I'm Officially Missing You

Dali, Van, Picasso
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This feeling is pretty profound
No one else tried this
What’s clear is that inside my body
Someone else is with me

- Beenzino


A month passed and Chaeyoung never contacted Mina. However, the brown eyed girl

constantly remained in her thoughts. ‘ I’m lovesick, but I am pathetic because I’m too scared to call her.

However, Mina was facing another dilemma. Her job as a doctor was tiresome and stressful. ‘ Ugh my head and body

ache. I feel like I’m going to puke. ‘ Mina was visiting a patient and felt the urge to puke, running out of the

room. She went inside a stall and puked. “Mina, you aren’t okay,” Nayeon, her friend also a doctor said. “I’m

fine,” Mina replied. ‘ Oh no… I think I might be pregnant. This explains the puking and fatigue.‘ “You’re going

home,” Nayeon said. After that, Mina quickly left the hospital and stopped at a convenience store and bought a

pregnancy test. She went home and used the test, which was positive. “, Mina. WHAT DID YOU DO? You slept with

a man and now you’re pregnant!” Mina began crying hysterically due to her fear. Mina then decided to call

Chaeyoung on her iPhone and Chaeyoung answered.


Mina: Hello, is thi

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Chapter 5: Interesting so far
Uripenguin #2
Chapter 4: This story is amazing..i like it...
Chapter 1: Well damn that escalated quickly lol
So is Chaeyoung a man here or something..?