The Amusement Park

Love Bet {HIATUS}

Yukiko's POV:

   I can't believe that Ryouma-chan had gotten me a day off!
   I think of how Okaachan had accepted the request so easily. I'd thought that she wouldn't have said yes to me at all. I guess I was just paranoid the entire time. I smile.

   "Yuki, why are you smiling?" Chiyo asks me. 

   We're both cuddling up on my bed, facing each other. I thought she was asleep. 

   "Oh, I'm just wondering how tomorrow will turn out," I say to her. "Aren't you excited?"

   "Un," she answers. A minute passes and I start to think that she really has fallen asleep when I hear her speak again. "You know, Yukio-chan is really nice."

   "Yukio-chan? You already call him that?" I ask. Ryouma-chan and Nakamura-san had already explained to me who he was. Just a friend that needs a place to stay for a short while. 

   "Hai~" she answers. 

   "...What does he look like?"

   She sighs. "He's really cute. He's short like me, but he's still a bit taller. He has the most adorable face, and he helped me around a lot. I hope we'll become good friends." 

   "Or maybe a little more than friends, ne?" I inquire, teasing. 

   She blushes red. "Uh - I don't know. I don't think that I'm really that good enough for him." 

   I scoff. "That's ridiculous. How would he be too good for you?" 

   But then there's a thump on the door. It's my mom, telling us to shut up and go to bed already. I smile at Chiyo and turn around in bed, closing my eyes. This is what makes us such good friends. We can tell each other everything. 

Chiyo's POV: 

   It's getting harder and harder to keep the boys' secret from Yuki. 
   Usually, we'd be able to tell each other anything. I was a second away from telling her Chinen's identity last night. It was a good thing Okaasan had banged at the door. 

   As I change into the clothes that Yuki had let me borrow for our day at the Amusement Park, I think of what she had told me the other night.
   "Or maybe a little more than friends, ne?"
   I blush. 
   There's no way that Chinen Yuri from Hey! Say! Jump! can ever be interested in one ordinary girl like me. Scenarios like that only happen in the movies. I sigh. At least I can probably be able to get to know him during the day. 
   The least that can happen between us is that we can be friends. 

Yuri's POV:

   I don't want to just be friends with Chiyo-chan. 
   That's what I realized when I had spent the day with her yesterday. She had taught me how to plant the seeds in the soil of the pots, how to arrange them prettily....I couldn't help but stare at the way the sun shone down on her through the window, making her hair golden. So kawaii ~

   "Chinen!" I heard Yuto's voice hiss at me through the door. "What are you doing in there!! Hayaku!"

   I pout into the mirror.
   The only reason I'm spending so much time in the bathroom is because I want to look nice for Chiyo-chan. He should know what I'm talking about and what I'm trying to do. I make a mischievous face in the mirror. He doesn't know that I notice the way he looks at Yukiko-san.


   "Hai~" I say, and open the door.

   I feel a bump vibrate the wood and see that I had knocked Yuto in the nose while I was getting out. He glares at me, holding his nose in his hands.
   I giggle, say, "Gomen?" and run away before he drags me back.

Ryosuke's POV:

   I hope no one there recognizes us.
   I look myself over in the mirror, fixing my hair in different directions. It doesn't matter, anyway - we're eventually going to have to put on hats to fit into our disguises. I sigh and plant my hat on my hat. There are times when I wish that I would just be a normal guy and be able to go out while no one screams at me and shoves cameras in my face.
   And be able to date the girl I love with no complications....

   "Is everybody ready?" I hear the familiar beautiful voice call out.

   I turn around to see Yukiko walking down the stairs in jean shorts, long black converse shoes, and a bright purple T-shirt. Her hair is curled and it cascades down her shoulders and down her back. I blush a little. She looks so kawaii~~

   She bumps her foot onto a table leg and scowls at the pain. I chuckle and she looks up.

   "Ryouma-chan?" she asks, looking at me.

   "Hai~it's me," I say, grinning.

   She grins and walks up to me carefully. "Are you the only one down here?" she asks.

   "Hai, it's just me."

   Then her face hardens. "What's taking them all so long????" Then she turns around to face the direction of the staircase. Then she starts yelling. "HAYAKUE! ARE YOU ALL SNAILS?!"

   She starts yelling more and more things. And I thought that with all Yukiko's delicate beauty and cuteness, there was nothing that made her resemble her mom at all. But I guess I was really wrong, I think as I listen to her yell some more.

   Eventually they all start to come down the stairs.
   Kawasaki looks cute, too: wearing shorts, a blue tank top and a hat. She smiles at me and Yuri looks at her and then to me accusingly for some reason. Yuto, Yuri and I are all wearing different things of Yukiko's brother, who wasn't very stylish. But it helps us not to stand out as much. Yuri had to fold up the sleeves and pants in order to make them fit right. He didn't like looking like that, but it looked really cute anyways.

   Yuto looks really happy. He smiles and winks at me, and I feel a bit of guilt over what i'm planning to do today. He'll forgive you, I remind myself again. He doesn't really like Yukiko all that much anyways.
   And then Yukiko yells one more goodbye to her mom and after she yells back some precautions, we set off.

   It's kind of squished in the pickup. I thought it wouldn't matter, because then I would have a chance to be more squished together with Yukiko, but it ended up with Chiyo in the driver seat while Yukiko rode in the seat beside her, and the three of us had to seat ourselves in the back, which wasn't very comfortable at all. Our shoulders pressed together really tightly, particularly because Yuto had such broad shoulders, but our annoance wasn't for long.
   The amusement park wasn't that far from Petals, so the drive wasn't very long and boring.

   We could see the rollercoasters rise up so high that we could barely see the tops, and I bit my lip. I wasn't really fond of riding on rollercoasters - they were just like how I felt about riding on planes: terrifying.
   Luckily, I saw Yukiko's face turn plae as she looked up at them, too.

   "Do you like rollercoasters, Yukiko-chan?" I ask her.
   She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders sheepishly. "Ah...not so much."

   I smile, relieved. "Okay then, for your sake, we won't go on any, right guys?"

   I look over at Yuto and Yuri, and they roll their eyes. "Daijoubu," they say in unison.

   "Ahh....I haven't been to an amusement park in years!" Kawasaki says, smiling.
   Yuri smiles back at her, grinning from ear to ear. "Neither have I!" He says, looking pleased that he'd found out he'd had something in common with her.

   Ah, I understand why he'd glared at me earlier. He likes Kawasaki-san.
   I smile and narrow my eyes at him knowingly and he pouts and looks away.

   "Oo~Mite!! It's the fortune telling booth that we went to when we were kids!" Kawasaki exclaims as she grabs hold of Yukiko's hand.

   Yukiko smiles. "I wish I could see it." She says, pouting.

   I brighten. "How about we all get our fortunes told, ne?" I say. And then I run up to the booth while the rest of us follow behind.

   I'm greeted by a tall thin man with forever moving eyebrows. I mean those things were working on overdrive - they were bouncing up and down and doing the wave and other ridiculous stuff. He wore a long magician's cape and a guru hat. He wears an onion necklace around his neck. He slits his eyes at us and then moves his gaze to the two girls.

   "Ah, it's nice to see you again, girls," he says. His voice is soothing and mesmerizing. "You look so grown up."

   "Yosshh~~You already remember us?" Kawasaki asks, raising her eyebrows.

   "Of course," he says, like it's the most obvious thing ever. "And I see that your fortunes had come true, as they always do."

   "Eh?" Yuto asks. "What were your fortunes?" he looks at the two girls.

   "Mine was 'How you see others and your surroundings will change swiftly.' But I don't see how that applies to me," Yukiko says. Her eyes roam around, and she squints at almost everything.

   We all roll our eyes.

   "What was yours, Chiyo-chan?" Yuri asks.

   "Mine was, 'Your bond between blood will eventually leave.'" She looked at the ground as she said it, and none of us felt obligated to answer. Yukiko rubbed her back soothingly.

   "Yosh," I say. "So you're saying that through all those years, your fortunes came true after all?"

   The two shrug indifferently.

   "I wanna know mine!!" Yuri says excitedly.

   "Me too," Yuto says. I nod and smile.

   "Daijobu," Kawasaki says and faces the skinny man. "Can we all have our fortunes told?"

   "Of course," he says.

   "How much?" I ask, already reaching in my pocket for any spare change.

   He grins eerily and wiggles his eyebrows. "Oh, for's on the house." And then he disappears inside his tent. Looking at each other confusedly, we follow him inside.

   When we're all inside, he's already seated at a little desk with a glowing little crystal ball planted in front of him. His face is all grim now, and we all sit down on the five seats provided. How he knew our exact number, I don't know, but it seems really mystical at the moment, so I don't question it.

   And then he starts murmuring words in a language that I don't know.
   We look at each other, all of us wearing identical faces of confusion and a bit of amusement.

   And then all of a sudden, the tent gets darker and colder.
   I look at Yukiko, and she's looking a little frightened. I want to go to her to comfort her, but I can't seem to get out of my chair.
   And then the man looks at all of us while the crystal ball starts to glow even brighter - so bright I have to raise my hand up over my face so I can see.

   "SENTO SHURYO!!" the man yells soon after, and then the tent brightens up again and the man is gone.

   "EEEHHH???" We all say at the same time.

   "You guys didn't tell us that that would happen!!" Yuto says, looking at the two girls.

   "We barely remembered it! And I think I would have remembered something like this!!!" Yukiko says. "I don't even think that this happened before!!"

   We all leave the tent faster than we should have, but we all had the same feeling that we were being watched even though we were the only ones in the tent now that the strange man had vanished.

   "He didn't even get us our fortunes," I say, pouting.

   "Yeah, what a rip-off," Yuto says.

   "We didn't even pay!!" Yuri says.

   Yuto shrugs and smiles. 
   "Ahmm...I'm kind of hungry," Yukiko says.

   "Ah, daijobu, I'll buy us all some food," I say.

   "Yatta!" they all cheer.

   As I reach into my pocket, I feel something rough and scratchy touch my fingers. Confused, I take it out and raise it to my face. It's a paper.

   FORTUNE, it reads.

   I widen my eyes.
   "Minna - reach inside your pockets!" Your fortunes are inside!" I say to all of them.

   Raising their eyebrows, they all reach into their pockets and take out little pieces of paper simliar to the one I have.
   I unfold the paper and start to read.

  You are about to shake hands with the romance of your essence.

   ...What the hell was that supposed to mean?
   And then something clicks in my brain. Romance...I sneak a look at Yukiko, who's trying her best to be able to read her fortune properly.

   Kawasaki looks overjoyed. "Yuki, what does yours say?" she asks.

   Yukiko scrunches her face up. "Anou.....'You will shave a wig piss on spoon.'"

   We all laugh out loud.
   "Here - let me read it," Kawasaki says, still laughing a little. She looks at her paper. "'You will have to make a big decision soon," she says.

   Yukiko shrugs and smiles. "I like making choices."

   I read mine out loud, and then Kawasaki says hers.

   "'You will seek and find happiness from a newcomer in your life,'" she reads. Yuri looks about to burst from joy. 

    "'You will be met with an opportunity that will alter you life," he says.

   We all look at Yuto, who's face is wearing a grim expression.
   "You didn't say yours, Nakamura-san," Yukiko says.

   He flinches when she says his name, and then he looks away. "I...don't really want to."

   "Aw, come on, don't be such a party pooper," I say.


   "Pleeassee~~" we all say.

   "NO!" he says, and then he grabs Yukiko's arm and runs off, Yukiko wearing a face of shock.

   There's a moment of silence.






        Why was Yuto acting so weird? What will happen now that the group of frinds have found out their fortunes? What will go on with Yuto and Yukiko now that they've been separated?
   Find out in the next chapter!!
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When no more hiatus? :'(
Yoshida_Sayuri #2
UWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!I'm so excited for the next chapter to come out! XDD~
no__im_asian #3

thank you all for reading >.<
Uwaahhh~~ DOUE???!!!!!!
It pains me </3!!!!!!!!!
omg. .
i cried . .
why!! T__T
no__im_asian #7

update pls~
Shrawnder #9
Episode 13 UPDATE pls.
sakura14cherryable #10
chiyo... y so serious? lol.
i read all over again xDD
please update soon