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Okay. So maybe Mina didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to admit the reason she'd been checking Youtube and Twitter and Instagram five times a day for the past few months. She couldn't admit even to herself that she'd become a crazy stalker. 'Myoui Mina is a stalker', the voice in her head echoed every time she replayed the same YouTube video for the hundredth time or left an anonymous comment. And Mina still couldn't understand why she was doing all that. What had gotten in her head and why couldn't she stop? 

It had all started that damned day of 11 months ago when she'd met her for the first time. Hirai Momo. Hirai Momo was the culprit of everything bad that had happened to Mina and that was reason enough for hating her. Yes, Myoui Mina hated Hirai Momo. And because she hated Momo, she just had to know everything she could find about her. That's exactly why she'd watched every single dance cover on her Youtube channel, why she'd made another Twitter account in order to follow her without her friends finding out and why she checked her Instagram account everyday. 

She did all that because she hated her, despised her, Mina convinced herself. It was an obsession. She woke up and wondered if Momo had tweeted something, she waited every Saturday for a new dance cover and every Wednesday for a new video of her talking about dumb stuff. Mina hated every single thing she did and what she hated even more were Momo's fangirls, hanging on her every word and action.

How could someone like Hirai Momo have so many blind fangirls? How could girls like a… Mina couldn't even say it in her mind. Momo liked girls. Mina was still surprised about that and about the way Momo talked about it freely as if it was completely normal and accepted. Momo was the only 'gay' person Mina knew, maybe that's why she was so fascinated by her? No, fascination was too positive of a word. 

And Mina was annoyed, because in all those months she'd spent hating Hirai Momo, she'd actually lost interest in her oppas. She couldn't believe it herself, but she was less and less enthusiastic about anything her favorite boy group did, to the point that choosing between watching their live or Momo's wasn't a hard choice at all anymore. Of course, Mina still fangirled with her friends and convinced herself that by doing so maybe she'd gain her interest back. But more than anything she didn't want anyone finding out about her new fixation, it was her little secret and it had to stay that way.

Mina had a ritual before going to sleep. She changed in her pyjamas, sprayed perfume on her bed, which oddly enough she found out later on was the same perfume Momo used, and watched a Youtube video, or a few of them, until she got sleepy. Getting into bed as usual, Mina opened Youtube on her phone and clicked on the first video that popped up in her recommendations. Mina ignored the fact that it was the same video she'd watched every night for the past month or so because she could swear she had never before seen 'the girlfriend tag' by user Momodance09.

Putting aside the fact that by now she knew every line of what Momo and that other girl said in the video, what still amazed Mina was that they had actually made a video like this one. Mina knew that 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' tags were popular in foreign countries (she'd even watched a few or a hundredth of them out of curiosity) but they weren't as popular there in Japan, especially 'girlfriend tags' between two girls. Mina had thought hard about it and had come to the conclusion that she wasn't a homophobe, especially since she'd started learning more about it. In fact she wasn't against it per se, what irked her, she supposed, was the fact that somehow Mina's involvement in LGBT matters was caused by Hirai Momo and the smugness with which she showed off her uality.

As she did every night, Mina scrolled down to the comments section and furiously downvoted every single comment that mentioned any sort of shipping between Momo and that girl, how good they looked together or that they should be dating for real. Actually, when Mina had seen the notification for the video, her heart had sank a little, wondering what Momo's girlfriend would look like. When she'd watched it and the first thing that came out of Momo's mouth had been that 'her and Sana" were just friends, though, she felt inexplicably better. That still didn't stop the delusional shippers from accepting the reality of things however. Mina hated them and hated their spazzing about 'Samo' in every single video, because of course Momo had decided to post videos of her and Sana together every other week. So when Mina took time to downvote those ignorant comments, she was just doing a favor to Momo and her purely platonic friendship.

Mina watched as the girl, Sana, kept clinging to Momo's arm and kissing her cheek every ten seconds or so and Mina's blood boiled not for the first time. She decided to close the video and think about what was about to come in two days. She was going back to K-con this year as well, but this time what excited her the most, she hated to admit it, was seeing Momo, and her teammates, at their fanmeeting. Mina still didn't know how she'd find the courage to face Momo after what had happened the year before. Would Momo even recognize her? And what would she say? 


Two days later Mina found out that Hirai Momo had really forgotten about her. Mina had held her breath as their eyes met in the crowded room and exhaled slowly when Momo's bored stare didn't show any sign of recognition. Okay, maybe Mina was a little pissed at having been forgotten so easily and maybe she didn't want to look like an idiot at the fanmeeting the next day but she couldn't exactly explain why she had the sudden urge to sell her ticket.

Since she was already there, she decided to stay for the dance contest anyway. Mina's friends had abandoned her to go see some rookie boy group that she couldn't care less about. The positive thing was that at least she didn't need to find a plausible excuse for her being right there. Unlike last year it was five times more crowded and Mina could see why, every single girl in the room was a Momo fangirl (aside from Mina of course). No wonder the big gain of popularity in the span of a few months had gotten to Momo's head, seeing as she was acting like a celebrity and ignoring people.

The winner was pretty obvious and expected and this time Mina left before hearing the winning speech amidst the screaming fans. She decided right there and then that she would definitely sell the ticket for the fanmeeting, she didn't even know what she was thinking about buying it in the first place. While waiting for her friends to find her, she headed to the restroom where she had to wait in line amid a bunch of girls who were talking about the dance contest that had just ended. Mina refrained herself from rolling her eyes but decided that if she wanted to sell her ticket, this was her chance.

She cleared . "Is anyone interested in a ticket for tomorrow's fanmeeting?"

All the girls turned to look at her excitedly. "Really? Are you selling it?" One of them asked.

"Yes." Mina replied. "1000 yen." The satisfaction she felt in saying that was like sweet revenge to last year's absurd price Momo herself had offered Mina.

"Ehhhh?" Came the collective reaction of the girls.

"Just 1000 yen?" Said an amused voice behind Mina and as she turned to face the girl who had spoken, her insides flip flopped and she froze into place, being just caught red handed.

"Momo chan!" The girls screamed in unison and rushed to her like a herd of animals. Momo greeted them and replied to all their questions as Mina stood there in the corner not knowing what to do with herself. 

When they had all calmed down and Momo had offered

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 2: Wauu una muy buena historia.
No se porque recién estoy leyendo esto 😂 Pero me alegro de encontrarlo
1241 streak #2
Chapter 2: Such a cute with full of humour story ^^
flipflopper #3
Chapter 2: I really enjoy authors who can deliver humor the way you did here. Mina’s inner monologues were hilarious but at the same time totally realistic and in-character (like I could see the actual Mina acting somewhat like this). The part about her “furiously down-voting” comments about Momo x Sana was especially great. Thanks for sharing this
Chapter 2: I adore how naturalistic and un-cheesy this feels. It really convinces me that a fic doesn't have to deliver drama or a sunset happy ending to be good. The parallels between the two K-cons show Mina's transformation nicely. Also, Mina's internal voice is so funny and adorable XD. What I'm curious to know is Momo's perspective, because there are points left open to interpretation that would totally change the way I view her character, e.g. whether she got Mina or Mai's number or neither (and just lied to appear cool to her friends), whether she really forgot Mina or was just playing hard-to-get, etc. Anyway, thanks for the great little story. (Btw the idea of Samo doing the girl friend tag is sooooooo daaaaaaaaamn cute.)
Chapter 2: A y, vindictive Mina is so y, believe it or not. It goes against the usual trope of her being a sweet and demure little angel (which she probably is, but that is beside the point). lol

I enjoyed this lil jaunt in MiMo-land ... nice ending, by the way. I had no idea how you were going to end it.
Man, I loved reading this. Mina’s in the state of denial till the very end. I love how she’s so shocked at Momo being gay. Conservative Japan is Consertive. I would not mind reading a full blown story with this AU lmao. I just enjoy reading about Mina’s state of denial over hey gayness towards Hirai Momo. It’s aight Minari! We’ve all gone through this state at one point in our lives, I mean how could you not? Girls got abs I could stare at for dayz, then again the same could be said for our black swan. HAHA

I loved this! You deserve the upvote my friend.
Chapter 2: So cute fun love it so much top notch a a a a a a a momo really adorableeee minari toooo cute aaa
barron_8 #8
Chapter 2: This is a great read! XD Too cute :3
Chapter 2: omg that was so good and too cute to handle! with the mimo drought lately this kinda act as an antidote :') anyway, hope you write more though! :)