
Miss right | BTSxReader | Text series



"Mrs. Y/L/N. What is that?" A voice interrupting you. The teacher of your art class, noticed your absence. Your phone hidden in your lap, as you clutched to it tightly. A weak smile appeared, wanting her to go away. Unfortunately, she shook her head before walking in your direction. Her arm firmly stretched towards you and a hand unfolded, knowing you didn't have a say. With defeat, you gave her the phone.

The feel of not having your phone, you never knew what Mr. Unknown meant with 'us'. A strike of hope, imagining that the deal was off. That you didn't need to get Mina, and you could continue talking. But you knew better, he would have said something, if he wanted you. The classmates around you started snickering, making you feel like a kid that got punished. A heat of anger build inside of you, but kept your cool. It wasn't the first time, people had laughed behind your back, or started talking when you finally made an appearance somewhere. You were simply a shadow, until you made a mistake. Biting into your lip, a feel of anxiety hit you. The bell rung and the students rummaged in their bags to leave early. You sprinted towards the teacher, her face unimpressed and disappointed.

"Phones are forbidden in class Mrs. Y/L/N. I will take it, until classes are over 15 o'clock." She demanded, putting your phone away in her bag. A feel of defeat and confused, you had to walk out. The hallways crowded with people, while they tried to find the cafeteria.

On the other hand, you stood still. Against the white wall, hearing every step the students would make. Your most trusted friend, wasn't here to guide you. It was your choice, if this was going to be goodbye. Something broke your heart, realising that Mr. Unknown, will not be there when you get your phone back. You had a deal, you promised to go talk to Wonho and get Mina for him. It wasn't your call, to keep Mr. Unknown for yourself. He wanted to be happy, like you. Scanning the room with eyes threatening to cry a river, Wonho and Mina was located right in front. They talked, with a minor group surrounding them like usually. Grabbing the strap of your bag, you clutched to it as if your life depended on it. Heavy steps and a heart breaking in your chest, while you got closer to your 'prince'.

"Hello" You manged to say, getting the attention from the A-Students.

"Hello?" A voice in front and a smile so blinding, it hurt. Wonho turned around to see your nervous form, repeating the thing you did on the first day with Mr. Unknown. Biting your lip, something told you to run. You didn't want to do this, but you had to.

"Excuse me, Mina? I know someone who got my number instead of yours, you both met each other before somewhere." You spoke to the female, disregarding your prince.

"Oh... is that so? If it is who I think it is, can I have it then?" She requested, making you nod. An insecure smile appeared on her face, showing she wasn't comfortable for a random person, having her 'crush's' number. You held your breath, swaying your hand against your pocket. That's right, you still didn't have your phone. There was no way you could give his number and it only made you happier, but your body reacted otherwise.

"It's xxxxxxx" You blurted out. Her smile turned to delight, writing down the numbers you spoke. Your eyes turning bigger, shocked over you could remember it. The little digits of your one friend, that you never called. How did it get so far, that you have memorised it to the last bit.

Your hand unknowingly reaching for the piece of paper, with his numbers on. You wanted to throw it away, burn it. You didn't want to share it, not with anyone. But you stopped yourself, seeing her shocked face of horror. You smiled, retreating your hand.

"Well...Looks like my mission is done. Have a great day" You whispered with a heavy heart, walking away from the group of people. Neither of them stopped you, to ask what this was all about. They didn't want to know why, you cried while saying the numbers.

Tears escaped from the corner of your eyes, as you walking down the wide hallways. Students turning around, to see your blood shot eyes with puffy cheeks. It was to no one's surprise, you were hurt. Every step you took, pieces of your heart fell. When you would get your phone back, he would be gone. The thought of his happiness with Mina, crushed you. Not wanting to confront another teacher for your absence, you escaped to one of the music rooms. It was the only place, you knew no one would get in. Seated at the white instrument of a piano, your fingers hovered above the keys. Tears that never stopped falling, fell upon the white tiles. A tone of sorrow, making your fingers play how you felt. The room were filled with your music, your heart and inspiration for another song.

Hours passed, crying, playing and writing. It was soon 15:00, which meant you would get to see your phone. The last message of 'Thank you', while you had to go back to your boring life, alone. Your eyes were too dry to cry, they were simply just red. The teacher didn't dare to ask, seeing your state. She handed the phone, without another scolding.

She handed the phone, without another scolding


Fingers shaking and an unknown picture of a flower, made your dry eyes water once more. He was waiting, for you. The only thing you had to figure out, is where he was. Scanning the flower to the smallest detail, you felt stressed not figuring out where this could be. It had already been 6 hours since his text, would he still wait for you? What was 'hours' for him? You needed to hurry, but you couldn't move forward without a destination. Looking at the picture, seeing the finest details. It struck you, that it wasn't the details you had to look at. The answer was right in middle, screaming where you needed to go. The park, just across your apartment. It was the only place, you knew there was still flowers blooming, despite the harsh winter snow. It was also a place, Mr. Unknown has been to see for himself.

Dashing towards your home, cars beeped at your lack of senses. The slippery ice, making you fall upon the concrete. Your knees as delicate, scraped by the harsh hit. It wasn't far from the school, but it felt like an eternity. Running uncontrollably, to find him. The gate to the park was open and couples walking out, while they held hands. Your heavy breathing, mixed with the steam coming from your mouth. You were finally there, but now the problem is, to find him. He never told you what he looked like, or where he would exactly be. Your instincts told you to find the flower, making you run towards the bushes. The flower is well hidden and it's rare that people see it, it was like you. Seeing the red pinkish flower stare, there was no one around. Everyone has left, leaving just yourself.

Minutes turned to an hour, sitting in front of the flower. The winter weather making you freeze and fingers losing their touch. You stayed, because he would too. You imagined how long he had been sitting or standing, waiting for you to find him. He probably gave up and went home, texting Mina. You didn't want to call him, or message him, if it was the case that he has left. You didn't want to be a burden, a fear you have had since you were small. Part of you wanted to leave, but your heart told you no.

The snow stopped falling, when it got substituted with rain. Raindrops as big like peanuts, hitting your hair and wetting your clothes. The sound of people yelling to get a taxi, while you punished yourself in the cold. If Mr. Unknown could endure the cold, then so could you. The rain turned to the worst, making it thunder. The sound of banging in the air, making you shiver from fear. A body frozen in spot, not wanting to move and inch. It was true, that you had a fear for thunder. But right now, you were too scared, to even escape. Covering your ears, you hoped it would go away soon. Your legs turning numb of the cold, while you prayed for just a minute of silence so you could run. A pair of hands touching your shoulder, not giving you a shock due to the thunder being the worst predator. The hands were big, but not too big. They embraced you, lifting you up from the ground. Your eyes squeezing together, wanting to disappear from the world. A person, leading you away from the park. Your eyes opened slightly, to see where you were headed.

Stairs, right in front. All you needed to do, was walk up. The hands guiding you, never left. The person never said anything, but how could they know where you lived? Maybe it was your neighbour? Walking upstairs with heavy steps and shaking legs, you were finally in shelter. Your numb fingers fiddling with the house keys, a hand helped you push it in the lock. You noticed, a male hand. Could it be?

You were pushed inside, along with the boy behind you. Taking your shoes off, you walking further inside the narrow hallway. Not turning around, you heard the boy breathe heavily. The fear you have let a inside, made cold water run down your spine. But your worries washed away, when he finally spoke.

"I told you I would keep you safe..."

A voice so delicate, it made your teeth hurt. But it wasn't because of his cheesy words, that made you turn around. The voice, was too familiar. A boy, a few inches taller than yourself. Blonde hair and black clothes, with brown orbs staring at your wet figure.

"You are..." You trailed off, letting the shock take over. Jimin from Bangtan boys, were in your apartment. Telling you a cheesy line, helping you inside. A familiar smile brightened your way, making your cold body feel his warmth.

"Mr. Unknown" He chuckled, putting his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. The name, made your mouth open wide. The person you had been speaking to, fallen for and trusted, were no one else, than Park Jimin. The atmosphere turned to tension, when your brain finally coordinated what was happening. Your cold body walking over to the kitchen, bringing hot water to boil. Your shaking hands finding the packs of instant cocoa, made you stutter;

"Do you want a cup of hot cocoa?" You questioned, hearing his shoes getting taken off. His steps getting closer, but not further than to your couch. You didn't turn around, when you heard a 'yes'. Everything was a blur, processing how you could go over a month not realising it was Jimin. But, how could you? He was an idol, why would he talk to you in the first place? All of a sudden, everything makes sense.


Mentally slapping your face, you put the pieces together. Even though it could have been a coincidence, knowing that it has been Jimin the whole time, made you chuckle. Not only is he one of your favourite idols, but he got luscious thighs too. You have bluntly stated in a message, your liking for strong thighs.

"Why.. Y/N... Out of all things? Thighs???" You wondered, pouring up the hot water into cups. Mixing the instant cocoa powder, topped with marshmallows. Walking with light steps, you put the cup in front of him. Skipping away to your room, changing your wet clothes to something more comfortable. A pair of loose jogging pants and an oversize hoodie, disregarding the bra.

"Bless hoodies" You spoke into the mirror, going inside the living room, noticing Jimin sipped onto his cup of cocoa. His eyes catching yours, making you smile over the fact this beautiful human being is in your apartment. Seated yourself beside him, you took your cup. Blowing the steam away, before taking your first sip. It was hot, bitter but perfect.

"So, are you weirded out?" He questioned, setting his eyes on you. A light smirk appearing on his face, seeing your glare.

"I'm not weirded out, I guess I'm just starstruck?" You snickered, putting the cocoa away. A light gasp escaping his lips, made you giggle. "I mean, it's not every day an idol is in my apartment. There was no way, I thought Mr. Unknown was you" You finished, smiling at his clean face.

"I'm sorry, that I first told you about it now... I wasn't sure how you would have reacted" He responded, putting the cocoa onto the table. Leaning against the back-lean, with his right hand supporting his head, he examined you.

"Like what? Some crazy fan girl? I'm not about that life, but I am shocked." You spoke, putting the cup away, mirroring his pose. A chuckle escaped his lips, tickling your ears.

"You want to know, how I knew you weren't some crazy fan girl?" He questioned, scooting closer to you, letting your knees touch. A feel of electricity rushing through your veins, making you shiver.

"You asked me 'How I was'. And even told me it was a stupid question, yet you still asked me that. You made me feel, like a normal person on that stage. It was nice, for once" He spoke with a smile, so captivating that you might have drooled.

"You didn't care about who I was, or how I looked. We enjoyed talking to each other, getting closer. We got to know each other on a different level, despite the fact I couldn't tell much, but heck? You practically already know me" He scoffed, making you blush of his comment. His golden locks were shining at the dim light and his skin glowing, while his puffed lips were staring at you. His eyes pointed towards somewhere on your face, making your heart beat faster by the second. An unknown tension filled the room, making your body feel hot. Something happened inside of you, seeing his body scoot closer.

"Did Mina text you?" You asked bluntly, taking in the tension that disappeared. The light in Jimin's eyes faltered, as he bit his lips before answering; "Yes"

Your lips turned to a pout, making him giggle of the sight. A confused state rushed over you, seeing his half-moon eyes and laughter so golden, it made everything seem like a bliss.

"I never replied to her... I don't see a reason to" He spoke back, waiting a reaction from you. A light formed in your eyes, but your eyebrows knitted at his answer.

"You're not going to get your princess?" You teased, seeing a pink tint run across his cheeks. Giggling of his state, you heard him clear his throat. "I am, but Mina isn't my princess..." He trailed off, scooting one inch closer. You were, only an arm length away. His cologne filling your nostrils, making you dizzy.

"It's you." He finished, biting his lip. A flash of heat hit you, feeling your heart burst out of your chest. Your cheeks unable to contain the warmth, as the red tint covered your face. A smirk appeared on Jimin's face, seeing your state. He moved closer, leaning forward. A hand touching your burning cheeks, as his eyes locked with yours. Swaying away a strand of hair, to behind your ear. He was closer than ever, you could hear his breathing. Seeing him getting closer, made you close your eyes slowly. A scene, you have always dreamed of. His lips brushing against yours, feeling the softness of your pink shaded lips. His hands cupped your face, your skin with his thumb. While he kissed you once, twice. A pause, to see let you see him properly. The tip of your noses rubbing softly, looking into each other's eyes. This time you went first, clashing your lips softly onto his. Feeling him respond by pushing lightly against yours, making you shed a single tear. His hand felt the water touch his fingers, making him release your lips. Wiping the wet trail of happiness, he placed his forehead against yours. Enjoying the moment, locking eyes and heart beats in sync.

"I like you Y/N...I really thought I was going to lose you, when you didn't respond to me..." He spoke, seated against the back-lean, letting you get some air. You remembered his messages, when he saw you and everything he didn't dare to say, when you were just unknown. Nodding along his words, you felt his hand land on yours, intertwining your fingers. His hand was slightly bigger than yours, but they fit perfectly together.

"I like you too... not as a fan... but as a person." You responded, seeing a smile form on his face. His thumb your hand, while his smile faltered; "Are you going to forget Wonho then? I'm slightly the jealous type" He teased, making you giggle. Wonho wasn't in your thoughts like Jimin, he may seem like a prince, but Jimin was the one that took care of you when no one else did.

"By the way, I have someone you should meet." He proposed, making you furrow your brows. A smirk growing on his face, he looked into your eyes. "Hitman Bang" He finished, making you gasp in response.

"Hitman Bang??? Why??? What??" You fell over your words, making Jimin laugh at your state. He was amused, over the reaction that came out of you. "I showed him your voice, the one you sent. He really likes it and wants to hear more." He spoke, making you cover your mouth. Not believing his words, a well-known producer wanted to hear YOUR voice. This could be the start of your dream and without Jimin, you would have never gotten this opportunity. You practically got tears in your eyes, hearing his news. Jimin giggled, while leaning closer. Snatching a kiss from you, soft kisses that turned wilder. Soon the both of you were nothing more than a panting mess, feeling each other's curves. Releasing the anticipation, you have let to grow, from never touching. Moving himself slightly away from you, he looked down upon your plumped lips, as the pink tint grew redder on his cheeks, you smiled at him. His fingers tightening around yours, as butterfly kisses were made along your face.

"The cocoa is getting cold" You whispered, making him chuckle into the crook of your neck.

"I don't care" He responded, before placing a soft kiss onto the delicate milky chocolate skin.



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Chapter 11: Omooo. Huhu.

So sad for Wonho. Got used. Hahhaah
Dang! I thought that the members would like her in sone point of time.
jonginnie89 #2
Chapter 11: The best ever!!! I really love the story
JEsperanza #3
Chapter 11: This officially became my favorite!!! I love everything about your story^^
Looooooooooooove iiiiitttt
Chapter 8: Jiminnie! I would cry if I saw him in real life.
Chapter 5: I'm still amazed!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!1!!!
Chapter 3: THIS IS ACTUALLY PRETTY COOL! how did you do this!?