
Home Is Where The Heart Is

JungKook cracked his eyes open looking down at the slepping figure resting on his lap.  Threading his fingers through a sleeping TaeHyung's baby soft locks.  It had been a long day and they were in the van headed back to the hotel, it was not a long ride but they were all exhausted from the day's activities.  JungKook is tired but looking at his sleeping hyung on his lap he gets that familiar harm and fuzzy feeling that he gets only with his hyung.  JK has been pondering about his feelings about his hyung, he is finally at peace with his decision.... so he will confess. 




"We're here everybody out!" instructs Jin.


"TaeTae...TaeTae we are here you have to wake up now." said  JK gently rousing his slumbering hyung.


" ...Guk-ah... don't...leave me...." Tae murmurs in his sleeping state slowly coming awake lookin up at JK.


What is that look for he thinks as he looks at the younger's slightly shocked facial expression. But as quickly as the expression crossed the younger's face it was replaced with a smile that made Tae's heart feel like it was going to explode.  He felt his face start to heat up as he looked into the warm smiling eyes of the boy he loved.


In the dorm they took showers and came to the common room to have dinner before going to bed.  Jk was sitting next to JHope and Tae walked over sat down and put his head on JK's lap.  JungKook was over the moon at the fact that Tae chose him instantly to be his pillow. JK tried his best not to let his joy show Hobi hyung was watching him with a weird look on his face.  For a while it had felt like Tae was ignoring him and he did not like it.




To say JungKook was ignorant to the human emotional scale was an understatement ...

TaeHyung and JungKook hava an emotional and physical connection that was beyond normal human interaction it was on the soulmate level.  They had to be together always and when they were separated for any extended period of time they  both suffered from mental and physical illness.

JungKook would have crippling anxiety attacks which hospitalized him on a few occassions.

TaeHyung suffered manic depression.

But when the two were together they balanced out each other and they were fine.... a little too cute sometimes... but they were fine.

Some might think it was an unhealthy relationship but it was more symbiotic where one fell short /lacked the other compensated. Thusly they complemented and completed each other on an otherworldly level. 

They are so connected that they even finish each other's sentences when communicating with others and when alone they more as one entity they need not speak for one to know what the other needs.  It is weird to outsiders but to the two of them its natural and they haven't even noticed.




TaeHyung has finally accepted his feeling for JungKook are not the same as his feelings for the others but he hasn't told the younger because he fears loosing the younger's friendship.  Being just friends is better than loosing JungKook.  After looking into JungKook's eyes earlier he thinks it is time to tell JK what he feels.  Deciding that he will wait until bedtime to talk to the younger he contented himself with just laying his head on JungKook's lap and closing his eyes while JungKook played with his hair.  TaeHyung didn't realize when he slipped into dreamland.

"Time for bed guys... Let's turn in" said Namjoon.


JungKook looked down at the sleeping face of TaeHyung in his lap and decided not to wake him... so he readjusted himself and scooped TaeHyung into his arms and carried him to bed. TaeHyung snuggled into Jk's arma and when he (JK) went to lay the sleeping Tae on the bed ... Tae gripped his shirt and said


"Stay with me ...don't go Guk-ah"

So JungKook stayed and slept cuddled with TaeHyung.

At some point in the night they got tangled into a mass of arms, legs and blankets.  It was a jumble but neither of them minded and slept intil morning. Upon waking to the sunlight streaming through the window upon them TaeHyung awakens first and snuggles into JungKook's embrace anjoying the warmth and comforting feeling that it makes his own body tingle all over. 


"mmmmm....( snuggle..wiggle)...mmmm" Tae is happy and content.


JungKook slowly came awake and there was a weight on his chest.  Looking down he sees Tae's head resting near his heart his breath caught and he hoped that Tae didn't hear how fast his heart was beating.  JungKook sighed and raised his hand and Tae's hair.  Drawing Tae into a tight embrace with his other hand.  They lay there in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence.


Tae sighed decided to speak breaking the silence..


"Guk-ak I'm in love with you..."

"TaeTae I love you..."


They both said at the same time looking into each other's eyes releasing the breath that they didn't know they were holding. Breaking into laughter at how nervous they both were at revealing their inner most feelings to each other.


It's a wonder they were so oblivious to each other's affections. However it was not so much oblivious as it was self absorbed in not being found out by the other.  Life is not easy and they have been through a lot together, so having to choose between their friendship and their love for one another caused  an emotional and mental strain on their relationship.  At the end of it all  they have made the choice  to simply be honest about their feelings and love each other.  For as long as they have each other and they are together their happy.  Being in sync the way they are it seemed like they should have known what the other is thinking.  There are some things that do need to be said out loud even for these two.






A/N   Sorry it took me so long to update this but with the comeback and then the Newark concert the I've been basking in glow of all the TaeKook moments.  Not to mention all the other fanfics I've come across...... Working on another fic so I will update with info on it soon. <3<3<3










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TaeTaesKookie1 #1
I know what you mean I wanted to add more to it but something told me to make it short and sweet.
That way you get the feel of Kookie trying to be more understanding ....and Tae noticing his efforts
Chapter 2: Jealous Jungkook is the best haha! Thank you for the chapter but I seriously need more hh :pp I sound selfish don't mind me :p <3
Chapter 1: Hhh i love the way they confessed at the same time <3 update soon