House of Destiny

House of Destiny


Fashion sense is not something that people actually acquire from experience or observation. Clothes are not just plain objects that are manufactured and laid on the shelves or hung on the racks in wait of a customer’s purchase. There is a living soul in every piece of clothing, with a fragment of destiny that is missing from a particular person. Purchasing clothing is actually a hidden mission in life: to locate that missing fragment of destiny in your life. If you succeeded, your life would be complete. What about the living soul that was housed in the piece of clothing you purchased? Well, another destiny awaits them.

I am the newest soul that was granted this mission of carrying a fragment of destiny from a particular person in me. I was a soul injected with the element ‘diva’. The fragment of destiny that I carry is ‘musical talent’. 

The shutters of the shop I was laying in were raised, and the lights flickered on. I am hung on the rack of ‘New Arrivals’, waiting to be brought back with a particular human. Will he be the one? 

Exams are finally over. School’s out, and Jonghyun couldn’t be happier. Who actually gives a damn about school? Well, not him, definitely. Slinging his bag across his shoulder, Jonghyun whistled his way out of the school, laughing at those hardworking students who were getting depressed about the tough paper.

“Get a life, exams are over, have fun man!” he exclaimed as he slapped the back of his friend, whose brows were furrowed to a point where they were about to meet in the middle of his forehead. What is there to worry about in school? Nothing! Nothing at all!

Jonghyun practically skipped his way out of the school, totally ignoring the stares from people he knocked into on the way. He is the happiest person right now, why bother about those people? He glanced around. Posters in striking colors decorated the streets, and aroma from a variety of food diffused over to him from the many food stalls along the pathway. It was heavenly. There was no way Jonghyun could decide what he should pay attention to. There were too many choices. 

Jonghyun’s lips raised into a pout as he struggled to make a decision. And then a particular poster caught his eye. 

The poster had a yellow background, with bright red fonts and models donning colorful fashionable clothing printed across it. It seemed to be calling out for his attention. It seemed to be telling him that he had to go to wherever the poster directed him to. Like he was destined to do so. 

“Abercrombie and Fitch,” Jonghyun muttered, eyes scanning the information on the poster. “so a new collection is launched today together with its official opening, huh?” Jonghyun tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled down the street to the spanking new shop located in the corner. Huge glass doors and wooden steps greeted him as he entered the shop, crowded with people basking in the atmosphere of new found fashion. 

“Wow,” Jonghyun muttered to himself, as he browsed the shelves of imported apparel. There were shirts of every color and pattern, jeans of every cut and coats of every material. It was like a walk-in magic chest, everything that he had ever wanted could be found in there. He was totally spoiled for choice. Moving through racks after racks of clothing, Jonghyun found not a piece of clothing that tempted him, but a whole range of it. He could not make up his mind, so he paced back and forth, looking repeatedly at the clothes that sparked an interest in him, then eliminating them one by one. 

He was pacing for the 100th time along the same row of racks. The sales assistant skewered him with a stare that could probably rip him up into pieces. Embarrassed, Jonghyun lowered his head and scratched the back of his neck. It was then when he caught sight of a piece of clothing that he had not noticed before. It was a navy blue leather vest, secured at the middle with a strap. There was nothing stunning, nothing unique, nothing strange about it, but Jonghyun could not take his eyes off it. He took the vest off the rack and examined it closely. It captured his heart instantly, and suddenly every other piece of clothing seemed like nothing to him. He had to buy this vest, albeit the fact that it was so normal. It was like he was destined to buy it. 

Yes, he is the one. I can sense it. I can sense that, and something else. Something that i have never felt before. Something that tells me that I don’t… something that makes me want to be with him forever. 

He must not wear this vest. 

It is my mission though… oh dear, what do I do? 

Jonghyun brought the vest over to the counter to pay for it. He was given a hot pink hanger as a souvenir for making a purchase during the shop’s official opening. Like he would ever use it. Jonghyun rolled his eyes at the hanger, swearing that he would give it to his sister once he gets home. 

Upon exiting the shop, Jonghyun turned into the alley at the next corner to take a shortcut home. A song suddenly appeared in his mind, and he started singing it. 

Oh my god. That is my favorite song. He knows it. 

Jonghyun stopped short in his steps and spun around. “Who’s that?”

Oh no I just thought aloud. Ah well, I might as well just expose myself.

“Hi, I am in your shopping bag,” the soul called, excitement spinning in the pits of his tummy. He could almost hear Jonghyun’s mouth drop open in shock. He is adorable, the soul thought. 

Jonghyun was stunned beyond words. What could be in his shopping bag? He was about to put his hands in to check when he heard a shrill scream.

“Do not wear me!!” the voice was trembling in fear, and Jonghyun chuckled.

“I wasn’t going to wear you, and now I know the vest is talking,” Jonghyun stated, amazement written all over his face.

“It isn’t the vest that is talking, it is me,” the soul explained, “I am a soul living in the vest, and I carry your missing piece of destiny!” Jonghyun was completely taken aback. Soul? Missing piece of destiny? What on earth…?

“I know you don’t understand me, but it’s okay! I will tell you everything you need to know, but on one condition!” the soul exclaimed, voice trembling.

“What is it?” 

Yes, I will tell you everything. Everything that you need to know. 

“Hang me on that hot pink hanger,” the soul demanded, voice firm with finality. 

I want it because of reasons. Hot pink is such an alluring color.

Jonghyun chuckled. This soul is adorable. “I am full of adoration for you, dear. How do I look at you?” 

“Simple, you just have to hang me up personally. I am the soul carrying your missing piece of destiny. Only you will be able to see me,” the soul explained, pushing Jonghyun deeper into the depths of amazement. Everything is so magical.

For the next thirty minutes or so, the meticulous soul explained everything about himself, making sure not to miss out any detail. Jonghyun was enchanted by the soul’s personality. It was… it was… simply captivating. Jonghyun was also attracted to his beauty. He had a well structured face. High cheekbones, perfect nose, sharp eyes, milky skin… it was all perfect. He was such a beauty to behold, he couldn’t actually be real. It was like, love at first sight.

“When that fated day arrives, you can then wear this vest, and your destiny will be whole,” the soul finished explaining.

“I see. That’s very interesting! So, what do I call you?” Jonghyun questioned curiously. Surely… he had a name? 

“Hmmm, I don’t know, I don’t have a name,” the soul sighed, playing with his earlobe. “Oh, perhaps you could call me Key. I am the Key to your complete destiny,”

Yes, I am, but I don’t want to be.

“That’s a nice name! Key it shall be then!” Jonghyun exclaimed, nodding in approval. “Key, so I must keep you hung up on this hanger to see you?”

“Yes,” Key replied, bobbing his head up and down. 

Jonghyun could not suppress the smile creeping up his lips. Key is so adorable. 

“What can I call you then?” Key asked, looking at him. 

“Hmmm… my name is Jonghyun, so….” Jonghyun scratched his head, wondering if there is another way he could be called, so that they could feel closer

“Jjong it shall be then. Could you sing the part of the song that you sang back down in the alley, Jjong? It’s the best part of my favorite song,” Key requested, smiling at Jonghyun. 

“Jjong actually sounds good, I like it,” Jonghyun smiled, looking at Key in awe of his beauty and captivating personality. “And of course, I will sing it now,” 

Goodbye, Thank You, I love you, I love you,

Goodbye, Keep smiling, Don’t cry, Silly you,

Words that I want to convey are flowing endlessly,

No matter how many times, I fall in love with you.

Key was totally mesmerized by Jonghyun’s voice; it touched the deepest depth of his soul, it made the time stop, it engraved the current moment deep into his memory. Jonghyun was a complete work of art. No wonder his missing piece of destiny was musical talent… but why is he the one holding this fragment of his destiny? Key told Jonghyun everything about himself, except the fact that if he were to wear the vest, his destiny would be whole, his life would be complete, but Key would be shattered. 

What do I do? It would be selfish for me to prevent his destiny from being whole just because I wanted to be with him. I may want to be with him, but is the feeling mutual? I can’t be so selfish even so, whether or not his destiny can be whole or not is controlled entirely by me. 

The other thing I have not told him is… every fragment of destiny only had 1000 days to be found and pieced back with the parent fragment. After which, it would shatter, but I will get to stay. 

But no, I can’t be selfish. 

It is now the 850th day.

And so, as of now, we only have 150 days left together.

For the rest of the day, Jonghyun carried the hanger around, and had the best time of his life interacting with his soulmate, that was literally a soul. It was as though they were meant to be together. Together. Forever.

But can we?

Days, weeks, and then months passed, and Jonghyun continued to carry the pink hanger around everyday so that he could talk to Key. His friends started to stray away from him, thinking that he became mentally unsound. He could not be bothered with them. His teachers advised him to visit the school counsellor, but he ignored them. His family tried to take “that blue vest” away from him, but he clung on to the hanger as if his life depended on it, and they could only let him be. No, he cannot part with Key. No, he did not need to care about how the whole world is actually judging him now. Key is all that mattered to him, nothing else in the world carries the same importance as him. 

Key always reminded him what he was supposed to do.

Key kept him disciplined. 

Key encouraged him whenever he felt that hope was gone.

Key advised him on fashion matters. 

Basically, Key made his life complete. It is true, no doubt about it. He is in love with Key. He is in love with a soul. 

No one understands. No one would be able to accept it. Not a damn was given about it, however. 

“Jjong,” Key called, voice trembling with complicated emotions. 

It was the 150th day they had together. 

At the end of today, everything would be gone. I could either be selfish, or… no. I will not be selfish. 

“Hmmm? What is it?” Jonghyun was completely unaware of the situation. He was sitting casually on the bench in the public park, strumming his guitar. 

“What am I to you?” Key asked, brows furrowed. 

Jonghyun looked up from his guitar. “You are not a what, Key. You are my love, silly. I love you,” 

Key felt something in him wrench, it could have been his heart, but a soul didn’t have one. “Thank you,” he whispered, emotions pooling up in his eyes. He is going to cry. “I love you too, Jjong,” 

Jonghyun looked up at him with endearing eyes, put down his guitar, then his hair. They were smooth as silk, it was perfect no matter when. Little did he know that this would be the last time touching these beautiful tresses. “Silly, I will love you till forever,”

“Really?” Seeing Jonghyun’s nod in response, Key smiled weakly. “Then sing me the song again. The whole of it this time. I want to listen to it one more time,”

Jonghyun smiled and picked up his guitar. “Sure,” he replied without hesitation. “and I will sing it many more times for you, pabo, why just one time?”

Key just shook his head and smiled. 

No, I will not regret it.

“Wear the vest now, it’s time,” Key declared, forcing a smile onto his face. The rest of himself has drowned into the deepest melancholy possible, he felt like he was made of tears, he could flood the world with his tears for having to lose Jonghyun.

“Really?” Jonghyun could not believe his ears. He has been waiting for this day to arrive. Key nodded.

Goodbye, my love. This is my song for you. Remember it. 

Jonghyun beamed like a happy puppy, a great contrast of how Key was really feeling now, in spite of the smile plastered by force onto his face. He slid his arms into the vest enthusiastically, then started readying himself for singing the song. 

He played the first chord. It sounded great. Better than usual.

This is my song for you.

Jonghyun thought he heard something, but he ignored it. He needed to sing this well. For Key. 

If my wishes came true,

Your sadness would fill me

Please throw away those feelings

I will endure them for you.

Key was slowly slipping away. Tears streamed out from his eyes. 

When future paintings and maps are lost,

I would still have seen a tiny part of you.

Jonghyun was smiling. He sounded so much better than usual. It was unbelievable. 

Goodbye, Thank You, I love you, I love you,

Goodbye, Keep smiling, Don’t cry, Silly you,

Words that I want to convey are flowing endlessly,

No matter how many times, I fall in love with you.

Jonghyun’s voice was soul shattering. Literally. Key felt the deepest depths of him wrench, crack, and searing pain coursed through him. Was it heartache? Or pain from the shatter? He could no longer tell.

Your dreams will come true,

As it could be said with all your dedications and with your heart

Key smiled through his tears. Yes dear, you will become a famous musician, just like you told me you wanted to. It is your destiny.

Goodbye, See you next time, I’m sorry, I love you,

Goodbye, Keep smiling, In this way, Silly you,

Painful Love, Endlessly loving,

No matter how many times, I fall in love with you.

Hot tears streamed down Key’s cheeks endlessly; the pain from the shatter was nothing compared to the heartache he was feeling for this loss. Jonghyun, I love you, please remember that.

The eyes of love and the pain of affection,

Long ago you gave to me an unforgettable radiance.

A crowd has begun to gather around Jonghyun. His destiny is about to become whole

Key smiled once again.

Goodbye, Thank You, I love you, I love you,

Goodbye, Keep smiling, Don’t cry, Silly you,

Words that I want to convey are flowing endlessly,

No matter how many times, I fall in love with you.

The crowd started to increase in size. The pain that Key is feeling doubled in magnitude. I am going to shatter completely soon, I am going to lose you soon, Jonghyun. 

Goodbye, See you next time, I’m sorry, I love you,

Goodbye, Keep smiling, In this way, Silly you,

Painful Love, Endlessly loving,

No matter how many times, I will cry out “I love you”,

A mighty force struck Key from the middle, threatening to shatter him in the next couple of seconds. I love you Jonghyun, I really do… He managed a weak smile.


Key sang together with Jonghyun, before he shattered completely, vanishing from the face of the Earth, wiping out his existence entirely. 

With the last strum of his guitar, a thunderous applause sounded through the park, the huge crowd in total awe with Jonghyun’s perfect performance. Jonghyun spun around and smiled, hoping to see Key’s smiling features and hear his loud applause for him. 

Yet when he turned around, he wasn’t there. He called out for him, but there was no reply. Where could Key be?

The crowd was cheering even more loudly now. They thought that it was part of his performance. 

But it was not. 

“Key? Key?” Jonghyun cried out in despair, eyes stinging from the sudden loss of his love. He recalled what he heard before he started singing, he recalled it. It was Key.

This is my song for you.

He bid farewell. He was shattered when his destiny became whole. He finally understood. 

I want to listen to it one more time.

So it was the last time. The one last time. A tear escaped from his eye. Then another. And another. He picked up his guitar once again and sang, voice heaven shaking and heart wrenching. Tears poured from his eyes; he couldn’t accept the loss, he couldn’t lose Key. 

The crowd doubled in size once again, cheering for the unexpected encore. 


At the last note, the crowd cheered even louder than before. It felt as though the whole world was surrounding him, applauding his talent. Yet, however huge the crowd may get, it cannot, and can never fill up the emptiness he felt in his heart. 

Strapping on the vest securely, Jonghyun wiped off his tears. No, he is not going to let Key’s sacrifice go to waste. He bowed.

“Thank you! Thank you everyone for your support! I will work hard from now on, and be the best musician of all time!”

The crowd cheered even louder than before. It was thunderous. It shook Jonghyun from the depths of his soul. He smiled.

This is my destiny, and I will live it. 

You are my destiny, Key, thank you, thank you so much.

I love you.

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: so sad!!! TT_TT I wanted key to have a body or something!!! beautiful and heartbreaking
SherlocKey #2


*thumbs up*
phiiee #3
Omoo, this is beautiful! Great job! *sniffles*