Step 3: Getting Organized - Part 1

The Empty Inkwell
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[CONTENTID1]Writing Help 101[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]Step Three: Getting Organized[/CONTENTID2]


Don't worry, I'm not about to tell you to tidy your desk (though that never hurts!) Instead, this step will be broken up into two parts:

1) Managing your time effectively.

2) Surrounding yourself with the tools you need (and avoiding those you don't).

So on to Step 3: Getting Organized, Part One – Time Management

Unless you have the luxury of all the time in the world, the hours you can devote to fanfic writing will be limited. And that means you'll need to learn how to make the most of every one. Many writers find time management at least a minor issue, while for others it may be a major issue, especially those who can never seem to find the time to write. The following rules and tips may not completely get rid of all writing time management issues, but hopefully they will reduce the time management problems to a minimum.

Rule #1: When You’re Writing, Write

However much or little time you have, you need to make the most of it. I regard those unsuccessful stories as practice and one thing I have learned is that writing takes practice, practice and more practice.

So, if you really want to write then you have to tell any ‘interrupters’ that come along that you are busy. Be polite but firm. Make sure you’re not using your family or friends as an excuse not to write.

It is your time and remember – you can never get back the time you’ve wasted – so claim that time – it’s yours.

If You Do One Thing:

Turn off your internet connection while you write. It’s probably the source of most of your distractions… and you might be surprised by just how much you get done. I know it seems counterproductive to not have internet while writing a fanfic that gets posted online, but trust me, it helps. I often get distracted by researching topics or small little details in the middle of writing, but I find that when I turn off the internet and just write, a chapter that would normally take me four hours to write only takes 2 hours. More on that in Rule 4!

Rule #2: Minimize Interruptions

Have you ever sat down to write, with the best of intentions, only to find your efforts constantly derailed?

The doorbell rings. Then the phone. Then your sister or brother wanders in to ask you a question. Then you get a text from your fiancé asking you if there’s still cheese in the fridge.

Even brief interruptions can knock you right out of the flow of writing. Longer breaks can eat up the whole of your writing session.

While you may not have the luxury of your own completely private space, like some NYC publishing magnate with a corner office, you can and should make the effort to get rid of as many interruptions as possible.

Rule #3: When You’re Not Writing, Get Enough Down Time

You’re probably a busy person: you’ve got chores, maybe a day job, school, or elderly relatives or siblings to care for, or other responsibilities. It’s easy to let down time get squeezed right to the margins of your life.

I don’t think you should even try to write during every minute of “free” time you have available. That’s a recipe for swift burnout.

Instead, make sure you get enough down time—whether that’s an hour in front of the TV, or an evening out with friends. Make this a real priority, otherwise when you sit down to write, you’ll find yourself distracted, tired, and tempted to give up.

And for all the junk food aficionados out there (myself included): EAT RIGHT. Eating a healthy diet keeps our writers’ brains in good working order. Don’t skip meals, above all breakfast,

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Chapter 5: This is very helpful! Thank you so much for writing this =D
Chapter 3: That's was really enlightening! I'm looking forward to the things you've planned. :)