Chapter 17

BTS Assistant Manager 101
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Normal POV


BTS and BIG HIT were busy preparing for the upcoming Gayo Daejun and MAMA Awards for this month. Meanwhile, Sela took her day off to meet Daniel to catch up on their lives. They meet up on Tour Le Jour at Incheon since it was the center point from Big Hit and Blue Lens Media so the commuting distance won't be a problem for both of them.


"Ate Sela!!! Just like old times, you always come early on every meeting. I missed you!" 

"Yah Daniel! Stop doing that, you are giving me bruises. I missed you too."


They laugh like it was only yesterday when the last time they've been together back in college.


"So, how are you? I'm still trying to process that you are really here in Korea. I can't believe that I am seeing you!..wait...It's daytime, I can really see you." 

Daniel lightly slap Sela's arm. "You're so mean!"

"Ahahaha! You know that I love you. How long are you going to stay?"

"Maybe a year? I don't know. It depends in our external relations and Admin department if they would need me to build partnership on other companies. Like what I've told you, my only assignment in here is to represent our company. But if our boss has a change of heart and expand our business, then we can see each other again!" he pinches her cheeks as his old habit.

"I will punch you. Leave me alone." Sela raised her knuckles, but Daniel knew that it was only a joke.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Well, they are so unlucky."

"Hey, I'm not that pretty but I can offer my big heart."

"And your big belly."


The two best friends laughing nonstop and spend their time reuniting after years of separating due to their hectic schedules.


"Hey Daniel, let’s see each other again okay? I am so happy."

"Of course, call me Ate Sela. Let's go shopping next time! Before I forgot, I have something for you." 


He ransacks his backpack and pulled a paper bag and handed it to her.


"That is my early Christmas gift. Wear that one okay?"

"What's this?" She opened the paper bag and saw Nike shoes and maroon Abercrombie hoodie inside.

"Oh ! This is wonderful Daniel! You don't need to bother spending this for me, idiot." She takkbamed him.

"It's alright, I just want to express that I am really happy and treat that as my belated birthday gift for you."

"Aaaww.. Thank you so much! I will wear this, promise. “She hugs the younger one tightly.

"I hope SLG will be here as well, I missed them. Take care, call me when you reach home. Goodbye!" 

"Bye ate Sela! See you again!"  He waived and step inside the bus since they have opposite directions on their way home.


Sela smiles while watching the departing bus until she can't see it anymore. She look at her watch "It's already 6p.m. Maybe I can check on the boys before going home."

She calls for a cab and instruct the driver for a destination.

It took her 30 minutes to arrive at Big Hit building and carrying 10 black noodles on her left hand and 10 energy drinks on her right. 

"I am soooo occupied right now."

She reached 10th floor where Bangtan is rehearsing the remix for the songs and new arrangement for the choreo since Gayo Daejun and MAMA Awards is approaching.

"Annyeong Haseyo! Have I caught you on a bad time?" She quickly placed the 2 big white bags on the table beside a water dispenser.

The boys look at her with sweats and fast breaths.

"Noona! Is that a food?" Jimin's exhaustion suddenly washed away when he saw the older one and sprint to her.

"Ah,yes! I ordered 10 Jajjamyeon for you and for managers. Please have your dinner right now." Sela insist to let the boys take a break and give signal to the 2 managers that they are also included.

"Wow, you also brought an energy drink Sela, kamsahmnida." Rapmon lifted a bottle of energy booster and drink it.



Some of them look at her in surprise.


"Since when did you learn to speak in Korean?" Jin asked.

"I'm just self-studying during my vacant time. I started last week with basic Korean but I'm having difficulties with my accent, obviously."

Jimin surprisingly placed his arms around her shoulder and said "Don't worry, I can teach you.”

"Thanks Jiminnie but you should focus on Gayo and MAMA.I recently watched the two big events for year 2015 and hoping that you would get the Daesang award. I believe it is Artist of the Year under Gayo Daejun? Am I making sense in here?"

V, who's mouth is so full of noodles and black sauce answered "Yesh,thash righd noonua. We will win becoch ov ARMY."

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Don't spit on me! Yah yah yah! I have black spots on my shirt, bastard." J-hope stands up and changes his place.

They laughed but Sela noticed Jungkook was not looking or giving his attention on her and drowning himself in a bowl of black noodles.

"Hey Kookie, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just filling up my stomach." not looking at her.


Sela crossed her arms and look intently on Jungkook whose still immersed on eating.


"Do you still have a stomach ache?"

He shakes his head and continues biting the strips.

Sela look on the others and looking back at her with curiosity on their faces. She sighed and grinned.

"Do you have problem with me being best buds with Daniel?"


He shot a look at her.


"Gotcha." Sela giggles while the others are having an idea what's going on.

"What the heck? That's ridiculous. “He stands and leaves the room.

"He looks...Jealous?" V stares at the door while the noodles were hanging in his mouth.

"Eeww Taehyung, so gross. Very dirty water." J-Hope said.

"It's saliva hyung." Jimin corrected him.

"Why did you ask him that?"

"Well, Suga since I introduced Daniel to you guys, he started to stay away and ignore me. One example is what you saw. I don't know what's wrong with him. He said that I lost my focus on you when my friend arrived at the hall and instead of checking and eat lunch with you, I gone after him around and I thought that was normal because he's my old friend that I met 4 years later."

"He's jealous." V said.


And everyone in the circle nodded.


"You too manager-nim? You are agreeing to this?" 

"Of course. That is the only reason that we could think of."


And the boys nodded again.


"So, what should I do to stop his drama? Tell Daniel that we are not best friends anymore? Because that was really insane."

"No, you shouldn't. Let him subside his dilemma. He's the maknae, babies has their tantrums on everything." Rapmon suggested.

“Yeah, right. By the way, I need to head home. I just brought you food and need to prep for something. Gotta go." 

"Wait, aren’t you bothered that maybe he is jealous?"

"I'm not bothered, I found it funny because maknae is jealous about their noona that was busy having fun with her friend instead of playing or entertain all of his talents and jokes. Like you've said Rapmon, babies need so much attention that they e

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 32: Omg, this story is amazing.
ambie24601 #2
Chapter 21: I am loving this story!!!!! I am a noona in love with Kookie and it is awesome when I find great stories like this one!!!! <3
Chapter 31: Omgosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I love this!!!!!!! I fell in love with everyone again and also, I started reading this today morning and now I've finished the story. Please do another story related with maybe Jimin or Hobie?????? Lots of love
Chapter 31: i wish you could make the chapters wherein Jungkook propose to Sela, moments between Sela and Bangtan. huhuhu
clasombillo #5
Chapter 31: waah! I love this story and I've reached the happy ending. More stories please!!!
Youxie #6
Chapter 31: wahh! daebak!
YuukiHime2097 #7
Chapter 30: I need more! Like I'm just re-reading this whole story and I get more excited about where you'll take it, even though I know it's ending
Chapter 30: I cried. WTH! This story is good. Don't make it end yet! huhuhuhu
Youxie #9
Chapter 30:
Youxie #10
Chapter 29: i almost cried. ALMOST