Chapter 7: School Day

I love you !!!

                                                                                            JIn ae's POV

I just have a funny dream, that i confessed to taemin Then he kissed me and i slept beside him... ow yea wwait it was real i looked at the time and it was 6:00 AM!!!!!

Jin ae: EVERYBODY WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS 6:00 aM!!!!!!!!


after all the commotion

Min: I though we will be late

Jin ae: me too

Key: dont worry , were near now

So when we came Everybody was staring at me well also Taemin its like they think we are a couple but we aren't

sooo lets skip at drama class smiley

Teacher : okay group yourslef into 7 and make a love drama

class: NEh!!

MIn: well we are 7 right?

Jin ae: Neh yey!!!!

Key: so what kind of love story do you want jin ae?

Jin ae: Hmmm how about like a cinderella story

Min: fairyrales

Onew: well thats nice i like so who will be the couple

Min: JIn ae and TAEMIN!!!!!

Jonghyun: okay


Taemin: What???

JIn ae: nothing

Key: So its settled

CInderella: Jin ae

PRince charming: Taemin

Fairygod mother: Min

Step Father :)) : ONew

th 2 step brothers :)) : Key and jonghyun

Well after their drama the teacher really enjoyed because of the step brothers :))))))))))))))))))))))
so our group have the highest grade

Math time

Prof: who can solve this ?

Jin ae raised her hand

Prof: okay

after Jin ae solved it , everybody was suprised because she is the youngest

Prof: My my looks like we got a smart one here

Fan girl: she is such a show off , she always want to have a high grade and always with MY taemin she is sooooo gonna get it

Fan girl 2 : dont worry Bff your still high in math

Prof: ____ (fan girls name) looks like you got a challenger here she is higher than you in our first quiz she is perfect

Fan girl: WHAT?!?!?!!?! this cant be ?!?!?! , she was so pissed of she is so gonna regret it

Lunch time

Fan girl: umm jin ae can i talk to you for a moment ?

Jin ae: okay but then unnie whipered to me this leads to no good

Well we ended up in the school garden

JIn ae: ummm okay ?? so what do you want to talk about ---

Slap!! She slapped me !!

"You think you can even be the top of the class ? and your stealing my taemin??!!!" she said when i was about to run

another girl pulled my hair and punch my stomach

so i fall down they started to kick my stomach then i spitted blood , the girl that called me awhile ago opened my polo and scratch me until blood came out in my stomach

I could only shout because it hurts

then one girl hold a camera "lets take a picture of you "Shirtless"

i started to shout for help but noboy could here me because they are all in the cafeteria

i started to pray

then one girl tried to unhook my bra

i snapped and kicked her then she fall flat

then the tall girl spit at my stomach then leave

i started to shout for help then i am starting to dozed off but the last thing i heard was my unnie's voice 




Will you get well???

is it okay ???



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Chapter 17: Was nice story!!!
Cuteee <333
asianunicornbaby #3
@ichigooChan : gomawo
Hey, I really like it xp nice story xx
asianunicornbaby #6
@celinex unnie ohh its okay unnie ... i understand ...
asianunicornbaby #7
@unnie celinex ... I know my grammar is wrong because I always umm type fast kekekeke but ill try my best next time to make it right :)