Evolution +kth

it's beautiful. 


into the night sky, he exhales and stares at the book in his hands. the book was dipped in distinct crimson red; it was a little torn at the sides and the pages were rusty and crumpled. taehyung traces the words on his cover page slowly, then with a beat, a sudden shot of golden sprinkles seeped up his veins excitedly. 

taehyung has been reading his whole lifetime, but it was the first time he has came across such an exotic book. it was on the top shelf of the library then, and it stood out among the rest with such loneliness. he already knew that book was his then.

as the title says, 'evolution of love'. taehyung would laugh at it for days. he never believed in love, never had he. but he had been told it was beautiful. 


beautiful like roses in fog, beautiful like the moon in the river. 

even if it's shatters at your touch, it can last forever.


he stopped to think about these words on the cover page, feeling something in his heart turn topsy-turvy.


because within your fantasy everything feels real,

then it'll break you, 

but it'll keep you.


i think that really sounds like love, taehyung thought mockingly. with a chuckle, he flipped open to the first page.

( there he went plunging straight into darkness ) 





"The most telling and profound way of describing the evolution of the universe would undoubtedly be to trace the evolution of love." 

― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

hi! in this book i'll be writing short scenes of kim taehyung and kang jieun(imaginary), and all together it would be an evolution of love. it will make me really happy if you subscribe or comment even though writing this is a already a great joy itself. (... did i just contradict myself ) 

also,  do not hesitate if you want to ask me to check out your books! im pretty versatile so i can read any genres :-) ( best if they are vixx/ bts ff tho cos they are my favs HHAHA )

- adeleeeee ;')

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