
Introvert and Extrovert

"Ring~~" May's alarm clock rang when it struck 7:30 am. She got up as light as a feather, giving a full body stretch before getting up.

She got up and took a shower and brush her teeth. After she done dressing up she checked on her cleaning tools that was placed inside the bag at the living room's sofa. 

May: "Gloves... Check! Rugged... Check! Spoon... Chec... No wait that's not supposed to be here..."

Placing the spoon on the table

May: "I guess that's everything!"

She looked at the clock, it was 8:10 am, she start to head out.

Carrying the heavy bag on her shoulder while walking to the given address. 

She's wearing an oversize t shirt, long yoga pants, pinned up hair and head towards to the traffic light. When she was taking the lift to her workplace, she took a look at her watch, it was 8:25 am. 

May: "I'm still early, thank goodness it's just nearby"

She took a deep breath once she stepped out from the elevator. She looked up at the board looking at the house unit number, "05-12..."

May: "05-12... 05-11 to... 05-14... Ah! There it is!"

She walked to the left side of the path way, pressed the ring bell when she found the house.

"Ding dong~"

She standing straight like a soldier being commanded by their officer, feeling nervous as her heart pumps so fast she imagined in her head...

"A rabbit hitting a drum, the more it hit, the more faster it get, 
'Boom... boom boom... boom boom... boom boboom boomboomboomboom BOOM!"

"Oh!" She stopped her imagination, 

May: "Stop hitting that hard rabbit!" (She talked to herself)

The door opened, immediately, she saw a young adult man whose wearing a pair of glasses, wearing formally, she introduced herself.

May: "Hi! I... I'm May!, I'm th... the... one that messaged you yesterday!" (She stammered her words.)

He stared at her for a few second before he snapped when May called him 

May: "Err... hi I'm May"

Tyson: "Ah, Sorry, I wasn't expecting a cleaner to be very young, I'm Tyson, please come in."

He unlocked the gate, leaving it open for May to get in. He slowly walked to the living room while May took off her shoes and shifted the shoes head facing outside where it will be easier for the people whose going out to be easy to wear their shoes without moving it. 

 She took another look on Tyson, his hair was properly styled and an over wear shirt.

Tyson took a piece of paper from his dining table, starts to tell her about her work. 

Tyson: " Have you ever clean someone else house before?"

May: "No... but my family members and friends always said that I'm good in cleaning, so I think I can do it." (Answering with enthusiasm and confidently.)

Tyson: "Good" (he nodded) " Well I've hired a few cleaner from different companies and even invite some freelance auntie cleaner where I had no choice but to dismiss them because it causes me either big trouble or making my house more dirty as before" 

He looking out of the window, as May was listening attentively behind him.

Tyson: "The first ever cleaner I hired threw away stuff which wasn't suppose to be thrown and doesn't threw stuff that supposed to be thrown and the second one was lazy with her work and by the time I got back home at work, my house had more rubbish than before"

Tyson: "I dismissed her and had to clean the house all by myself... it was... tiring."

He turned back to her, expecting an answer from her, she was confused at first but was fast enough to know what he want

May: "Oh! Err... they're quite irresponsible adult aren't they?"

Tyson: "Yeah..." (He nodded.) "The areas to clean, I had wrote down on the paper" 

He gave her that piece of paper,

Tyson: "Table, windows, the sink has to be wiped cleaned, everywhere in the house has to be sweep and mop, for windows, wiped the area that you can clean, I do not want any accident, dirtied clothes are placed near the washing machine, so please do wash them and hang them out to dry. And ask any permission if you want to open drawers or anything. If there's any question, my phone number is on the paper as well, so you can called me."

May showed an astonished face.

Tyson: "Err... is there anything wrong?" 

She shook her head, 
May: "Oh! No no! I'm very happy that whatever you said was clear and detailed, I had worked in some companies where they gave very less detailed to us part timer and expecting us to do the job that we didn't know about."

Tyson: "Ah..." 
He went blushing and arranged his glasses. 
Tyson: "Once you're done, you can put the keys into my mailbox and your pay is on the table."

May: "Err... You're paying me in advance?"

Tyson: "Yeah, it's better this way as I would be home after you've finished cleaning and sometime I would be busy with my work where I would forget to pay you and the employer wouldn't have to worry about the employer not giving them pay, so it's better to pay you in advance,it would be less burden for me plus this is a tryout, I will judge you on the condition of the room for today." 

May: "So if it's not good? That means...?!" 

Tyson: "Yes, we might not see each other again." 

May nodded and Tyson took his bag from the dining chair and start to walk to the door.

Tyson: "I'm going to work now, so time for you to work as well."

May: "Have a nice day!" (Giving a pleasantly smile to him) 

He gave a light smile where it  and a nod to her)

May: "Alright! Let's work!" 

She pulled her sleeve up to her shoulder and start to clean the house

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Chapter 1: Nice story author. Cant wait for your update author.