As for the meantime, I will discuss to you the school rules and regulations, all the do's and don'ts." he added, "But before that, I am Kim Namjoon but you are obliged to call me Mr. Kim."

After his introduction, he discussed about the rules all students should follow. All the rules were pretty cliché, I have noticed, except for one- all students who weren't able to leave the school premises by 7PM sharp shall stay in until the next morning. That rule was really different...and a bit weird. 

"But, what if you had lots of work to do here?" Taehyung asked, his voice loud. 

"Then, you are left with no choice but to stay here." answered Mr. Kim. "Please do not misunderstand and think of this as a maltreatment. Please understand that the department is doing this for the students' safety. Your parents will be infromed in case you happen to be caught by the curfew." 

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim." Jimin raised his little hand. "Is there a dorm available for the students here? Where will we stay if we weren't able to go home before 7PM?" 

"Yes, there is a dormitory for both girls and boys here. As for your second question, students who were caught will stay in the mini-dormitory the school had built just for you."

"Oh, okay." 

After an hour and a half of discussing the rules and our schedules, the school bell rang, indicating that it's time for the 30-minute break. 

"I'm really worried about the last rule." Taehyung spoke while the three of us were eating morning snacks in the cafeteria after he insisted that I should eat with them.


"I tend to fall asleep right after classes and wake up three hours after." he explained.

"But, classes end at 4 then you'll wake up at 7?" Jimin said. "You'll get caught!"

"Then, we'll wake him up before 7." I simply said.

"But, Jimin needs to go home before 5 so he won't be able to." Taehyung replied.

"Do you really need to sleep here?" I asked.

"Yes, he does. His parents are away and he needs to take care of his siblings so he won't be able to sleep there." Jimin answered. Taehyung takes care of his siblings alone? Wow. 

"Well, then..." I sighed. "I'll wake him up."

"You'll do that for me?" Taehyung happily said with widened eyes.

"Yeah, sure. My parents don't mind if I go home late anyway." I answered and took a bite of the biscuit I was holding.

A minute before the break time ends, I insisted that we should already return to the room so we won't be late for the next class. 

"You're really a good student. I like it." Taehyung murmured in my ears and I felt something in my stomach. "But, isn't it too tiring to be good?"

"Sometimes." I said. Sometimes, I want to just be free. Sometimes, I get tired of being nice. I get tired of understanding people who don't even spare me a single second in their lives. 


When classes ended, I stayed in the classroom with Taehyung, Jimin has already went home. 

"I'm not really that tired today so I won't sleep." Taehyung stated. "Let's just walk home together."

And we did, the two of us walked side by side. He kept on talking as we walked. And I was unaware that I was admiring his face while he was busy telling weird stories.

I realized he was really handsome and he had a box grin, which made me unconsciously smile everytime he shows it. 

He suddenly stopped on his tracks in front of an ordinary yet beautiful house, which were surrounded by a lot of plants and flowers.

"This is where I live. Thanks for walking with me." he said and smiled. His box grin once again melted me.

"Oh, um, you're welcome. I live nearby. Y-You can call me if you need something."

"But, I don't have your number." he said.

"Ah, right." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and let him enter it into his phone.

"Got it. Bye, Kookie!" he waved as he entered his house. Kookie? Ha! That's cute. 

"Bye...TaeTae." I almost whispered the last word and found myself smiling alone as I made my way home.


Tada~ I hope you liked it. I don't know when I'll post Chapter 2, but please wait. Love lots, Ichigo~




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Chapter 3: Haha, dirty water! :D I love this so far (:
Cute (♥w♥)