
Don't Be Ashamed of Me

“Sweetie you okay.” minsu asked zack after noticing he was looking a little down. “ mom” “yeah” “ why do you hate daniel so much.” minsu was looked at her son confused and surprised. She never expected him to ever asked her why. “ why are you asking me about him all of sudden.” she said looking at him confused. “ when I did something wrong you always blamed him. He did everything to make you happy. He only wanted you to look at him the way you look at me. But you never did not even once. ” minsu opened but nothing come out. “ I know your are a great mom who loves and care for other but the one person who need all the love and care was daniel.” zack said and before he notice he had tears running down his face. He regretted for not protecting daniel and not being there for him. Minsu was out of Word and for the first time in her life  she felt horrible.

Memories of when daniel was little started to flood inside her mind. The times he would run up to her to give her a hug. But she would push him away. Or say some horrible words but those words never affected him, cause he would try to give her a hug again the next day. the memories when he got her gifts on her birthday or mother's days but she would throw them away or destroy them in front of him.  She looked at zack and apologized. “mom I am not the one you are supposed to apologize to. And I don't think he will ever forgive us.” zack said looking down. “ believe me he would just tell him.” joe said walking next to his wife and son. “ do you really think that dad.” daniel never hated you guys he loves you 2 with all his heart. His just sad and disappointed that the people that are supposed to love let him down.  but he never hated you guys.” he said giving  his wife and son and smile.

Zack stayed the night home thinking of millions of ways to get daniel to forgive him. “honey you don't have to overthink. Just tell daniel how you really feel. He looks like pretty nice kid.” “ he always looked up to me and find comfort in me when mom was rude to him.  but in the ended i hurt him just as bad. I promise myself when i was younger that i will always protect him no matter what.” zack said wiping the tears away.emily smiled and gives zack a hug. “ just tell him what you told me.”

Minsu stared at the floor the whole time. Joe seat next to her curious if she was okay. “ you okay honey you don't look so good.” “ honey i want to go back in time.” “ what are you talking about.” he asked confused. “ i was blinded by my father hate that i made daniel suffer. An innocent child who did not wrong.” joe grabbed his wife hand who were shaking. “ i want to go back to the day he was born i want to see him take his first steps that i missed i want to hear his first word.” misu said tries falling down her eyes. “ i want to give him a good night kisses and be the mother that i was supposed be.” “ why don't you spend the day with him tomorrow huh he's about to leave the day after. If you want to make things right honey this is your chance.” “ what if he doesn't want to see me you saw him he can't even look at me, what kind of child is so afraid of his mother like that.” “ you will never know if you don't at least try and talk to him.” “ okay but how” “ i will call him to meet me tomorrow at the beach. Then i will leave you two alone.” joe said lifting his wife head up. Minsu agreed but she was nervous she didn't what to say to him. She never had a conversation with him. Joe got up leaving his wife who was still sitting on the bed thinking. He called daniel. “ hey son” “ hey dad everything alright.” daniel asked. “ yeah everything's fine” i was just thinking if you and me could go to the beach and have a father and son day together before you leave.” daniel agreed and said goodbye to his dad before hanging up. Joe put down the phone and went back to his wife telling her everything is ready.

                             The next day

Changkyun waved goodbye to his hyung and went to the beach waiting for his father to arrive. After waiting for 10 minutes daniel got his phone out to call his father if he was here yet. He was looking down holding the phone against his ear when he saw someone standing in front him.  Thinking it's his father he hang up and looked up. To his shocked his mother was standing in front of him. He looked at her surprised he was also speechless. Minsu was quiet she didn't know what to say she stand in front of daniel with the saddest eyes.” mom are you okay.” daniel asked after he saw her staring at him doing nothing. He was scared to talk to her but he was also worried not knowing if she is okay. When hearing daniel words minsu got onto her knees. Daniel went wide eyes he was shock he quickly bend over to pick her up. But she ruffused then started crying daniel looked around for his father he was scared and didn't know what to do. “ daniel baby i am sorry i was a horrible mother.” “ it's okay mom please stand up people are looking.” minsu looked up at daniel who was holding her arm to help her stand. “ baby i am sorry i don't care if you don't forgive me but i hope you understand that i regret everything i did to you.” daniel got on his knees and wiped his mother tears away. “ mom really is okay i never hated you i understand that you couldn't love me.” minsu pulled changkyun into a hug and for the first time in his life daniel felt the hug of his mother. And before he knew it tears were rolling down his cheeks.” oh baby are you okay what's wrong.” minsu asked worried after seeing changkyun tears. “ it's just the first time you ever hugged me i never knew i would get the chance to ever hug you.” minsu was lost of words she just hugged  daniel tighter giving him a kiss on the cheek. “ mom” “ yeah” “ can i ask you one thing.” minsu nodded. “ why did you hate me.” daniel asked curious. “ it wasn't that hate you…. I just couldn't get passed the hate i had for my father. And you remind me of him and i just couldn't stop myself but hate you.” daniel nodded understanding. Minsu knew it was the worst excuse to hate someone so much. After their talk minsu and daniel went to get something to eat while daniel fulfilled his mom about s and music never was talking about himself. “ dandan why don't you say something about yourself huh.”  daniel blushed and smiled after hearing the nickname minsu called him. Minsu heart skip a beat she didn't know why she  hated someone like daniel. “ let me see oh i am left handed and i hate spicy food.” daniel said thinking more things about himself. He was talking like he was in a interview and hand to say things that won't make the other person hate him. Minsu noticed and grabbed daniel's hand and told him to eat his food they had the rest of their lives to get to know each other. After the long day with his mom daniel went back home smiling wishing that moment lasted forever. But his mother promised that she will forever love him and she will come to korea to visit hom on his busy schedule. Minsu went home smiling she knew it was the start of something great. And she also knew daniel was still hurt and she will do everything to heal him. 

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Chapter 13: Aww, this is such a cute ending to this story :) This is one of my favorite Changkyun stories!
Chapter 13: thank you for this amazing story it made cry hurt but at the same time happy for changkyun thank you so much
Chapter 12: OMG Finally!! This woman has seen the error of her ways and is trying to fix it!!
Poopball101 #4
Chapter 12: waaaahhhhh legit tears.. i cried.... ㅠ_ㅠ..

i'm happy that daniel and his mom are ok and happy.. i hope his happiness will last forever...
Chapter 12: Oh, I'm so glad that his mother finally stopped hating him! It was so sad :'(
sulyeonjung #7
Why i can't see chap 12? ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 10: This explains a lot but it is no excuse to treat your own child like something you scraped off the bottom of your shoe. I mean she should really get help. All she is doing is harming sweet little kyunnie
Chapter 10: so thats why she hates daniel so much...

i hope someday she'll get over her dad and see her son as someone not his dad..

if she could only see though her son's appearance..

i think she hated her dad for allowing her mother to remarry instead of saving their relationship.. i think it sioild be her mother she's hating not his father(ots bad to hate your parents) coz their mother left them just bec. she couldn't take care of her husband... thats not what they promised when they wedded