Cafe Encounter ( Final Chap)

VKook Ship: Special
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So it's back to the start, with Jungkook arriving at a coffee shop, a recommendation to him from a fellow classmate; he heard they made the best Green Tea Latte around, even better than Starbucks. He was still deep in thoughts when a deep and so familiar voice broke him out of his reverie,

"May I take your order?"

His head snapped up instantly and stared up at the owner of the voice, so deep and familiar; Taehyung was looking down at the boy with an equally shocked expression.

"You work here?" 

Jungkook recovered first and grinned at Taehyung eagerly; he was more than relief to see the guy there, seeing as Taehyung's face had somehow been imprinted into his mind since the beginning of the day. 

"May i take your order?" 

Taehyung repeated, his face changing back into it's emotionless expression once again. His eyes were cold. Empty. Not meeting Jungkook's gaze. Jungkook was slightly annoyed; the boy has haunted his thoughts for a whole damn day yet now; he was refusing to meet his eyes.

What did Jungkook do so wrong?

"A Green Tea Latte please."

Jungkook answered, dejectedly and watching as Taehyung walks away from him. 

The clock of the cafe ticked in a distracting manner as Jungkook made quick observations around the shop; it was empty, and only Taehyung seemed to be the one on the shift. The boy was concentrating on the coffee machine. He unconsciously his lips. Jungkook gulped. What the hell was Kim Taehyung doing to him? 

The temperature seemed to have increased despite the air-conditioning. The summer air cracked and Jungkook stared at Taehyung's face, observing beads of sweats forming on his forehead, dripping down to his lips as he it again, out of pure habit. As the boy brought up his arm to wipe the sweat; Jungkook could see those veins, faint in color but popping out from his smooth skin. Jungkook knew then. That he was so damn screwed over Kim Taehyung. 

"Hey, you. Is this why you refused soccer practice? You have work?"

He dropped all formalities, eyes drilling into Taehyung's. The elder boy was flustered and stared down at his feet. From across the counter; Jungkook reached out and lifted his chin up, forcing Taehyung's gaze onto him.

Taehyung's eyes darkened, pools of molten chocolate. 


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BlinkingARMY #1
GGIRRRRRLLLLLL/DDUUUUDDDEEEEE One of the best fics ive read so far
one more sub 4 u; keep the stories rolling!! :D
Chapter 1: I got à feeling I will reeeaaaally like this story :D
Chapter 1: This is so my type of story!!!!!!! Omg I really cannot wait for more~
Shihaam1 #4
Chapter 1: TaeTae Should Take Kookie's Offer Of Playing Soccer & Join The Team Because His Great At It He Won't Regret It At All That's A Fact:DYay!TaeKookie Together Forever It's Beautiful I Love It:D