
Don't Be Ashamed of Me
  •           21 years ago daniel birth

Minsu was in the hospital sleeping after just giving birth to her second child. Joe was sitting next to her. while there 2 year old zack was sleeping on his grandmother's lap. The nurse came in with the baby covered in blue blanket. Joe stood up to hold him, he had small happy tears that he whipped away before holding the baby. He notice how small the baby was compared to zack when he was born.

Joe mother walked over to her son to look at the baby. She smiled seeing how small and cute the baby was. She looked at her son and asked him what they going to name him. Joe looked at his mother giving her a big smile“ daniel.” “hey zacky come here and look at your baby brother.”  she said happily. zack walked over to his dad side. And joe kneeled down to show zack the baby.

 minsu woked up after a little while later. Joe carefully cared daniel over to his wife. “Honey just look how small he is” joe said. Slowly passing the baby to her. She had a big wide smile. Before her eyes landed on daniel. Daniel small eyes, nose and pink lips remained her of that one person in the world she hated. The man that was supposed to protect her. the man that was to weak. The man who couldn't fight for his daughters and wife. the one man that she once called dad. Daniel looked just like her father. that she got chills just looking at him.

Daniel opened his eyes looking straight at his mother. Minsu hated how daniel looked like her father. She couldn't look at him. She quickly passed daniel back to his father. Joe looked at his wife confused. “Honey are you okay" he asked. “yeah I am fine just need some water”. Joe mother quickly grabbed some water for minsu.  

It's been 2 days since minsu and daniel was released from the hospital. And for that 2 days she didn't dare look or hold him. Joe just thought his wife was just tired cause she just just had a baby. But after 2 weeks of still refusing to hold him. He couldn't help but notice there was something going on. He asked her if she was alright. But she would always say she was okay. And little by little he notice how she treated both of the boys different. The way she looks at zack, the way she hugs and kisses him. And yet she didn't once touch daniel.

Joe wasn't home most of the time because of his job, and asked his mother to look after daniel while he was gone. Of course she asked why because minsu was home. He didn't want to tell her that minsu hated there baby. So he made an excuse she wasn't feeling well. Even though she didn't believe him she just went along.

Minsu hated herself for hating daniel she knows he was innocent and didn't do anything. But his eyes his smile and laughs always annoyed her. It reminded her of her father and the way he always had a smile, even after he died.  She hated him for being  mentally Ill. she always wanted her father to take of his family not being take care of. Cause of his illness her mother got remarried. And yet he smiled at told her and her sister.  if there mother was happy he was to. Minsu hated it and blamed her father for being sick and stupid. And she cut all bonds with him and didn't even step a foot at his funeral. But her hate got stronger and stronger and stop seeing daniel as her son

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Chapter 13: Aww, this is such a cute ending to this story :) This is one of my favorite Changkyun stories!
Chapter 13: thank you for this amazing story it made cry hurt but at the same time happy for changkyun thank you so much
Chapter 12: OMG Finally!! This woman has seen the error of her ways and is trying to fix it!!
Poopball101 #4
Chapter 12: waaaahhhhh legit tears.. i cried.... ㅠ_ㅠ..

i'm happy that daniel and his mom are ok and happy.. i hope his happiness will last forever...
Chapter 12: Oh, I'm so glad that his mother finally stopped hating him! It was so sad :'(
sulyeonjung #7
Why i can't see chap 12? ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 10: This explains a lot but it is no excuse to treat your own child like something you scraped off the bottom of your shoe. I mean she should really get help. All she is doing is harming sweet little kyunnie
Chapter 10: so thats why she hates daniel so much...

i hope someday she'll get over her dad and see her son as someone not his dad..

if she could only see though her son's appearance..

i think she hated her dad for allowing her mother to remarry instead of saving their relationship.. i think it sioild be her mother she's hating not his father(ots bad to hate your parents) coz their mother left them just bec. she couldn't take care of her husband... thats not what they promised when they wedded