Chapter 15: Will you be my girl?

I love you !!!

This is a very very very short chappie

i promise



Well shinee became very close with PIES shinee so they ask them


ONew : would you be my girl?

Kim: yes!!!!


Jonghyun: would you be my girl?

Shae: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Key: would you be my girl?

Audrey: sure as long that you wouldn't hurt me 


Taemin: would you be my girl?

Jin ae: hmmmmmm let me think

TAemin: please?

Jin ae: hmmmmm

Taemin: maybe you dont like me

Jin ae:  i dont

Taemin was about to leave

then jin ae hugged him

jin ae: because i love you of course

Taemin:I love you

Jin ae: love you more




done told you :P

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Chapter 17: Was nice story!!!
Cuteee <333
asianunicornbaby #3
@ichigooChan : gomawo
Hey, I really like it xp nice story xx
asianunicornbaby #6
@celinex unnie ohh its okay unnie ... i understand ...
asianunicornbaby #7
@unnie celinex ... I know my grammar is wrong because I always umm type fast kekekeke but ill try my best next time to make it right :)