Angel in you

Intern Angel

Winnie's POV

So far, I feel surprisingly great after he cheated on me. I don't really know... but I feel so free and it's like I've grown a pair of wings of my own. I guess Chanyeol barely gave me any when we dated. I felt so suffocated with him even though they were all happy moments. I guess it's a blessing in disguise? Maybe the angels are helping me. It was probably destined that I'll find my own happiness. Maybe the people up there in heaven knew. Maybe Chanyeol wasn't my happiness, only my temporary coping mechanism. 

No one believes me though. I clearly saw so many people get saved with nobody else nearby. Like the time when I was five, a boy from my kindergarten was running across the street when a vehicle swerved into that lane from out of nowhere. The boy was barely seen by the driver and yet before the driver could even brake, the car miraculously stopped. How do I know? I was a witness so of course they called me to the police station and the driver said that himself. Duh. 

Not just this, many similar incidents have been happeningly lately. Like the time I slip and fell, and as I was all ready to break my fall, I was standing up straight again. No one was there at that time because I skipped class. :p When I told Kyungsoo this, he thought I was crazy because of ridiculous it sounded. But I still think it's the angels. I read somewhere in a mythology book that there are these guardian angels that take care of humans. These guardian angels are assigned to specific humans in the world to protect them from danger. On the other hand, the humans often run into chaos because of their difference in nature and the guardian angels have to protect them. I wonder... what would it be like to be a guardian angel? 

I think everyone has an angel protecting them. I think mine is working extra hard to keep me happy though...



[A/n: What do you think will happen after you've seen the Winnie thinks? HAHAHAHA have fun guessing!!!! Sorry I couldn't update earlier because I forgot that I was doing drafts on asianfanfics instead of my notebook! :)) See you in the next chapter!!]

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caratgenes #1
Chapter 15: oh my god!! i love this story very much! cant wait for the next chapter!!
gardenfairy_jww #2
Chapter 7: Hey, my dear u are really good okay continue writing cos i can't wait to read it!!
Chapter 4: Great storyline !! Update soon author-min :(