Where do I begin? A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Fic

The Empty Inkwell
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[CONTENTID1]Writing Help 101[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]Where do I begin? A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Fic[/CONTENTID2]


The toughest part of writing fanfiction is knowing where to start and how to keep on going to the end. Figuring out how to write a fanfic can be confusing, probably because there are so many steps to take...

You've got to decide how you want to portray the idols/actors/etc, create all the fictional characters (if applicable) and write a watertight plot. You've got to write the subplots and weave them seamlessly into the main plot. You've got to build an atmospheric setting and decide on a theme.

... and that's all before you can even start to write the fic!

It's little wonder that the question most writers ask themselves...

Where do I even begin?!?

The answer is that you begin by studying a good map and familiarizing yourself with the route. The step-by-step process outlined below is your map.

15 Steps to Writing A Fanfic

At the most basic level, writing a fanfic involves just three steps...

1) Planning. This is where you work out what you want to say (in note form).

2) Writing. Here, you transform the plan into prose and dialogue.

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Chapter 5: This is very helpful! Thank you so much for writing this =D
Chapter 3: That's was really enlightening! I'm looking forward to the things you've planned. :)