Chapter 6

I am You, You are Me (On Hold)
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Chapter 6


Receiving so much love and affection from her parents, seeing them everyday, and talking to them everyday, Alex was bound to miss the warmth of her family after switching bodies with another student, whose life is almost the complete opposite of hers.


“I miss my parents already.” Alex pouted, resting her chin on her palm. “Don’t you miss your dad?” She directed the question to the girl beside her, who was busy pasting papers on the cardboard. 


A snort came out of Jennie. “No.”


Just then, Jennie was reminded of someone dear to her, who served as her father figure when her dad was busy making money. 


Jennie’s dad never had time for her. It brought her to the time when she was still a child, seeking for the affection and attention of her dad. She did all things to get her dad to look up from his paper works and play with her, but unfortunately, none of it worked. Instead, her dad’s personal assistant, was the one who played with her and listened to all the stories she wanted to tell. 


Before Alex can even ask why she didn’t miss her dad, Jennie suggested, “Then why don’t you come to your house later?”


“Should I?”


“You said you miss your parents.”


“Well, then I’ll come by later.” Alex grinned, feeling excited since she haven’t seen them for quite a long time already.



Alex had gotten past the temptation of jotting down notes every time there’s a lecture, but unfortunately, Jennie isn’t the same. It’s hard to remain focused on the lectures when it’s too boring, which is why Jennie groaned when the teacher announced that they’d be having a summative test by the end of the week. Way to ruin her appetite for lunch. She’s worried that she has to endure the embarrassment once again when the scores are handed out.


Jennie sat down at their usual table in the canteen, however she was eating alone since Irene had something to attend to at the moment.


She honestly didn’t know why she kept on looking around the cafeteria. Jennie didn’t know why she was looking for a certain someone. She didn’t know why she felt relieved when she saw that someone, eating with the two of her friends.


She went back to eating her snack, which was supposed to be her lunch already. Not even a minute had passed by, and she found herself looking at Alex again, and wondering what were they talking about that she was laughing so carelessly.


It bothered Jennie. It bothered her that she find herself glancing from time to time at Alex’s table. It also bothered her that she was the only one doing that. How come Alex haven’t even glanced at her once?


And right then she knew it. When you like someone, you can’t stop looking at her.


Jennie shook her head.


I like her. I like Alex.


When she looked over at Alex, she was surprised to see that she was seeing the real Alex and not the Alex that was trapped inside Jennie Kim’s body.


Jennie blinked once, twice, and thrice to see if it’s just like the other times when she’ll see Alex as Alex but only for how many seconds. But even when she shut her eyes for a couple of seconds and opened it again, she’s still seeing Alex and not herself(by herself I mean Jennie’s physical body)


“What’s happening?” Jennie mumbled to herself as she continue to stare at Alex.


She took out her phone and opened the front camera, thinking they already switched back to their real body, but to her dismay, she was still stuck inside Alex’s body. So how did that happen?


Wanting to find the answer to her question, Jennie marched towards Alex’s table and asked her to come with her, leaving Lisa and Rosé at the table.


Jennie stopped at the corner of the hallway where there was no students present.

 “Look at me,” She demanded. “What do you see?”


“What do you mean?” Alex tilted her head, not getting what Jennie was trying to say.


“Do you see me or do you still see yourself?” “Physical appearance wise.” Jennie looked at her expectantly, hoping that she wasn’t the only one experiencing such weird thing.


“I see myself. Why?”


“Why is it only me?” Jennie mumbled to herself, massaging her temple. It didn’t make sense to her that she was the only one seeing things.


Jennie’s expression worried Alex. “Jennie, tell me what’s happening so that I can understand what you’re saying.”


A long sigh escaped Jennie’s lips before she explained, “I’m looking at you, but I don’t see my physical self, I see you.” The way she explained it sounded vague to her, but Jennie knew that Alex gets it, she’s smart after all. “I mean, it already happened before when we were at the school garden and when I slept over last Friday. But that was just for a couple of seconds or sometimes minutes. When I blink hard or close my eyes, I see myself again. But now, I’m still seeing you as you. Do you get me?”


Alex nodded slowly, trying hard to comprehend what the other girl just said. “I remember that time in the library when we were working on our project, that happened to me as well. Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?”


“I thought I was just seeing things.” “But that’s not important right now. What did you do? How are you seeing me when I’m still in your body?” Alex ought to find out. She felt like they’re close to finding their way back to their own body. 


“I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. Just, suddenly when I looked at you, I no longer see myself.”


“Do you think, this is bad or?” Alex asked with uncertainty.


Jennie shook her head and said her theory. “No, I feel like if you see me as myself, we’ll be able to get our body back.”


“But how? Why don’t you think of how it happened?”


“I told you, I don’t…” Jennie trailed, her eyes widened for a mere second that Alex didn’t notice.


“Think. What was the last think you did before it happened?” Alex pushed even more.


“I was eating.”


“What were you eating?”




“Maybe the bread did it?”


Jennie just had to snort at the statement. “That’s the dumbest thing you ever said.”


“Well if you help me think deeper then we’ll figure it out faster.” Alex was growing more and more impatient. She wanted to know how it happened so they can go back to their old lives already.


“I told you it just happened.”


“Lex! I was looking for you. We have a meeting right now. Didn’t you get the message?” Irene suddenly popped out, which Jennie was thankful of.


She opened her phone and saw one unread message. “Oh. I didn’t notice.”


“Well come on. You’re the only one we’re waiting for.” Irene pulled Jennie with her, leaving Alex sighing out of frustration.


Jennie’s mind wasn’t in the meeting. She just sat there and thought about what she found out earlier. She knew that it happened because she admitted to herself that she liked Alex. However, there was no way she would tell Alex because first, that’ll mean she’s confessing her feelings and second, Alex will probably force herself to like her so that they can go back to their bodies, and Jennie definitely didn’t want that. Which only leaves her to wait and hope that Alex would like her back.


Before classes continued, Jennie received a message from Alex’s parents saying they would come home late as they’re going on a restaurant date. 


Jennie giggled at the thought of how cute the married couple is, going on a date like teenagers, however her smile turned upside down when she realised that Alex wouldn’t come over anymore since her parents aren’t home. 


Unwillingly, Jennie informed Alex about it, and just like what she expected Alex said that she’ll just come over next time when her parents are around. 


Time passed by quickly that day, and Jennie had been thinking if she should still ask Alex to hang out or something after school. She decided to go with the idea and went to ask Alex once school was over.


She looked around the for Alex, who she didn’t notice went out of the classroom first. A smile spread across her face once she spotted the girl she was looking for. She walked over to Alex, only to stop when someone beat her to it. Jennie looked at the two, and just went home.


Alex walked out of the campus, so deep into her thoughts that she didn’t notice that someone was following her.


“I thought you listened to my advice.” A whisper on her right ear made her jump slightly, but relaxed when she saw who it was.




“That your driver will drive you home.” Chaeyoung walked by her side, raising an eyebrow. 


Alex scratched her head, smiling apologetically. “Oh. I forgot.”


Chaeyoung chuckled and continued to walk beside Alex, who didn’t seem to mind it at all. 


Silence occurred, but it wasn’t the silence one would want to get out of. The soft breeze blew and leaves fall slowly as they pass by. Chaeyoung couldn’t help but sing a spring song. It wasn’t spring, but something was definitely blooming. 


“Oh! You have a really nice voice!” Alex exclaimed, looking at Chaeyoung with admiration. She didn’t expect that the girl is a singer. She then wished that Chaeyoung participated on school events, although that’ll be quite impossible knowing that Chaeyoung had enough of the unwanted attention everyone was giving he

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Chapter 7: Hi... i really like this story too, just like the others that you made so... maybe a update? Would be good yoi know hehehe
Chapter 7: Uff... esperare algún tipo de actualización
Cookie_Chep #3
16 streak #4
Chapter 7: Great story <3 Keep up the good work, author-nim ;)
Chapter 7: I hope you update someday, sooner or later, better sooner :P
Libby16 #6
Chapter 7: Amazing story please update
Chapter 7: Great story,, pls updatee
Chapter 7: oh God, please update T^T