Saint Pierre

Hurry! My Love is Limit!

   "Saint Pierre" the name of school that made from steel is brighting like the sun was shining. Everytime I see it, I always wonder why my mom wants me to study here because people here seems really strange, even teachers and students ahhh they all are crazy and strange. Recently, they invented something name E---Eq---Equal ahh yes Equal. It is a group of protecting of the woman and man right, it means fair and the member of Equal is invented by Deadline group and a Woman Right group but Deadline is a popular group that has many flirt guys. Aww let it be! Don't think about it, it useless!!!!
The loud sound from girl students, louder and louder, clearer and clearer. I heard it since I left the bus until I walked in. When I walk at the front of school, I see many high school girls wear Saint Pierre uniforms like I do. They really busy looking at something and just a few boys there.  Who can tell me what are they looking for?? What is the crazy thing happen in the school again?? I quickly move myself into them so, I easily see what happened. Now, I know.. What? A high school boy wears Saint Pierre uniform is fainting like a death body and I can see something red on his uniform... red likes blood, not only his uniform but on the ground that he is fainting on also has a flood of blood.
   What happened? Had someone stab him??

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