
Home Is Where The Heart Is

JK walked out of the shower still upset, well not really upset jealous was more accurate. Even after the shower he was still aggitated and seeing red.


"How could he ....grrrr.....why does it have to be Jimin-hyung?....arrrgh" JK mumbbled to himself as he dried off and looked for clothes.

"Why do they have to be so clingy all the time?"


But to his credit JK has gotten better at controlling his anger....not so long ago in the past heads would have rolled. 


What has our precious maknae on the verge of a relapse you might be wondering........ Two hours ago


"Tae have I done something wrong?" asked a pouting Jimin.


"No why would you ask me such a thing ChimChim?" replied Tae who was immersed in whatever he was doing on his phone. 


"Well you don't want to spend time with me anymore are you avoiding me?" (Pouty  face with puppy eyes combo to pull on Tae's empathy.


"Chim we just watched 'John Wick II' last night..... So tell me how can I be avoiding or ignoring you?" stated Tae still into his phone.


"Uu..uurr...urg..uurrgg..( wiggle....creap...wiggle)...a...aa...aahhh....This is much better let me rest here a bit ok Tae." said Jimin as he made himself comfortable on Tae's lap. Jimin looking up at Tae with his famous eye smiles and Tae finally looking away from his phone to glance down at Jimin then ruffles his hair and smiles.


Neither seeing the seething maknae standing in the doorway watching the entire exchange and shooting lazers of death from his eyes at them.  Suddenly Tae gets a weird chill down his spine and turns his head just in time to see his most loved maknae walking away with death in his eyes.


Oh no...he sighs internally because he knows what's about to come and it won't be pretty. He will give Kookie a little time to calm down before he goes to see him.  If he times it just right the other members won't even have to know that an event horizon was even on the verge. This one will take some special manouvering to keep Guk from exploding and turn things around so that he can still have cuddletime with his boyfriend tonight.  


Present time...


Tae walks into Kookie's room and goes over to his bed sitting next to the resting maknae.  He looked down at the peaceful face of his love and smiled. JK had his headphones in and looked like he was almost asleep but he smiled when Tae lightly rubbed his tummy in a comforting ans calming way.  Kookie slowly opened his eyes and looked up into Tae's eyes and gave a small smile.


"I'm proud of you Guk-ah...( leaning in to kiss JK's forehead)...chu chu" said Tae smiling.

JungKookie reached up and pulled Tae into a hug and the two embraced and enjoyed the quiet.  Kookie knew that Tae was talking about the fact that he had walked away and didn't explode like a deathstar scaring the other members and instead chose to walk away and try to calm himself.  Tae also knew that Kookie understood what happened with Jimin was innocent so there was no real need to be jeaous  or upset.  Kookie is still emotionally a toddler so they are taking babysteps which was fine as long as he kept growing.  As Tae joined Kookie in dreamland he smiled to himself thinking that he was the luckiest guy in the world to be the one witnessing and causing all these amazing changes in his boyfriend.

The best part is that they are only in the beginning they still have many many years of growth and maturing to go.....






A/N  I know that I haven't updated in a months but I haven't really had the drive to write but I have been reading many of your lovely stories. You guys are talanted,imanginative and awesome......

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TaeTaesKookie1 #1
I know what you mean I wanted to add more to it but something told me to make it short and sweet.
That way you get the feel of Kookie trying to be more understanding ....and Tae noticing his efforts
Chapter 2: Jealous Jungkook is the best haha! Thank you for the chapter but I seriously need more hh :pp I sound selfish don't mind me :p <3
Chapter 1: Hhh i love the way they confessed at the same time <3 update soon