Intro: Boy Meets Evil

When The Sun Stops Shining

A/N: This first chapter was written by the orginal author as well. I personally love how she laid everything out. Enjoy~




"Boss, 137 is back with the report."


The heavy door got opened and a head peeked through the gap. A black face mask covering everything but his eyes would've made it impossible to identify the man but Yoongi would've recognized his secretary even without the bleached hair.


"Let him in."


A short nod and the tall man stepped aside so that a much shorter guy could enter.


Yoongi saw the door close as his secretary went away and he was left alone with the man who he had sent out to take care of a rather big problem of his. He was supposed to eliminate the spy under his men, who had been selling valuable information for a lot of money. Apparently the spy hadn't been told to not mess with the mafia.


Judging by the lack of gunshot wounds, or bruises in general, the mission had went well, besides the fact that there was only one person standing in front of him right now.


"Where is 125?"


He always made sure to send out at least two people to high risk jobs and he hadn't done it differently this time.


Actually asking that question was totally unnecessary since you only didn't show up for a report when you were a) wounded so badly you couldn't stand anymore or b) when you got killed.


Yoongi hoped for it to be the first case, but his intuition told him it was the latter.


"He got shot before I could take the spy down."


Intuition always won in the end.


The sentence was said without any emotion and he knew how difficult that was for 137 since he an 125 were more than just work partners.


He also knew, however, that he had made himself very clear about being in a relationship while working in this business (it never ended well) so he simply nodded.




The man looked down. He knew the guy was crying but the brown fringe and the white mask were covering all evidence, not that he would've commented on it anyways.


"But besides that everything went as planned?"


He couldn't bring his voice to sound caring, Yoongi himself had given up on emotions a long time ago. Attachment would only hurt you in the end and besides that it would be stupid to get attached to anything in his work field.


That was another reason he personally only knew three of the men working for him. There were files with all s of course, but even there you wouldn't be able to find their real names.


He had a rule everyone had to follow, even he himself: Forget who you are, forget where you came from- simply do your job.


When he got a new member who passed all the physical tests, the person had to choose a name for him- or herself and that name would be written into the file. He or she would get a fake passport with a new identity but even that identity was kept hidden from your subordinates.


Everybody had a number according to their time of joining. Yoongi himself was number 1 but everybody called him boss, a title he had to fight for all his life.


He was the first one to work with this number system.


Yoongk wanted to keep this as professional as possible and calling somebody by their name was the first step to a bond, which were only a burden here. Besides, like this no names could spill if one of his people got into the hands of the wrong guys, because not even the other bosses could put a face to a number.


"Yes, boss. I took care of the body like you told me to."


"No witnesses?"


"No, boss."


That's what he expected of his men.


"Very well. You did a good job you two."


137's head shot up and his eyes widened slightly.


"I've returned alone, boss..."


Ah, the man had still sadness left in his voice. He was still weak, no real killer could cry over a lost life.


"I'm sure your partner did a great job as well."


A breathy laugh followed and this time Yoongi did actually sigh. Damn couples making their lives difficult with loving each other.


"He did....he actually saved me...the bullet was for me, you know?"


Yeah, he figured something like that. Lovers sacrificing themselves for their special someone has become more and more common for the gangster life, something he couldn't understand. Like how could you throw your life away for somebody else? Didn't matter. It happened and if his men ignored his warnings about the risks of being in a relationship, he couldn't really muster pity for them.


"Go and mourn over you loss or something."


"You're giving me time off, boss?"


"Yes. Come back once you have your emotions under control again."


The man nodded and made a slight bow before exiting the room.


He wasn't a nice person, he knew that much. A nice guy would've given his employee time off because the man had just lost somebody important to him, Yoongi had sent him home because he had no use for a mentally unstable man. He would hesitate before shooting, mess up the missions due to his lack of concentration and that wasn't what he was paying his people for.


Yoongi closed his eyes and leaned back in his leather chair. He rubbed his eyes before opening them again  and picking at his own mouth mask, a thing he liked wearing on a daily basis. Staring at the opened tab on his computer he reached for the mouse and clicked on a bar to add another number to the list in front of  his eyes.




He confirmed the current date and let the program do all the other work. 125 would be crossed off the membership list and therefore removed from the current records.


7 deaths in two months, either his people were getting older or this year was really going to be more intense than the last one.


Another knock made him look up. His secretary needed something again. That man was one of the three names he actually knew, the number 2 in the records, the only man Yoongi would consider taking a bullet for.


Not because he loved him - love was a too powerful word for his life - but because this man was the former boss' child.


The tall guy standing in front of his desk was the one supposed to be sitting in the leather chair. He was the one supposed to lead this imperium of drugs, money and deaths. He was the guy who had been raised a gangster, who was smarter than anyone else of his men, heck smarter than himself. He could be leading this thing if he wanted.


But he had said no.


He had declined his father's offer as said man was dying due to a shot to his upper stomach. The former boss had to witness his own son suggesting Yoongi, a short man without the physical build for a real fighter.


But Yoongi was GOOD. He had been working on his combat skills since his 5th birthday and blamed genes for his body not looking as trained as other people's ones.


He maybe wasn't the strongest out there but he had all the techniques. He could break a neck with one hand, make bones snap with one step and lungs collapse with one punch. He was an ace at using the gun, better than the former boss himself, and a natural leader. Yoongi didn't fear death and made no unnecessary promises.

He was the perfect man to fill in the spot and everybody knew that, Namjoon was simply the only one with enough guts to challenge his father.


The former boss took the news better than expected, he didn't exactly cry of happiness but he did die with a smile on his lips.


The deep voice of his secretary snapped him out of his thoughts.


"Car's ready boss."




What car? He didn't remember having any meetings today...


"With Kim Seokjin."


"Kim who?"


Yoongi knew ALL mafia chefs by name and he was pretty sure there didn't exist one with that one.


"My boyfriend you idiot!"


Usually calling a mafia boss idiot was a suicide wish but he's known Namjoon for so long the guy had certain privileges 99.9999% of the human population didn't.

Apparently making his boss meet his boyfriend was one of those privileges even though Yoongi himself hadn't heard of that one.


"Shooting your boyfriend isn't the way to solve lover's quarrels."


And besides that Namjoon was very much capable of shooting him himself if that was what he wanted. However, judging by the horrified look he got in return, that wasn't the plan.


"Touch him and I'll hunt you down hyung."


Ah, he hadn't seen his secretary's deadly look in a while, still as scary as ever.


"Thanks for the warning ."


Namjoon wasn't his friend, he had no friends, he was simply a guy he was indebted to for the rest of his life. Yoongi hated being indebted to anyone but he wasn't planning on giving up his position anytime soon so he'd have to cope with it.


"Aish, shut it, will ya?"


Namjoon tore his mask down and left it hanging under his mouth. He used his finger to point accusingly at his boss and squinted his eyes.


"You forgot that I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend today! How could you?!"


The . What has this world become for a guy to ask his boss to meet his lover?


He simply raised an eyebrow at the younger guy in front of him.


"I don't need to put a face to the guy you're ing."


Namjoom snorted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.


"You're doing a lot barking for somebody who hasn't gotten laid in ages."


Okay, this was getting waaay too personal for his liking.


"Where the is this going?"


He didn't feel like discussing his non existent life with anyone, thank you very much, Yoongi had one more guy to kill and that money transfer tomorrow he still needed to organise. There wasn't time for like this right now!


"Listen Namjoon. I'm not saying you have to break up with him but I would appreciate it if you kept your boyfriend away from anything work related. I am work related to you, therefore keep him away from me."


"Sweet Jesus I'm not asking you to marry him! Simply meet-"


"No. And that's final."


His secretary sighed once and pulled the face mask back up.


"You'll be your own cause of death, you know?


Yoongi wasn't looking up anymore, too busy emailing the agents who would be doing the money transfer tomorrow.


He spend the next three hours talking on the phone with people he would have shot by now if they weren't so damn influential in the underground.


He was called heartless for killing people, cursed at for playing the role of god but Yoongi honestly couldn't care less what the world thought of him. He was a loner, didn't mourn over lost comrades and didn't give a about all those wanna be gangsters being oh so horrible in the streets of Seoul.


He had the power to clean the whole city of those rats who thought covering your skin with ink would make you more gangster like but why the should he do the police's job? As long as they didn't interfere with his work they didn't matter to him.


He finished the last call for the day (more like morning as his Rolex indicated it was long past midnight by now) and stretched his upper body a bit.


Sitting here all day made him rusty, he needed to get out again.


He made sure to lock his office door twice before finally walking down the poorly lit corridor into the general direction of his car. He could turn on more lights but Yoongi was the type to enjoy walking around in the dark. Some stereotypes apparently were true after all- monsters liked staying in the shadows until their prey appeared.


The skyscraper his business was located in was probably the safest building in Seoul. Besides everybody being armed in here, he had CCTVs installed at every corner, there were endless doors that needed fingerprints for access and to even get through the main gate you needed a code and an ID.


Not that he needed to worry about that considering this whole building belonged to him. Actually this whole part of the city more or less belonged to him but he wasn't one for bragging.


He reached the parking lot and headed straight to his black car. Stereotypically he would be driving a Mercedes but Yoongi had an undying love for Jaguars and therefore was a proud owner of 8 different types.


He unlocked his black XJ and drove off with a speed that was technically not tolerable in the capital but the police department knew better than to mess with the mafia, therefore he didn't have to worry about things like that


Buildings passed by while blurring together with the lights putting the scenery into neon colors and blinding brightness. The city never slept, no matter how late he drove home, there would always be people running around doing god knows what.


Humans had a more similar behaviour to animals than many thought- they stayed close to the light, rather getting burned than to merge into the darkness. Everybody was afraid of the dark. Did they fear being exposed to something they couldn't see? Did they fear the creatures that had the darkness as their home?


Yoongi didn't have answers to that but he himself knew that being afraid of something made you weak. You had to overcome your fears in order to survive, at least that rule applied for him. One second of hesitation, one miscalculated move, a single moment of panic and you were dead.


Not that he was afraid of that either, Yoongi would embrace it like an old friend. Death was the only constant in his life. Being afraid of it was like fearing breathing, it was stupid. You shouldn't be fearing a part of your life, right?


Even so he didn't want to die yet, not because he believed in hell but because he was simply too proud. He was too proud to be shot by somebody's else's gun, too proud to die because of a stupid disease, too proud to let himself get killed for some other person.


Yoongi hated losing. He wouldn't loose his life like that.


Somewhere in his mind he knew that Namjoon had been right earlier: He would be his own cause of death, simply because he was too proud for it to be anyone or anything else.


Too caught up in his thoughts he almost missed the traffic lights turning red, a thing he would've usually ignored but there was a person who was just crossing the street. He was a murderer in all ways possible but killing somebody like this wasn't his style, so he slammed on the breaks as hard as he could.


The screeching sound was awful and Yoongi knew he had absolutely ruined his wheels but he stopped exactly in front of the person, who turned out to be a boy, not much younger than himself probably.


Usually this was the part where he got angry at the universe for letting somebody cross this street exactly when he was passing it, but one look at the boys still shocked face and he honest to god forgot how to breathe.


In front of his car was the probably most beautiful human being he had ever seen in his life. The guy had light pink hair, hazel colored puppy eyes and plump lips that were shaped into a perfect o.


Totally not knowing how to handle situations like these he honked once, which made the pretty boy jump slightly, before he literally ran to the other side of the road. Yoongi didn't wait for the traffic lights to turn green again, he slammed on the gas pedal and drove off as if he was on the run.


The was that? His heart was still beating way too fast for his liking and his clammy palms were clinging onto the steering wheel for dear life.


He didn't blink when his partner's lifeless body fell onto the ground in front of him, his pulse never once fastened when he was driving around with a suitcase filled with millions but this ing stranger had his eyes widen- no matter how handsome somebody was, Yoongi didn't get affected by like that!


He figured he was slowly getting too old for allnighters, like the one he had pulled yesterday, and blamed everything on his lack of sleep.


It took him another five minutes to get to his private parking lot, five minutes from his car to his penthouse entrance and another five to strip down, brush his teeth sloppily and fall down onto his king sized bed like dead weight.


Today had been a long day. He hadn't slept in more than 50 hours and his brain was obviously giving up on life, nothing more.


Five seconds later he was dead to the world, not even having bothered to mute his cellphone. The last things on his mind before falling asleep were pink hair, puppy eyes and plump lips.






Now to say that Yoongi was a morning person would be a blatant lie. He treasured a good night's sleep more than some of his coworkers and getting woken up was pretty high on the list of things he hated doing. (Directly under having to smile when he didn't feel like it)


Therefore he was usually a bit...grumpy when woken up but today was different. He had the best sleep in AGES and not only that, they only expected him in the office at 5pm so he could be sleeping for more than 12 hours straight.




Technically as in: some ing had the audacity to call him at 9am, which lead to him being mercilessly woken up from a perfectly peaceful and fulfilling sleep.


Yoongi was pissed, to put it nicely.


Cursing he fished for his phone on the nightstand and accepted the call without really opening his eyes.


"I'll kill you, you er."


The rasp in his voice only added to the threat underlying his words.


A tiny part of his brain, that wasn't occupied with surpressing the urge of murder, realized that he could be speaking to one of the big guys in this industry and he should watch his tone, but the much bigger part of it was picturing a painful death for whoever decided to call him at this goddamn hour.


"Good morning to you, too."


Well apparently his victim would be Namjoon. Pity but he was sure there were other smart dudes out there.


"You have 10 seconds to explain."


This better be good, because otherwise it meant war.


"So you know the guy we were supposed to kill today? Well somebody saw it."


What. The. ing. .


"Repeat that, I think I misunderstood you."


"There was a witness to the murder our people did."


Okay, apparently his ears were working just fine and this had actually been what the man had said.


"You called me because there was a ing witness???!!!"


Good thing his apartment was soundproof because he was outright yelling at the end of the sentence. Did something change overnight? Did they turn into a church and he had missed it?


"Are you too stupid to use a gun now or what?"


He honestly didn't have a better explanation, because there was this tiny rule in their business that witnesses didn't exist. And if they did, they got taken care of. Shouldn't be the first time the son of a ing mafia boss heard about that.


"No hyung..."




This had to be some joke. His secretary, the guy who had shot probably more people than he himself, was asking what to do with somebody who saw them doing their job? He didn't get paid enough for like this.


" see, the guy who saw it..."


"You have a death wish? Finish that sentence quickly if you don't."


Sweet Jesus somebody help him with the idiots who were supposed to make his life easier!




"Don't rap, speak like the normal human being you are Namjoon."


Yoongi was THIS close to actually loosing it. His precious sleep, wasted because of what? The son of a gangster turned into a big softie over night?


"I said: the guy who saw the murder was kind of Seokjin's brother..."




"Kind of?"


"Well you see, Seokjin's parents divorced when he was 10 and then his-"


"Short version."


"Right. Jin has a half brother and the guy was wandering around tonight and happened to pass by know..."


"Where they wearing masks?"




"I asked you a question."


"No, boss..."


These ers! Why was it so difficult to actually listen to what their boss was telling them every ing day?!


"And you sure he saw it?"


"Pretty much...he started screaming, that's how they noticed..."


Ah, he felt a headache forming. A real bad one induced by brainless morons. He loved his life.


"Then you know the procedure."


"But I can't kill him! Jin would be devastated- he practically raised the boy!"


This was exactly why Yoongi hated his people having relationships. Somehow their significant other would get involved and gone was all the bloodlust a killer should have, replaced by the urge to protect. Bull.


"And since when do we care about things like that?"


Last time he checked he was the boss of a mafia imperium not some ing saint...


"But this is different! He's basically fa-"


"How is this different? The guy you shot the day before also had a family who was devastated by his death. Still, he died because of your bullet, remember? Clean shot to the forehead."


Sleep. He needed more sleep for talks like this.


"Yeah but-"


"Namjoon. I'm tired and in no mood to discuss this with you. If he saw their faces he dies. Blame the idiots for not wearing masks."


He was met with a short silence and was already about to hang up, but then the deep voice of the guy continued and Yoongi grit his teeth in annoyance.


"But he won't tell anyone, he promised!"


Did Namjoon even hear how pathetic he sounded right now? Begging for somebody else's life was way under what you'd expect from somebody who was born into this world.


"What exactly are you asking from me?"


"Spare him?"


Oh lord, the day has come he officially gave up on the only human being he actually respected a tiny bit.


"Spare him. You want me to let him...did you forget what we do for a living?"


"Hyung, I can't kill him."




He had 1015 people working for him right now in some way or another- if there wasn't a single one who could take care of Namjoon's boyfriend's step brother he would blow up Seoul personally.


"I can't boss."


Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.


"Then what can you do?"


"Let him go."


"You're kidding me. You better be kidding me."


He was met with silence again.


"Maybe you could talk to him and...dunno, make it clear he mustn't tell this to anyone?"


This time Yoongi did actually laugh. It was a hysterical laugh, something high and ugly, perfect to describe how close he was to actually snapping.


"You are asking me to work during my time off, meet some boy who saw my men killing a guy and persuade him into keeping it a secret? Do you even hear yourself?"


"Well you're awake anyways...."


Oh no, he didn't just go there.


"The only reason for me to get out of bed right now would be to plant a bullet into your scull."


"But you wouldn't have to drive far!"


"What do you mean?"


"Well I brought Seokjin and his brother to your office, you see? Jin was crying and begging me to talk to you could be here in twenty minutes, solve this and drive back home for more sleep?"








"Hey, are you listening hyung?"


"Kim Namjoon."


His voice had dropped an octave and he was sure he pretty much sounded like satan himself by now. The gulp on the other side of the line confirmed that and Yoongi was glad he at least still had enough authority to get such a reaction out of a murderer.


"You are saying you brought two random guys not only into the building but into my office? Into you boss' office that you have no right to enter when it's locked and I locked it twice? Is that what you're saying?"




"Are you allowed to bring whoever you want to work?"




"Do you decide when you enter my office?"




"Who do you have to ask for permission concerning ANYTHING work related?"


"You, boss..."


"Hmm. And how come you're not following the rules?"


"I'm's...He's Jin's brother!"


"You do remember what happens to the guys who don't obey me, don't you?"


"...I do..."


"I believe I made myself clear, there are no witnesses. Period."


It wasn't exactly like Seokjin's brother could do much harm: it had been nightime so he most likely couldn't have seen their faces anyways and even if he did, described them to the police and they actually found his men, it wasn't like two arrest would make Yoongi's life miserable.


However this was the world he lived in: you don't care whether the person in front of you is a father, a priest or the president himself- press the trigger if that's what you have to do.


Letting this guy go because of sympathy wouldn't just be utterly embarrassing on his side- it would make the whole system to a laughing stock. Yoongi could already picture the headlines: "Mafia boss released nnocent boy- maybe they aren't so bad after all?"


Nope. Not as long he was alive.


"But boss! Can't you make an exception??? Just this-"


"Is this guy worth dying for?"


He heard a breathy exhale on the other side of the line and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.


"Think about it Namjoon."


With that he ended the call, not wanting to hear further responses from the guy who woke him up during what he still considered deep night. Groaning into his pillow he placed the cellphone further away from him ,making sure to mute it this time, and let out a frustrating sigh.


"Stupid people with their stupid feelings."


The words were a mere whisper and Yoongi was SO close to falling asleep when he suddenly heard his secretary's voice in his mind. "But he's Jin's brother! I can't kill him!"


Annoyed the man grit his teeth, to his other side and tried to ignore the nagging voice in his head.


**That guy is the reason you're where you are today! Without him you'd still be a nobody! He could've taken over himself but he let you do it- at least do this little thing for him!**


Oh how much he hated himself right now. Here he was, technically with enough time to sleep, let his body take all the rest it needed and his ing useless brain told him to not only get out of the warm bed, officially give up on sleep for now and drive to the office, but it also told him to spare a life- spare a life! He hadn't spared anyone's lives in his 27 years on this planet!


This was a really bad joke.


Yoongi hated bad jokes.


Nonetheless, after turning around in bed for half an hour, he sat up straight in his silk sheets and glared at the mirror at the other side of the big room (Because what the ?! He could ALWAYS fall asleep, no matter the circumstances and now this boy he didn't even know was keeping him from his much needed rest!)


Cursing the whole universe the pale man got out of his comfortable bed, stretched his bones and threw a quick glance into the full body mirror in front of him:

His black hair was sticking up in all directions from turning around so much, his shoulders were slumped of exertion and there were evident under eye circles he'd have to hide with sunglasses.


" this !"


He stomped to the huge walk in closet to his right and fished out the first things he came across, they turned out to be black skinny jeans that were ripped around his knees, a black oversized hoodie and a black bomber jacket.


At least there wouldn't be any blood stains visible on his clothes.


He changed his grey black boxers into black ones (just to complete the look of an emo high school kid), grabbed his phone, face mask and a pair of sunglasses before leaving the master bedroom and heading straight to the dining room.


His penthouse was decently sized with a luxurious interior and the colors were generally in the grey shades. Yoongi liked it simple without much decorations, but you could definitely make out his wealth by just looking at the furniture.


The man walked over to the too large dining table and grabbed the lunch box his housekeeper had prepared for him earlier. Not really bothering to check what exactly he was eating, the man swallowed the whole content of the metal box in mere minutes and then went to his fridge to gulp down some fresh milk. (His growth period wasn't over yet okay?!)


Still muttering curses at everything he grabbed his car keys and wallet, put his black converse on and stomped out of the apartment, not forgetting to slam the front door shut for good measure.


He kept his eyes trained on the floor as he walked through the long corridors and rode the elevator to his private parking lot.


Only when he reached his precious babies (read as: his eight Jaguars) Yoongi finally looked up. He walked past his XJ and unlocked the black F-Pace standing directly next to the car he'd used yesterday, well today  morning would be more accurate.


The steering wheel felt cold in his hands and his brain was about to totally shut off due to lack of sleep but he sure as hell wouldn't be stopped by that.


Enjoying the sound of pure power the engine let out as he started the car, he almost smiled. Almost. However he was still in a dangerously bad mood and therfore didn't feel like doing a different facial expression than pressing down the corners of his mouth.


Yoongi passed the exit of the parking lot and drove off, literally leaving behind a cloud of dust.


He didn't like the daylight scenery. Even though the sun was shining, the city looked sadder than ever with the grey buildings rising into the sky and casting dark shadows onto the world beneath them. They were standing in all their might watching people like giants would watch ants.


It was surprising what teamwork did to people. Together they could do things that would've been impossible alone. One man could never build a skyscraper whose end you can't see from the ground but in a team humans were able to construct whole cities.


If you were to separate all ants in a colony the poor things would loose their orientation and be unable to do anything more than run around, lost and most likely to die without the power of their unity. Yoongi guessed most living creatures were like that.


Depending on their mothers right after birth, needing their parents' supporting hands to learn about life, relying on friends and coworkers until they retire and even then, during their last years of life, they would need caretakers to help them do .




You were born with your own brain, two hands and feet but then you're too afraid to actually step out into the world, afraid of exploring the unknown darkness? So living a life in the sun and then closing your eyes as soon as it sets, pretending to not know about the other part of the world was what you were born to do?


Yoongi didn't think so.


He hadn't had loving parents while growing up, no helping friends to rely on, no sun that would show him the "right" way. So he just left it. He left the road everybody else was walking on and went his own way. Funny how that way led him into the complete opposite direction, right?


He was alive during the night, killed people instead of helping them, earned money by threatening all the right people, sold drugs that would cost so many people their lives.


Did he regret it? No.


If humans were too cowardly to actually walk beyond their comfort zone, they shouldn't be surprised if the things they saw while peeking over their safe walls were shocking to them.


A drug addict became one because he started using things he knew were dangerous without any knowledge or care about the consequences. Should he really feel sorry for providing such people with what they wanted, needed? It wasn't like he forced anyone to take them. If you were too stupid and naive for your own good that had nothing to do with him.


The people he killed were also doing things they shouldn't most of the time. If he told somebody to deliver a package without opening it and the guy opened it, it wasn't his fault the guy hadn't listened. A man who didn't do as he was told was useless, why should he be sorry for his life? A woman who tried to get close to him because she wanted to use him for money was stupid, why should he regret killing her?


Every single one of Yoongi's moves had a motive. He didn't do things he deemed useless because he wouldn't gain anything from them. But these people running around like headless chicken, they had no purpose.

They lived how they were told to live, not daring to break free of their cage, not daring to do what they actually wanted to, trying to fulfill some bull ideals made up by themselves.


That was a useless life. If one or two people like that died it didn't matter, right? The world would keep spinning even with two unspectacular human beings less.


Speculating about life Yoongi almost missed the entrance to his office. Again his wheels were screeching and that sound only added to his already bad mood- Namjoon better had prepared a coffee for him, otherwise he would really end up killing somebody today.


Ignoring the two masked guys turning around to bow to him, the pale guy held the electric ID to the garage door and waited impatiently for the steel gate to open.


After what seemed like an eternity (less than 30 seconds actually) he drove into the bright parking lot, past countless bulletproof cars and soon reached another grey gate. He held his ID up again and was soon entering his private parking lot. Being the boss came with some awesome privileges.


He parked his Jaguar close to the entrance and after locking his precious baby he headed to one of the two elevators. Luck was with him again apparently, because the door opened immediately and it took him less than 5 minutes to reach his own office.


He was glad for not having met anyone besides the guys at the entrance because Yoongi really didn't feel like socializing right now.


He wanted to unlock the door but to his unpleasant surprise the thing opened without him doing anything and even though this building was high tech as hell, the doors leading to important rooms didn't have motion sensors installed in them. That meant somebody had opened the door from the inside.


And yup, right then the face of his secretary appeared and Yoongi was so done with his life because if Namjoon was still here that meant he wanted to talk about Jin's brother.


A sigh left his lips as the door got opened completely and he entered his spacious office without glancing back at the guy who hurried to close it behind his back and follow him.


Yoongi didn't get far.


There, on the black leather couch that stood pretty much in the center of the room were two guys looking at him as if he was the devil personally.


The fact that there were people here he didn't know was worrying enough but there was something even worse than that right now:

The guy on the left was rather short, had light pink hair, puppy eyes and plump lips. Either there existed clones now or he was standing in front of the boy he had almost killed yesterday.


Yoongi froze on the spot.


He didn't believe in destiny nor in miracles but this was just a little bit too much coincidence for his sleep deprived brain to accept.




The words were meant for Namjoon but the two visitors didn't get that and started talking really fast at the same time and why the were they so noisy?!




He didn't know himself what exactly he was asking for, but there were a couple things that would make his headache better: a) His secretary got those two out of here b) He at least made them shut up and c) an Americano.


The next moment there was a hot mug in his hand and his secretary rushed over to quiet the two men on the couch.


Damn. He would've preferred a).


Ignoring the terrified looks cast his way he walked through the room and let his body fall onto the office chair all while sipping on the goodness in his hand.


"Go ahead."


This time only Namjoon started speaking and Yoongi was actually grateful.


"Well...this talk isn't over right? So I couldn't really let them go, I mean not that they would leave even if I told them to but yeah...I thought they could stay here? Kinda? I mean until you came..."


The man was talking fast, a habit he didn't appreciate. He understood him perfectly fine, it was just getting on his nerves when he had to listen to a guy practically rap all day long.


"And may I ask why you had to bring them to MY office?"


This building had exactly 100 floors. That meant there were 99 other floors with god knows how many rooms that could've fitted two people in them. But Namjoon hadn't brought them there, no, he had to show these strangers HIS office!


"It do you say it...the most fitting?"


"The most fit- you know what? I'll have a talk with you after these two leave."


Sort your thoughts, push the headache back, concentrate on this idiots who are the reason he wasn't in his bed right now...nope, that didn't work to lower his blood pressure at all.


Sighing for the xth time Yoongi eyed the boys and figured the sunglasses were more of a bother than anything, so he took them off and placed them on the Mahagoni table with a low clacking sound.


"Who are you guys?"


Actually he didn't care about the brown haired dude, his whole attention was on the smaller one who was clutching onto the other's arm for dear life. He hoped the pink one was Seokjin, he really did.


"Eh...hello. My name's Seokjin and I'm Namjoon's boyfriend.", the brown haired man spoke and Yoongi felt goosebumps rise on his arms.


"This here is my brother Jimin."


Seokjin pointed towards his half brother who certainly looked paler now then when Yoongi almost ran him over a couple hours ago.


"W-we came to ask you whether you could spare my brother? He won't tell anyone- I promise!"


Argh, that guy had a high pitched voice when he was worried. Yoongi looked at Jimin and totally didn't feel his heart skip a beat. He did not.


The guy was still wearing the same ripped jeans and pink sweater from today morning  but his grey jacket was lying on his lap. Like brain- why the did you remember that in the first place?!


The pink hsired boy was practically glued to Jin's side and just then Yoongi noticed the tears streaming down his face. He noticed the slight flush of his cheeks, his swollen eyes and the sniffling sounds escaping his lips.


Seokjin wasn't any better off, actually. The tall guy's handsome face looked tortured and Yoongi was pretty sure he had never seen eyes that scared in his entire life. (and he had seen his share of them)


He looked over at Namjoon who was eyeing the two men with a clenched jaw and even he looked close to tears.


Yoongi couldn't deal with emotions.


He hated it when people were too happy, too naive or too scared but crying grown men were at the top of the list.


"You at a funeral or something?"


Yoongi also never had had the talent to phrase his sentences nicely. He had no filter when it came to his mouth and apparently he needed one if he was dealing with emotionally unstable people because Jin and Jimin only started crying harder.


"Jeez, stop crying, will ya? You're not some ing teenage girls..."


There went his mouth again.


Surprisingly the guys did calm down a bit and if you ignored the occasional sniffles it was actually silent again enough for him to concentrate. Whew, a step into the right direction.




He leaned back in his chair and moved his face mask a bit because it had moved uncomfortably.


There was a good and a bad thing about this situation. Jimin hadn't recognized him, which was good. (This just supported Yoongi's lectures about ALWAYS wearing a face mask- those things saved lives. Literally.) The bad thing was that the guy who saw his men kill another dude was Jimin. The hot boy who made his heart clench and .


"What am I gonna do with you..."


The question was more for himself but Jimin took it personally and spoke for the first time and Jesus Christ that sounded like angels singing to his ears!


"I swear I won't tell anything! I mean I haven't really seen their faces anyways! I only heard the gunshot, the scream and then suddenly there was blood everywhere and I screamed and they noticed and-"


"Okay, okay, stop please."


Jimin was a talker. Yoongi didn't like talkers. Well he didn't like people in general so there was that. This boy really messed with his head goddammit!


"You're telling a guy who kills for the thrill of it to let you live? Is that it?"


That wasn't exactly the truth. Yoongi didn't kill without a reason but he felt like being intimidating and he had a certain imige to obtain, so he simply went with it. Pinky looked down and sniffed.


"I'll do anything!"


He looked up again and met Yoongi's eyes dead on- oh lord, he hadn't seen that one coming...


"Anything you say?"


It was almost funny how Namjoon and Seokjin froze while Jimin didn't understand the weight of his words and started nodding eagerly.


"H-he didn't mean it literally, sir!"


Aww, big bro trying to save his little boy, that was kind of cute, actually.


"No, I meant it hyung! I'll do any-"


"Idiot, don't say things like that in front of...this man, who knows what he'll make you do!"


Well he did have a point there...


"So you rather have me dead?!"


Maybe Yoongi should just get popcorn and see how this family drama turned out- he would've if he wasn't supposed to play the villain here.


"Sorry to interrupt you two."


Immediate silence followed and Yoongi noted their obedience...or their fear- yeah it was probably the fear..


"You're telling me you would do anything I want as long as it didn't involve killing you?"


Maybe he would get something out of this after all.


"Yes!" "No!"


Seokjin was starting to annoy him. Really bad, that is.


"Yes I would!"


"At least let him say what he has in mind!"


And there went the overprotective brother again.


"Sorry but this ain't how this works. You up to it or not? The mission comes afterwards."


This was no lie. In this business it was all about power- if you had it, good for you, if not you didn't get to voice your ppinion. Yoongi himself was lucky to not be at the receiving and of somebody's whims. These guys didn't have that luxury.


A short silence followed.


"I'll do it."


A shocked Seokjin, kind of afraid Namjoon and hopeful Jimin were looking at him like he was some god about to tell them how their life will end. Well that was a bad phrasing, because it was actually something like that right?


Anyways. If he had learned something as the boss of a mafia imperium it was to turn things around so they worked out best for you. Time to use that knowledge.


"Good, it’s settled."


"What is?"


It was Namjoon who spoke first but Yoongi was looking directly into Jimin's eyes.


"That will only be Jimkn's business, I believe."


Namjoon's squinted eyes and a shocked gasp left Jin's mouth. The older brother looked paler than Yoongi himself at that moment, was that even healthy?


"But he's my-"


"I know. If he wasn't, he would be playing chess with god right now so shut it."


Pleased by the silence he was met with, Yoongi reached for his cellphone and checked the time. 10.17am- it was still too early for this . He looked up again, not surprised to see three men staring holes into him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.


"Anything else I can help you with?"


He didn't necessarily want to sound annoyed but it was difficult not to when every cell in his body was screaming at him to get these people the out of here so he could sleep for a couple more hours.


"Thank you."


Jin stood up and made a 90 degree bow. Yoongi would just ignore the clenched fists on the guy's sides, he didn't expect to make anyone smile after all.


"I'll call someone to get you two out of here, Namjoon you're staying with me and Jimin, you better be in front of the main entrance with all necessities to live elsewhere at 10pm."




Jin's eyes were threatening to pop out of their sockets and the grip he had on his younger brother almost looked painful.


"Where are you taking him?!"


"Don't look at me like that- I told you I won't kill him what else matters?"


"What else ma- do you even hear yourself?! Of course it matters! How could I sleep at night knowing my brother is working in some illegal ion!"


ion? Who sid Seokjin think he was talking to?! Just because he was one of the bad guys he automatically liked to girls who whored themselves out or what now? Jeez, prejudice were an awful thing...


"I am actually hurt by that."


Yoongi straightened his posture, leaned back in his chair and quickly messaged one of his men to get his up here because this was getting ridiculous.


"Believe it or not ing Jimin would be of absolutely no use for me."


"What is useful for you then?"


He absolutely couldn't stand people who asked too many questions.


"That is for me to know."


"But how do I-"


"Jin, you should stop now."


So Namjoon did still have some braincells left in that thick skull of his if he was the one to step in now because Yoongi could really feel his head throb by now.


"But Jiminnie will-"


"He'll be alright hyung. If Yoongi actually wanted to hurt him he would've done it by now."


"Mind your manners- I'm still your hyung you er."


"He's like tough on the outside and a big softie on the inside, you know?"


HE was sitting right next to them and could hear everything. s.


"Want me to show how much of a softie I am?"


Yoongi opened the first drawer, reached for the gun in it and pointed it straight into Namjoon's direction. He should've filmed the reactions, he really should have.


His secretary was totally unfazed by the action since this wasn't the first time his boss' gun was aimed at him but Jimin and Seokjin were another story.


The pink haired guy had screeched and ran over to his brother to shield him (a stupid idea since Jin was taller and wider than him) and Seokjin seemed more startled about Jimin's heroic actions than by the gun. Yoongi figured he had some experience with weapons if his boyfriend was the original heir of a mafia king.


"Jimin get away!"


The taller one pushed Jimin to the side harshly, the guy lost his balance and fell straight onto his .


Exactly when Yoongi was contemplating about actually using the bullet on himself (becaus there was only so much bad comedy he could take) the door got opened and a tall guy peeked through the gap.


"You wanted to talk to me boss?"


The man took in the scene in front of him and his eyes squinted a bit, Yoongi knew it was from a smile even if there was a face mask covering the lower part of the guy's face.


"Seems like my timing is perfect~"


"You're ing late 444!"


"Boooss!", the guy whined and pointed accusingly at the pale man who had put the gun back at its place by now.


"Just call me by my name, this number thing is so unpersonal! We need to build our friend-"


"Wanna die Taehyung?"


How the idiot could be happy in this situation was beyond him but hey, no judging for being a weirdo.


"Nope, but thanks for the offer boss~"


This guy...


"So what do you need me to do boss?"


"Get them out."


Yoongi pointed towards Jin and then Jimin without looking in their direction before closing his eyes for a second. Damn, even irritation didn't get rid of tiredness permanently.


"Huh? You got new guys? Want me to show them around or-"


"Just. Get. Them. Out."


"Somebody's cranky today..."


He could practically hear the pout in 444's aka Taehyung's voice. That dude was strange. He was friendly to the extent it creeped him out and even before killing people he would chat with them and . The guys who got killed by Taehyung probably had the most confusing death ever. Usually you wouldn't be telling a guy to skip honorifics if your bullet was embedded in their stomach, right? Well Yoongi didn't mind, Taehyung was good, really good at his job and had certain privileges others didn't.


"Well, boss has slept too little so I'll show you the way out, if that's no problem~"


Seokjin and Jimin were obviously confused by the gentleness in his voice but followed him out of the room nonetheless after Namjoon pecked his boyfriend's lips and ruffled Jimin's hair. (Two actions Yoongi could've lived well without seeing) Just as pinky was about to close the door Yoongi made sure the boy didn't forget their meeting.


"10pm, main entrance, don't forget your stuff."


"...yes sir."


The door closed with a click and he rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the headache.


"I'm staying in tomorrow.", he mumbled.




Yoongi looked Namjoon dead in the eyes and took off his mask because it started to annoy him, everything started to annoy him.


"Because I've pulled an all-nighter yesterday and instead of sleeping right now I'm sitting here playing saint for some ing stranger as the mighty Namjoon has decided to just with the rules and do whatever the he wants. er."


"Don't swear so much..."


"You insolent little...forget it. I'm taking tomorrow off and that's it. You call, I'm pulling the trigger, clear?"


"Clear as a crystal."


"ing christ! Can you at least try to be less annoying?!"


"Well it's not like Im-"


"Shut up. Please just shut up."


A short silence followed that got interrupted by the clearing of a throat.


"Can I go now?"


"You do something like this ever again and-"


"You'll kill me, I got it boss."


" you Kim Namjoon."


"That actually isn't possible, you know? The of a man can't-"






"Go. Go work or some I don't care. Just, I'm sleeping in here so don't even think about coming in until 10pm."


"You want me to wake you?"




"Don't you have an alarm for that?"


"Nope, I feel like making you do unnecessary stuff."


"Okay then, I'll be here then."


He expected to hear footsteps leaving the room but they never came.


"Anything else? Want me to donate some money to a cancer organisation?"


"'s just...what are you gonna do with Jimin?"


"Why? You worried?"


"Of course I am!"


"Heh, that's good."






"You're not gonna...make him do...things?"


"Murder? Nah, I don't need inexperienced babies who won't hurt an ant out of principle."


" won't let him starve right? Cause Jimin is kind of conscious about his weight and he almost got an earing disorder, Jin just got it under control a couple months ago so you should really feed him. Oh, and he likes exercising. Would be nice if you let him do that..."


"Anything else? Maybe what movies he likes, what clothes he wears?"


He hoped Namjoon heard the irony in his voice, because even to Yoongi's own ears those questions sounded too damn curious.


"I guess I'm over thinking things a bit..."


"You are. Now let me sleep and don't come back until 10 or it means war."


"Yeah, yeah. Good night hyung...and thank you. Really."


"Don't be a sap."


The door opened and closed once more before  he was finally (ing finally!) alone. He had so many things on his mind, so much to plan but Yoongi didn't even get to let the blinds down, he dozed off sitting in his leather chair, arms crossed in front of his chest and head slightly tilted to the right.


For the second time that day Jimin was the last thing on his mind before falling asleep.


He was ed in so many ways...


A/N: I actually don't understand why the words are all bolded. Sorry about that! Anyway, the next chapter will be purely written by my so please look forward to it!! Until next time.


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myloveforjimin #1
Chapter 2: Omg I love this sooo much! I really hope you update soon:))