Push Away The Awkward Air

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

Hana's POV

I was getting ready, putting on a little make-up and actually tried to look nicer than usual. I looked down at my pants, all ironed out, and my shirt was a little girly then what I normally wear. But this is a date, so I kind of need to look nicer. I sat down on my floor and my laptop. I groaned, I didn't pay for the internet. I can't right now either, I really need to turn in my application. I made a mental note to myself to drop by tomorrow or Monday. 

I kept checking how I looked in the mirror, and I frowned, my hair was not going the way I wanted it to! I sighed, I'll just leave it as it is. I was a bit nervous for this date, and normally I wouldn't be, but I just couldn't help but feel that something would happen. I sat on the floor, and all I could think about was what David had told me. Why is it that I had feelings for Dongrim, but then seeing Daniel again those feelings started to waver? Shouldn't a girl know when she liked someone? And who she thought was just a friend? How come I couldn't? 

The answer was simple, I didn't want to hurt anyone or get myself hurt. I didn't want Dongrim to be hurt if I didn't like him or Daniel, he always got mad whenever I dated someone. I also didn't want to hurt myself , what if I was just thinking to much into actions that could simply be friendly gestures and not flirting. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. 
"Hana?" I heard Dongrim say from he other side of the door.
"Ah! I'm coming!" I said in a rushed voice. 
I can't have these thoughts during the date, it will just ruin it! 

I went to put my shoes on and then opened the door and found a Dongrim looking at the ground and his hands behind his back. He then brought his hands forward and he had flowers with him. I wanted to scream aw!, but I just smiled at him and said thanks. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him, after we stood there for a good minute in silence.
"Movies" He said quietly. 
He seemed really shy, normally he isn't this quiet and shy. I poked him, "Yah. Don't be so shy." I said teasingly. 
He blushed a little, "Sorry!" and then he took my hand and lead me outside. 

The awkward air between us disappeared once we were outside and I pushed him a little. We started teasing each other and chasing each other down the sidewalk to the movie theaters. I was glad it wasn't awkward anymore! When we reached the theaters, he hugged me from behind. 
"Got you!" He said triumphantly. I just started laughing, he sounded so happy, and then I looked at his face and he was beaming with delight. 
I broke free,  and just stuck my tongue out at him. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the entrance of the theater. 

During the movie, I just threw popcorn at him and he threw them back at me. We were lucky that no one went to see this movie, otherwise they'd be annoyed with us. We were laughing so much and popcorn was just going everywhere. We didn't even actually pay attention to the movie, we were just goofing off. 

After the movies we just walked around and attempted to talk. The language barrier between us has dwindled down so much that we had a lot of things to talk about and could understand each other. 
"Hana?" He said in a questioning voice.
"Hm?" I replied
Then he shook his head and said nevermind. Somehow I felt like I knew what he was going to say, but I just brushed it off. Slowly our conversations started to die, and then we were left with a silence. I couldn't think of anything to say, and I just didn't want to start anything. 

Dongrim cleared his throat after a few minutes of silence, "Hana? I- uh- want to ask you something" he said in a quiet voice. 
I nodded at him, and he looked so nervous. I had that feeling he was really going to ask me out. I braced myself to give an answer, but none came to mind.
He took a deep breath and asked his question, "Do you like Daniel?".
I stopped in my tracks, I wasn't expecting that. "What?" I said blinking a lot. Do I like Daniel? Why does everyone keep asking me that? 
"Why do you think that?" I continued on, "We're just best friends". 
He slowly nodded like he didn't believe me, and I just stood there and gave him a weak smile. The more I say that Daniel is my best friend, the more I think that I'm just saying because I'm scared. I could remembered the conversation I had with David, and now I'm thinking I should really just sort my feelings out. It's either I'm in denial, or I'm a clueless girl. 

We continued the walk to the dorm in silence. I couldn't think of anything to say to him, and I had no clue how to lighten the mood. Today was going great, it really was, but that one question just happened to make everything awkward. He likes me, there's no way for me to say that he doesn't. Why else would it be awkward right now? I shouldn't be thinking about this, but what else can I think of? 

I tried pushing my thoughts onto the cute stuff that I like. It didn't work out too well though, because somehow Dongrim popped up and so did Daniel. I let out a sigh, and then I felt my arm jerk back. Dongrim had grabbed onto my arm and prevented me from crossing the street. 
"Careful!" He exclaimed, and he pointed to the light. It was showing "Don't Walk". I kept on repeating that I was sorry, and he just shook his head and laughed. 
When the light turned to the walking person, he grabbed my hand and said "It's fine" and I could see a slight smile from him. I was blushing furiously, this was so embarrassing and it didn't help that he smiled either. After we crossed the street he started chuckling, and I just pouted. 

"What's funny?" I asked.
"You're so red right now!" He exclaimed and I felt as if I got ten times redder when he said that. I kept my head down because I was so embarrassed. He leaned to his side, and he looked at me and stuck out his tongue. 
"Yah! Stop that!" I said while swatting him away. He started laughing away, his laughter was light and the tenseness that he had earlier had disappeared. I couldn't help but laugh along; after laughing for a bit, and people looking at us, we continued walking back to the dorm. 

He sighed, "Hana?" I looked at him and he mumbled, "I'm sorry I made everything awkward today."
I shook my head, "You didn't at all, everything was fun"
He frowned and was about to say something, but I stopped him, "You know, today was a lot of fun. It really was, and guess what!" He looked at me with curiosity. "I didn't use English today!" I said all proudly. He broke out laughing again and flicked my forehead, "I told you, you were getting better." I smiled, this was the Dongrim that I liked seeing, a happy one. 

Once we entered the dorm, the first person to greet us was Daniel. For some reason, he looked a little pained or jealous, and his smile seemed forced. And then we were bombarded with questions from David; he asked so many questions about the movie and what we ate and what we did. David looked to Dongrim with a threatening look, "Dongrim , I trust that you didn't do anything to Hana. Right?" I laughed, it seemed like David was trying to be a big brother. He looked towards me and flashed me a grin. Dongrim shook his head in a scared way and then when David teasingly punched him, he sighed with relief. "Hyung! You scared me with that look!"  David tried looking all innocent, and he walked away. Dongrim stuck his tongue out when David's back was facing us. He pouted and mumbled something about David, but I didn't hear what exactly he said. 

He then looked at me and asked,  "Are you staying for dinner?"
I thought about if for a minute, "You guys won't mind?" 
"Intae hyung!" He yelled out, and waited for a "hm?" to proceeded with his question. 
"Can Hana stay over for dinner?" He asked. 
"It's fine, but get your in the kitchen to cook!" Inati yelled out. 
He had a huge grin on his face, "You heard hyung. You can stay over"
I smiled and then shooed him off, "Go start cooking!" and he tried to be all cute with a pout, "Help me?" I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

Ah, how will this go? This might be a bad idea for me to help, but I couldn't say no.  I sighed, and had a faint smile. I'm glad I met these guys, Every time I'm around them, I have a blast. I just hope that dinner goes smoothly tonight. Dongrim poked my cheek, "Hey let's go, you don't want to see everyone when they're really hungry" he said with a bit a of fear in his eyes. With that statement, I rushed into the kitchen with him.

>.< Sorry sorry! Really super sorry I haven't updated. 
Aghhh T_T 
Sorry it's not uber descriptive either ;~; anyway I hope you liked this chapter.

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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.